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Topic: neck tattoos
chelsea466's photo
Sun 06/27/10 12:22 PM
I have been thinking about getting a tattoo on my neck for quite some time. I was wondering does it hurt more there than what it would somewhere else?

newarkjw's photo
Sun 06/27/10 12:24 PM
As Brian Setzer said never get a tatoo on your body that will be visible in court........smokin

chelsea466's photo
Sun 06/27/10 12:29 PM

As Brian Setzer said never get a tatoo on your body that will be visible in court........smokin

But I'm not a bad girl.. I wouldn't have to go to court.. spock

AndyBgood's photo
Sun 06/27/10 12:36 PM


Gouache too!


Again IMOHO...

msmyka's photo
Sun 06/27/10 12:59 PM

Yes, it hurts like a biotch. Of all the places I've been tattoos it hurt almost the worst of any of them.

MusictomyEars's photo
Sun 06/27/10 01:46 PM
i dont think you should worry if it would hurt less anywhere else if you want one on you neck, the tatoo will last alot longer than the pain, it prob will hurt a bit tho

msmyka's photo
Sun 06/27/10 01:49 PM

i dont think you should worry if it would hurt less anywhere else if you want one on you neck, the tatoo will last alot longer than the pain, it prob will hurt a bit tho

Very true, mine hurt but it was worth it. Tattoos are supposed to hurt!

chelsea466's photo
Sun 06/27/10 03:38 PM
I almost cried when I had the one on my upper thigh done. I love tattoos though.. It will be one for my daughter so the pain will deffinitly be worth it :heart:

motowndowntown's photo
Mon 06/28/10 04:40 PM
Instead of spending five hundred bucks for a good tattoo or a hundred fifty for a crappy one, what not take that money and put it in a fund for your kids college education?

msmyka's photo
Mon 06/28/10 04:41 PM
Seriously? Who are you to suggest what she does with her money?

motowndowntown's photo
Mon 06/28/10 04:50 PM
Scuse me. It's just a suggestion.
But what do you think that daughter is going to appreciate more, her moms tattoo, or a couple a thousand bucks for a good education?

msmyka's photo
Mon 06/28/10 04:54 PM
Let her worry about that, she wasn't asking for your opinion on how to spend her money. She's asking about tattoos. If you don't the subject post somewhere else.

motowndowntown's photo
Mon 06/28/10 04:56 PM
Hit a nerve???

msmyka's photo
Mon 06/28/10 04:59 PM
I love tattoos, have quite a few and don't at all mind spending the money for them. What if someone told you, basically, that you shouldn't spend YOUR money on something you want?

motowndowntown's photo
Mon 06/28/10 05:01 PM
It was a suggestion. It wasn't a comment on tattoos.

Geez lighten up.

msmyka's photo
Mon 06/28/10 05:03 PM
Let's say you start a thread about model airplanes because you love building and collecting them. Someone comes in and says "You know why don't you save that money and invest it instead?"

How much sense does a comment like that make in your thread about model airplanes?

motowndowntown's photo
Mon 06/28/10 05:08 PM
I would say thanks but no thanks. I don't have any kids to support. But if I did I would make sure their needs for the future are taken care of before I bought so much as a tube of glue. I would also say that the investments I already have allow me to live quite comfortably.

msmyka's photo
Mon 06/28/10 05:11 PM
So her getting a tattoo means she's not responsible enough to provide for an education for her kids? Awesome logic. Love the BULLSHlT stigma that comes with people who have tattoos.

msmyka's photo
Mon 06/28/10 05:11 PM
And don't tell me this is not about tattoos because if it was about photography or knitting we wouldn't be having this conversation.

chelsea466's photo
Tue 06/29/10 06:16 AM
I have to agree msmyka.

I am investing some money into a tattoo that I feel that I deserve after my daughter has everything she could ever ask for and more. I would not go out and spend the money on a tattoo if I knew it would jepordize anything. How do you know I don't already have money invested for her and I am continuing to invest? Oh it must be the fact that I am young and "irresponsible"!

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