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Topic: "Liberal"
MiddleEarthling's photo
Thu 08/26/10 11:53 AM

Conservative, n: A statesman who is enamored of existing evils, as distinguished from the Liberal who wishes to replace them with others.
~Ambrose Bierce, The Devil's Dictionary

Perfect..well replace "evil" with "bad" or "worthless" and we got a deal...actually I am not sure what a "conservative" is anymore...after those 8 years in the WH they have certainly tainted that word...glad we still have ours tho~

Maybe I am a conservative! Well maybe more preservative...

I run and anti-teen drinking org to conserve kid's rights to grow up drug free.
I recycle and drive very little to conserve in nature and our environment.
I vote mostly Democrat to conserve our democracy.

Wait, I cannot be one with this definition:

con·ser·va·tive [ kən súrvətiv ]
"reluctant to accept change: in favor of preserving the status quo and traditional values and customs, and against abrupt change"

Values? LOLOLOLOL....

msharmony's photo
Thu 08/26/10 11:58 AM

1Liberal adj.: 1. a; of, relating to, or based on the liberal arts <~education> b (archaic) ; of or befitting a man of free birth 2. a; Generous or Openhanded <a~giver> b; given or provided in a generous and openhanded way <a~meal> c; Ample, Full 3. (obs) lacking moral restraint : licentious 4. not literal or strict : loose 5. Broad minded; especially not bound by authoritarianism, orthodoxy or traditional forms 6. a; of, favoring, or based upon the principles of liberalism b; (cap) of or constituting a political party advocating or associated with the principles of political liberalism; especially of or constituting a political party in the United Kingdom associated with ideals of individual especially economic freedom, greater individual participation in government, and constitutional, political, and administrative reforms designed to secure these objectives.

2Liberal n: one who is liberal as a; one who is open minded or not strict in the observance of orthodox, traditional or established forms or ways b; (cap) a member or supporter of a liberal political party c; an advocate or adherent of liberalism especially in the individual rights.

Liberalism n 1. the quality or state of being liberal 2. a; a movement in modern Protestantism emphasizing the intellectual liberty and the spiritual and ethical content of Christianity b; a theory in economics emphasizing the individual freedom from restraint and usually based on free competition, the self regulating market, and the gold standard c; a political philosophy based on the belief in progress, the essential goodness of man, and the autonomy of the individual and standing for the protection of political and civil liberties d; (cap) the principles and policies of a Liberal party

Websters New College Dictionary

Based on definition 2 a-c of the noun of Liberalism, I can't understand the Right wing hatred of Liberalism. I guess it's because they don't actually understand it's meaning.

You are right, they have made up definitions for it.laugh

I don't agree completely with liberals all the time but I do not see them as harmful to America.

I believe the right wing extremists to be much more harmful to our freedoms in this country.

Stupidity would be charming if only it had better manners.

- Anonymous

Although I wouldn't call it stupidity because stupidity is subjective and also it is an allowed prejudice used against people in a manner meant to be degrading.

I would call it misguided.
I would call it words and actions coming from a place of not knowing what they are talking about.
I would call it traditions carried over from time when humans were less human and more animalistic.
I would call it fearmongering for control.
I would call it hatemongering to dehumanize.

Yeah...it's called "election year"..tho~ this is mo' nasty with the racist element involved...and too, a lot of what you see over and over here are just political shills...the ones who have no mental spine in public. It's not misguided when it's planned and actioned. You could say that they're "full of shill" and intend to Say Anything to support a Just Say No agenda in their shrinking little party that remains the representation of Big Corporation and Big Pollution.

Liars for the rich and haters for brainless herds.

"It never got weird enough for me" HST.

why dont people see through it hun? every election year some NEW problem thats been around for YEARS gets highlighted as if its the new administration/new politician's fault,,,,,,and the BS cycle goes on and on and on...

Dragoness's photo
Thu 08/26/10 12:27 PM

MiddleEarthling's photo
Sat 08/28/10 08:03 PM


You're right, we can do better.


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