Topic: What Liberals Don't Understand about Conservatives
willing2's photo
Tue 11/09/10 11:37 AM
Stolen from somewhere else.

Liberals hate Conservatives because Conservatives deal in facts not fantasies

'We question with boldness, not accept with blindness, We hope to trust but we need to verify, We support greatness, Not Failure.

We Love our Country, We don't apologize for it. We don't endorse killing our babies, but rather accept our responsibilities for our actions.

We don't want food stamps and hand outs, We want jobs and appreciate a hand up, not a hand out. We don't hate big business, We understand it's the engine that drives small business.

We believe that hard work should be rewarded, Not Demonized or taken from us, in the name of Spreading The Wealth.

We love Capitalism because we understand, "If it's to be it's up to me." We don't think this country owes us anything, but to follow our Constitution that enables us with certain rights.

We don't believe government needs to take care of us. We have no interest in robbing our neighbors of their success, but rather view it as Real Hope that we can do the same, and maybe if they are successful enough at achieving their dreams, we might have opportunity to get a job from them

We believe in legal immigration and welcome them as our neighbors, We don't endorse illegal acts of breaking our laws then being rewarded.

We believe in deportation of those whom break into our country we don't believe a hand out is in order, but rather show them the front door and tell them to stay the hell out of the back door.

We believe True Patriotism is supporting and defending our Constitution, Not trying to circumvent it for personal or political gain.

We believe that hard work should have it's rewards, Not given punishment for our achievements or told We owe the lazy and slothful a living because they frown upon success, because it makes them look foolish and inept.

We want disciplined responsible spending, Not reckless mismanagement of our tax dollars. We want our unalienable rights endowed by our Creator. Not imposed regulations that defy our Declaration of Independence to the world.

We understand the planet was Created, Not somehow fashioned by a Cosmic explosion, that just happen to evolve into a planet unlike any other known to man.

We understand the Greatness of America, and proudly salute our Flag and pay Homage to our Founding Fathers and their wisdom to write a document unlike any other known to mankind in it's entire history. Not berate this nation and apologize to the world for our Greatness or Accomplishments, But understand that We The People are the World. Our population is from every walk of life across this planet, that has seen this nation as the greatest Opportunity in the world. Not something to berate or complain about.

We understand our founding documents because we have read them very carefully and very astutely.

We know our Rights and what has been promised to us. We don't need some Moron trying to inject his lack of understanding upon us.

We reject failure in the name of achievement. Not making excuses for failure then rewarding it by taking from those who have earn it.

We don't worship or Idolize any Man, Our respect and Love is given to our Creator. Not to a man who thinks he walks on water.

We understand that arrogance and foolish pride is the down fall of anyone.

We Love our Nation and defend it's Honor, Not dwell on it's mistakes, but rather correct them and move on.

Not live or use the past to berate our future. We are Americans by blood, by birth or by legalization and legally following the laws of the Constitution.

Pledging our Allegiance to our nation, Understanding what our Flag represents, Not burning it or disrespecting it in the name of free speech.

We suffer the Fools who attack our Greatness with hatred and antipathy, because their failures are so great it Illuminates their own inabilities to be successful.

We are not ashamed of our country it's flag nor it's history, We understand this nation is no different then us, We make mistakes along the pathway we call life and we correct our short comings and understand it's part of growing and learning.

We don't plaster our growing pains on the refrigerator, But rather choose to embrace our accomplishments as one of the youngest nations on earth.

This is our America and we're willing to fight for it, be it here on the internet or abroad in some foreign country whom has goals of destroying this nation, because of their own failures and hatred.

This is why I am Proud to be a Conservative, Not a Whining Liberal who thinks this nation owes them something and hates it for it's success.

I've read countless postings here by both Liberals and Conservatives, and have injected my thoughts, often times thought of by the Liberals as hateful and arrogant.

My opinions have been criticized by those whom have yet to prove my points or opinions wrong supported with facts. It's not arrogance on my part is simply knowing what I know, and standing on principals I believe in.

Most Liberals do not truly stand for anything, which explains why they fall for everything. They go with the flow or what seems to sound compassionate and makes them feel better about themselves.

I just simply find no reason or point to follow a crowd when they have no idea where their going nor can explain how they got there.

Based on what I have read and know of them, they seem directionless (A Stupor of thought)A Stupefacient state of mind.

no photo
Tue 11/09/10 11:44 AM
typical...when you cant counter the message, you resort to attacking the messenger...

Liberals have their point of view and conservatives have theirs, why this need to resort to verbal attacks, ridicule and outright hatred?? What happened to open debate, respect for anothers opinion, remembering that despite your political affiliations you are all citizens of the same country and want the best for that country??

you spend your time running in circles afraid of "foreign" threats, when you, yourselves, are the greatest threat to each other....your demise is not coming from outside, but rather from the internal differences you as a divided nation, hold on to.

metalwing's photo
Tue 11/09/10 11:48 AM
I agree with most that. The part about illegal aliens isn't true. Neither party has done anything about the illegal problem and neither do anything but make noise about it. They don't want to annoy potential Hispanic voters.

willing2's photo
Tue 11/09/10 11:57 AM

typical...when you cant counter the message, you resort to attacking the messenger...

Liberals have their point of view and conservatives have theirs, why this need to resort to verbal attacks, ridicule and outright hatred?? What happened to open debate, respect for anothers opinion, remembering that despite your political affiliations you are all citizens of the same country and want the best for that country??

you spend your time running in circles afraid of "foreign" threats, when you, yourselves, are the greatest threat to each other....your demise is not coming from outside, but rather from the internal differences you as a divided nation, hold on to.

Liberals don't want what's best for our country.

I am the messenger with this topic.

So what if I agree.

I provide facts and many times, links to those facts.

That message was, IMO, was no attack, but reality.

Neither party has done anything about the illegal problem

I agree here also.
I copied the topic because I agreed with 99%.
I didn't leave out the 10% just because I didn't agree.

erik4fungirl's photo
Tue 11/09/10 12:33 PM
I would have to agree with this as well.

Did anyone happen to catch George Bush with Matt Lauer last night? It was interesting what he said about the hurricane Katrina debacle.

He said that in order for him to send in federal troops, he needed to have the Governor's permission, or else he could usurp her authority. It took then Gov. Blanco 2 days to finally ask Bush to bring in Federal troops. Bush wanted to go in sooner, but his thought was, how bad would that look to usurp the authority of a democratic governor in charge of a largely minority population. Talk about damned if you do, damned if you don't.

Now, I can't say whether Blanco intentionally waited just to make Bush look bad, or if she truly was an idiot and didn't get it through her thick skull that the decision was hers. I knew at the time that this was not the federal govts call, but the state and local leaders that needed to step up. But because the leaders were dem., everyone wanted to place the blame on Bush because he's a republican.

FearandLoathing's photo
Tue 11/09/10 12:54 PM

I agree here also.
I copied the topic because I agreed with 99%.
I didn't leave out the 10% just because I didn't agree.


willing2's photo
Tue 11/09/10 03:16 PM

I agree here also.
I copied the topic because I agreed with 99%.
I didn't leave out the 10% just because I didn't agree.

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh
Ya' caught that, huh??:tongue:

FearandLoathing's photo
Tue 11/09/10 04:03 PM

I agree here also.
I copied the topic because I agreed with 99%.
I didn't leave out the 10% just because I didn't agree.

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh
Ya' caught that, huh??:tongue:

I'm good with numbers.smokin

Bestinshow's photo
Tue 11/09/10 05:05 PM

I would have to agree with this as well.

Did anyone happen to catch George Bush with Matt Lauer last night? It was interesting what he said about the hurricane Katrina debacle.

He said that in order for him to send in federal troops, he needed to have the Governor's permission, or else he could usurp her authority. It took then Gov. Blanco 2 days to finally ask Bush to bring in Federal troops. Bush wanted to go in sooner, but his thought was, how bad would that look to usurp the authority of a democratic governor in charge of a largely minority population. Talk about damned if you do, damned if you don't.

Now, I can't say whether Blanco intentionally waited just to make Bush look bad, or if she truly was an idiot and didn't get it through her thick skull that the decision was hers. I knew at the time that this was not the federal govts call, but the state and local leaders that needed to step up. But because the leaders were dem., everyone wanted to place the blame on Bush because he's a republican.
Thats simply insane. If someones house was on fire would you knock on the door and ask permision to enter? Jeesus...... some people will fall for any excuse.

Lpdon's photo
Tue 11/09/10 06:21 PM

I agree with most that. The part about illegal aliens isn't true. Neither party has done anything about the illegal problem and neither do anything but make noise about it. They don't want to annoy potential Hispanic voters.

I dunno, look at Duncan Hunter Sr. and Tom Tancredo.

metalwing's photo
Tue 11/09/10 07:01 PM

I dunno, look at Duncan Hunter Sr. and Tom Tancredo.

Oh there are a few. Debbie Reynolds of Texas introduced a bill similar to Az today. I was speaking as a group. And as a group over the past decades when the Republicans were in power they didn't stop illegal immigration either. Amnesty just make it worse.

willing2's photo
Wed 11/10/10 07:19 AM

typical...when you cant counter the message, you resort to attacking the messenger...

Liberals have their point of view and conservatives have theirs, why this need to resort to verbal attacks, ridicule and outright hatred?? What happened to open debate, respect for anothers opinion, remembering that despite your political affiliations you are all citizens of the same country and want the best for that country??

you spend your time running in circles afraid of "foreign" threats, when you, yourselves, are the greatest threat to each other....your demise is not coming from outside, but rather from the internal differences you as a divided nation, hold on to.

So, you only thrash and trash Conservatives.

We believe in legal immigration and welcome them as our neighbors, We don't endorse illegal acts of breaking our laws then being rewarded.

We believe in deportation of those whom break into our country we don't believe a hand out is in order, but rather show them the front door and tell them to stay the hell out of the back door.