Topic: Anti-American protesters desecrate American Flag in Az.
willing2's photo
Mon 08/02/10 06:57 PM
Edited by willing2 on Mon 08/02/10 07:13 PM
Are these the sentiments of Pro-Illegal Liberals?

Illegal alien Amnesty supporters desecrate an American and Arizona flag on July 31, 2010 outside of a Stand With Arizona rally on the Arizona state capital Senate lawn while shouting anti-white comments.

Please share this video with others so Americans can see how anti-American and racist many of these protesters opposing Arizona's SB 1070 are.

Watch them scrawl anti American slogans, place a toilet seat with a swastika on it, and stand upon an American flag placed on the ground.

Post Office Box 30966, Raleigh, NC 27622-0966
Tel: (919) 787-6009 Toll

no photo
Mon 08/02/10 07:30 PM
Yup, makes me sick to see this happening in AZ.

On July 29th, the protesters were out there waving the Mexican flag.

And they were busing them in from LA....

mightymoe's photo
Mon 08/02/10 07:51 PM
seems stupid to me... everything that is over here, was done by americans. now they want to take it over, and turn it into where ever they came from. there's a reason why they left they home country, and if they really cared about anything, they would take what they learned home with them and use it to make their own country better. but i guess it's better to try to take over, and turn our country into crap .

willing2's photo
Mon 08/02/10 07:57 PM

seems stupid to me... everything that is over here, was done by americans. now they want to take it over, and turn it into where ever they came from. there's a reason why they left they home country, and if they really cared about anything, they would take what they learned home with them and use it to make their own country better. but i guess it's better to try to take over, and turn our country into crap .

It's their form of declaring war.
Otherwise known as the Reconquista.

mightymoe's photo
Mon 08/02/10 07:59 PM

seems stupid to me... everything that is over here, was done by americans. now they want to take it over, and turn it into where ever they came from. there's a reason why they left they home country, and if they really cared about anything, they would take what they learned home with them and use it to make their own country better. but i guess it's better to try to take over, and turn our country into crap .

It's their form of declaring war.
Otherwise known as the Reconquista.

well, all i can say is

want in one hand, and s^it in the other hand... see which one fills up first.

msharmony's photo
Mon 08/02/10 07:59 PM
extremists find their way to attach to all types of causes which might otherwise be legitimate,,,

its a shame really

I dont agree with the bill, but I dont agree with that type of display either

mightymoe's photo
Mon 08/02/10 08:01 PM

extremists find their way to attach to all types of causes which might otherwise be legitimate,,,

its a shame really

I dont agree with the bill, but I dont agree with that type of display either

it's a free country, if your legal, you can do what you want.
to me it just shows stupidity. desecrate the flag of the country you want to stay in... real smart.

msharmony's photo
Mon 08/02/10 08:02 PM

extremists find their way to attach to all types of causes which might otherwise be legitimate,,,

its a shame really

I dont agree with the bill, but I dont agree with that type of display either

it's a free country, if your legal, you can do what you want.
to me it just shows stupidity. desecrate the flag of the country you want to stay in... real smart.

it is pretty self defeatist,, I agree

Lpdon's photo
Mon 08/02/10 08:06 PM

Are these the sentiments of Pro-Illegal Liberals?

Illegal alien Amnesty supporters desecrate an American and Arizona flag on July 31, 2010 outside of a Stand With Arizona rally on the Arizona state capital Senate lawn while shouting anti-white comments.

Please share this video with others so Americans can see how anti-American and racist many of these protesters opposing Arizona's SB 1070 are.

Watch them scrawl anti American slogans, place a toilet seat with a swastika on it, and stand upon an American flag placed on the ground.

Post Office Box 30966, Raleigh, NC 27622-0966
Tel: (919) 787-6009 Toll

If I'm not mistaken, it is a crime to desecrate an American Flag in any way, shape or form. They should have been arrested on the spot.

msharmony's photo
Mon 08/02/10 08:12 PM

Are these the sentiments of Pro-Illegal Liberals?

Illegal alien Amnesty supporters desecrate an American and Arizona flag on July 31, 2010 outside of a Stand With Arizona rally on the Arizona state capital Senate lawn while shouting anti-white comments.

Please share this video with others so Americans can see how anti-American and racist many of these protesters opposing Arizona's SB 1070 are.

Watch them scrawl anti American slogans, place a toilet seat with a swastika on it, and stand upon an American flag placed on the ground.

Post Office Box 30966, Raleigh, NC 27622-0966
Tel: (919) 787-6009 Toll

If I'm not mistaken, it is a crime to desecrate an American Flag in any way, shape or form. They should have been arrested on the spot.

its not illegal, protected under 1st amendment

Flag Desecration Amendment (1990, 1995, 1997, 1999-2000, 2001, 2003, 2005-2006):
Congress has made seven attempts to overrule the U.S. Supreme Court by passing a constitutional amendment making an exception to the First Amendment in order to allow the government to ban flag desecration. In 1990, when the amendment was first brought up, it failed to achieve the necessary two-thirds majority in the House. After the Republican congressional takeover of 1994, it has consistently passed the House but failed in the Senate.

mightymoe's photo
Mon 08/02/10 08:15 PM

Are these the sentiments of Pro-Illegal Liberals?

Illegal alien Amnesty supporters desecrate an American and Arizona flag on July 31, 2010 outside of a Stand With Arizona rally on the Arizona state capital Senate lawn while shouting anti-white comments.

Please share this video with others so Americans can see how anti-American and racist many of these protesters opposing Arizona's SB 1070 are.

Watch them scrawl anti American slogans, place a toilet seat with a swastika on it, and stand upon an American flag placed on the ground.

Post Office Box 30966, Raleigh, NC 27622-0966
Tel: (919) 787-6009 Toll

If I'm not mistaken, it is a crime to desecrate an American Flag in any way, shape or form. They should have been arrested on the spot.

its not illegal, protected under 1st amendment

Flag Desecration Amendment (1990, 1995, 1997, 1999-2000, 2001, 2003, 2005-2006):
Congress has made seven attempts to overrule the U.S. Supreme Court by passing a constitutional amendment making an exception to the First Amendment in order to allow the government to ban flag desecration. In 1990, when the amendment was first brought up, it failed to achieve the necessary two-thirds majority in the House. After the Republican congressional takeover of 1994, it has consistently passed the House but failed in the Senate.

yea, for some reason, people have been doing it for years.

msharmony's photo
Mon 08/02/10 08:17 PM

Are these the sentiments of Pro-Illegal Liberals?

Illegal alien Amnesty supporters desecrate an American and Arizona flag on July 31, 2010 outside of a Stand With Arizona rally on the Arizona state capital Senate lawn while shouting anti-white comments.

Please share this video with others so Americans can see how anti-American and racist many of these protesters opposing Arizona's SB 1070 are.

Watch them scrawl anti American slogans, place a toilet seat with a swastika on it, and stand upon an American flag placed on the ground.

Post Office Box 30966, Raleigh, NC 27622-0966
Tel: (919) 787-6009 Toll

If I'm not mistaken, it is a crime to desecrate an American Flag in any way, shape or form. They should have been arrested on the spot.

its not illegal, protected under 1st amendment

Flag Desecration Amendment (1990, 1995, 1997, 1999-2000, 2001, 2003, 2005-2006):
Congress has made seven attempts to overrule the U.S. Supreme Court by passing a constitutional amendment making an exception to the First Amendment in order to allow the government to ban flag desecration. In 1990, when the amendment was first brought up, it failed to achieve the necessary two-thirds majority in the House. After the Republican congressional takeover of 1994, it has consistently passed the House but failed in the Senate.

yea, for some reason, people have been doing it for years.

as stupid as it seems, I kind of cant see the legitimacy of jailing people for destruction of property THEY purchased. I thought we could do whatever we wished with our property as long as it didnt harm someone else(like throwing my gas on someone and lighting them with my match,, THAT would be an offense I could understand being jailed for).

The flag is symbolic to some and personal to others , but it is still material someone purchased. Similar to the presidency representing something symbolic to many yet people are free to post degrading alterations of a presidents photo,.,,,

mightymoe's photo
Mon 08/02/10 08:20 PM

Are these the sentiments of Pro-Illegal Liberals?

Illegal alien Amnesty supporters desecrate an American and Arizona flag on July 31, 2010 outside of a Stand With Arizona rally on the Arizona state capital Senate lawn while shouting anti-white comments.

Please share this video with others so Americans can see how anti-American and racist many of these protesters opposing Arizona's SB 1070 are.

Watch them scrawl anti American slogans, place a toilet seat with a swastika on it, and stand upon an American flag placed on the ground.

Post Office Box 30966, Raleigh, NC 27622-0966
Tel: (919) 787-6009 Toll

If I'm not mistaken, it is a crime to desecrate an American Flag in any way, shape or form. They should have been arrested on the spot.

its not illegal, protected under 1st amendment

Flag Desecration Amendment (1990, 1995, 1997, 1999-2000, 2001, 2003, 2005-2006):
Congress has made seven attempts to overrule the U.S. Supreme Court by passing a constitutional amendment making an exception to the First Amendment in order to allow the government to ban flag desecration. In 1990, when the amendment was first brought up, it failed to achieve the necessary two-thirds majority in the House. After the Republican congressional takeover of 1994, it has consistently passed the House but failed in the Senate.

yea, for some reason, people have been doing it for years.

as stupid as it seems, I kind of cant see the legitimacy of jailing people for destruction of property THEY purchased. I thought we could do whatever we wished with our property as long as it didnt harm someone else(like throwing my gas on someone and lighting them with my match,, THAT would be an offense I could understand being jailed for).

The flag is symbolic to some and personal to others , but it is still material someone purchased. Similar to the presidency representing something symbolic to many yet people are free to post degrading alterations of a presidents photo,.,,,

seems like waving a burning cloth on a stick in a city could be considered dangerous.

Lpdon's photo
Mon 08/02/10 08:21 PM
Hopefully when Republican's take the House and Senate in November they can pass a law about this issue.

msharmony's photo
Mon 08/02/10 08:22 PM

Are these the sentiments of Pro-Illegal Liberals?

Illegal alien Amnesty supporters desecrate an American and Arizona flag on July 31, 2010 outside of a Stand With Arizona rally on the Arizona state capital Senate lawn while shouting anti-white comments.

Please share this video with others so Americans can see how anti-American and racist many of these protesters opposing Arizona's SB 1070 are.

Watch them scrawl anti American slogans, place a toilet seat with a swastika on it, and stand upon an American flag placed on the ground.

Post Office Box 30966, Raleigh, NC 27622-0966
Tel: (919) 787-6009 Toll

If I'm not mistaken, it is a crime to desecrate an American Flag in any way, shape or form. They should have been arrested on the spot.

its not illegal, protected under 1st amendment

Flag Desecration Amendment (1990, 1995, 1997, 1999-2000, 2001, 2003, 2005-2006):
Congress has made seven attempts to overrule the U.S. Supreme Court by passing a constitutional amendment making an exception to the First Amendment in order to allow the government to ban flag desecration. In 1990, when the amendment was first brought up, it failed to achieve the necessary two-thirds majority in the House. After the Republican congressional takeover of 1994, it has consistently passed the House but failed in the Senate.

yea, for some reason, people have been doing it for years.

as stupid as it seems, I kind of cant see the legitimacy of jailing people for destruction of property THEY purchased. I thought we could do whatever we wished with our property as long as it didnt harm someone else(like throwing my gas on someone and lighting them with my match,, THAT would be an offense I could understand being jailed for).

The flag is symbolic to some and personal to others , but it is still material someone purchased. Similar to the presidency representing something symbolic to many yet people are free to post degrading alterations of a presidents photo,.,,,

seems like waving a burning cloth on a stick in a city could be considered dangerous.

its called a lantern in some places,,,lol

seriously, if its controlled its not an issue

willing2's photo
Mon 08/02/10 08:22 PM

seems stupid to me... everything that is over here, was done by americans. now they want to take it over, and turn it into where ever they came from. there's a reason why they left they home country, and if they really cared about anything, they would take what they learned home with them and use it to make their own country better. but i guess it's better to try to take over, and turn our country into crap .

It's their form of declaring war.
Otherwise known as the Reconquista.

well, all i can say is

want in one hand, and s^it in the other hand... see which one fills up first.

That's an old map.

You could probably go ahead and fill in between all the blank spots by now.

The Chicano and Chicana students of Aztlán must take upon themselves the responsibilities to promote Chicanismo within the community, politicizing our Raza with an emphasis on indigenous conscious¬ness to continue the struggle for the self-determination of the Chicano people for the purpose of liberating Aztlán. [3]

Atzlan is the name they have reserved for the conquered potion of the US.

The US Gov. stands to gain bigger steps toward the NAU with this action.

It's not a fairy tale.

Look up MECha, Azteca, Mexica Movement, Atzlan, La Raza is one of their main Lobyists in DC.

Rangel is a high-hopes advocate of the Reconquista.

How will the Reconquista be accomplished? Today, millions of Mexican illegal immigrants are pouring into the United States. None of these illegal aliens are checked in any way. They live in the United States while swearing their allegiance to Mexico. By their sheer presence and numbers, those in the Reconquista movement believe that a time will come when they can take political control of local communities where Hispanics are the majority. The ultimate dream of the Reconquista movement is that political control can be gained in one or more southwestern states. Reconquista activists plan that the states controlled by Mexican immigrants would secede from the United States and join Mexico, much as the southern states seceded during the American Civil War and formed the Confederacy.