Topic: WoW, found this interesting never knew it was this close | |
This is one thing about statistics. Unless you know the actual situation, the stats alone can't really be used to reveal the truth. All you can do is jump to conclusions based on what you think might have been the sequence of events
Exactly - correlation does not imply causation. There might be no causal relationship at all. I agree that that any cause-effect relationship that might exist might also work in the opposite direction as one might first think - dense children getting spanked for being dense, rather than spanking causing children to become dense. It might also be that both are a consequence of some other cause. A child is hyper, therefore he is both spanked more and lacks the focus to develop his intelligence. A student is an undisciplined hedonist, therefore they both drink more and fail at their studies. A person enjoys caring for others, therefore they have a pet and they are happier. nice examples |
Gee, I wutt'n even playin' in 'dis sanbox... ![]() Hello everyone who I like! ![]() ![]() ![]() Since we tend to like the people who like us - I'm assuming we share a mutual like. HI CREATIVE ![]() |
However, I personally don't give these studies any merit because of how they measure IQ. Quite often IQ tests actually require a certain degree of education (which has nothing to do with intelligence), so if these states were taken in a place where the white subjects just happen to be more educated than the black subjects then clearly the results are going to be affected by that. Never trust the statisticians because they inevitably ignore important details. ![]() Well, it's often been said: There are lies-- there are DAMN lies-- and then there are statistics. :) If one want's to impeach the IQ statistics, all one need do is ask better, more skeptical questions. Such as "Ummm, were the tests predominately been written by whites? Did the tests not take into account or test for cultural differences? Just as with religion, it often depends who is doing the sifting and writing. And many times, the people doing it want awfully badly for their data to dance to their assertions and conclusions, sooooo guess what? It does. When I thumb open my childhood copy of the Bible and look at the depictions there, they _always_ show Jesus as being a bearded Caucasian. What are the chances of _that_ being the truth? And without thinking, I'll bet a LOT of people think Jesus spoke English his whole time on Earth. They do, so he probably did too? Ah, the eye of the beholder... -Kerry O. |
"Science and Religion (faith in the unknown/unknowable) are two completely separate ideologies. "
Readykeulous, I agree. (Except that science is not an ideology. But that does not disprove the differentness of religion from science.) This is what they do now. In the old days, back 1000 years and before, give or take, religion was very much a science as well. It answered the same questions that man asked as today's science does exactly that; and religion also attempted to make predictions. "Respect your parents so you will live a long life on earth" was a prediction. It had the statistical precision of today's charts that tell you when you will die, based on your diet and lifestyle. The son of a friend was studying to become an ambulance attendant, and he had one of these charts. We filled it out and I was supposed to be dead by 32. It was scientific, and yet at least 80% off target. Mind you, I detected even at the time a hint of educational dabble, meaning that the chart was used to scare people like me into quitting smoking and eating less raw bacon. "The world will end with the judgement day." Today's science has an even less determinant day for Earth's expiry date: somewhere between 500 thousand years from now to two billion years from now, when our sun becomes a red giant and swallows our blob. Globe. "The meek shall inherit the Earth." The non-meek will go to heaven or hell. Today's science says that we're destroying our planet, so the meek are getting a really raw deal. "Circumcise your male newborn, and I'll take care of your nation." Comme si, comme ca. No big favours granted so far, it's been crappy for us Jews. Okay, since Israel was established, we have a stronger footing in the international community, but still at least a billion people want us all dead a.s.a.p. Yeah, we can use the protection, but I won't pay for it with my foreskin. It's like we can still have sex, but no foreplay, that's forbidden, or cut off. What's the good of it then? Sh'ma o Yisroel. |
"The meek shall inherit the Earth." The non-meek will go to heaven or hell. Today's science says that we're destroying our planet, so the meek are getting a really raw deal. So true! And I've always identified with that group too. ![]() I want no part of Heaven or Hell, so that automatically makes me 'meek'. ![]() I just hope before god gives the Earth to the meek he waves his magick wand over it and restores it to the perfection of the Garden of Eden without any carnivours animals, including mosquitoes that suck blood (make them like humming birds and have them suck nectar instead). Snakes are ok as long as they don't bite. Where's the suggestion box? |
Since we tend to like the people who like us - I'm assuming we share a mutual like.
HI CREATIVE Hi dear... long time no see. I hope that you're well and still playing pool! ![]() ![]() Looking back at how that was worded... hmmmmm... it certainly implies that there were some whom I do not like. Self-destructiveness is still in me, I suppose... I should have said hello to everyone... ![]() Hello everyone! Good points all around here! Please...... continue! |
only two seeds in the earth - God's seed, and the serpent's seed - either a person's heart is Godward, or it isn't - quite simple actually
only two seeds in the earth - God's seed, and the serpent's seed - either a person's heart is Godward, or it isn't - quite simple actually Right!! If it were any simpler, you wouldn't need to be a Christian even to understand it. |
not to offend, but this makes me think of a similar comparison my mom once mentioned,,,,, in the correlation between lower intelligence and spanking,,,,which came first? did they get more spankings because they were too dense to get it the first time, or were they dense because they got so many spankings,,,,, boggles the mind ![]() Not to offendi, but the women who literally BEG me to spank them before, during, and after sex, are usually very bright, happy, well adjusted pervs, and they have an optimistic outlook on life. Like "I'm going to get spanked tonight, Yippeee!!" |
only two seeds in the earth - God's seed, and the serpent's seed - either a person's heart is Godward, or it isn't - quite simple actually That's the "us versus them" mentality. This is the kind of thinking that places all atheists in Satan's camp no matter how well-intentioned and wholesome they might be. This is the kind of thinking that Crusaders are made of. Then, if you define "alignment with God" to actually be "alignment with the religion that I believe in", then everyone who does not believe in your religion becomes an enemy of your God and therefore your enemy as well. This is precisely the kind of thinking that causes things like the "Middle East Crisis" to drag on for millennia after millennia. God's seed breeds hatred and division among men evidently. For the very reason that God has enemies. When you think about it, a God who has enemies already has a major weakness. |
watermelon seeds! ![]() |
Given the two seeds mentioned, and watermelon seeds, plus the seeds below.....there are only 27 seeds in the earth!
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only two seeds in the earth - God's seed, and the serpent's seed - either a person's heart is Godward, or it isn't - quite simple actually That's the "us versus them" mentality. This is the kind of thinking that places all atheists in Satan's camp no matter how well-intentioned and wholesome they might be. This is the kind of thinking that Crusaders are made of. Then, if you define "alignment with God" to actually be "alignment with the religion that I believe in", then everyone who does not believe in your religion becomes an enemy of your God and therefore your enemy as well. This is precisely the kind of thinking that causes things like the "Middle East Crisis" to drag on for millennia after millennia. God's seed breeds hatred and division among men evidently. For the very reason that God has enemies. When you think about it, a God who has enemies already has a major weakness. I have to disagree here. This is like saying if (for some reason) you are in a part of the world that has never heard of Transylvania, or if you do not know Transylvania exists,,,,you are the enemy of Transylvania. I think it is when people try too hard to justify spiritual lines with mortal ones that confusion begins. I believe it absolutely true that noone sees The Father except through the son. In this context, yes, there are those God marks as his and those he doesnt and that is quite simple. Those who are headed toward God will not have a SPIRITUAL death. Does this mean they all will head to hell or be aligned with Satan or be Gods enemy if they DO have a spiritual death?.......nothing I have read in the Bible says so,,,,,, the human body absolutely comes to an end,,,and people accept that pretty easily. the human soul also comes to an end UNLESS saved through Jesus. so, there are two classes,,,those who will have a spiritual death and those who will have eternal spiritual life(Godward). |
the human body absolutely comes to an end,,,and people accept that pretty easily. the human soul also comes to an end UNLESS saved through Jesus. so, there are two classes,,,those who will have a spiritual death and those who will have eternal spiritual life(Godward). Well, if the people who survive spiritual death have to live with the Transylvanians, then spiritual death would be a welcome fate. ![]() |
the human body absolutely comes to an end,,,and people accept that pretty easily. the human soul also comes to an end UNLESS saved through Jesus. so, there are two classes,,,those who will have a spiritual death and those who will have eternal spiritual life(Godward). Well, if the people who survive spiritual death have to live with the Transylvanians, then spiritual death would be a welcome fate. ![]() lol, never figured you for a trans bigot,,,lol |
lol, never figured you for a trans bigot,,,lol Spreading hate for Jesus' sake is such an oxymoron. I'm pretty sure that I'm not the only one who won't be interested in living with the trans bigots. For some reason I just can't picture Jesus wanting to be around them either. I'll probably end up going to wherever he went. ![]() |
Edited by
Fri 07/09/10 03:29 PM
I dont think I am to hate those who dont choose God anymore than I should hate those who dont choose to come live in Nevada. Its a choice, like anything else, and we all have our reasons for ours....
only two seeds in the earth - God's seed, and the serpent's seed - either a person's heart is Godward, or it isn't - quite simple actually No, it's quite simply Christian dogma. And judging from how the Godward seeds acted during the Spanish Inquisition and other religious excesses, it begs the question if one might not be better off hanging out with the 'serpent seeds' (which of course only exist in the minds of Fundamentalist Christians). -Kerry O. |
I dont think I am to hate those who dont choose God anymore than I should hate those who dont choose to come live in Nevada. Its a choice, like anything else, and we all have our reasons for ours.... I know I do and it has nothing to do with a serpent's heart, violence or Evil. -Kerry O. "Sin is cruelty and injustice, all else is peccadillo. Oh, a sense of sin comes from violating the customs of your tribe. But breaking custom is not sin even when it feels so; sin is wronging another person.”-- Robert Heinlein in 'Glory Road' |