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Topic: I think I misunderstood the phrase "hope and change"
BL4766's photo
Wed 07/28/10 10:53 PM

I think what Obama meant when he promised "hope and change" is that HE HOPED he would win the election, and planned on putting 'change' in his own pocket.

amen!:thumbsup: sad2

msharmony's photo
Wed 07/28/10 11:21 PM

Isaac_dede, I think you are clearly missing the point. It takes a lot more than two years for initiatives to be felt by the population. What part of this can't you grasp? The legacy left by the last four administrations are not going to be fixed overnight.

High school economics will teach you at least that much.

that blame the old perz is old, now your going back 16 years... enough is enough, if he can't stand up and do what is needed, we don't need him. i can't imagine how you think that clinton has anything to do with what is happening now, much less George sr. this is now, and obama is failing, and you still wanna put it on past presidents. wake up, if he is doing nothing, then nothing is going to happen.

If you go to a doctor with a broken leg , and you dont get up and walk the NEXT day,, did he fail?

I think the two scariest things about mainstream america are its bloodlust and its impatience

i don't blame the last 4 doctors for the broken leg...

but you dont blame the doctor either,,,unless the leg doesnt heal over a REASONABLE period of time

reasonable can mean different things to different people... it's reasonable to have the laws obeyed, i have to, but non citizens don't. thats not reasonable. the hell with obama, he lost any support i would have for him.

have you read ANY of the statements from police themselves who are opposing? have you lost respect for them too? you cant see ANY validity to any of the opposing arguments? ,,,thats surprising

Im sorry, I know if Im lying in a gutter dying , I dont want to worry about whether the person who just passed is going to bother to call the police for fear of being deported,,,,this type of bill does more harm than good

the law, as it is written, permits officers to check status of anyone STOPPEED, DETAINED, OR ARRESTED

detained can refer to passengers in a car that is stopped or residents in a building that is being searched or a witness who is being questioned,,,,,,,,

There are far more Law Enforcement Officers that supprt the Law then oppose it, and the ones who oppose it don't like it because they are the lazy ones who don't want to do the extra work to verify, then all the paperwork and transport when they discover that they are illegal.

any resources or facts to back that up?

msharmony's photo
Wed 07/28/10 11:23 PM

Isaac_dede, I think you are clearly missing the point. It takes a lot more than two years for initiatives to be felt by the population. What part of this can't you grasp? The legacy left by the last four administrations are not going to be fixed overnight.

High school economics will teach you at least that much.

that blame the old perz is old, now your going back 16 years... enough is enough, if he can't stand up and do what is needed, we don't need him. i can't imagine how you think that clinton has anything to do with what is happening now, much less George sr. this is now, and obama is failing, and you still wanna put it on past presidents. wake up, if he is doing nothing, then nothing is going to happen.

If you go to a doctor with a broken leg , and you dont get up and walk the NEXT day,, did he fail?

I think the two scariest things about mainstream america are its bloodlust and its impatience

i don't blame the last 4 doctors for the broken leg...

but you dont blame the doctor either,,,unless the leg doesnt heal over a REASONABLE period of time

reasonable can mean different things to different people... it's reasonable to have the laws obeyed, i have to, but non citizens don't. thats not reasonable. the hell with obama, he lost any support i would have for him.

have you read ANY of the statements from police themselves who are opposing? have you lost respect for them too? you cant see ANY validity to any of the opposing arguments? ,,,thats surprising

Im sorry, I know if Im lying in a gutter dying , I dont want to worry about whether the person who just passed is going to bother to call the police for fear of being deported,,,,this type of bill does more harm than good

the law, as it is written, permits officers to check status of anyone STOPPEED, DETAINED, OR ARRESTED

detained can refer to passengers in a car that is stopped or residents in a building that is being searched or a witness who is being questioned,,,,,,,,

i have no problem with that... why do you?

because it is using a sword where a scalpel is needed

as I have stated before, it is overkill to start using fear tactics and succumb to some police state where people have to carry ID at all times for all reasons,,,,,

in any situation where someone is being ARRESTED, I would agree, but to give police power to randomly select who has to carry id and who doesnt,, doesnt sit well with me at all,,,,,,

i carry mine everywhere... and if i don't, i should be taken in and seen who i am.

Every shoplifter I caught, if they didn't have identification it was an automatic refferal to the police and every single time that would earn them a ticket to jail to verify who they are.

yes, if they were CAUGHT shoplifting, that should be a referral to police,,,

msharmony's photo
Wed 07/28/10 11:25 PM

personaly....i lost respect for cops when i was about 8.
cant stand them.

Im an optimist generally and believe most people are decent , whatever profession they choose,,,

but I just am opposed to giving TOO MUCH authority to anyone in particular,,,,,and when cops have an OPEN ended mandate to catch illegal immigrants , IM kind of nervous of how far aomw will go to do it under the legal protection of that law

no photo
Thu 07/29/10 12:10 PM
Firstly about law enforcement. Frank Serpico said it best when he said "10% of cops are honest. Then there is the 20% that are completely dishonest with the remaining 70% wanting to be more honest than they are." the "blue wall" does not allow for cops to investigate cops and civilian oversight is toothless. I also have a friend who is a PI who quit the force because the corruption is top to bottom.

About my post about high school economics, firstly I was cranky yesterday when I posted so forgive me for being blunt and confrontational.

Take here in Canada, conservative gov'ts like to send out money in the mail as a tax cut which has very short term effects and the average voter spends it, which is good but has no real effect other than to buy votes.

The reason I mentioned the past 4 administrations was they believed more in tax cuts for the rich which they do not spend to stimulate the economy or hire new workers. Supply side or trickle down economics does not work, large business are still not hiring and use lay-offs too often to have short term financial gain, pleasing their investors.

But invest in the SME's (small and medium sized enterprises) is a great thing. SME's create more jobs and hire more people than big business and this is true in all industrialized nations. SME's will spend the money on growth and keep jobs in their local economies which has direct impacts. SME's do not outsource to foreign countries. Invest in SME's today and the results will be felt within 5 years. Invest in restructuring the railroad infrastructure would bring immediate effects with 3 to 5 years, possibly less.

One final note, I am a very big supporter of smarter taxation. Lower income tax and use tax shifting policies on the things we buy or consume. Low taxes on the products and services that have positive health effects and new innovation. (low taxes on renewable energy, health foods, etc.) Tax high the things that are unhealthy (gas, junk food, etc). This puts the power in the hands of people to make the lifestyle choices that fit them best. The tax levels can be raised or lowered depending on spending habits, making it revenue neutral in relation to the lower income tax. IF you must use a car for business, deductions can be implemented come tax time.

I got rid of my car three years ago, moved to an apartment on a major bus route and bike almost all year round. Fortunate for me since I can do this since because I live in an area that has a decent transit system. My health and wallet have seen immediate improvements. I am also part of a car sharing network like Zipcar, which I use maybe 4-6 times per year.

Democrats and Republicans are two faces of the same coin. Don't trust either of them as they prefer the "too big to fail" concept instead of the SME's. I now need to back and read why the senate is not supporting the small business plan which was recently tabled.

Lpdon's photo
Thu 07/29/10 12:46 PM

I think what Obama meant when he promised "hope and change" is that HE HOPED he would win the election, and planned on putting 'change' in his own pocket.

amen!:thumbsup: sad2


Lpdon's photo
Thu 07/29/10 12:48 PM

anyone who paid any type of attention in basic highschool economics would understand everything wont be better in just a couple of years, and that NOONE can just just make it better by being elected......
it takes inovation, planning, projecting, balancing, trimming, etc etc...
come on quit blaming everything on obama.....the fact is any president that enacts some form of economic reform wont really see the total fruits if it for quite some time...example......mr reagans trickle down economics thats seemed to help at first then totaly boned us....bushes tax cuts for the wealthy and further dereg...that boned us to......
THIS HOLE WASNT MADE OVERNIGHT. it will take just as long to fix...


Lpdon's photo
Thu 07/29/10 12:52 PM

I think what Obama meant when he promised "hope and change" is that HE HOPED he would win the election, and planned on putting 'change' in his own pocket.

I think it was more we (the people) "Hoped" things would "Change."

Turned out to be same sh** different day.

That's why I'm voting Libertarian this fall.
i am at the point where i am thinking about quit voting altogether. it's always 2 people that say everything we wanna hear, and then doing what they want with no regards to what we as a people want. the hell with all of it, if the country is going to hell in a handbasket, i'm not gunna have my hands on the rope.

Please don't do that, for two reasons. The first is we need to stand united in 2012 to get Obama out of office. Anyone would be better then him. Second, thousands of American's have died for us to have that most important and basic right, no matter who you vote for it is still worth voting. There are people across the world that would give andything to live in a country where there are free, open and for the most part honest elections. Hell just look at Iran, the Supreme Ruler stages the outcome of that election. Look at Cuba or N. Korea just to name a few.

Lpdon's photo
Thu 07/29/10 12:55 PM

Isaac_dede, I think you are clearly missing the point. It takes a lot more than two years for initiatives to be felt by the population. What part of this can't you grasp? The legacy left by the last four administrations are not going to be fixed overnight.

High school economics will teach you at least that much.

that blame the old perz is old, now your going back 16 years... enough is enough, if he can't stand up and do what is needed, we don't need him. i can't imagine how you think that clinton has anything to do with what is happening now, much less George sr. this is now, and obama is failing, and you still wanna put it on past presidents. wake up, if he is doing nothing, then nothing is going to happen.

If you go to a doctor with a broken leg , and you dont get up and walk the NEXT day,, did he fail?

I think the two scariest things about mainstream america are its bloodlust and its impatience

i don't blame the last 4 doctors for the broken leg...

but you dont blame the doctor either,,,unless the leg doesnt heal over a REASONABLE period of time

reasonable can mean different things to different people... it's reasonable to have the laws obeyed, i have to, but non citizens don't. thats not reasonable. the hell with obama, he lost any support i would have for him.

have you read ANY of the statements from police themselves who are opposing? have you lost respect for them too? you cant see ANY validity to any of the opposing arguments? ,,,thats surprising

Im sorry, I know if Im lying in a gutter dying , I dont want to worry about whether the person who just passed is going to bother to call the police for fear of being deported,,,,this type of bill does more harm than good

the law, as it is written, permits officers to check status of anyone STOPPEED, DETAINED, OR ARRESTED

detained can refer to passengers in a car that is stopped or residents in a building that is being searched or a witness who is being questioned,,,,,,,,

i have no problem with that... why do you?

because it is using a sword where a scalpel is needed

as I have stated before, it is overkill to start using fear tactics and succumb to some police state where people have to carry ID at all times for all reasons,,,,,

in any situation where someone is being ARRESTED, I would agree, but to give police power to randomly select who has to carry id and who doesnt,, doesnt sit well with me at all,,,,,,

i carry mine everywhere... and if i don't, i should be taken in and seen who i am.

Every shoplifter I caught, if they didn't have identification it was an automatic refferal to the police and every single time that would earn them a ticket to jail to verify who they are.

yes, if they were CAUGHT shoplifting, that should be a referral to police,,,

Not every shoplifter got reffered. You midread what I said. Everyone I caught that didn't have id on them got reffered. We didn't refer everyone there were guidelines. If it was over $20, liquor, if they didn't have id, if we caught them in any kind of lie, if they faught or if we have caught them before were the guidelines to refer to the police.

Dragoness's photo
Thu 07/29/10 01:10 PM
Under federal law, local police are suppose to ID all people that get arrested, if they are not legal they are suppose to be held and referred to the ICE/INS for deportation.

That is what the local authorities were suppose to be doing.

Local authorities have been failing at this.

They release them if they suspect they are illegal because they do not want to do the work it takes to do the right thing.

This has been going on for a long time.

msharmony's photo
Thu 07/29/10 01:16 PM

Isaac_dede, I think you are clearly missing the point. It takes a lot more than two years for initiatives to be felt by the population. What part of this can't you grasp? The legacy left by the last four administrations are not going to be fixed overnight.

High school economics will teach you at least that much.

that blame the old perz is old, now your going back 16 years... enough is enough, if he can't stand up and do what is needed, we don't need him. i can't imagine how you think that clinton has anything to do with what is happening now, much less George sr. this is now, and obama is failing, and you still wanna put it on past presidents. wake up, if he is doing nothing, then nothing is going to happen.

If you go to a doctor with a broken leg , and you dont get up and walk the NEXT day,, did he fail?

I think the two scariest things about mainstream america are its bloodlust and its impatience

i don't blame the last 4 doctors for the broken leg...

but you dont blame the doctor either,,,unless the leg doesnt heal over a REASONABLE period of time

reasonable can mean different things to different people... it's reasonable to have the laws obeyed, i have to, but non citizens don't. thats not reasonable. the hell with obama, he lost any support i would have for him.

have you read ANY of the statements from police themselves who are opposing? have you lost respect for them too? you cant see ANY validity to any of the opposing arguments? ,,,thats surprising

Im sorry, I know if Im lying in a gutter dying , I dont want to worry about whether the person who just passed is going to bother to call the police for fear of being deported,,,,this type of bill does more harm than good

the law, as it is written, permits officers to check status of anyone STOPPEED, DETAINED, OR ARRESTED

detained can refer to passengers in a car that is stopped or residents in a building that is being searched or a witness who is being questioned,,,,,,,,

i have no problem with that... why do you?

because it is using a sword where a scalpel is needed

as I have stated before, it is overkill to start using fear tactics and succumb to some police state where people have to carry ID at all times for all reasons,,,,,

in any situation where someone is being ARRESTED, I would agree, but to give police power to randomly select who has to carry id and who doesnt,, doesnt sit well with me at all,,,,,,

i carry mine everywhere... and if i don't, i should be taken in and seen who i am.

Every shoplifter I caught, if they didn't have identification it was an automatic refferal to the police and every single time that would earn them a ticket to jail to verify who they are.

yes, if they were CAUGHT shoplifting, that should be a referral to police,,,

Not every shoplifter got reffered. You midread what I said. Everyone I caught that didn't have id on them got reffered. We didn't refer everyone there were guidelines. If it was over $20, liquor, if they didn't have id, if we caught them in any kind of lie, if they faught or if we have caught them before were the guidelines to refer to the police.

Im not misreading, my point was these people were already SUSPECT of breaking a law,, it isnt against the law to be a passenger in a car or to be walking down the street so there would not be sufficient grounds to REQUIRE a physical id from anyone doing so, a name and social can be just as easily verified

msharmony's photo
Thu 07/29/10 01:16 PM

Under federal law, local police are suppose to ID all people that get arrested, if they are not legal they are suppose to be held and referred to the ICE/INS for deportation.

That is what the local authorities were suppose to be doing.

Local authorities have been failing at this.

They release them if they suspect they are illegal because they do not want to do the work it takes to do the right thing.

This has been going on for a long time.

msharmony's photo
Thu 07/29/10 01:16 PM

Under federal law, local police are suppose to ID all people that get arrested, if they are not legal they are suppose to be held and referred to the ICE/INS for deportation.

That is what the local authorities were suppose to be doing.

Local authorities have been failing at this.

They release them if they suspect they are illegal because they do not want to do the work it takes to do the right thing.

This has been going on for a long time.

mightymoe's photo
Thu 07/29/10 01:24 PM

Isaac_dede, I think you are clearly missing the point. It takes a lot more than two years for initiatives to be felt by the population. What part of this can't you grasp? The legacy left by the last four administrations are not going to be fixed overnight.

High school economics will teach you at least that much.

that blame the old perz is old, now your going back 16 years... enough is enough, if he can't stand up and do what is needed, we don't need him. i can't imagine how you think that clinton has anything to do with what is happening now, much less George sr. this is now, and obama is failing, and you still wanna put it on past presidents. wake up, if he is doing nothing, then nothing is going to happen.

If you go to a doctor with a broken leg , and you dont get up and walk the NEXT day,, did he fail?

I think the two scariest things about mainstream america are its bloodlust and its impatience

i don't blame the last 4 doctors for the broken leg...

but you dont blame the doctor either,,,unless the leg doesnt heal over a REASONABLE period of time

reasonable can mean different things to different people... it's reasonable to have the laws obeyed, i have to, but non citizens don't. thats not reasonable. the hell with obama, he lost any support i would have for him.

have you read ANY of the statements from police themselves who are opposing? have you lost respect for them too? you cant see ANY validity to any of the opposing arguments? ,,,thats surprising

Im sorry, I know if Im lying in a gutter dying , I dont want to worry about whether the person who just passed is going to bother to call the police for fear of being deported,,,,this type of bill does more harm than good

the law, as it is written, permits officers to check status of anyone STOPPEED, DETAINED, OR ARRESTED

detained can refer to passengers in a car that is stopped or residents in a building that is being searched or a witness who is being questioned,,,,,,,,

i have no problem with that... why do you?

because it is using a sword where a scalpel is needed

as I have stated before, it is overkill to start using fear tactics and succumb to some police state where people have to carry ID at all times for all reasons,,,,,

in any situation where someone is being ARRESTED, I would agree, but to give police power to randomly select who has to carry id and who doesnt,, doesnt sit well with me at all,,,,,,

i carry mine everywhere... and if i don't, i should be taken in and seen who i am.

Every shoplifter I caught, if they didn't have identification it was an automatic refferal to the police and every single time that would earn them a ticket to jail to verify who they are.

yes, if they were CAUGHT shoplifting, that should be a referral to police,,,

Not every shoplifter got reffered. You midread what I said. Everyone I caught that didn't have id on them got reffered. We didn't refer everyone there were guidelines. If it was over $20, liquor, if they didn't have id, if we caught them in any kind of lie, if they faught or if we have caught them before were the guidelines to refer to the police.

Im not misreading, my point was these people were already SUSPECT of breaking a law,, it isnt against the law to be a passenger in a car or to be walking down the street so there would not be sufficient grounds to REQUIRE a physical id from anyone doing so, a name and social can be just as easily verified

not everyone is as honest as you... cops have been lied to before, and will be lied to again.

msharmony's photo
Thu 07/29/10 01:33 PM

Isaac_dede, I think you are clearly missing the point. It takes a lot more than two years for initiatives to be felt by the population. What part of this can't you grasp? The legacy left by the last four administrations are not going to be fixed overnight.

High school economics will teach you at least that much.

that blame the old perz is old, now your going back 16 years... enough is enough, if he can't stand up and do what is needed, we don't need him. i can't imagine how you think that clinton has anything to do with what is happening now, much less George sr. this is now, and obama is failing, and you still wanna put it on past presidents. wake up, if he is doing nothing, then nothing is going to happen.

If you go to a doctor with a broken leg , and you dont get up and walk the NEXT day,, did he fail?

I think the two scariest things about mainstream america are its bloodlust and its impatience

i don't blame the last 4 doctors for the broken leg...

but you dont blame the doctor either,,,unless the leg doesnt heal over a REASONABLE period of time

reasonable can mean different things to different people... it's reasonable to have the laws obeyed, i have to, but non citizens don't. thats not reasonable. the hell with obama, he lost any support i would have for him.

have you read ANY of the statements from police themselves who are opposing? have you lost respect for them too? you cant see ANY validity to any of the opposing arguments? ,,,thats surprising

Im sorry, I know if Im lying in a gutter dying , I dont want to worry about whether the person who just passed is going to bother to call the police for fear of being deported,,,,this type of bill does more harm than good

the law, as it is written, permits officers to check status of anyone STOPPEED, DETAINED, OR ARRESTED

detained can refer to passengers in a car that is stopped or residents in a building that is being searched or a witness who is being questioned,,,,,,,,

i have no problem with that... why do you?

because it is using a sword where a scalpel is needed

as I have stated before, it is overkill to start using fear tactics and succumb to some police state where people have to carry ID at all times for all reasons,,,,,

in any situation where someone is being ARRESTED, I would agree, but to give police power to randomly select who has to carry id and who doesnt,, doesnt sit well with me at all,,,,,,

i carry mine everywhere... and if i don't, i should be taken in and seen who i am.

Every shoplifter I caught, if they didn't have identification it was an automatic refferal to the police and every single time that would earn them a ticket to jail to verify who they are.

yes, if they were CAUGHT shoplifting, that should be a referral to police,,,

Not every shoplifter got reffered. You midread what I said. Everyone I caught that didn't have id on them got reffered. We didn't refer everyone there were guidelines. If it was over $20, liquor, if they didn't have id, if we caught them in any kind of lie, if they faught or if we have caught them before were the guidelines to refer to the police.

Im not misreading, my point was these people were already SUSPECT of breaking a law,, it isnt against the law to be a passenger in a car or to be walking down the street so there would not be sufficient grounds to REQUIRE a physical id from anyone doing so, a name and social can be just as easily verified

not everyone is as honest as you... cops have been lied to before, and will be lied to again.

true , and IF non compliant or lying, it would be grounds for further investigation

RoamingOrator's photo
Thu 07/29/10 06:58 PM
Edited by RoamingOrator on Thu 07/29/10 06:59 PM

I think what Obama meant when he promised "hope and change" is that HE HOPED he would win the election, and planned on putting 'change' in his own pocket.

I think it was more we (the people) "Hoped" things would "Change."

Turned out to be same sh** different day.

That's why I'm voting Libertarian this fall.

And that is a vote for Obama.

NO, it's a vote for someone who currently is outside of a broken system. Only a fool thinks voting third party is a vote for the party in power. It's a voice of dissent. It's a show of disapporval. It's a step in the right direction.

Besides, I live in KANSAS. Any vote that isn't Republican, doesn't really count. We haven't voted Democrat here since, well, never. Even so, our Democrats are Republicans in sheeps clothing.

If I wanted to vote for Obama, I'd being supporting the Democrat. This is politics, not rocket science.

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