Topic: leaves. | |
i can see approximately 2983492765 different types of trees from my window. all with different colored leaves. it looks aaamazing. "have you tried looking for people like you." like me. what am i like. please describe me. i don't know what type of human i am. and miles from where you are, i lay down on the cold ground, and i, i pray that something picks me up, and sets me down in you warm arms. take a seat. i'll be your therapist for today. Sweetie, you wouldn't want to be my therapist for a day, hour or even a minute. The greated acomplishment in my life was surviving it. Becareful of the offers you make, in a poem or not. SOmeone might take you up on it, and have more demons, and experiances than you would ever think possible. Most of the time those guys are labled "crazy" or "lier" I would know. |
that was not a poem.
considering i'm one of those labeled as "crazy," i wouldn't mind listening to other "crazies." |
they'd prettier if they were green... wronggg. |
Leaves of green
they turn brown soon they all fall to the ground to my consternation I clean them up but filled up fourteen pickup trucks all full of bags of all dead leaves And the price to dump them is one of my pet peeves! The Ende! See this is a Poeme! |
that was not a poem. considering i'm one of those labeled as "crazy," i wouldn't mind listening to other "crazies." Careful what you wish for, you just might get it. But my crazy isn't something I would get into on the open forums...... |
if you're not going to spill your guts in a forum,
then why are you warning me. |
i sit in a small valley surounded by thousands of trees its a
visual treat this time of year ************************i love oregon***************************** |
i am in love with oregon.
it's getting pretty serious. |
if you're not going to spill your guts in a forum, then why are you warning me. Because someone else might. |
don't worry too much. no one's taken me up on my offer. |
eh. don't worry too much. no one's taken me up on my offer. LOL |
Oregon State,
North of me, Lots of trees, birds, and bees. They got Deers they got Steers skunks and turkeys, elks and beers. Orgeon State, Rednecks Galore, Can get you a sunburn, and you will be sore. I cannot see the forest for all the damn trees, whoops spoke to soon, clear cut disease. Now I can see but I didn't want that. 55 MPH speed limit slows me The whole state's a speed trap. Oh Oregon State I can say so much more, Your a great place to visit but live there? NO! Yes I am very board. My mom lives near Portland. She used to live in Roseburg. I fished in the South Umpqua River. Yes I did catch fish. I usually fished the stretch of river near the Roseburg Lumber yard. And summers there are HOT AND SWEATY. Also those noisy Cicadas are just that. NOISY! And pretty frikken big too. What pisses me off is there were places there I remember HUGE fir trees, like larger than six feet in diameter and they are LONG gone thanks to "Managed Timbering." Managed my azz! And what the hell is up with the 55 MPH speed limit? That was so 1980s! |
why do all californians say oregon is full of rednecks.
um. if you're from so cal, you do know about nor cal, right. and if you're from nor cal, take a look around you. |
purple leaves are the best.
why do all californians say oregon is full of rednecks. um. if you're from so cal, you do know about nor cal, right. and if you're from nor cal, take a look around you. this is very true |
when am i wrong.
Oregon State, North of me, Lots of trees, birds, and bees. They got Deers they got Steers skunks and turkeys, elks and beers. Orgeon State, Rednecks Galore, Can get you a sunburn, and you will be sore. I cannot see the forest for all the damn trees, whoops spoke to soon, clear cut disease. Now I can see but I didn't want that. 55 MPH speed limit slows me The whole state's a speed trap. Oh Oregon State I can say so much more, Your a great place to visit but live there? NO! Yes I am very board. My mom lives near Portland. She used to live in Roseburg. I fished in the South Umpqua River. Yes I did catch fish. I usually fished the stretch of river near the Roseburg Lumber yard. And summers there are HOT AND SWEATY. Also those noisy Cicadas are just that. NOISY! And pretty frikken big too. What pisses me off is there were places there I remember HUGE fir trees, like larger than six feet in diameter and they are LONG gone thanks to "Managed Timbering." Managed my azz! And what the hell is up with the 55 MPH speed limit? That was so 1980s! are you driving a semi thats the only vehicals with a 55 mph and i can tell you from experiance that it dont pay to leave them old 6 foot trees to die and fall over then they are good for nothing till fire season rolls around them ya got forest full of that crap on fire wanna talk about fire fule trust me been fighting them since 81 been on over 100 fires in excess of 15,000 acres if you read and study the forest practice act you might learn something about reforsetration and what a renewable resource is cali thats one place i will never return to i cant post here what ive seen there will get baned |
why do all californians say oregon is full of rednecks. um. if you're from so cal, you do know about nor cal, right. and if you're from nor cal, take a look around you. I lived in Redding thank you! Also I got into a fight I sure did not start in Oregon JUST BECAUSE I WAS A KATER! Once these two clowns found out I was from California they wanted a piece of me. My 11 inch fishing knife evened the odds nicely. they sure ran like scared red necks. They looked like red necks. They acted like red necks. Most of the people when my mom lived in Olala sure acted like red necks. There were a couple of survivalists and a Nam era Vet too there I was good friends with. Now I was going fishing in the middle of Roseburg and it was when I bought a tub of worms to go to the river with was when I ran afoul of two sons of Oregon. Like I said all I had to do was say I was from California and they decided to follow me out of the store to share with me their piece of mind. My mom had warned me of the sentiments towards Californians some Oregonians have. Most Oregonians could care less but only in Oregon does it seem to matter enough to a few that they have to get mad at us. In Portland NOBODY cares where I am from. Elsewhere to admit being a Californian openly can cause friction but lately I am sure that has changed a lot. Also my mom knows a LOT of police officers considering she was a volunteer paramedic. Get a cop drunk he will talk about stuff he isn't supposed to. They LOVE us Californians. Just having the CA plates on your car makes them take a GOOD close look at you. Kasey's if it is still there, the place with the clover leaves painted on the building near the roof, the place visible from I-5 as you drive through Roseburg, is still one of my favorite stops through Oregon. Best breakfasts ever! Hell, one of the people I did summer work for up there was as Country as they came! YEP, I don't know Oregon. 115 degree summers. Cold as hell winters. The tree hugging eco-weenies driving spikes into trees to foul the loggers' chainsaws. The Douglas County Fair! Nope, I don't know Oregon. Like I said, great place to visit. Now for Redding. Yes Virginia there are Red Necks there too but a lot of wannabe street thugs too. Five years of Redding and I moved back to Los Angeles. I MISSED the beach! The beaches in Oregon are great except for the perpetual gray! I love being able to take a sand rail and blast on the beach dunes. But blue skies are nice sometimes too! |
so oregonians hate californians.
and in return, californians just call all oregonians rednecks. just perfect. |
Oregon State, North of me, Lots of trees, birds, and bees. They got Deers they got Steers skunks and turkeys, elks and beers. Orgeon State, Rednecks Galore, Can get you a sunburn, and you will be sore. I cannot see the forest for all the damn trees, whoops spoke to soon, clear cut disease. Now I can see but I didn't want that. 55 MPH speed limit slows me The whole state's a speed trap. Oh Oregon State I can say so much more, Your a great place to visit but live there? NO! Yes I am very board. My mom lives near Portland. She used to live in Roseburg. I fished in the South Umpqua River. Yes I did catch fish. I usually fished the stretch of river near the Roseburg Lumber yard. And summers there are HOT AND SWEATY. Also those noisy Cicadas are just that. NOISY! And pretty frikken big too. What pisses me off is there were places there I remember HUGE fir trees, like larger than six feet in diameter and they are LONG gone thanks to "Managed Timbering." Managed my azz! And what the hell is up with the 55 MPH speed limit? That was so 1980s! are you driving a semi thats the only vehicals with a 55 mph and i can tell you from experiance that it dont pay to leave them old 6 foot trees to die and fall over then they are good for nothing till fire season rolls around them ya got forest full of that crap on fire wanna talk about fire fule trust me been fighting them since 81 been on over 100 fires in excess of 15,000 acres if you read and study the forest practice act you might learn something about reforsetration and what a renewable resource is cali thats one place i will never return to i cant post here what ive seen there will get baned UM BTW! Some pine trees have to have a fire to make the cones open up or they do not propagate new trees. Forest fires have been happening LONG before us and will happen LONG after us. Good you are a fire figher. So was my mom and she was also a volunteer paramedic ta boot! She didn't complain about the trees. She complained about idiot property owners who would not follow the guidelines to protect their homes and when a fire ripped through they had to save these idiots from themselves. She has told me plenty of stories about having to fight the Umpqua Fire which almost got the city of Roseburg. Also you seem to forget that for a tree to get as large as some of the areas I have seen Clear Cut which is not managed forestation it takes that tree in excess of 600 years to achieve that size. I don't mind taking some of it but taking it all? You sure have a very shallow sense of conservation! Typical Firefighter, got your nose in the air and act like the rest of us are stupid. Pulease! I have had to fight a fire or two myself and it was not something I wanted to do. Nobody likes Paladins! Purity cologne smells like dead fish! |