Topic: Failure to vaccinate and its legal consequences
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Sat 08/28/10 10:22 AM
A pox on your bank account: failure to vaccinate and its legal consequences
Published by Jann Bellamy under Legal, Medical Ethics, Public Health, Vaccines
Comments: 25
Here’s a question anti-vaxers may want to consider:

Can the parents of an unvaccinated child be held liable if their child becomes infected with a vaccine-preventable disease which then spreads from their child to another child or children?

Yes, they can.

In fact, for over 125 years, courts in this country have recognized a cause of action for negligent transmission of an infectious disease. In the first reported case (New York, 1884) the defendant infected the plaintiff with whooping cough. Cases since then have run the gamut: smallpox, tuberculosis, unspecified “venereal disease,” typhoid fever, scarlet fever, diphtheria, hepatitis, herpes, gonorrhea, HIV. If your favorite infectious disease is not on this list, don’t worry. The disease may vary, but the legal principles remain the same.

Rest of the text here:

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Sat 08/28/10 11:19 AM
Edited by Kings_Knight on Sat 08/28/10 11:22 AM
'Vaccination' ... sounds so innocuous, doesn't it ... ? I'll never take another vaccination, and I see NO reason why kids need to have 'em either. My grandsons were FORCED by the educational bureaucracy to take a Hepatitis C shot before they were allowed to enroll in their school. How efffing smart is that? Inject a sexually-transmitted disease into a young HEALTHY body to satisfy some effing bureaucrat? Vaccines now - as evidenced by the 'H1N1 / Avian / Bird-Pig-Human Flu' fraud - are a greater threat than the disease. The 'H1N1' 'pandemic' was NEVER a 'pandemic' when applying the WHO's own numbers to the deaths caused by the virus. It was all about profit for the vaccine's manufacturer and the lie told by the chief 'scientist' who testified to the 'lethality' of the 'virus'.

As to the question posed in the OP, the 'legal principles' may remain the same, but that doesn't mean they're justified. It only means the state and its agencies retain a monopoly on the use of force and coercive power.

70lookin4u2's photo
Sat 08/28/10 11:41 AM
Vaccine programmes grind to a halt in India once more, when four children died after they received the measles vaccination in Lucknow. The four children were reported to have fainted soon after they were vaccinated and witnesses reported seeing the children's eyes roll back as they began to have seizures. All of the children were under the age of two years of age, with the youngest being just six months. Sadly the children died before medical aid workers could reach them.

As news of the deaths spread, immunization drives in 41 villages have been halted until further investigations have taken place.

The Indian Express stated in their article 4 children die within minutes of vaccination - that-

"The immunisation programme was being conducted as part of the government's Jachha Bachha Suraksha Abhiyan launched on August 15. Minutes after vaccination, the children started gasping for breath."

Ladylid2012's photo
Sat 08/28/10 12:14 PM
My 2 younger sons never got any shots, none of them. Wish my oldest would never have had any. My boys did scouts, public school..never missed anything from not having them. There are ways of getting around it...we did. We never had any problems, then they never got sick or made anyone else sick either. It was the one who had the damn shots that ended up sick and having problems....
No reason at all to pump children full of these germs, in my opinion a parent who did and didn't do shots.

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Sat 08/28/10 12:17 PM
And then there's this ...

How Independent Are Vaccine Defenders?

Sharyl Attkisson Investigates Vaccine Advocates Taking Funding From The Companies Whose Vaccines They Endorse

By Sharyl Attkisson

They're some of the most trusted voices in the defense of vaccine safety: the American Academy of Pediatrics, Every Child By Two, and pediatrician Dr. Paul Offit.

But CBS News has found these three have something more in common - strong financial ties to the industry whose products they promote and defend.

The vaccine industry gives millions to the Academy of Pediatrics for conferences, grants, medical education classes and even helped build their headquarters. The totals are kept secret, but public documents reveal bits and pieces.

A $342,000 payment from Wyeth, maker of the pneumococcal vaccine - which makes $2 billion a year in sales.

A $433,000 contribution from Merck, the same year the academy endorsed Merck's HPV vaccine - which made $1.5 billion a year in sales.

Another top donor: Sanofi Aventis, maker of 17 vaccines and a new five-in-one combo shot just added to the childhood vaccine schedule last month.

Every Child By Two, a group that promotes early immunization for all children, admits the group takes money from the vaccine industry, too - but wouldn't tell us how much. 

A spokesman told CBS News: "There are simply no conflicts to be unearthed." But guess who's listed as the group's treasurers? Officials from Wyeth and a paid advisor to big pharmaceutical clients. 

Then there's Paul Offit, perhaps the most widely-quoted defender of vaccine safety. 

He's gone so far as to say babies can tolerate "10,000 vaccines at once." 

This is how Offit described himself in a previous interview: "I'm the chief of infectious disease at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia and a professor of pediatrics at Penn's medical school," he said.

Offit was not willing to be interviewed on this subject but like others in this CBS News investigation, he has strong industry ties. In fact, he's a vaccine industry insider.

Offit holds in a $1.5 million dollar research chair at Children's Hospital, funded by Merck. He holds the patent on an anti-diarrhea vaccine he developed with Merck, Rotateq, which has prevented thousands of hospitalizations.

And future royalties for the vaccine were just sold for $182 million cash. Dr. Offit's share of vaccine profits? Unknown.

Seakolony's photo
Sat 08/28/10 12:47 PM
My grandmother was born in Korea and one of 14 children......she contracted Polio as a child and almost lost her life........She's walked with a limp as long as I can remember because of I will say this each does have their choice home school is a choice.........religious beliefs........its called natural selection that controls the populations of all species to help keep a not sure if being able to sue bcs of it whoa is all about natural selection and should remain so......

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Sat 08/28/10 03:57 PM
We can have both liberty and health. It would be nice if there was a more diverse and accessible market for different brands of vaccines - parents concerned about the potential negative health effects of any particular vaccination could research the suppliers and choose with confidence.

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Sat 08/28/10 04:03 PM
The present choice for FULL confidence is great nutrition, good hygiene, life as a mindful meditation, fully natural medicine and other naturally good health choices ...

That includes NO vaccinations, a flawed anti-theory, towards good health and TRUE quality of longevity!

Dragoness's photo
Sat 08/28/10 04:23 PM
Vaccination should remain a choice for everyone.

I always think of it this way, if you do not vaccinate and you or your family members dies from something that could have been prevented that would be a result of the choice.

I read up on the vaccinations for my children before I allowed them to have them. The kids are healthy even today.

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Sat 08/28/10 06:00 PM
Many of the consequences are noted later in life in elevated incidence of chronic disease exhibited in the overly vaccinated ...

I hate the 'personal choice' not being made by the child but by the law and parents ...

Still, this always gets contentious and I wish all the best in their intentions and encourage greater research, thought, consideration and prayer in the matter ...

Many rush to vote w/out due studious investigation ...