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Topic: Lets go topicless... - part 80
delilady's photo
Fri 07/23/10 03:29 AM

helloooooO...anybody here ??
hmmm looks like I have the place all to myself..wonder what kind of trouble I can get into pitchfork
I guess we know who is leaving the cereal bowls around now!

no photo
Fri 07/23/10 11:43 AM

helloooooO...anybody here ??
hmmm looks like I have the place all to myself..wonder what kind of trouble I can get into pitchfork
I guess we know who is leaving the cereal bowls around now!
just don't look under the sofa whoa

no photo
Fri 07/23/10 03:53 PM
Edited by SolitaryMan52402 on Fri 07/23/10 03:54 PM

carold's photo
Fri 07/23/10 03:59 PM
waving TGIF:banana:

BettyB's photo
Fri 07/23/10 04:05 PM
I know TGIF bigsmile

no photo
Fri 07/23/10 04:07 PM
bbl gota catch the news

5x10's photo
Fri 07/23/10 04:14 PM

kidztales's photo
Fri 07/23/10 04:16 PM
Hi Jayne, Mary, Tim, Betty & Jerry! Hope I didn't forget anybody. happy

carold's photo
Fri 07/23/10 04:18 PM

Hi Jayne, Mary, Tim, Betty & Jerry! Hope I didn't forget anybody. happy
Yeah Debwaving

kidztales's photo
Fri 07/23/10 04:18 PM
Hey Tim & Mary. I just saw on tonight's news that Iowa is getting hit! Are you guys ok? what

kidztales's photo
Fri 07/23/10 04:20 PM

Hi Jayne, Mary, Tim, Betty & Jerry! Hope I didn't forget anybody. happy
Yeah Debwaving

Hi Carol! waving

5x10's photo
Fri 07/23/10 04:21 PM

Hey Tim & Mary. I just saw on tonight's news that Iowa is getting hit! Are you guys ok? what

Hi Deb, Lots of flooding up north, more rain here tonight

kidztales's photo
Fri 07/23/10 04:22 PM

Hey Tim & Mary. I just saw on tonight's news that Iowa is getting hit! Are you guys ok? what

Hi Deb, Lots of flooding up north, more rain here tonight

Stay safe flowerforyou

no photo
Fri 07/23/10 04:23 PM

Hey Tim & Mary. I just saw on tonight's news that Iowa is getting hit! Are you guys ok? what
we didn't get that much, but go north and there in bad shape


carold's photo
Fri 07/23/10 04:24 PM

Hi Jayne, Mary, Tim, Betty & Jerry! Hope I didn't forget anybody. happy
Yeah Debwaving
Maybe I should check the news too and see what is goin on.

5x10's photo
Fri 07/23/10 04:30 PM

Hey Tim & Mary. I just saw on tonight's news that Iowa is getting hit! Are you guys ok? what
we didn't get that much, but go north and there in bad shape


We are suppose to get a storm in the middle of the night...again.

Tim, Betty keeps sending me pics and it won't go through, however, regular emails from her does. Do you know why this is happening? Carol even tried to forward the pics last night and her's did not go through either....strange

BettyB's photo
Fri 07/23/10 04:31 PM
Hi everybodyflowerforyou
We got hit pretty bad this am.Real heavy downpours,caused lots of flooding.

Mary I resent it ,can you see if it worked?Thanks.

no photo
Fri 07/23/10 04:31 PM

Hey Tim & Mary. I just saw on tonight's news that Iowa is getting hit! Are you guys ok? what
we didn't get that much, but go north and there in bad shape


We are suppose to get a storm in the middle of the night...again.

Tim, Betty keeps sending me pics and it won't go through, however, regular emails from her does. Do you know why this is happening? Carol even tried to forward the pics last night and her's did not go through either....strange
let me give it a shot

kidztales's photo
Fri 07/23/10 04:31 PM

Hey Tim & Mary. I just saw on tonight's news that Iowa is getting hit! Are you guys ok? what
we didn't get that much, but go north and there in bad shape


We are suppose to get a storm in the middle of the night...again.

Tim, Betty keeps sending me pics and it won't go through, however, regular emails from her does. Do you know why this is happening? Carol even tried to forward the pics last night and her's did not go through either....strange

Are talking about sending pix over email or on this site? How would you send them on here?

kidztales's photo
Fri 07/23/10 04:33 PM

Hi everybodyflowerforyou
We got hit pretty bad this am.Real heavy downpours,caused lots of flooding.

Mary I resent it ,can you see if it worked?Thanks.

Where are you at, Betty?

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