Topic: Have you changed your political views? | |
I voted for Obama, that's right, because McCain is a liar and a warmonger, but if I would really wanted to have someone, it would have been neither, not Obama not McCain. Ron Paul is the closest, he has more common of what I believe than not-so agreeable ideas. On the other hand, in a real democracy, there should be at least 5-10 parties competing for the votes. Actually the more the better, because no one thinks the same way and I see the blue/red paradigm is nothing but herding people into groups, regardless of what they really want or stand for. Next elections comes, I will be voting for someone who will seen as a little man with no connection and no skeletons in his or her closet. By the way, it's time for a woman to be a president, USA has not had a woman..while the rest of the world had either prime minister, president and even queen running the country at one time or more. For the islamophobic members of mingle2, yes even Muslim countries have or had women being in a leader position. Answer the questions: 1. Do you think all the muslims are terrorists? 2. Do you think all the muslims want you to die if you are not a muslim? 3. Do you think the muslims are the enemies of USA? 4. Do you think the muslims taking over America? If you answered yes to any of those, then guess what. OK, but what does that have to do with women muslim leaders? 3 and 4 are yeses Do you avoid gas stations and food marts 7/11s with Pakistani ownership and crew? Have they ever threatened you to kill you , since they are muslims and you aren't? Did they deny service to you, because you are not a Muslim? Do you think, that Israel is working with the enemy, when they are allied with Jordan (muslim) and Egypt (muslim)? again, where are the women muslim leaders? you seem to be dodging answering that I'm not avoiding it, I'm just further expanding what Islamophobia is and its consequences. The reason I mentioned Islamic nations having women for leaders, that has to do with the fact, that many believes that all the Muslims are unfair to women rights. |
from wikipedia (verifiable in any search engine)
Indonesia, the most populous Muslim-majority country, elected Megawati Sukarnoputri as president[5] Pakistan, the second most populous Muslim-majority country, twice (non-consecutively) elected Benazir Bhutto as prime minister[6] Bangladesh, the third most populous Muslim-majority country, elected Khaleda Zia[7] and Sheikh Hasina as prime ministers Turkey, the fifth most populous Muslim-majority country, elected Tansu Çiller as prime minister |
from wikipedia (verifiable in any search engine) Indonesia, the most populous Muslim-majority country, elected Megawati Sukarnoputri as president[5] Pakistan, the second most populous Muslim-majority country, twice (non-consecutively) elected Benazir Bhutto as prime minister[6] Bangladesh, the third most populous Muslim-majority country, elected Khaleda Zia[7] and Sheikh Hasina as prime ministers Turkey, the fifth most populous Muslim-majority country, elected Tansu Çiller as prime minister Is Sharia law in effect in those countries? |
I voted for Obama, that's right, because McCain is a liar and a warmonger, but if I would really wanted to have someone, it would have been neither, not Obama not McCain. Ron Paul is the closest, he has more common of what I believe than not-so agreeable ideas. On the other hand, in a real democracy, there should be at least 5-10 parties competing for the votes. Actually the more the better, because no one thinks the same way and I see the blue/red paradigm is nothing but herding people into groups, regardless of what they really want or stand for. I agree with everything you've said here. I too voted for Obama too. For two reasons, first and foremost I really didn't want McCain and more of the same Republican bull crap. Secondly I thought Obama might have been slightly better than he has been. Although I forgive him for that on a personal note because he did indeed inherit a really horrible situation. George W. Bush really screwed things up in terms of having invaded Iraq. And the greedy bankers really screwed up the economy as well. So Obama inherited a really doubly-screwed up situation. He couldn't very well wave a magic wand to make of that go way. I think also that Obama may have been a bit naive in terms of what it takes to be president, and may still be so. I think Obama was a "Grass roots" dreamer. I saying this based on his own books. Not that a "Grass roots" approach can't work in today's modern world, but to get it to work requires a much greater commitment than Obama was prepared to make, I think. In any case between Obama and McCain, I still think we have the better man for the job. Like you say, we didn't have a lot of choices. Next elections comes, I will be voting for someone who will seen as a little man with no connection and no skeletons in his or her closet. The problem is that no one like that ever makes it to the finals. By the way, it's time for a woman to be a president, USA has not had a woman..while the rest of the world had either prime minister, president and even queen running the country at one time or more. Well, I would never vote for a president based anything other than whether or not I thought the PERSON in question would make a good president. I would never vote for a women just because she's female. And I don't like Hilliary Clinton, and I don't like Sara Palin, so those two are OUT. For the islamophobic members of mingle2, yes even Muslim countries have or had women being in a leader position. To blame Islam for the 9/11 attack would be like blaming Christianity for the Klu Klux Klan, or for Nazi Germany for that matter. ![]() Although in truth, I don't think any of the Abrahamic religions are so hot. They are all based on a jealous egotistical Godhead who hates "Heathens" so as far as I'm concerned we should burn the Bible, the Quran, and the Torah all together and just do away with those jealous Zeus-like mythologies altogether. Or at the very least just pronounce them all to be fiction that has no more merit than Greek Mythology and just leave it at that. |
uhhuh, that and the potential to have a biden or a palin representing the country (not much of a choice, but I did find Biden to be more leadershp like and less spokesmodel like)
Marzieh Vahid-Dastjerdi was appointed by Ahmadinejad to be Iran's Minister of Health and Medical Education and this was in 2009.
Marzieh Vahid-Dastjerdi was appointed by Ahmadinejad to be Iran's Minister of Health and Medical Education and this was in 2009. iran is slowly coming around... the older clerics are the main problem in iran...Ahmadinejad wanted to ease up on traditional muslims laws, and the clerics are fighting him... they just said today that they will not stone that woman to death. she did recive 99 lashes tho, and has been in prison for 5 years. |
I despise "Liberals" becasue they drag us into the whole, "We gotta help everyone" train of thought and have no concept of financial responsibility. I despise Conservatives because they try to shove "moral responsibility" down our throats. Neither side operates by common sense and general welfare for America. they operate by idiom and dogma. They both follow who ever has the fattest wallet and in addition to that the left follows the squeaky wheel. "fattest wallets"? As in the GOP demanding that the tax cuts to the ultra rich be continued? And do so even though these tax breaks never trickled down to create jobs...yeah okay. What people do not understand is both "trickle down" economics and "wealth redistribution" both fail in two areas, MONEY SPENDS UP NOT DOWN! Also HUMAN NATURE! Like any dog (the American consumer) when you put him on a leash and let him have as much rope as he can run with (credit) they will run as fast as they can until they choke themselves on the rope. Then they are left gagging on the mess they got themselves into (DEBT!). Obama sure seems to spend a lot of time on his fund raisers instead of making congress face our economic situation. BOTH parties are utter failures to the American Public. |
I despise "Liberals" becasue they drag us into the whole, "We gotta help everyone" train of thought and have no concept of financial responsibility. I despise Conservatives because they try to shove "moral responsibility" down our throats. Neither side operates by common sense and general welfare for America. they operate by idiom and dogma. They both follow who ever has the fattest wallet and in addition to that the left follows the squeaky wheel. "fattest wallets"? As in the GOP demanding that the tax cuts to the ultra rich be continued? And do so even though these tax breaks never trickled down to create jobs...yeah okay. What people do not understand is both "trickle down" economics and "wealth redistribution" both fail in two areas, MONEY SPENDS UP NOT DOWN! Also HUMAN NATURE! Like any dog (the American consumer) when you put him on a leash and let him have as much rope as he can run with (credit) they will run as fast as they can until they choke themselves on the rope. Then they are left gagging on the mess they got themselves into (DEBT!). Obama sure seems to spend a lot of time on his fund raisers instead of making congress face our economic situation. BOTH parties are utter failures to the American Public. ![]() |
P.S. Abra...
Bush's screw up was not having a departure plan or exit strategy, and also he let his cronies including the VP micromanage the fight and left everything hanging to resolve itself which it didn't. Afghanistan, he played around to much trying to placate the Eastern Alliance who was playing both sides of the fence when we should have gone postal on them for aiding and abetting the enemy! Even Bush was saddled with the damage Clinton had done. Still he was VERY myopic and used Iran for a grab at their oil 'under the radar' of public opinion. |