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Topic: Length.. - part 6
kc0003's photo
Fri 12/03/10 04:25 AM
see you later sam....waving

kissablekiss's photo
Fri 12/03/10 04:28 AM
yep .... Hugs Kev
Bh You too ducky Lol

Simonedemidova's photo
Fri 12/03/10 08:54 AM
Good Morning Lovers!

Simonedemidova's photo
Fri 12/03/10 09:10 AM
Wow, was just reading up and looks like you guys had some deep all nighter conversation going on. I had no idea----So i guess you will all be sleeping in for awhile yay!!!! yawn

RKISIT's photo
Fri 12/03/10 09:39 AM
Hey Simwaving

soufiehere's photo
Fri 12/03/10 09:47 AM
So. RKISIT, how is that length thing
working for you.

RKISIT's photo
Fri 12/03/10 09:54 AM

So. RKISIT, how is that length thing
working for you.
it's been rather lazy for awhile not much action

soufiehere's photo
Fri 12/03/10 10:09 AM

So. RKISIT, how is that length thing
working for you.

it's been rather lazy for awhile not much action

So sorry to hear that.
You could scratch more.

chelsea466's photo
Fri 12/03/10 10:27 AM
I think I walked in on the wrong part of this conversation...

RKISIT's photo
Fri 12/03/10 10:32 AM
naw it was one of those brief conversations people have on here from time to time

no photo
Fri 12/03/10 11:07 AM
where the hell's sam.
i still have to kick her ***.

chelsea466's photo
Fri 12/03/10 11:08 AM

naw it was one of those brief conversations people have on here from time to time

Ahh.. ok

chelsea466's photo
Fri 12/03/10 11:11 AM
I haven't seen Sam B.
Why are you kicking her ***?

no photo
Fri 12/03/10 11:15 AM
she wants to have duck eggs for breakfast.

chelsea466's photo
Fri 12/03/10 11:19 AM
Oh yes I saw that!!!!

How dare she!

kissablekiss's photo
Fri 12/03/10 11:23 AM
ha ha ha

no photo
Fri 12/03/10 11:29 AM
my delicious canadian cupcake, is it true you used duck eggs to make the cupcakes you sent to the bster

no photo
Fri 12/03/10 11:31 AM
so i have to kick some jamaican and canadian *** now.

kissablekiss's photo
Fri 12/03/10 11:37 AM
shame on you Bulldog ! You ate duck egg cupcake ?
Darn i just ate the ducklin..

no photo
Fri 12/03/10 11:39 AM
don't blame me. the canadians started with the duck plucking. i guess it just carried over to eating the young

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