Topic: Muslim Mosque Near Ground Zero gets approved | |
that is actually doable First of all Solider let me thank you for your commitment to freedom, I will never argue against a true freedom fighter....My only prayer is I hope you have your gun pointed at the right enemy. I for one believe that 911 was an inside job...but that's a whole different thread. I just pray that you guys will stay safe and come back in one piece. The real enemy is alot higher up the food chain. As far as I am concerned with no disrespect we are shooting the creation of the CIA. Thanks for letting me share my stay safe. AND YES GOD BLESS THE USA. |
that is actually doable First of all Solider let me thank you for your commitment to freedom, I will never argue against a true freedom fighter....My only prayer is I hope you have your gun pointed at the right enemy. I for one believe that 911 was an inside job...but that's a whole different thread. I just pray that you guys will stay safe and come back in one piece. The real enemy is alot higher up the food chain. As far as I am concerned with no disrespect we are shooting the creation of the CIA. Thanks for letting me share my stay safe. AND YES GOD BLESS THE USA. The 911 conspiracy theories have been exhaustively debunked. No point in believing THAT anymore... |
the most important thing that u guys can do is take care of that home front of ours. we may be fighting abroad, but we need u to fight at home just as much as we may be needed. control that obama...make sure that ppl understand just what we are doing there. otherwise our fallen become forgotten. Won't happen. Still remember buds comin' home from the Greater Southeast Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere tour in Class A's and jump boots gettin' spit on in SF by the 'love children' ... not no more - times have changed. Now 'flower children' will just go 'tango uniform' ... |
just a quick note, those responsible for 9/11 arent the muslims asking to build the center kind of like me seeing white folks as an enemy because some of them were slaveowners,,,, Perhaps not. They do read the same quran and are probably hard-line muslims using power and influence to put a memorial to the 9-11 success and their Cordoba conquest. |
just a quick note, those responsible for 9/11 arent the muslims asking to build the center kind of like me seeing white folks as an enemy because some of them were slaveowners,,,, Perhaps not. They do read the same quran and are probably hard-line muslims using power and influence to put a memorial to the 9-11 success and their Cordoba conquest. Actually I think those who are constructing the new Islamic center see it as making a positive statement about how Muslims can peacefully coexist with all other religions anywhere. They had probably been planning this for a long time and feel like it is an *opportunity* to place it close to the WTC to show the world what Islam (not radical-Islam) is really all about. Unfortunately this fails to consider the how many people find it distasteful and insulting to have any kind of Islamic center next to one of the largest mass murders in U.S. history which was perpetrated in the name of Islam under the chant of "Allah Akbar". Many Americans would prefer that there be no overt practice of Islam anywhere near the site where their friends and loved ones were slaughtered by Islamic extremists. So I can see both sides. But since it hurts no one to relocate the center a respectable distance from the site, and since placing it at the planned location is going to be a lightning rod for divisiveness needlessly for a long time to come...I think it would be wise of them and considerate to simply move their center a couple of miles away where it would not constantly grate on the memories of those who remember the Muslim extremist attacking their friends and family. It is a matter of doing the right thing out of respect for the memory of those killed. They should simply choose another suitable location. |
Edited by
Tue 08/10/10 07:59 AM
Muslim majority doesn't peacefully coexist with anyone.
Look at all the nations where Muslim rules. Where they intend putting the atrocity is so close to their compatriots doing the will of allah, their ghosts will forever hear the calls to prayer blasted from the rooftops of the Mosque. It is first a Mosque, then a fun-house. They realize many progressive Americans can be bought with pretty things. They are offering the pretty trinkets in exchange for loyalty. The first loyalty is allowing Evil to set its roots. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Muslims keeping up the pressure to retake Cordoba Cathedral Despite being rebuffed by the local bishop and the Vatican, Muslims are still trying to retake the Cordoba cathedral. "Catholic-Muslim turf war still resonates at Cordoba cathedral: The scuffle over La Mezquita is echoed throughout Spain these days as members of each faith tests the other's tolerance" is a weepy piece by Tracy Wilkinson in the Los Angeles Times (thanks to all who sent this in), lamenting that Muslims can't pray there. It never seems to occur to her that there are innumerable churches all over the Islamic world that were turned into mosques, and no one is agitating in Constantinople for the Hagia Sophia to be opened again for public Christian prayer, or in Damascus for the Umayyad Mosque, built atop a demolished church dedicated to St. John the Baptist, to be opened to Christians. And why is that? What makes Cordoba different from Istanbul or Damascus? Does Tracy Wilkinson know? Does Tracy Wilkinson care? CORDOBA, SPAIN — Mansur Escudero knew the answer before he asked. Approaching the guard at Cordoba's majestic once-a-mosque, now-a-cathedral, Escudero posed the question: May I say Muslim prayers inside? The slightly startled Spanish guard gave an emphatic no. This is a Catholic church, he said, and as such it is absolutely prohibited to pray in any other faith. Escudero persisted, but the guard was firm. This is a cathedral, the guard repeated, growing more agitated: "A CA-THO-LIC CHURCH." The 1,200-year-old architectural wonder that is one of Spain's most renowned landmarks is at the center of a turf war over religious space, cultural recognition and rivalries that are both ancient and contemporary. Known as La Mezquita in Spanish and the Great Mosque in English, its spectacular forest of striped arches and jasper-and-marble columns constitutes one of ancient Islam's most iconic legacies. But La Mezquita has served as a consecrated Catholic church for nearly 800 years — ever since Spain's Catholic monarchs ejected Islamic forces that had ruled most of the Iberian Peninsula for more than five centuries. The scuffle over La Mezquita is echoed throughout Spain these days as members of each faith tests the other's tolerance in this overwhelmingly Roman Catholic country with a fast-growing Muslim minority. Tensions were further inflamed when Islamic militants blew up commuter trains in Madrid three years ago, killing nearly 200 people.[/size/ |
just a quick note, those responsible for 9/11 arent the muslims asking to build the center kind of like me seeing white folks as an enemy because some of them were slaveowners,,,, Perhaps not. They do read the same quran and are probably hard-line muslims using power and influence to put a memorial to the 9-11 success and their Cordoba conquest. and they probably read the same bible, interpreted slavery as christian, and continue to erect churches to keep black people enslaved,,,,, (see how it can be played on any group that way,,?) |
that is actually doable First of all Solider let me thank you for your commitment to freedom, I will never argue against a true freedom fighter....My only prayer is I hope you have your gun pointed at the right enemy. I for one believe that 911 was an inside job...but that's a whole different thread. I just pray that you guys will stay safe and come back in one piece. The real enemy is alot higher up the food chain. As far as I am concerned with no disrespect we are shooting the creation of the CIA. Thanks for letting me share my stay safe. AND YES GOD BLESS THE USA. |
I disagree.
We are at fault for 9/11, in our complacency and ignorance we believed we were impenetrable. That was our fault. Our government ignored warnings, that is our fault. Our government over steps it's power with other countries, causing undue hatred, that is our fault. So we are to blame for 9/11 and the suffering it caused here but not because of the great conspiracy. |
I disagree. We are at fault for 9/11, in our complacency and ignorance we believed we were impenetrable. That was our fault. Our government ignored warnings, that is our fault. Our government over steps it's power with other countries, causing undue hatred, that is our fault. So we are to blame for 9/11 and the suffering it caused here but not because of the great conspiracy. Blame. America. First. Why am I not surprised ... again? |
just a quick note, those responsible for 9/11 arent the muslims asking to build the center kind of like me seeing white folks as an enemy because some of them were slaveowners,,,, Perhaps not. They do read the same quran and are probably hard-line muslims using power and influence to put a memorial to the 9-11 success and their Cordoba conquest. Exactly!To this day I have never heard a Muslim say anything positive towards Christianity or the Jews.The only time I hear Muslims speaking about the Christians or the Jews is to tell them they need to be destroyed. Does any of us really believe that if this mosque is built as a islamic culture center they will actually let the Jews come in wearing their Yarmulke hats and long beards?BS!!!!!Any of us believe they will let the Christians in there wearing their crosses?Hell no they won't. The Imam behind this Islamic center has all the makings of a terrorist.He denies Hamas is a terrorist origination,he says 9/11 was done by Americans,and he says Bin laden was made by America.If he is saying these things publicly I shudder to think what he is saying in private. If it does get built Obama will have a nice church to go to when he visits NYC. |
I disagree. We are at fault for 9/11, in our complacency and ignorance we believed we were impenetrable. That was our fault. Our government ignored warnings, that is our fault. Our government over steps it's power with other countries, causing undue hatred, that is our fault. So we are to blame for 9/11 and the suffering it caused here but not because of the great conspiracy. Blame. America. First. Why am I not surprised ... again? We cannot learn from our mistakes if we never acknowledge them. |
Oh, that's LAME ...
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What sense is there in tolerating ANY religion who preaches intolerance? That is why I turned away from Christianity!
If I was in New York I would wait for them to break ground and slaughter a pig on the site and leave its entrails all over the site along with pieces of the pig. The news would eat it up but now the ground has been polluted by something Islamics revile, PORK! They can't just "clean up and make things all kosher" by their own faith practices. Come to think of it I would also kill one in the mosque once it was close to being finished. I mean I would go House of 1000 Corpses on that poor pig to make a point to the Islamic community that their demands for tolerance come at a high price when they push good taste and common sense. If I can't have my right to believe as I want to Fuque Islam, Christianity, And ALL other religions preaching they are the only way. I am intolerant to intolerance, and hate haters! And I am also a huge hypocrite as well too I guess but at least I don't try to baffle people with BS either! Muslims have a long history of destroying sacred sites to Christians and building Mosques on those sites like the one on the site in Jerusalem where the cross of Jesus was supposed to stand when they crucified him! The more I get to know Islam the more I get to see it is a religion all about pissing on other people's shoes and trying to get away with it. Had this proposed "Community center" been built a few miles away I would have had no issue with it. Come to think of it I think I will eat a pork sandwich in a local mosque wearing my shoes just to see how tolerant they are. I should also wear a Black Sabbath T shirt too! Mmmmmmmmmm... BBQ Pork Sammich! ![]() |
I disagree. We are at fault for 9/11, in our complacency and ignorance we believed we were impenetrable. That was our fault. Our government ignored warnings, that is our fault. Our government over steps it's power with other countries, causing undue hatred, that is our fault. So we are to blame for 9/11 and the suffering it caused here but not because of the great conspiracy. Blame. America. First. Why am I not surprised ... again? We cannot learn from our mistakes if we never acknowledge them. By this logic, the woman is always at fault for getting raped because she incites it with her sexy manner and seductive attire. or The postal worker is justified for killing all his colleagues because he was denied opportunities for advancement. or It is permissible to bomb the federal courthouse and kill everybody because you disagree with their ruling about gay marriage. well really...c'mon now! ![]() It is never permissible to go kill a whole bunch of people (or even one person) because of a disagreement, revenge, bad debt or family honor. Puhleeze! |
Edited by
Tue 08/10/10 07:44 PM
double post! how did that happen?
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Edited by
Tue 08/10/10 07:47 PM
You just might be a Muslim/Taliban if;
1. You refine heroin for a living, but you have a moral objection to liquor. 2. You own a $3,000 machine gun and $5,000 rocket launcher, but you can’t afford shoes. 3. You have more wives than teeth. 4. You wipe your buttt with your bare hand, but consider bacon “unclean.” 5. You think vests come in two styles: bullet-proof and suicide. 6. You can’t think of anyone you haven’t declared Jihad against. 7. You consider television dangerous, but routinely carry explosives in your clothing. 8. You were amazed to discover that cell phones have uses other than setting off roadside bombs. 9. You have nothing against women and think every man should own at least four. 10. You’ve always had a crush on your neighbor’s goat. 11. Your cousin is president of the United States The only known cure for Muslim Terrorism; ![]() |
I disagree. We are at fault for 9/11, in our complacency and ignorance we believed we were impenetrable. That was our fault. Our government ignored warnings, that is our fault. Our government over steps it's power with other countries, causing undue hatred, that is our fault. So we are to blame for 9/11 and the suffering it caused here but not because of the great conspiracy. it's not my fault... maybe yours, but not mine... there you go again, blaming me for crap i didn't do... |
I disagree. We are at fault for 9/11, in our complacency and ignorance we believed we were impenetrable. That was our fault. Our government ignored warnings, that is our fault. Our government over steps it's power with other countries, causing undue hatred, that is our fault. So we are to blame for 9/11 and the suffering it caused here but not because of the great conspiracy. it's not my fault... maybe yours, but not mine... there you go again, blaming me for crap i didn't do... Hey, at least y' din't get called 'RAYciss!' yet ... |