Topic: leaves.
you_dont_know_me's photo
Sat 10/23/10 09:11 PM
i worked in redding we helicopter logged there under a skycrane
f model for heavy lift nothing there but tweekers drunks
and dope heads

AndyBgood's photo
Sat 10/23/10 09:16 PM

so oregonians hate californians.
and in return,
californians just call all oregonians rednecks.
just perfect.

OH PLEASE! We got Red Necks in Los Angeles too!

So what there are more of them there than here?

I remember back when the only two radio stations in Roseberg were COUNTRY and WESTERN!

'The further into the hills, the redder the neck' is an old saying.

I remember when the Generalization in Oregon was all people going there were after the Jobs. I doubt you are old enough to remember that little tidbit!

God, I write a happy little poem and now I am in a running verbal gun battle!

Good to know I am doing my job as an equal opportunity offender. So far I may have pissed off one man and one woman. I got to work harder. I need to piss off more people! I have yet to make Quota!


AndyBgood's photo
Sat 10/23/10 09:17 PM

i worked in redding we helicopter logged there under a skycrane
f model for heavy lift nothing there but tweekers drunks
and dope heads


That is part of what put me off living there!

no photo
Sat 10/23/10 09:18 PM
i'm so confused.
what exactly is your point.
i don't think you're "arguing."
just spilling out a bunch of information.

AndyBgood's photo
Sat 10/23/10 09:30 PM
Well, you think I don't know Oregon at all...

Maybe I shown I do know more than you might think!

Maybe not.


you_dont_know_me's photo
Sat 10/23/10 09:30 PM
you have no clue freak first and fore most im a logger but have been in every end of forestry been doing it since 81
and as for fires to open pine seeds your wrong its clear you have no clue o f tree farms where they do the work saftly
and as for your guidlines most of the big fires start from lightning strikes,the fire that got roseburg was a fertalizer truck

as for clear cuts size of area is limited and they are required to re plant at a 6-1 ratio i know i have planted trees 2500 a day
and as far as trees that size we start over again dont need them not good for nothing and the home owners do what they can it dont help when you get a fire vortices will suck up sticks limbs shoot them half a mile in the sky they land in yards on roofs miles away poof new fire
look up bland mtn fire it jumped a mile acrossed the canyon and started a new fire

no photo
Sat 10/23/10 09:36 PM
only thing i ever mentioned was the redneck thing.
californians like to bring it up as if california has none.
which is why i mentioned nor cal.

AndyBgood's photo
Sat 10/23/10 09:55 PM
Edited by AndyBgood on Sat 10/23/10 10:02 PM
Oh you wacky Oregonians!

AndyBgood's photo
Sat 10/23/10 10:01 PM

you have no clue freak first and fore most im a logger but have been in every end of forestry been doing it since 81
and as for fires to open pine seeds your wrong its clear you have no clue o f tree farms where they do the work saftly
and as for your guidlines most of the big fires start from lightning strikes,the fire that got roseburg was a fertalizer truck

as for clear cuts size of area is limited and they are required to re plant at a 6-1 ratio i know i have planted trees 2500 a day
and as far as trees that size we start over again dont need them not good for nothing and the home owners do what they can it dont help when you get a fire vortices will suck up sticks limbs shoot them half a mile in the sky they land in yards on roofs miles away poof new fire
look up bland mtn fire it jumped a mile acrossed the canyon and started a new fire

DRY UP! Your pedestal is way too high. I had to run my *** from a desert fire set by a drunk azzhole miles away and we had no warning it was coming. I live in Fire country and seen some really BIG brush fires that would compete with ANY fire you seen! Hell, you want dangerous, try a good refinery fire. Nothing like a toxic green cloud that burns paint from houses to humble HAZMAT responders! On top of that we got one refinery in the area that has enough Hydrogen in one tank to WIPE the two cities near it away if it ever went boom! Fuel Air Explosions are the Bees Knees for raw destructive capacity!

Down here more often than not it is lack of controlled burns that spawns our real HUGE fires. Tree Hugging Eco Weenies are to thank for that as well as the "Carbon" crowd!

Good for you. You are a logger just like people I know in Oregon. And that makes you better than me how exactly?

Now for those who do not know what they are talking about, BUDDY...
LODGEPOLE PINE, Bishop Pine, Sand Pine, Ponderosa Pine, and Jack Pine are all dependent on fires to spread their seeds.

Is it tough being a Know it all? I am willing to bet I know as much and probably a lot more about combustion theory than you do.

As your name implies, You Don't Know ME either!

I now bow to the Audience,

and exit stage left!

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

Now I have met my quota!

you_dont_know_me's photo
Sat 10/23/10 10:04 PM
i dont understand how nameing a few trees or repeating what your mom told you makes you know oregon heck your on the internet can look all that up in seconds
you have been to roseburg yea thats oregon lol lol

no photo
Sat 10/23/10 10:05 PM
i'm a californian.
northern californian to make it even better.

AndyBgood's photo
Sat 10/23/10 10:18 PM

i dont understand how nameing a few trees or repeating what your mom told you makes you know oregon heck your on the internet can look all that up in seconds
you have been to roseburg yea thats oregon lol lol

Ummm, you said that trees don't need fire...

I just had to look up the names of the particular trees, so what? sue me.

You opened your mouth. You said trees did not need fore to propagate. I answered your remark with the trees that do but the Lodgepole Pine is one of the ones you probably cut down. Now here we are. So what, maybe I should have looked up the particular trees elsewhere like Ask Jeeves or Lycos? Would that have made you feel better? How about a cookie too?

And hey, I am all up for a good argument tonight. I am BOARD! I didn't start this. I just came up with a stupid poem and now people are feeding into this stupid anger cycle.

God it is hilarious to me how people can take something so trivial and blow it up. I just like tossing gasoline into the fire! All people have to do not not create an issue is suddenly get all grumble grumble grumble at every stupid thing anyone says.

I don't get mad...

Don't need to. Other people can get mad for me.

I know enough about Oregon that I do not want to live there becasue I visited there a lot. Mom lives in Oregon. UM DUH! I like to visit my mom when I can! I have had my fill of the local flavor.

I never professed to being an expert.

People make me go frustrated !

bastet126's photo
Sat 10/23/10 10:23 PM
i like leaves.

no photo
Sat 10/23/10 10:25 PM
me too.

no photo
Sat 10/23/10 10:26 PM
now bastet, do you really like leaves, or are you just saying you like leaves because you are looking at them?

bastet126's photo
Sat 10/23/10 10:27 PM
no, i really like them

AndyBgood's photo
Sat 10/23/10 10:27 PM
MUCH BETTER!:banana:

See we can get along!!!

:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

Fall looks good until you got to rake up all those frikken leaves!

But the mulch is great for the garden! The earthworms you get from the mulch pile are perfect for fishing.

but getting all those leaves!sad

you_dont_know_me's photo
Sat 10/23/10 11:09 PM
life is wonderful great times
love the maple leaves go through so many colors

no photo
Sun 10/24/10 01:37 AM

they'd prettier if they were green...

shocked .... I'll have you know I may not always be right....but I'm NEVER wrong biggrin

no photo
Sun 10/24/10 09:13 AM
wrong again.