Topic: Water Skiing
Down2earthdebbie's photo
Sun 07/18/10 05:14 AM
I have been having a BLAST this SUMMER! Friday night went out with friends & we had a BLAST :banana: Now i'm up so damn early & getting ready to go to the LAKE water skiing! Were having a BBQ .............then Tahoe at the end of the MONTH & TEXAS next month! This is the BEST summer ever! :thumbsup: winking

USmale47374's photo
Sun 07/18/10 07:03 AM
Happy to hear that you're enjoying it. Morning is the best time for skiiers to avoid rough water. Definitely the best time for slolom skiiers. Enjoy!

no photo
Sun 07/18/10 07:10 AM
I used to love to water ski but cant anymore with my bad knee!!

Down2earthdebbie's photo
Wed 07/21/10 01:58 AM

I used to love to water ski but cant anymore with my bad knee!!
Ha I need a knee replacement! Only that does NOT stop me from Hiking,Boxing or doing anything that I love!