Topic: the myth that "all muslims are terrorists" (article) | |
CNN, yea such a reliable source. ![]() actually, according to a study released by Duke University and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and From 1980 to 2005, According to FBI Database the data seems to include pretty reliable sources,,, key word there "seems" that makes it all true.. when you have some, look some of this stuff up for yourself. you might be surprised. I have looked some of this stuff up (in real books) and I'm still not impressed by the anti-muslim fanatics. |
I'm sorry Joe. I thought you were stating that all Muslims are responsible. You obviously believe there is a difference between true Muslim practice and "fanaticals". no, i believe there is good and bad in every group.. it does bother me that the Muslims that are not involved don't do anything to stop it tho... but then again, maybe they are, in their own way |
CNN, yea such a reliable source. ![]() actually, according to a study released by Duke University and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and From 1980 to 2005, According to FBI Database the data seems to include pretty reliable sources,,, key word there "seems" that makes it all true.. when you have some, look some of this stuff up for yourself. you might be surprised. I have looked some of this stuff up (in real books) and I'm still not impressed by the anti-muslim fanatics. ok, to each their own.. |
I'm sorry Joe. I thought you were stating that all Muslims are responsible. You obviously believe there is a difference between true Muslim practice and "fanaticals". no, i believe there is good and bad in every group.. it does bother me that the Muslims that are not involved don't do anything to stop it tho... but then again, maybe they are, in their own way A Muslim friend says that the Muslims who lived in Iran during the Ayatollah's takeover lived thorough such hell, they would be too afraid of backlash to speak out ever again. From some of the stories she's told me...don't really blame them. ![]() American born Muslims should be crying out in huge numbers though...I agree. |
Here is Wrights opinion.
Rev. Jeremiah Wright: Jews Control Flow of Info Wednesday, 30 Jun 2010 12:38 PM Article Font Size By: Ronald Kessler As might be expected, the mainstream media have ignored the latest rant from the Rev. Jeremiah Wright Jr., President Obama’s minister, friend, sounding board, and mentor for 20 years. As reported recently by the New York Post, Wright told a seminar he taught at the University of Chicago that Jews control the flow of worldwide information and oppress blacks in Israel and in the United States. “White folk done took this country,” Wright said. “You’re in their home, and they’re gonna let you know it.” Addressing blacks in his class, Wright said, “You are not now, nor have you ever been, nor will you ever be, a brother to white folk. And if you do not realize that, you are in serious trouble.” Wright said the educational system in America is designed by whites to mis-educate blacks “not by benign neglect but by malignant intent.” The civil-rights movement was never about racial equality, Wright said. Instead, “It was always about becoming white . . . to master what [they] do.” He added, “We probably have more African-Americans who’ve been brainwashed than we have South Africans who’ve been brainwashed.” Finally, Wright stood up for Nation of Islam head Louis Farrakhan, who has made serial anti-Semitic and anti-white comments, documented on the Anti-Defamation League’s website. Wright criticized black leaders for “cuttin’ and duckin’” at the mention of Farrakhan’s name. During the 20 years Obama sat in his pews, hate speech was Wright’s specialty. In sermons, he claimed America created the AIDS virus to kill off blacks. His church’s website and newsletters were replete with screeds against Israel. Yet Obama, in his speech disavowing Wright in Philadelphia, said of his self-described longtime friend and adviser, “Not once in my conversations with him have I heard him talk about any ethnic group in derogatory terms, or treat whites with whom he interacted with anything but courtesy and respect.” That is as believable as a friend and mentor of Adolf Hitler saying he never heard him disparage Jews. I first encountered Obama’s penchant for fabrication when I wrote a Newsmax story revealing that Wright had given an award to Farrakhan. After the story was picked up, Obama claimed that the award was for Farrakhan’s work with ex-prisoners. But the award citation and Wright’s own description made no mention of ex-prisoners. Instead, the award citation explicitly said it was given for Farrakhan’s “lifetime achievement.” During the presidential campaign, if Mitt Romney had pulled a similar story out of thin air, the media would have been all over him. Infatuated with Obama, the media ignored his prevarication. The media also accepted the mythology that Obama included in his Philadelphia speech to try to excuse Wright’s racism. Obama said that as a black man growing up in the 1960s, Wright had memories of “humiliation and doubt and fear [that] have not gone away.” In fact, Wright attended Philadelphia’s elite Central High, which admits only highly qualified applicants who are privileged to attend from all over the city. When Wright attended Central High, the student body was 90 percent white. At least three-quarters of the students were Jewish. Former students say racial tension did not exist. It was Hitler who came up with the propaganda technique referred to as the “Big Lie.” The idea was to concoct a lie so colossal that no one would believe that someone “could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously,” Hitler wrote in his book “Mein Kampf.” That description perfectly fits Obama’s claim that Wright never disparaged any ethnic group to him. It has to be his biggest fabrication. In the meantime, Obama’s failure to come clean about his own involvement with a bigot gives us a revealing glimpse into his attitudes and character. Ronald Kessler is chief Washington correspondent of |
I'm sorry Joe. I thought you were stating that all Muslims are responsible. You obviously believe there is a difference between true Muslim practice and "fanaticals". no, i believe there is good and bad in every group.. it does bother me that the Muslims that are not involved don't do anything to stop it tho... but then again, maybe they are, in their own way A Muslim friend says that the Muslims who lived in Iran during the Ayatollah's takeover lived thorough such hell, they would be too afraid of backlash to speak out ever again. From some of the stories she's told me...don't really blame them. ![]() American born Muslims should be crying out in huge numbers though...I agree. A couple reasons they don't. Fear of retaliation or they agree with it. |
original site contains more charts and stats and external links to data- CNN recently published an article entitled Study: Threat of Muslim-American terrorism in U.S. exaggerated; according to a study released by Duke University and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, “the terrorist threat posed by radicalized Muslim-Americans has been exaggerated.” Yet, Americans continue to live in mortal fear of radical Islam, a fear propagated and inflamed by right wing Islamophobes. If one follows the cable news networks, it seems as if all terrorists are Muslims. It has even become axiomatic in some circles to chant: “Not all Muslims are terrorists, but nearly all terrorists are Muslims.” Muslims and their “leftist dhimmi allies” respond feebly, mentioning Waco as the one counter example, unwittingly affirming the belief that “nearly all terrorists are Muslims.” But perception is not reality. The data simply does not support such a hasty conclusion. On the FBI’s official website, there exists a chronological list of all terrorist attacks committed on U.S. soil from the year 1980 all the way to 2005. That list can be accessed here (scroll down all the way to the bottom). Terrorist Attacks on U.S. Soil by Group, From 1980 to 2005, According to FBI Database According to this data, there were more Jewish acts of terrorism within the United States than Islamic (7% vs 6%). These radical Jews committed acts of terrorism in the name of their religion. These were not terrorists who happened to be Jews; rather, they were extremist Jews who committed acts of terrorism based on their religious passions, just like Al-Qaeda and company. Yet notice the disparity in media coverage between the two. It would indeed be very interesting to construct a corresponding pie chart that depicted the level of media coverage of each group. The reason that Muslim apologists and their “leftist dhimmi allies” cannot recall another non-Islamic act of terrorism other than Waco is due to the fact that the media gives menial (if any) coverage to such events. If a terrorist attack does not fit the “Islam is the perennial and existential threat of our times” narrative, it is simply not paid much attention to, which in a circuitous manner reinforces and “proves” the preconceived narrative. It is to such an extent that the average American cannot remember any Jewish or Latino terrorist; why should he when he has never even heard of the Jewish Defense League or the Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros? Surely what he does not know does not exist! The Islamophobes claim that Islam is intrinsically a terrorist religion. The proof? Well, just about every terrorist attack is Islamic, they retort. Unfortunately for them, that’s not quite true. More like six percent. Using their defunct logic, these right wingers ought now to conclude that nearly all acts of terrorism are committed by Latinos (or Jews). Let them dare say it…they couldn’t; it would be political and social suicide to say such a thing. Most Americans would shut down such talk as bigoted; yet, similar statements continue to be said of Islam, without any repercussions. The Islamophobes live in a fantasy world where everyone is supposedly too “politically correct” to criticize Islam and Muslims. Yet, the reality is the exact opposite: you can get away with saying anything against the crescent. Can you imagine the reaction if I said that Latinos should be profiled because after all they are the ones who commit the most terrorism in the country? (For the record: I don’t believe in such profiling, because I am–unlike the right wing nutters–a believer in American ideals.) The moral of the story is that Americans ought to calm down when it comes to Islamic terrorism. Right wingers always live in mortal fear–or rather, they try to make you feel that way. In fact, Pamela Geller (the queen of internet Islamophobia) literally said her mission was to “scare the bejeezus outta ya.” Don’t be fooled, and don’t be a wuss. You don’t live in constant fear of radicalized Latinos (unless you’re Lou Dobbs), even though they commit seven times more acts of terrorism than Muslims in America. Why then are you wetting yourself over Islamic radicals? In the words of Cenk Uygur: you’re at a ten when you need to be at a four. Nobody is saying that Islamic terrorism is not a matter of concern, but it’s grossly exaggerated. Heavenly this article is stupid.We are at War with half the Middle east because of Islam.I really don't think I need to tell you that all Islam's peaceful or not believe that Christianity and Israel should be eliminated in any way possible.I'm sure if you did a poll with every muslim in the world and asked them should Christianity be banned 98% would say yes.It would be very interesting if we could see the statistics for total dead around the world due to Islamic terrorist attacks.Do you really think that we would get more peace if Isreal was destroyed?Your dreaming. Jews indeed have done terrorist actions in the United states.But I really don't think people are worried when a Jew gets on a airplane with them.Jews are also not blowing up people on a daily basis like the Muslims are doing.The FBI report also shows Muslim attacks only on US soil.Americans killed by Muslims in other countries and the United states reaches over 800 before 2001. I do not trust any Muslims peaceful or not.Because to this day I have never heard a single Muslim say one positive thing concerning Christianity or Israel.When ever they talk about Israel or Christianity they are saying we are wrong and must be destroyed.Maybe your deaf and blind but I'm not.I see the entire Middle east jumping up and down shouting death to Israel hear how Iran wants to blow up the United states and Israel in a "great ball of fire".Of course not a single Muslim will defend Israel or the United states or speak positive about Christianity. America's war on terrorism did not begin in September 2001. It began in November 1979. That was shortly after Ayatollah Khomeini had seized power in Iran, riding the slogan "Death to America" - and sure enough, the attacks on Americans soon began. In November 1979, a militant Islamic mob took over the U.S. embassy in Tehran, the Iranian capital, and held 52 Americans hostage for the next 444 days. The rescue team sent to free those hostages in April 1980 suffered eight fatalities, making them the first of militant Islam's many American casualties. Others included: [November 1979: 2 dead at the U.S. embassy in Islamabad. ] April 1983: 63 dead at the U.S. embassy in Beirut. October 1983: 241 dead at the U.S. Marine barracks in Beirut. December 1983: five dead at the U.S. embassy in Kuwait. January 1984: the president of the American University of Beirut killed. April 1984: 18 dead near a U.S. airbase in Spain. September 1984: 16 dead at the U.S. embassy in Beirut (again). December 1984: Two dead on a plane hijacked to Tehran. June 1985: One dead on a plane hijacked to Beirut. After a let-up, the attacks then restarted: Five and 19 dead in Saudi Arabia in 1995 and 1996, 224 dead at the U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania in August 1998 and 17 dead on the USS Cole in Yemen in October 2000. Simultaneously, the murderous assault of militant Islam also took place on U.S. soil: July 1980: an Iranian dissident killed in the Washington, D.C. area. August 1983: a leader of the Ahmadiyya sect of Islam killed in Canton, Mich. August 1984: three Indians killed in a suburb of Tacoma, Wash. September 1986: a doctor killed in Augusta, Ga. January 1990: an Egyptian freethinker killed in Tucson, Ariz. November 1990: a Jewish leader killed in New York. February 1991: an Egyptian Islamist killed in New York. January 1993: two CIA staff killed outside agency headquarters in Langley, Va. February 1993: Six people killed at the World Trade Center. March 1994: an Orthodox Jewish boy killed on the Brooklyn Bridge. February 1997: a Danish tourist killed on the Empire State building. October 1999: 217 passengers killed on an EgyptAir flight near New York City. In all, 800 persons lost their lives in the course of attacks by militant Islam on Americans before September 2001 - more than killed by any other enemy since the Vietnam War. (Further, this listing does not include the dozens more Americans in Israel killed by militant Islamic terrorists.) |
If you actually read about the events you describe, you would know that these are what the CIA calls "blowback" in retaliation for US intervention in mideast affairs(such as the stupid overthrow of the Shaw. See "A Foreign Policy Of Peace" by Ron Paul for more detail). One Example:
Iran and the West: A History of Violence by Eric Margolis Iran is celebrating the 30th anniversary of its historic Islamic revolution after three decades of siege warfare by the western powers. To understand why relations between Tehran and the West are so bitter, we must understand their historical context. Iran’s jagged relations with the West began during World War II. In 1941, the British Empire and Soviet Union jointly invaded and occupied the independent kingdom of Persia, as it was then known. This oil-motivated aggression was every bit as criminal as the German-Soviet occupation of Poland in 1939, but has been blanked out of western history texts. The Allies deposed Iran’s ruler, Reza Shah, and installed his weak, pliant son, Mohammed Reza Pahlavi, on the throne as the latest puppet ruler in the British Empire. But in 1951, a highly popular Iranian democratic leader, Mohammed Mossadegh, became prime minister and promptly nationalized Iran’s British-owned oil industry, ordering its profits be used to lift Iran from poverty rather than enriching Britain. The Shah and his entourage of western advisors fled. Two years later, US and British intelligence mounted a coup that overthrew Mossadegh, ending Iran’s first democratic government. The Shah was restored to the Peacock Throne. Iran’s oil wealth returned to British and, now, US control. Washington and London proclaimed they had won an important victory against "Communism." Washington and London set about turning Shah Pahlavi into the "gendarme of the Gulf" to protect their oil interests. The Shah quickly blossomed into a megalomaniac, styling himself the "Shah of Shahs," and "Imperial Light of the Aryans" (Iranians are an ancient Indo-European people), comparing himself to the ancient Persian emperors, Darius and Xerxes. The Shah’s relatives and Iran’s tiny ruling, western-oriented elite looted the nation, living like pre-Revolution Russian royalty. Wives of the elite flew to Paris to have their hair done for gala parties. The nation’s oil revenues went to buy large amounts of US and British arms and build gaudy palaces. The rest of Iran remained mired in abject poverty as the nouveau riche royal court flaunted its wealth. Iran’s elite put on European airs and dismissed Islam as a backwards faith of superstitious peasants. In this sense, they much resembled today’s so-called "secular" Turks who bitterly oppose Islam. Iranians who objected to the court’s lurid ostentation, Iran’s status as a Western puppet, or the looting of its oil wealth, were branded Communists or Islamic fanatics. Savak, the vastly powerful security agency, imposed a reign of terror on Iran. American and Israeli experts advised and taught Savak. Real and imagined opponents of the Shah, the Shia clergy, and leftists all fell victim to Savak, whose tortures and brutalities were legendary, even by brutal Mideast standards. Iran and Israel, both hostile to their Arab neighbors, became very close allies, to the fury of deeply religious Iranians and the Shia clergy, which strongly supported the Palestinians. The Shah even negotiated to buy Israeli missiles with nuclear warheads in exchange for a steady supply of oil. Washington offered to sell Iran 26 nuclear reactors. By the late 1970’s, the Shah’s imperial pretensions, the arrant corruption of his corrupt family, and the elite’s scorning of Islam brought Iran to a boil. In 1979, an exiled Shia religious leader, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeni, returned from exile in France and led a popular revolution that quickly overthrew the hated Shah. The US was caught flat-footed by Iran’s revolution. It had relied entirely on Savak for political information. Popular fury quickly turned against the Shah’s primary supporter, the US. Mobs stormed the US embassy, taking hostages and bringing the two nations close to war. The shredded CIA documents patiently pieced together by Iranian women showed the amazing extent of the CIA’s influence over Iran. All the CIA’s networks were rolled up. Ayatollah Khomeini proclaimed his nation’s oil wealth would be devoted to social programs. He called on the US-backed Arab oil states to follow the Koran’s teachings and share their wealth with poor Muslims everywhere. He called for the overthrow of other Mideast rulers, whom he damned as illegitimate apostates and western puppets. Washington and London immediately began planning the overthrow of Iran’s new revolutionary Islamic government which directly threatened the Anglo-American domination of the Mideast – what I call in my new book, American Raj. The CIA sought to mount a number of military coups. Forty percent of Iran’s government leaders were assassinated by the Marxist "People’s Mujahidin." In 1980, when these efforts failed to overthrow the Islamic regime, the US, Britain and their Arab oil clients got another US "gendarme" – Iraq’s Saddam Hussein – to invade Iran. The resulting bloody, eight year Iran-Iraq war cost Iran one million casualties, half of them dead. Iran suffered more dead in this war than the US did in World War II. So violent and desperate was the World War I–style trench fighting that 12-year old Iranian boys and old men went forward to clear Iraqi minefields with their bodies. The US, Britain, and the oil Arabs financed and helped arm Iraq. Israel sold Iraq a reported $5 billion in US arms and spare parts. Europe supplied Iraq with chemical weapons, food and arms. After the US Navy entered the war on Iraq’s side, Iran was forced to sue for peace. Iran lay in financial and emotional ruins, with an entire generation killed in battle or horribly maimed by Iraq’s western-supplied chemical weapons that included the burning agents mustard gas and Lewisite, chlorine, cyanide, and a variety of modern nerve gases. Rightly or wrongly, most Iranians blame the West for their historical suffering. They see the Western powers and Israel continuing efforts to overthrow their government, isolate Iran, and seize its oil. Or even launch a long-awaited air blitz against Iran’s so-far civilian nuclear program. A former commander in the Iran-Iraq War, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who led many dangerous missions behind Iraqi lines, is today the president of Iran. While Grand Ayatollah Ali Khamenei retains the nation’s real executive power, the bombastic, anti-Western Ahmadinejad speaks for much of Iran’s people. President Barack Obama, who says he wants to open serious talks with Iran and establish better relations, will have his work cut out for him. original site contains more charts and stats and external links to data- CNN recently published an article entitled Study: Threat of Muslim-American terrorism in U.S. exaggerated; according to a study released by Duke University and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, “the terrorist threat posed by radicalized Muslim-Americans has been exaggerated.” Yet, Americans continue to live in mortal fear of radical Islam, a fear propagated and inflamed by right wing Islamophobes. If one follows the cable news networks, it seems as if all terrorists are Muslims. It has even become axiomatic in some circles to chant: “Not all Muslims are terrorists, but nearly all terrorists are Muslims.” Muslims and their “leftist dhimmi allies” respond feebly, mentioning Waco as the one counter example, unwittingly affirming the belief that “nearly all terrorists are Muslims.” But perception is not reality. The data simply does not support such a hasty conclusion. On the FBI’s official website, there exists a chronological list of all terrorist attacks committed on U.S. soil from the year 1980 all the way to 2005. That list can be accessed here (scroll down all the way to the bottom). Terrorist Attacks on U.S. Soil by Group, From 1980 to 2005, According to FBI Database According to this data, there were more Jewish acts of terrorism within the United States than Islamic (7% vs 6%). These radical Jews committed acts of terrorism in the name of their religion. These were not terrorists who happened to be Jews; rather, they were extremist Jews who committed acts of terrorism based on their religious passions, just like Al-Qaeda and company. Yet notice the disparity in media coverage between the two. It would indeed be very interesting to construct a corresponding pie chart that depicted the level of media coverage of each group. The reason that Muslim apologists and their “leftist dhimmi allies” cannot recall another non-Islamic act of terrorism other than Waco is due to the fact that the media gives menial (if any) coverage to such events. If a terrorist attack does not fit the “Islam is the perennial and existential threat of our times” narrative, it is simply not paid much attention to, which in a circuitous manner reinforces and “proves” the preconceived narrative. It is to such an extent that the average American cannot remember any Jewish or Latino terrorist; why should he when he has never even heard of the Jewish Defense League or the Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros? Surely what he does not know does not exist! The Islamophobes claim that Islam is intrinsically a terrorist religion. The proof? Well, just about every terrorist attack is Islamic, they retort. Unfortunately for them, that’s not quite true. More like six percent. Using their defunct logic, these right wingers ought now to conclude that nearly all acts of terrorism are committed by Latinos (or Jews). Let them dare say it…they couldn’t; it would be political and social suicide to say such a thing. Most Americans would shut down such talk as bigoted; yet, similar statements continue to be said of Islam, without any repercussions. The Islamophobes live in a fantasy world where everyone is supposedly too “politically correct” to criticize Islam and Muslims. Yet, the reality is the exact opposite: you can get away with saying anything against the crescent. Can you imagine the reaction if I said that Latinos should be profiled because after all they are the ones who commit the most terrorism in the country? (For the record: I don’t believe in such profiling, because I am–unlike the right wing nutters–a believer in American ideals.) The moral of the story is that Americans ought to calm down when it comes to Islamic terrorism. Right wingers always live in mortal fear–or rather, they try to make you feel that way. In fact, Pamela Geller (the queen of internet Islamophobia) literally said her mission was to “scare the bejeezus outta ya.” Don’t be fooled, and don’t be a wuss. You don’t live in constant fear of radicalized Latinos (unless you’re Lou Dobbs), even though they commit seven times more acts of terrorism than Muslims in America. Why then are you wetting yourself over Islamic radicals? In the words of Cenk Uygur: you’re at a ten when you need to be at a four. Nobody is saying that Islamic terrorism is not a matter of concern, but it’s grossly exaggerated. Heavenly this article is stupid.We are at War with half the Middle east because of Islam.I really don't think I need to tell you that all Islam's peaceful or not believe that Christianity and Israel should be eliminated in any way possible.I'm sure if you did a poll with every muslim in the world and asked them should Christianity be banned 98% would say yes.It would be very interesting if we could see the statistics for total dead around the world due to Islamic terrorist attacks.Do you really think that we would get more peace if Isreal was destroyed?Your dreaming. Jews indeed have done terrorist actions in the United states.But I really don't think people are worried when a Jew gets on a airplane with them.Jews are also not blowing up people on a daily basis like the Muslims are doing.The FBI report also shows Muslim attacks only on US soil.Americans killed by Muslims in other countries and the United states reaches over 800 before 2001. I do not trust any Muslims peaceful or not.Because to this day I have never heard a single Muslim say one positive thing concerning Christianity or Israel.When ever they talk about Israel or Christianity they are saying we are wrong and must be destroyed.Maybe your deaf and blind but I'm not.I see the entire Middle east jumping up and down shouting death to Israel hear how Iran wants to blow up the United states and Israel in a "great ball of fire".Of course not a single Muslim will defend Israel or the United states or speak positive about Christianity. America's war on terrorism did not begin in September 2001. It began in November 1979. That was shortly after Ayatollah Khomeini had seized power in Iran, riding the slogan "Death to America" - and sure enough, the attacks on Americans soon began. In November 1979, a militant Islamic mob took over the U.S. embassy in Tehran, the Iranian capital, and held 52 Americans hostage for the next 444 days. The rescue team sent to free those hostages in April 1980 suffered eight fatalities, making them the first of militant Islam's many American casualties. Others included: [November 1979: 2 dead at the U.S. embassy in Islamabad. ] April 1983: 63 dead at the U.S. embassy in Beirut. October 1983: 241 dead at the U.S. Marine barracks in Beirut. December 1983: five dead at the U.S. embassy in Kuwait. January 1984: the president of the American University of Beirut killed. April 1984: 18 dead near a U.S. airbase in Spain. September 1984: 16 dead at the U.S. embassy in Beirut (again). December 1984: Two dead on a plane hijacked to Tehran. June 1985: One dead on a plane hijacked to Beirut. After a let-up, the attacks then restarted: Five and 19 dead in Saudi Arabia in 1995 and 1996, 224 dead at the U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania in August 1998 and 17 dead on the USS Cole in Yemen in October 2000. Simultaneously, the murderous assault of militant Islam also took place on U.S. soil: July 1980: an Iranian dissident killed in the Washington, D.C. area. August 1983: a leader of the Ahmadiyya sect of Islam killed in Canton, Mich. August 1984: three Indians killed in a suburb of Tacoma, Wash. September 1986: a doctor killed in Augusta, Ga. January 1990: an Egyptian freethinker killed in Tucson, Ariz. November 1990: a Jewish leader killed in New York. February 1991: an Egyptian Islamist killed in New York. January 1993: two CIA staff killed outside agency headquarters in Langley, Va. February 1993: Six people killed at the World Trade Center. March 1994: an Orthodox Jewish boy killed on the Brooklyn Bridge. February 1997: a Danish tourist killed on the Empire State building. October 1999: 217 passengers killed on an EgyptAir flight near New York City. In all, 800 persons lost their lives in the course of attacks by militant Islam on Americans before September 2001 - more than killed by any other enemy since the Vietnam War. (Further, this listing does not include the dozens more Americans in Israel killed by militant Islamic terrorists.) |
I found it interesting from the chart from the FBI database where you got your claims that 24% of domestic terrorism comes from far left groups.No mention of right wingers or Christians on that chart.As usual blaming the right for blood stained hands on the left serves no purpose on your part.While it may be true that Jews have been responsible for the majority of terrorist attacks in America their attacks typcially only left one or two people dead.Muslims have killed scores more people then the Jews did.In just two years (2005 and 2006)you had over 19,000 deaths due mainly to Islam. Incidents of terrorism worldwide 11,153 14,338 Incidents resulting in death, injury, or kidnapping of at least one individual 8,028 11,170 Incidents resulting in death of at least one individual 5,135 7,332 --Incidents resulting in the death of zero individuals 6,018 7,007 --Incidents resulting in the death of only one individual 2,881 4,091 --Incidents resulting in the death of at least 10 individuals 228 291 Incidents resulting in the injury of at least one individual 3,838 5,718 Incidents resulting in the kidnapping of at least one individual 1,152 1,334 Individuals worldwide killed, injured or kidnapped as a result of incidents of terrorism 74,217 74,543 --Individuals worldwide killed as a result of incidents of terrorism 14,618 20,498 --Individuals worldwide injured as a result of incidents of terrorism 24,761 38,191 --Individuals worldwide kidnapped as a result of incidents of terrorism 34,838 15,854 Of the 14,000 reported attacks, 45 percent-about 6600-of them occurred in Iraq where approximately 13,000 fatalities-65 percent of the worldwide total-were reported for 2006. Islam Violence against non-combatants in eastern and sub-Saharan Africa, particularly related to attacks associated with turmoil in or near Sudan and Nigeria, rose 65 percent in 2006, rising to 420 from the approximately 253 attacks reported for 2005. Islam The 749 attacks in Afghanistan during 2006 are over 50 percent more than the 491 attacks reported for 2005 as fighting intensified during the past year. Islam The number of reported incidents in 2006 fell for Europe and Eurasia by 15 percent from 2005, for South Asia by 10 percent, and for the Western Hemisphere by 5 percent. No high casualty attacks occurred in Western Europe, and only two occurred in Southeast Asia, in the southern Philippines. There were no high casualty attacks and 95 percent fewer victims of terror in 2006 in Indonesia that was attributable, at least in part, to enhanced Indonesian security measures. Worldwide terrorist attacks dropped to 11,770 in 2008 from 14,506 in 2007. The number of deaths caused by those incidents declined 30 percent, from 22,508 in 2007 to 15,765 last year. 3,315 killed by Muslims in America in 68 terror attacks from 4-1972 until 4-2010 |
Edited by
Wed 06/30/10 10:52 PM
It's nice that you can cite black-and-white facts, but you can't even answer your own question-"why"? Do some reading about the failures of America's unconstitutional foreign policy and you will understand this. Your rants address the symptom, not the cause. I see you also bring up the old "right/left" false dichotomy. This is irrelevant to the matter at hand. I assure you that I am neither left nor right. Again, do some real research and we can discuss this further. It's indeed unfortuante that you rely on outdated logic pioneered by 19th and 20th century socialists and fascists. I hope you'll put more thought into this before we chat again. Good night, HB. ![]() |
Thomas, It's nice that you can cite black-and-white facts, but you can't even answer your own question-"why"? Do some reading about the failures of America's unconstitutional foreign policy and you will understand this. Your rants address the symptom, not the cause. I see you also bring up the old "right/left" false dichotomy. This is irrelevant to the matter at hand. I assure you that I am neither left nor right. Again, do some real research and we can discuss this further. It's indeed unfortuante that you rely on outdated logic pioneered by 19th and 20th century socialists and fascists. I hope you'll put more thought into this before we chat again. Good night, HB. ![]() Well heavenly if it's wrong to bring up the old right/left dichotomy maybe you should delete the article you posted since right wing this and right wing that is mentioned in the article numerous times.As far as that being irrelevant I think you are totally wrong.A persons political ties leaning to the right or left have everything to do with terrorism.Ignoring warning signs from a persons political background when they are going extreme on either side gets innocent people killed. I don't live in the 19th and 20th century.Islamic terrorism revolves around Israel's existence and those countries that support Israel.Bin laden specifically said the 9-11 terrorist attacks were because of Americas support of Israel. As far as this brain damaged liberal way of thinking that America somehow deserved this because of it's policies.The only countries that are upset over Americas policies are the ones who have had a extremely long record of human rights violations,terrorism,slavery,misery,bondage,and supporting countries that want Israel destroyed.I don't think our policies are bad and neither does the majority of the world. Maybe you should also look at who you are defending.I think if Israel was destroyed everyone including yourself would be in a panic.The entire Middle east would become one superpower.China,Russia,North Korea,and many other countries would join the Middle east and wage a War on America to destroy it.Israel is the only thing preventing World war 3.Muslims believe that until Israel is destoryed Allah will never come back.It is written in their bible and sooner or later they will try to destroy Israel along with the United states |
Edited by
Thu 07/01/10 12:43 AM
The vast majority of muslims are peaceful, caring, thoughtful and ethical people. Unquestionably. However, a vocal militant minority
is extremely divisive, unethical, and violently murderous. Even though this minority is a very small percentage it still represents a large number of people because of the number of adherents. From the following article for example: “About 93 percent of the world’s 1.3 billion Muslims are moderates and only seven percent are politically radical, according to the poll, based on more than 50,000 interviews.” Seven percent of 1.3 billion leaves us with . . . 91 million radical Islamists. And to think we were concerned!" Unfortunately many of the 91 million estimated minority believe in violently imposing Islam on the rest of the world and many terrorist attacks have been carried out in the name of Islam in recent years including attacks on the World Trade Center, transit bombings in Europe and India, hotel bombings in Australia among many others. see: Obsession: Radical Islam's War Against the West bottom line almost no one thinks all muslims are terrorists but the global terrorism we are all struggling with is predominantly due to radical islamists. we are not dealing with radical Baha'i terrorism here... ![]() |
Of course not a single Muslim will defend Israel or the United states or speak positive about Christianity. Thomas, This is an insultingly over exaggerated statement. Surely you don't truly believe that because YOU'VE never heard a Muslim say anything POSITIVE about Christianity, all Muslims want to kill westerners. How many Muslims have you heard, and when was the last time you said something positive about a religion that goes against the traditions you personally believe in? It’s highly uncommon to compliment or encourage a religious belief you don’t support, but that doesn’t mean you want them dead, does it? If you don’t believe there are Muslims who differ from the radical practices the terrorists employ, and came to the U.S. to escape their cruel form of government, take a closer look at your own example of the Ayatollah…there are two sides to this coin. The Shah was PRO- American, with a good portion of his country behind him. It wasn’t for lack of support that he left, there were two contributing factors that outweighed the huge numbers in his country who were backing him; first, the Ayatollah came in with mercenaries from all over the middle east…most of whom did not even believe in his cause, but simply followed orders, and secondly, the threat of Russia knocking at the border doors. The Ayatollah did not come to power with the support of the Iranian population. Huge numbers of Muslims died fighting his forces. Want another reason? Ask Jimmy Carter how his promises to support a westernized Iran turned out. That no Muslim will defend America is simply not true. I personally know 2 American Muslim men who have died fighting for America. I know one other who is fighting in Iraq now…and I don’t know that many people, so have to assume there are many more Muslims defending America. This is not my opinion…this is a fact. There are Muslims who defend America. |
Thomas, It's nice that you can cite black-and-white facts, but you can't even answer your own question-"why"? Do some reading about the failures of America's unconstitutional foreign policy and you will understand this. Your rants address the symptom, not the cause. I see you also bring up the old "right/left" false dichotomy. This is irrelevant to the matter at hand. I assure you that I am neither left nor right. Again, do some real research and we can discuss this further. It's indeed unfortuante that you rely on outdated logic pioneered by 19th and 20th century socialists and fascists. I hope you'll put more thought into this before we chat again. Good night, HB. ![]() Well heavenly if it's wrong to bring up the old right/left dichotomy maybe you should delete the article you posted since right wing this and right wing that is mentioned in the article numerous times.As far as that being irrelevant I think you are totally wrong.A persons political ties leaning to the right or left have everything to do with terrorism.Ignoring warning signs from a persons political background when they are going extreme on either side gets innocent people killed. I don't live in the 19th and 20th century.Islamic terrorism revolves around Israel's existence and those countries that support Israel.Bin laden specifically said the 9-11 terrorist attacks were because of Americas support of Israel. As far as this brain damaged liberal way of thinking that America somehow deserved this because of it's policies.The only countries that are upset over Americas policies are the ones who have had a extremely long record of human rights violations,terrorism,slavery,misery,bondage,and supporting countries that want Israel destroyed.I don't think our policies are bad and neither does the majority of the world. Maybe you should also look at who you are defending.I think if Israel was destroyed everyone including yourself would be in a panic.The entire Middle east would become one superpower.China,Russia,North Korea,and many other countries would join the Middle east and wage a War on America to destroy it.Israel is the only thing preventing World war 3.Muslims believe that until Israel is destoryed Allah will never come back.It is written in their bible and sooner or later they will try to destroy Israel along with the United states It's true that the article uses terms like left/right, but this is acceptable in an analytical political article-just as historians use those terms to describe certain key people in the French Revolution. |
FORT HOOD, Texas — A military mental health doctor facing deployment overseas opened fire at the Fort Hood Army post on Thursday, setting off on a rampage that killed 12 people and left 31 wounded, Army officials said.
Authorities said immediately after the shootings that they had killed the suspected shooter, but later in the evening they recanted and said that he was alive and in stable condition at a hospital, watched by a guard. “His death is not imminent,” said Lt. Gen. Bob Cone at Fort Hood. He offered little explanation for the mistake, other than to say there was confusion at the hospital. A law enforcement official identified the shooting suspect as Army Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to discuss the case publicly. The violence was believed to be the worst mass shooting in history at a U.S. military base. The shooting began around 1:30 p.m., when shots were fired at the base’s Soldier Readiness Center, where soldiers who are about to be deployed or who are returning undergo medical screening, Cone said. It was unclear what the motive was, though it appeared he was upset about a scheduled deployment. U.S. Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison said the Army major was about to deploy overseas, though it was unclear if he was headed to Iraq or Afghanistan and when he was scheduled to leave. Hutchison said she was told about the upcoming deployment by generals based at Fort Hood. just so you didn't miss it his name was "Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan." he didn't want to go kill his own people, so 43 people here got texas, at ft. hood, our soldiers and police. and they are keeping him alive right now, by guarding him and making him wear bullet proof vests... at our cost, needless to say |
You falsely assume the causal factor is his Muslim-ness. People here made the same fallacious connection to German-ness during the 30's and 40's. If the author would dig deeper into the story, he would probably find that Hassan has serious psychological problems. Psychologists in and out of the Armed Forces know that there is a significant correlation between military service and spousal abuse, so that is probably the greater causal factor.
FORT HOOD, Texas — A military mental health doctor facing deployment overseas opened fire at the Fort Hood Army post on Thursday, setting off on a rampage that killed 12 people and left 31 wounded, Army officials said. Authorities said immediately after the shootings that they had killed the suspected shooter, but later in the evening they recanted and said that he was alive and in stable condition at a hospital, watched by a guard. “His death is not imminent,” said Lt. Gen. Bob Cone at Fort Hood. He offered little explanation for the mistake, other than to say there was confusion at the hospital. A law enforcement official identified the shooting suspect as Army Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to discuss the case publicly. The violence was believed to be the worst mass shooting in history at a U.S. military base. The shooting began around 1:30 p.m., when shots were fired at the base’s Soldier Readiness Center, where soldiers who are about to be deployed or who are returning undergo medical screening, Cone said. It was unclear what the motive was, though it appeared he was upset about a scheduled deployment. U.S. Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison said the Army major was about to deploy overseas, though it was unclear if he was headed to Iraq or Afghanistan and when he was scheduled to leave. Hutchison said she was told about the upcoming deployment by generals based at Fort Hood. just so you didn't miss it his name was "Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan." he didn't want to go kill his own people, so 43 people here got texas, at ft. hood, our soldiers and police. and they are keeping him alive right now, by guarding him and making him wear bullet proof vests... at our cost, needless to say |
Edited by
Fri 07/02/10 02:09 PM
ou falsely assume the causal factor is his Muslim-ness. People here made the same fallacious connection to German-ness during the 30's and 40's. If the author would dig deeper into the story, he would probably find that Hassan has serious psychological problems. Psychologists in and out of the Armed Forces know that there is a significant correlation between military service and spousal abuse, so that is probably the greater causal factor.
------------------------------------------------------------------- no falsenees there, HB he has admited it over 20 times since then... read up. This happened about a year ago, and in texas, it's still in the news a lot. And yes, anyone who opens fire on 43 people has issues, duh. |
ou falsely assume the causal factor is his Muslim-ness. People here made the same fallacious connection to German-ness during the 30's and 40's. If the author would dig deeper into the story, he would probably find that Hassan has serious psychological problems. Psychologists in and out of the Armed Forces know that there is a significant correlation between military service and spousal abuse, so that is probably the greater causal factor. ------------------------------------------------------------------- no falsenees there, HB he has admited it over 20 times since then... read up. This happened about a year ago, and in texas, it's still in the news a lot. And yes, anyone who opens fire on 43 people has issues, duh. "Falseness" is different than fallacy (the latter of which you employed in your post). |
Six months ago, the FBI made inquiries into his background because of Internet postings apparently in support of suicide bombers.
He also became more and more vocal about his opposition to the war. Retired Colonel Tery Lee, who worked with Hasan, said: ‘He was making outlandish comments condemning our foreign policy and claimed Muslims had the right to rise up and attack Americans.’ A few hours before launching his attack, he was seen on a security video in a shop near the base wearing a white cap and white robe. His aunt, Noel Hasan, said he had been harassed about being a Muslim and wanted out of the Army. ‘Some people can take it and some people cannot,’ she said Read more: |
ou falsely assume the causal factor is his Muslim-ness. People here made the same fallacious connection to German-ness during the 30's and 40's. If the author would dig deeper into the story, he would probably find that Hassan has serious psychological problems. Psychologists in and out of the Armed Forces know that there is a significant correlation between military service and spousal abuse, so that is probably the greater causal factor. ------------------------------------------------------------------- no falsenees there, HB he has admited it over 20 times since then... read up. This happened about a year ago, and in texas, it's still in the news a lot. And yes, anyone who opens fire on 43 people has issues, duh. "Falseness" is different than fallacy (the latter of which you employed in your post). you said i falsely assume... |