Topic: Biden Threatens To Strangle Republicans | |
Seriously people, everything that is wrong with this country right now and you're wasting time on a hollow remark? That's the problem with this country right there. If someone's remarks dare be against something or someone you are for, then all hell breaks loose. Just stop for a second, look at what you're arguing about! A person who vocalized an opinion. GASP! Have we all not done the same thing? How about when someone cuts you off in traffic? We know nothing about them, but they're immediately labeled a moron. Was it right for the VP to say that? No. Is it sensible to go over that statement and come up with 10000000 different scenarios as to why he said it? You be the judge; however, I vote no. And being from the first state what do you think of Biden.......still wondering if Beau plans to pursue politics? Yeah I agree its stupid LMAO........Still wouldnt vote for him for President though.......everyone felt for Biden because of the loss of his beloved wife....sometimes I think her memory carried him |
what one validate within itself, or make ok, it shall validate or make ok in another.
and that other shall make ok for another, and that other make it ok for another, until an entire society has lost all knowing of living in freedom, which is to live free of fear of consequence. what is left as ok within the self, increases, what is made not ok, decreases. for anything within oneself, that self duly acknowledge as not acceptable, without excuse, or justification, or rationalization, shall not repeat, with no need at all to apply any effort at all to try NOT TO REPEAT IT. such be the greatest essence of the truth of never say never, for many have already found, that such seems to be a self trap, and indeed it is, for it is only to access any self action of oneself as unacceptable to oneself and to any effecting, that shall effortlessly, and with each time done, more effortlessly, erase such thing from the very person of oneself completely, in a very short period of time. it is the inclination to have sympathy on another if self hath felt, experienced, or perpetrated the same as another, for indeed the self first believe that to wish for sympathy for itself, be the way out, but what person that wishes to advance itself, better itself, become more intelligent, become more aware, become more expert, become more of a friend, does not wish to hear how itself lack, not any longer embracing self sympathy for itself, but rather, it advance to untold heights in all it's endeavor's, when it wishes for none, taking full accountability for all itself is, was, and shall be, having a more keen eye on it's lacking, forgetting about any positive of itself, and then, anything mortal shall become all itself ever wished, dreamed, endeavored, aspired, to be, and unhappines it knows not. it is most unprofitable, to the common good, to utilize the belief, that one wishes for a break, from the choices of it's own doing, or a break from one's 'mistakes', when dealing with individual's within highly powerful position's, as such inclination will reduce an entire species to less good, by allowing corruption to destroy all that ALL DID to create good and preserve good. it is not to not forgive corruption, but no corruption should be forgiven, lest the one corrupt see, and so speak, the total negative sum of effect that it's action's had ON OTHER'S, not itself. FOR IT IS MANY THAT ARE SORROWFUL, FOR HOW THEIR OWN ACTION'S EFFECTED THEMSELF NEGATIVELY, BUT TRUE CHANGE NEVER OCCUR, AND SO GAURANTEED SHALL REPEAT AGAIN, UNTIL THE MOMENT IN TIME THAT THE PAIN AND NEGATIVE EFFECT UNTO OTHER'S, BECAUSE OF ONESELF, HAS BEEN DULY RECOGIZED, AND IF SUCH IS INDEED TRULY RECOGNIZED, THERE SHALL BE NO PROBLEM, WITH BEING ABLE TO SPEAK THE TOTAL SUM OF SUCH EFFECT IN HEARTFELT TOTAL MAGNITUDE, WHEN THE NEGATIVE EFFECTOR HATH BEEN ASKED OF IT'S EFFECT. at anytime, a mortal no longer wishes for a break, from what is created by it's own choices, it shall truly not repeat such action, therefore all sorrow of less than good choices passes away, as indeed, different choices one shall see to make in advance of all that itself does. not missed the most human inclination is to try to avoid any negative consequence unto oneself, but such is to create oneself and ever present sense of doom, and that all good that exist could somehow slip away at any moment, making self but a reaction to fear, instead of removing what create fear, by facing it head on, for better or for worse, but indeed, if anything take the courageous path, fear of all consequence be passed away, and the first day of true life hath begun. the will and want to avoid negative consequence unto oneself create all that exist on planet earth, that be HATED by all. just once cent |
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really, really, really? so, if i am a muslim, and i say, "i am going to kill those damn american's", it's just a figure of speech, since it was aimed at no ONE PERSON? nothing personal huh? muslim man surrounded by fbi agents, declaring, "it was just a figure of speech"... POOR SHMUCK MAY INDEED BE INNOCENT OF ANY TRUE MALICE, but, since we are told "iraq's" are the BAD GUYS, he may indeed not be able to prove he is innocent, since the DECIDING FACTOR IS "TO BE DETERMINED BY HOW THE LAW BE INTERPRETED THAT DAY, AND HOW THE PEOPLE INTERPRETING IT "FELT" THAT DAY, and this will determined by if they had great sex last night or not, and depending on whom has a hangover or not??? SEE, ALL THINGS HUMAN DO IS DECIDED BY THEIR "FEELINGS", AND SINCE FEELINGS ARE NOT "CONSISTENT", AND PEOPLE'S FEELINGS DIFFER BETWEEN PEOPLE, SO, BACK TO THE ORIGINAL POINT! NO LAW SHOULD BE BASED UPON ANYTHING BEING ABLE TO BE CALLED OR DEFINED AS HATE SPEECH, and if those that pass the laws, had to actually LIVE AND BE PUNISHED BY THE SAME LAWS THEY PASS, then the laws themself would be lossened, and even obolished, as primitive, as speculative in ALL CASES, TOTALLY SUBJECTIVE DEPENDING ON THE "FEELINGS" OF ANY DIFFERENT NATIONALITY, as rememeber, the CULTURE ONE COMES FROM, EFFECTS HOW IT "FEELS"... so, we have either threat, or no threat? no malice huh? you don't talk like that unless there is extreme dislike for another group of people... please women... if a white person call one person a niiiiiger, that is NOT ok, but, if i say "im gonna kill all them niiiiiger's, that would be ok"? hum... somthin just don't quite smell right here... if Tony Blair say's he's going to "stomp those american's arse", it mean's something, BUT, he has no previous history of PERSONAL VIOLENCE? HUM.... do we not arrest more and more people each day, for horrific crimes, that had no PREVIOUS BACKGROUND OF CRIMMINAL ACTIVITY? doctor's son, FROM ELITE FAMILY, puts ad on craigslist and BEGIN'S TO MURDER SEX PARTNER'S? hum... but, IF SOMEONE HAD BEEN LISTENING INTENTLY, KNOWING THAT WORDS ARE THE TELL OF WHAT IS TO COME, ALWAYS, THEN SOMEONE WOULD HAVE BEEN CLUED IN... you seem to not know just how much information you can tell about a person by what they say, BUT THIS CAN ONLY EVER BE KNOWN IF THE MIND FIRST ASSIMILATE ALL DATA AS EQUAL IN VALUE, OR ALL WORDS AS BEING CRITICAL, OR EXTREMELY IMPORTANT... you can know who is a contyrol friek, whom would kill under the right conditon's, who would betray you if push comes to shove, who would **** your women if no one knew, who would rape your daughter if no one else was on planet earth... you can tell ALL THINGS THAT HAPPEN IN ADVANCE, BY THE WORDS THAT ARE SPOKEN... WE ARE NOT TALKING ABOUT ANYTHING PERSONAL HERE AT ALL? but, people's lives are PERSONAL, AND A WORLD LEADER, ONE HOLDING THEIR FATE IN HIS HANDS, NEEDS TO TAKE EVERYTHING SERIOUS, AND AS IF EACH HUMAN BEING IS HIS OWN CHILD! VERY PERSONAL... EACH WORD OUT OF THE MOUTH, TELLS OUR ALLY AND ENEMY ALIKE WHERE OUR "HEAD IS"... this effects how the usa is "treated" by each ally and enemey alike... and this is not important as well, just no big deal? HAVE YOU NOT NOTICED YET, THERE IS NO SMALL DEAL. EVERYTHING IS A BIG DEAL, FOR EVERYTHING MAKE SOMETHING ELSE HAPPEN, AND SOMETHING ELSE HAPPENING HAPPEN'S TO PEOPLE, AND ALL THAT HAPPENS TO PEOPLE IS IMPORTANT, IS IT NOT? you are using the same standards you wish to apply to YOURSELF, for world leader's, WHOM HOLD YOUR LIFE and the life of ALL HUMANS IN THEIR HANDS? your just not thinking as this on a daily basis, so you cannot see the magnitude of how each ripple effect and create something, either MORE GOOD, OR LESS GOOD? was it MORE GOOD, OR LESS GOOD? AND, SINCE IT EFFECT BILLIONS, THE ENTIRE WORLD, AS WE EFFECT ALL OTHER NATIONS, THEN WHOLE WORLD BIG DEAL... problem is, the politician's are constantly playing on the sympathy of the commoner, and downplaying their own power and the seriousness of it, TO KEEP THE PEOPLE FROM ASKING TO MANY QUESTION'S, and to keep themself from being scutinized... IF YOU WALK ONTO A PRIVATE CHARTER BOAT, WITH YOUR FAMILY, ARE YOU GOING TO ASK TO SEE SPEAK TO THE CAPTAIN, to get a feel for his qualification's, which you shall immediately be able to access, if when you ask, you are met with distain or pride and indignace... but, ask a captian of a vessel, whom cares about other people, what his qualification's are, and he will immediately respond with the knowing that you are a concerned parent, just as he is, and not take any offense to your line of questioning... it all in the pride... if they have pride, it's either true pride or false pride... if their corrupt, they will have false pride, the kind that does not want you to look around, or to be scrutinized... if they have true pride, then they gotta be squeaky clean, and if their squeaky clean, they will be proud to allow you to scrutinize them, knowing their affairs, or integrity, be in order... they will easily admit if they were out of line... easily say the words i was wrong... but, then when was the last time you heard any politician admit they were wrong with some excuse, the best one, "no body is perfect"... only what has guilt, and know's itself lacks considerably, uses this one, lol... problem is, your own standard is way to low, for you yourself said, you were taught to take full accountability for yourself? FULL ACCOUNTABILITY, ALSO PERTAINS TO WORDS! WORDS START WARS AND CREATE "ALL CONFLICT"! HELLO! WORDS BY WORLD LEADERS CREATE WORLD CONFLICT AND WORLD WARS! this namby pambi, validate whomever one wish, whatever one wish, whomever is one's personal fav, whomever gives to oneself what it wishes, is just precisely why our country and now the entire world is in the self validation no one will admit their wrong mess that it is in... the good ole buddy system... everybody wants a free pass, by the buddy system, until the buddy system oneself is under, until the same is done to them, then it's another story, and they demand justice and respect and cry and whimper when thrown under the bus... i suppose ole pres. of iran saying "american leader's should be destroyed, their soul, their table, their body, for the stain they are upon the world", falls into the """figure of speech category"""? figure of speech, yes, for it is indeed, against an entire group of people, and it is but a traditional thing that the arab community reserves for their worst enemies, so, indeed, this as well classifies as an offical "figure of speech"!!!??? if FIGURE OF SPEECH, was an out for anyone that wants to use it, then we would have to have a "bar", some measure, a book, of ALL THE OFFICAL "FIGURE'S OF SPEECH" CONTAINED WITHIN IT... you cannot seperate speech into such categories in BUSINESS, IN CHURCH, IN SCHOOL, AND MOST NOT WITHIN ANY GOVERNMENT. you indeed should be a defense attorney, for according to your definition's and statement's thus far, the predident of iran's innocent, having no malice, for his statement falls into the "figure of speech" category, due to the fact... 1. it was not aimed a ONE PERSON IN SPECIFIC, and 2. it is but a traditonal statement within the arab communtiy, just used as a customary tradition, therefore, i can assure you my client is not guilty of any malice and intent, why even last week, he helped an american women with her groceries... omg, such rhetoric rum amock... such rhetoric, which in plain english means BUUUUUUUULLSHIT, that it threaten's to reduce the logical deducting abilities of an entire species down the drain, for it is everywhere and deemed as acceptable and commonplace... if my daughter say's IM GONNA STRANGLE THOSE BLACK PEOPLE, FOR TAKING ALL OUR WHITE FOLKS JOBS, SHOULD I LAUGH? the statement show's she would really have to believe they may indeed be doing such, to even say it, perhaps not totally believing this, but, IF IT IS NOT CORREECTED, or met with any criticism, soon she will believe this AS FACT! in politics, it is A MUCH LARGER DEAL, since we have MANY, MANY, MANY ACCUSATION'S OF CORRUPTION, PEOPLE BEING ARRESTED AND INDICTED DAILY, PEOPLE BEING HARMED, DISCREDITIED, DEFAMED, RUINED, LIVE'S DESTROYED, AND YES, ACCUSATION'S OF EVEN MURDER EACH DAY, SOILDER'S MURDERING INNOCENTS, ATF MURDERING INNOCENTS, HOMELAND SECURITY "OVER REACTING", EVEN AGAINST IT'S OWN PEOPLE, PEOPLE IMPRISONED FALSEY, by member's OF THE CURRENT REGIME, OR "POWER SYSTEM"... and you think each word spoken by these entities is not that big a deal? now if you think, that such speech from one as high up as VP means nothing, and should be shrugged off, than you have no idea what it takes to KEEP PEACE AND COMMUNITY AND FREEDOM FROM TYRANNY alive in any world or country, in any present day, scenario, or in past days scenario... the GOVERNMENT OF ANY NATION, MUST SHOW KIND CONSIDERATION FOR ANY AND ALL PEOPLES, which is any and all viewpoints, for it wield's EXTREME POWER, so EXTREME CRITQUE must be at play as well, or NONE CAN CRY WHEN ITSELF IS IMPRISONED WITHOUT JUST AND DUE MERIT... how do you think these other third world countries, first allowed dictator's into power? thinking it was NO BIG DEAL, AND NOT REALIZING, THEY WANT NO SCRUTINY IN THEIR OWN PERSONAL LIFE, SO THEY EMRABCE THIS FOR LEADERS AS WELL, AND WA LAH...... CORRUPTION RUN AMOCK... what brought SO MANY LEADER'S DOWN THRU TIME, to eventually kill and turn on their own people, those deemed disposable at least? IF THE PEOPLE POLICE NOT THE GOVERNMENT, THE GOVERNMENT BECOME THE ONLY POLICE. IT BECOMES ONE-SIDED... A DICTATEROUS REGIME... yes, it is a regime, FOR IF THERE IS SELF VALIDATION, OR "SELF POLICING", IT HAS BECOME A REGIME... IM all for self policing, Im against tying up courts over words that have 'offended' someone CONTEXT , something we are taught in grade school, makes QUITE a bit of difference someone , for instance, walking in on a surprise party may say 'omg, Im gonna kill you guys' and another walking in on a gang rape might say 'omg, Im gonna kill you guys' I think most rational folks could discern the different CONTEXT even though the same words were used Bidens context and demeanor was joking, anyone trying to imply otherwise is incredibly hypocritical or incredibly naive, or just flat out full of it,,, I have to agree. An actual threat to cause physical harm can be considered a felony. How can it be considered a felonly? When there are ways, means, and reasonable belief, that the threat is valid. Is there a way for Biden to strangle every republican? Does he have the means to identify and locate every republican to carry out the threat. Has the threat made republicans fear for thier lives on a daily basis? Is there any reason such as "personal" history between every individual republican that could add 'context' to the threat? Actually there is more here because there is a kind of history, in fact it might the republicans who found guilty, should they attempt to bring suit against Biden. If we review the context through which the alleged theat was made there could be evidence of republicans chiding Biden, attempting to raise his emotional state. It could even be considered mass stalking. I mean Biden has to contend with republicans all day every day and he is certainly more identifiable then republicans are to him. They know the situation, they are the ones who refused to submit a budget and who filibustered other legislation - for spite. (and more) So they could be using that as a tool to cause him emotional distress or even to bully him to the point that he leaves his job. That too is a crime, possibly harassment. Actually which actions (considering the context) do you think has more reason to be considered worthy of being reported as a crime? With his anger and known temper there is a chance he would hurt at least one person, so this threat should and needs to be taken seriously. All you people defending him, imagine if President Bush siad something like this(He wouldn't he has more class then Biden). You would ALL be up on arms and someone would no doubt try to put him under citizens arrest. |
BTW, Lpdon? When are you and Sharon going to get around to calling for an indictment of Tea Party candidate favorite Carl Paladino for making veiled terroristic threats? You said it yourself, "A Felony is a Felony". Or is that different because he's 'one of yours'? -Kerry O. When did I every say I liked Sharron Angle? Please tell me? NEVER. I have never liked her. Why stop there, why not charge McMahon's apponent with lying about his military record? That is a crime too. Nice dodge. Look, just answer the question-- do you equate what Paladino said with what Biden said or not? And if memory serves, you said more than once on here that you know Sharron Angle personally and I believe you said you were considering working on her campaign. One thing is for sure, you post enough articles about events surrounding Angle's run for the Senate against Harry Reid, so it's at least raises an eyebrow when you say you now dislike her. -Kerry O. |
really, really, really? so, if i am a muslim, and i say, "i am going to kill those damn american's", it's just a figure of speech, since it was aimed at no ONE PERSON? nothing personal huh? muslim man surrounded by fbi agents, declaring, "it was just a figure of speech"... POOR SHMUCK MAY INDEED BE INNOCENT OF ANY TRUE MALICE, but, since we are told "iraq's" are the BAD GUYS, he may indeed not be able to prove he is innocent, since the DECIDING FACTOR IS "TO BE DETERMINED BY HOW THE LAW BE INTERPRETED THAT DAY, AND HOW THE PEOPLE INTERPRETING IT "FELT" THAT DAY, and this will determined by if they had great sex last night or not, and depending on whom has a hangover or not??? SEE, ALL THINGS HUMAN DO IS DECIDED BY THEIR "FEELINGS", AND SINCE FEELINGS ARE NOT "CONSISTENT", AND PEOPLE'S FEELINGS DIFFER BETWEEN PEOPLE, SO, BACK TO THE ORIGINAL POINT! NO LAW SHOULD BE BASED UPON ANYTHING BEING ABLE TO BE CALLED OR DEFINED AS HATE SPEECH, and if those that pass the laws, had to actually LIVE AND BE PUNISHED BY THE SAME LAWS THEY PASS, then the laws themself would be lossened, and even obolished, as primitive, as speculative in ALL CASES, TOTALLY SUBJECTIVE DEPENDING ON THE "FEELINGS" OF ANY DIFFERENT NATIONALITY, as rememeber, the CULTURE ONE COMES FROM, EFFECTS HOW IT "FEELS"... so, we have either threat, or no threat? no malice huh? you don't talk like that unless there is extreme dislike for another group of people... please women... if a white person call one person a niiiiiger, that is NOT ok, but, if i say "im gonna kill all them niiiiiger's, that would be ok"? hum... somthin just don't quite smell right here... if Tony Blair say's he's going to "stomp those american's arse", it mean's something, BUT, he has no previous history of PERSONAL VIOLENCE? HUM.... do we not arrest more and more people each day, for horrific crimes, that had no PREVIOUS BACKGROUND OF CRIMMINAL ACTIVITY? doctor's son, FROM ELITE FAMILY, puts ad on craigslist and BEGIN'S TO MURDER SEX PARTNER'S? hum... but, IF SOMEONE HAD BEEN LISTENING INTENTLY, KNOWING THAT WORDS ARE THE TELL OF WHAT IS TO COME, ALWAYS, THEN SOMEONE WOULD HAVE BEEN CLUED IN... you seem to not know just how much information you can tell about a person by what they say, BUT THIS CAN ONLY EVER BE KNOWN IF THE MIND FIRST ASSIMILATE ALL DATA AS EQUAL IN VALUE, OR ALL WORDS AS BEING CRITICAL, OR EXTREMELY IMPORTANT... you can know who is a contyrol friek, whom would kill under the right conditon's, who would betray you if push comes to shove, who would **** your women if no one knew, who would rape your daughter if no one else was on planet earth... you can tell ALL THINGS THAT HAPPEN IN ADVANCE, BY THE WORDS THAT ARE SPOKEN... WE ARE NOT TALKING ABOUT ANYTHING PERSONAL HERE AT ALL? but, people's lives are PERSONAL, AND A WORLD LEADER, ONE HOLDING THEIR FATE IN HIS HANDS, NEEDS TO TAKE EVERYTHING SERIOUS, AND AS IF EACH HUMAN BEING IS HIS OWN CHILD! VERY PERSONAL... EACH WORD OUT OF THE MOUTH, TELLS OUR ALLY AND ENEMY ALIKE WHERE OUR "HEAD IS"... this effects how the usa is "treated" by each ally and enemey alike... and this is not important as well, just no big deal? HAVE YOU NOT NOTICED YET, THERE IS NO SMALL DEAL. EVERYTHING IS A BIG DEAL, FOR EVERYTHING MAKE SOMETHING ELSE HAPPEN, AND SOMETHING ELSE HAPPENING HAPPEN'S TO PEOPLE, AND ALL THAT HAPPENS TO PEOPLE IS IMPORTANT, IS IT NOT? you are using the same standards you wish to apply to YOURSELF, for world leader's, WHOM HOLD YOUR LIFE and the life of ALL HUMANS IN THEIR HANDS? your just not thinking as this on a daily basis, so you cannot see the magnitude of how each ripple effect and create something, either MORE GOOD, OR LESS GOOD? was it MORE GOOD, OR LESS GOOD? AND, SINCE IT EFFECT BILLIONS, THE ENTIRE WORLD, AS WE EFFECT ALL OTHER NATIONS, THEN WHOLE WORLD BIG DEAL... problem is, the politician's are constantly playing on the sympathy of the commoner, and downplaying their own power and the seriousness of it, TO KEEP THE PEOPLE FROM ASKING TO MANY QUESTION'S, and to keep themself from being scutinized... IF YOU WALK ONTO A PRIVATE CHARTER BOAT, WITH YOUR FAMILY, ARE YOU GOING TO ASK TO SEE SPEAK TO THE CAPTAIN, to get a feel for his qualification's, which you shall immediately be able to access, if when you ask, you are met with distain or pride and indignace... but, ask a captian of a vessel, whom cares about other people, what his qualification's are, and he will immediately respond with the knowing that you are a concerned parent, just as he is, and not take any offense to your line of questioning... it all in the pride... if they have pride, it's either true pride or false pride... if their corrupt, they will have false pride, the kind that does not want you to look around, or to be scrutinized... if they have true pride, then they gotta be squeaky clean, and if their squeaky clean, they will be proud to allow you to scrutinize them, knowing their affairs, or integrity, be in order... they will easily admit if they were out of line... easily say the words i was wrong... but, then when was the last time you heard any politician admit they were wrong with some excuse, the best one, "no body is perfect"... only what has guilt, and know's itself lacks considerably, uses this one, lol... problem is, your own standard is way to low, for you yourself said, you were taught to take full accountability for yourself? FULL ACCOUNTABILITY, ALSO PERTAINS TO WORDS! WORDS START WARS AND CREATE "ALL CONFLICT"! HELLO! WORDS BY WORLD LEADERS CREATE WORLD CONFLICT AND WORLD WARS! this namby pambi, validate whomever one wish, whatever one wish, whomever is one's personal fav, whomever gives to oneself what it wishes, is just precisely why our country and now the entire world is in the self validation no one will admit their wrong mess that it is in... the good ole buddy system... everybody wants a free pass, by the buddy system, until the buddy system oneself is under, until the same is done to them, then it's another story, and they demand justice and respect and cry and whimper when thrown under the bus... i suppose ole pres. of iran saying "american leader's should be destroyed, their soul, their table, their body, for the stain they are upon the world", falls into the """figure of speech category"""? figure of speech, yes, for it is indeed, against an entire group of people, and it is but a traditional thing that the arab community reserves for their worst enemies, so, indeed, this as well classifies as an offical "figure of speech"!!!??? if FIGURE OF SPEECH, was an out for anyone that wants to use it, then we would have to have a "bar", some measure, a book, of ALL THE OFFICAL "FIGURE'S OF SPEECH" CONTAINED WITHIN IT... you cannot seperate speech into such categories in BUSINESS, IN CHURCH, IN SCHOOL, AND MOST NOT WITHIN ANY GOVERNMENT. you indeed should be a defense attorney, for according to your definition's and statement's thus far, the predident of iran's innocent, having no malice, for his statement falls into the "figure of speech" category, due to the fact... 1. it was not aimed a ONE PERSON IN SPECIFIC, and 2. it is but a traditonal statement within the arab communtiy, just used as a customary tradition, therefore, i can assure you my client is not guilty of any malice and intent, why even last week, he helped an american women with her groceries... omg, such rhetoric rum amock... such rhetoric, which in plain english means BUUUUUUUULLSHIT, that it threaten's to reduce the logical deducting abilities of an entire species down the drain, for it is everywhere and deemed as acceptable and commonplace... if my daughter say's IM GONNA STRANGLE THOSE BLACK PEOPLE, FOR TAKING ALL OUR WHITE FOLKS JOBS, SHOULD I LAUGH? the statement show's she would really have to believe they may indeed be doing such, to even say it, perhaps not totally believing this, but, IF IT IS NOT CORREECTED, or met with any criticism, soon she will believe this AS FACT! in politics, it is A MUCH LARGER DEAL, since we have MANY, MANY, MANY ACCUSATION'S OF CORRUPTION, PEOPLE BEING ARRESTED AND INDICTED DAILY, PEOPLE BEING HARMED, DISCREDITIED, DEFAMED, RUINED, LIVE'S DESTROYED, AND YES, ACCUSATION'S OF EVEN MURDER EACH DAY, SOILDER'S MURDERING INNOCENTS, ATF MURDERING INNOCENTS, HOMELAND SECURITY "OVER REACTING", EVEN AGAINST IT'S OWN PEOPLE, PEOPLE IMPRISONED FALSEY, by member's OF THE CURRENT REGIME, OR "POWER SYSTEM"... and you think each word spoken by these entities is not that big a deal? now if you think, that such speech from one as high up as VP means nothing, and should be shrugged off, than you have no idea what it takes to KEEP PEACE AND COMMUNITY AND FREEDOM FROM TYRANNY alive in any world or country, in any present day, scenario, or in past days scenario... the GOVERNMENT OF ANY NATION, MUST SHOW KIND CONSIDERATION FOR ANY AND ALL PEOPLES, which is any and all viewpoints, for it wield's EXTREME POWER, so EXTREME CRITQUE must be at play as well, or NONE CAN CRY WHEN ITSELF IS IMPRISONED WITHOUT JUST AND DUE MERIT... how do you think these other third world countries, first allowed dictator's into power? thinking it was NO BIG DEAL, AND NOT REALIZING, THEY WANT NO SCRUTINY IN THEIR OWN PERSONAL LIFE, SO THEY EMRABCE THIS FOR LEADERS AS WELL, AND WA LAH...... CORRUPTION RUN AMOCK... what brought SO MANY LEADER'S DOWN THRU TIME, to eventually kill and turn on their own people, those deemed disposable at least? IF THE PEOPLE POLICE NOT THE GOVERNMENT, THE GOVERNMENT BECOME THE ONLY POLICE. IT BECOMES ONE-SIDED... A DICTATEROUS REGIME... yes, it is a regime, FOR IF THERE IS SELF VALIDATION, OR "SELF POLICING", IT HAS BECOME A REGIME... IM all for self policing, Im against tying up courts over words that have 'offended' someone CONTEXT , something we are taught in grade school, makes QUITE a bit of difference someone , for instance, walking in on a surprise party may say 'omg, Im gonna kill you guys' and another walking in on a gang rape might say 'omg, Im gonna kill you guys' I think most rational folks could discern the different CONTEXT even though the same words were used Bidens context and demeanor was joking, anyone trying to imply otherwise is incredibly hypocritical or incredibly naive, or just flat out full of it,,, I have to agree. An actual threat to cause physical harm can be considered a felony. How can it be considered a felonly? When there are ways, means, and reasonable belief, that the threat is valid. Is there a way for Biden to strangle every republican? Does he have the means to identify and locate every republican to carry out the threat. Has the threat made republicans fear for thier lives on a daily basis? Is there any reason such as "personal" history between every individual republican that could add 'context' to the threat? Actually there is more here because there is a kind of history, in fact it might the republicans who found guilty, should they attempt to bring suit against Biden. If we review the context through which the alleged theat was made there could be evidence of republicans chiding Biden, attempting to raise his emotional state. It could even be considered mass stalking. I mean Biden has to contend with republicans all day every day and he is certainly more identifiable then republicans are to him. They know the situation, they are the ones who refused to submit a budget and who filibustered other legislation - for spite. (and more) So they could be using that as a tool to cause him emotional distress or even to bully him to the point that he leaves his job. That too is a crime, possibly harassment. Actually which actions (considering the context) do you think has more reason to be considered worthy of being reported as a crime? With his anger and known temper there is a chance he would hurt at least one person, so this threat should and needs to be taken seriously. All you people defending him, imagine if President Bush siad something like this(He wouldn't he has more class then Biden). You would ALL be up on arms and someone would no doubt try to put him under citizens arrest. I doubt it,, its protected,, unless some dimwit is truly going to claim that they BELIEVE a man would be capable of choking someone based upon political affiliation with no history behind it its a case of freedom to speak the way I want you to,,,lol doesnt hold up in court though,, |
I'm surprised this thread is still alive... no strangleholds on it yet?
I'm surprised this thread is still alive... no strangleholds on it yet? well there have been no 'PERSONAL' attacks,, just generalizations how ironic is that.... ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Can't say about Biden but, I'm straight.
I allow "women only" to strangle my neck. ![]() |
I'm surprised this thread is still alive... no strangleholds on it yet? well there have been no 'PERSONAL' attacks,, just generalizations how ironic is that.... ![]() ![]() ![]() lol it's because bidden is a no name loser that nobody knows anything about... |
Can't say about Biden but, I'm straight. I allow "women only" to strangle my neck. ![]() he might like a full smorgasbord on his |
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Thu 10/07/10 01:54 PM
I'm surprised this thread is still alive... no strangleholds on it yet? well there have been no 'PERSONAL' attacks,, just generalizations how ironic is that.... ![]() ![]() ![]() lol it's because bidden is a no name loser that nobody knows anything about... that may be the case, but mostly its because speaking in metaphors is not illegal, anymore than making false claims about how tough one is or what they can or would do to someone else IF,,,, some tough guys sure get sensitive about OTHER guys acting tough,,,, odd |
I'm surprised this thread is still alive... no strangleholds on it yet? well there have been no 'PERSONAL' attacks,, just generalizations how ironic is that.... ![]() ![]() ![]() lol it's because bidden is a no name loser that nobody knows anything about... that may be the case, but mostly its because speaking in metaphors is not illegal, anymore than making false claims about how tough one is or what they can or would do to someone else IF,,,, some tough guys sure get sensitive about OTHER guys acting tough,,,, odd yea, that why i didn't get involved to much... in Texas, if someone has a gun and says I'm going to shoot you, that is attempted aggravated assault. without a gun, it is nothing...seems that a generalization is not a crime, but a statement... with all the lawyers in Washington, someone might know what the laws are... |
I was taught to take Every Threat Real
I was taught to take Every Threat Real |
whilst the sheep scratch each other's back believing there be no wolf, the wolf doth circle them.
such is the essence when scrutinizing person's holding the live's of many upon many upon many in the palm of their hand. |
India Irate After Anchor's Not-So-Diplomatic Play on Name...
Updated: 7 hours 21 minutes ago Print Text Size Print this page|EmailShare on FacebookShare on TwitterShare on DiggShare on Lifestream Betwa Sharma Contributor MSNBC News (Oct. 7) -- India today blasted New Zealand after a television anchor made fun of Delhi Chief Minister Sheila Dikshit's name, pronouncing it phonetically over and over, even after being told by another announcer that her name was pronounced "Dixit." Dikshit is in the news because New Delhi is hosting the Commonwealth Games, which kicked off last Sunday with a grand opening ceremony following weeks of bad press about the mismanagement of the event. "It looks like Dick-sh--," Paul Henry said during a breakfast show on the television station TVNZ and then proceeded to repeat his joke and laugh loudly for over a minute. "And it's so appropriate because she's Indian. ... So she would be in Dick-in-sh-- ... walking along the street." "Paul, her name is Ms. Dixit," said the main anchor. Henry was probably playing off media reports in the run-up to the Games, which said that some of the rooms and toilets for the athletes were not ready and in unhygienic conditions. Following the remarks, India's Ministry of External Affairs summoned New Zealand High Commissioner Rupert Holborow and handed him a "demarche" -- a formal protest. "It was conveyed to him [Holborow] that the government strongly and unequivocally denounces the racist remarks of the journalist in question," read a statement by the ministry. "It is shocking that such bigoted views have been aired by a representative of a mainstream media organization of a multiethnic democracy like New Zealand. "These remarks are totally unacceptable to India and should be condemned by all right thinking people and nations," the statement continued, calling for "demonstrative action" against the anchor to "send out a clear signal" against "such behavior." Later, Holborow issued his own statement in which he described the remarks as "culturally insensitive, inappropriate and vulgar." "They reflect the views of only one media commentator, who has already been censored for other racist and unacceptable comments, and certainly not the New Zealand government or people," he said. Sponsored Links Henry shot his mouth off last week, as well, when he observed that New Zealand Governor General Sir Anand Satyanand, who is of Indian origin, didn't look like a New Zealander. The TV anchor has reportedly apologized for the remarks. There are currently more than 100,000 New Zealanders of Indian ethnic origin (almost 3 percent of the population), the second largest immigrant group from Asia after China. Meanwhile, New Delhi's chief minister stayed out of the fray, even as India's media branded the remarks "racial slurs" and blasted the anchor. "I was too busy to notice," Dikshit said. ____________________________________________ THAT LAST LINE DISPLAY THE TYPE OF LEADERSHIP QUALITIES WE NEED IN THE WHITEHOUSE... SHE WOULD MAKE A FAR BETTER VP THAN OLE "BUDDY SYSTEM", GET WHAT I CAN GET ADVOCATE BIDEN... the speak coming forth from more and more politic's is kindergarten playground antic's, which leaves no option but to see kindergarten mentality is at play with lives and money. |
I'm surprised this thread is still alive... no strangleholds on it yet? well there have been no 'PERSONAL' attacks,, just generalizations how ironic is that.... ![]() ![]() ![]() lol it's because bidden is a no name loser that nobody knows anything about... that may be the case, but mostly its because speaking in metaphors is not illegal, anymore than making false claims about how tough one is or what they can or would do to someone else IF,,,, some tough guys sure get sensitive about OTHER guys acting tough,,,, odd yea, that why i didn't get involved to much... in Texas, if someone has a gun and says I'm going to shoot you, that is attempted aggravated assault. without a gun, it is nothing...seems that a generalization is not a crime, but a statement... with all the lawyers in Washington, someone might know what the laws are... Actually if they make the comment and appear to reach for something or act like they have something you are justified to kill them. Hell in all states if you are in fear for your immediate safety you can react. |
I'm surprised this thread is still alive... no strangleholds on it yet? well there have been no 'PERSONAL' attacks,, just generalizations how ironic is that.... ![]() ![]() ![]() lol it's because bidden is a no name loser that nobody knows anything about... that may be the case, but mostly its because speaking in metaphors is not illegal, anymore than making false claims about how tough one is or what they can or would do to someone else IF,,,, some tough guys sure get sensitive about OTHER guys acting tough,,,, odd yea, that why i didn't get involved to much... in Texas, if someone has a gun and says I'm going to shoot you, that is attempted aggravated assault. without a gun, it is nothing...seems that a generalization is not a crime, but a statement... with all the lawyers in Washington, someone might know what the laws are... Actually if they make the comment and appear to reach for something or act like they have something you are justified to kill them. Hell in all states if you are in fear for your immediate safety you can react. it is all open to interpretation... like i said, there are lawyers all over DC, so they might know the laws |
I'm surprised this thread is still alive... no strangleholds on it yet? well there have been no 'PERSONAL' attacks,, just generalizations how ironic is that.... ![]() ![]() ![]() lol it's because bidden is a no name loser that nobody knows anything about... that may be the case, but mostly its because speaking in metaphors is not illegal, anymore than making false claims about how tough one is or what they can or would do to someone else IF,,,, some tough guys sure get sensitive about OTHER guys acting tough,,,, odd yea, that why i didn't get involved to much... in Texas, if someone has a gun and says I'm going to shoot you, that is attempted aggravated assault. without a gun, it is nothing...seems that a generalization is not a crime, but a statement... with all the lawyers in Washington, someone might know what the laws are... Actually if they make the comment and appear to reach for something or act like they have something you are justified to kill them. Hell in all states if you are in fear for your immediate safety you can react. and who will be around to refute whether the gunman THOUGHT he saw them make a move,,,,its essentially a right to kill,, without true justification |