Topic: Personality Questions
EquusDancer's photo
Sat 09/25/10 05:00 PM
Job-hunting again. Bleh.

Everything is to be filled out on line, and no one gets back in touch. Nowadays they also have these personality questionnaire thingies.

Any idea how to run through them for best effect? I mean honestly, I view things differently depending on whats going on. I also have the business personality and the private personality. I'm getting tired of having myself nixed before I actually even see a person face to face.

FearandLoathing's photo
Sat 09/25/10 05:13 PM
Answer randomly.

Or, get a job at a gas station.

Yeah, I was axed before I even had an interview...but the gas station hired me.

no photo
Sat 09/25/10 05:16 PM
Take the 45 minutes that it requires to fill them out, then go into the place you're applying for in person and ask to talk to someone. Introduce yourself and just explain that you've filled out an application and wanted to make yourself known so you're not another name in the pile.

If you answer them randomly chances are you'll end up hitting "Strongly Agree" for something like "I hit small animals when the line gets too long."

FearandLoathing's photo
Sat 09/25/10 05:18 PM

Take the 45 minutes that it requires to fill them out, then go into the place you're applying for in person and ask to talk to someone. Introduce yourself and just explain that you've filled out an application and wanted to make yourself known so you're not another name in the pile.

If you answer them randomly chances are you'll end up hitting "Strongly Agree" for something like "I hit small animals when the line gets too long."

Pffftttt, nonsense...I just knock them to the side, I would hardly call that hitting.

no photo
Sat 09/25/10 05:31 PM
give them the answer you think they want to hear...

Beachfarmer's photo
Sat 09/25/10 05:39 PM
I'm quick, thorough, accurate, organized, and DEFINATELY a "team player".sick

23mBoredinKilleen's photo
Sat 09/25/10 05:40 PM
If you have a plumbing problem who do you call? A plumber.

If you have an electrical problem who do you call? An electrician.

If you need to write a professional resume to get you the job you want, what do you do? Hire a professional writer.

I'm not sure about the questionnaires and such, but I know that when I had a professional writer, write my resume, I got the job I wanted and the job I love. It's not cheap, but it the end it was worth it. I couldn't accurately describe my work experience, whereas they could.

As far as the questionnaires, I would answer honestly. Do you really want to work somewhere that hired you because they think you are someone you are not? I'd rather be happy than stuck somewhere that makes me miserable.

Beachfarmer's photo
Sat 09/25/10 05:41 PM
Edited by Beachfarmer on Sat 09/25/10 05:45 PM

JamieRawxx's photo
Sat 09/25/10 05:49 PM
I have had to do those a few times and i ask the employers why they usually say they don't even look at them. They are just required.

EquusDancer's photo
Sat 09/25/10 06:12 PM
I can't actually get a person to speak with. That's what frustrates me. I'd love to be able to speak with someone in HR.

Professional resume writer requires money. Don't have it.

Lollol! Plastic, that's exactly what I'm trying to avoid.

23mBoredinKilleen's photo
Sat 09/25/10 06:20 PM
I didn't have the money either, but where there is a will, there is a way.

I found mine on craigslist, it might not seem like the best place to look, but you can be surprised. Quantity over quality in this job market. Send out the resumes like you get paid 100$ for each one. It worked for me and this is the first civilian job I've ever had.

krupa's photo
Sun 09/26/10 05:02 PM
On my cover letter I write...

"There is someone on your staff who is never happy, who always has a reason to leave early and doesn't pull thier own weight.

I am here to replace that person"

I have gotten interviews 100% of the time that I submitted that. Probably would have gotten hired by plenty of those interviewers too if I hadnt already been hired.