Topic: WoW, found this interesting never knew it was this close | |
The Earth...its size is perfect. The Earth's size and corresponding gravity holds a thin layer of mostly nitrogen and oxygen gases, only extending about 50 miles above the Earth's surface. If Earth were smaller, an atmosphere would be impossible, like the planet Mercury. If Earth were larger, its atmosphere would contain free hydrogen, like Jupiter.3 Earth is the only known planet equipped with an atmosphere of the right mixture of gases to sustain plant, animal and human life. existence of GodThe Earth is located the right distance from the sun. Consider the temperature swings we encounter, roughly -30 degrees to +120 degrees. If the Earth were any further away from the sun, we would all freeze. Any closer and we would burn up. Even a fractional variance in the Earth's position to the sun would make life on Earth impossible. The Earth remains this perfect distance from the sun while it rotates around the sun at a speed of nearly 67,000 mph. It is also rotating on its axis, allowing the entire surface of the Earth to be properly warmed and cooled every day. And our moon is the perfect size and distance from the Earth for its gravitational pull. The moon creates important ocean tides and movement so ocean waters do not stagnate, and yet our massive oceans are restrained from spilling over across the continents. ------------------------------------------------------------------- The eye...can distinguish among seven million colors. It has automatic focusing and handles an astounding 1.5 million messages -- simultaneously.8 Evolution focuses on mutations and changes from and within existing organisms. Yet evolution alone does not fully explain the initial source of the eye or the brain -- the start of living organisms from nonliving matter Actually none of that is miraculous when the size and scope of the universe is taken into account. There are over 70 sextillion stars just in the observable part of the universe alone. That's over 70 thousand million, million, million stars. There are also only about 100 chemical elements in the entire visible universe. So take those 100 elements and roll them out 70 sextillion times and it's no suprize that once in a great while you get something that seems truly rare. In fact, there are many mathematicians and physicists who point out the fact, that if the universe is infinite in size, and the elements truly are limited to only the few (about 100) that we know of, (give or take a few), then not only was life on earth inevitable, but it must necessarily occur infinitely often because there are only finite ways that the elements can be arranged, and the universe is infinite in scope. So from that point of view, it would be impossible for the conditions that you discribe to not arise naturally. So rather than just looking at the earth as some sort of 'freak' condition within the universe, you really need to back-up and look at the whole universe as being a 'freak' condition. But then all-of-a-sudden these ideas of 'perfection' fall away really fast. The vast majority of the universe is just dead random mistakes, and living planets like the earth are rare. If this universe was actually designed for life, then overall, it's a really inefficient design. And efficient design would have life on just about every planet and star system around. But clearly, that's not the case. Also, an efficient design wouldn't depend upon a dog-eat-dog evolution. And life of individuals would last a lot longer than a brief few decades each with only very few making it to 100 years or more. If there was an "Intelligent Designer" we'd expect life to have evolved with a very strong distinction between plants and animals and the very idea of one animal eating another animal would be unheard of and basically impossible. The mere fact that life evolved to eat itself implies that there is no "Intelligent Design" involved, at best it would be an utterly "Stupid Design". ![]() |
The Earth...its size is perfect. The Earth's size and corresponding gravity holds a thin layer of mostly nitrogen and oxygen gases, only extending about 50 miles above the Earth's surface. If Earth were smaller, an atmosphere would be impossible, like the planet Mercury. If Earth were larger, its atmosphere would contain free hydrogen, like Jupiter.3 Earth is the only known planet equipped with an atmosphere of the right mixture of gases to sustain plant, animal and human life. existence of GodThe Earth is located the right distance from the sun. Consider the temperature swings we encounter, roughly -30 degrees to +120 degrees. If the Earth were any further away from the sun, we would all freeze. Any closer and we would burn up. Even a fractional variance in the Earth's position to the sun would make life on Earth impossible. The Earth remains this perfect distance from the sun while it rotates around the sun at a speed of nearly 67,000 mph. It is also rotating on its axis, allowing the entire surface of the Earth to be properly warmed and cooled every day. And our moon is the perfect size and distance from the Earth for its gravitational pull. The moon creates important ocean tides and movement so ocean waters do not stagnate, and yet our massive oceans are restrained from spilling over across the continents. ------------------------------------------------------------------- The eye...can distinguish among seven million colors. It has automatic focusing and handles an astounding 1.5 million messages -- simultaneously.8 Evolution focuses on mutations and changes from and within existing organisms. Yet evolution alone does not fully explain the initial source of the eye or the brain -- the start of living organisms from nonliving matter Actually none of that is miraculous when the size and scope of the universe is taken into account. There are over 70 sextillion stars just in the observable part of the universe alone. That's over 70 thousand million, million, million stars. There are also only about 100 chemical elements in the entire visible universe. So take those 100 elements and roll them out 70 sextillion times and it's no suprize that once in a great while you get something that seems truly rare. In fact, there are many mathematicians and physicists who point out the fact, that if the universe is infinite in size, and the elements truly are limited to only the few (about 100) that we know of, (give or take a few), then not only was life on earth inevitable, but it must necessarily occur infinitely often because there are only finite ways that the elements can be arranged, and the universe is infinite in scope. So from that point of view, it would be impossible for the conditions that you discribe to not arise naturally. So rather than just looking at the earth as some sort of 'freak' condition within the universe, you really need to back-up and look at the whole universe as being a 'freak' condition. But then all-of-a-sudden these ideas of 'perfection' fall away really fast. The vast majority of the universe is just dead random mistakes, and living planets like the earth are rare. If this universe was actually designed for life, then overall, it's a really inefficient design. And efficient design would have life on just about every planet and star system around. But clearly, that's not the case. Also, an efficient design wouldn't depend upon a dog-eat-dog evolution. And life of individuals would last a lot longer than a brief few decades each with only very few making it to 100 years or more. If there was an "Intelligent Designer" we'd expect life to have evolved with a very strong distinction between plants and animals and the very idea of one animal eating another animal would be unheard of and basically impossible. The mere fact that life evolved to eat itself implies that there is no "Intelligent Design" involved, at best it would be an utterly "Stupid Design". ![]() Darn it.. Stupid Design. And those Cowboys who wear them pointy boots that are loose around the leggs.. All I can say is Bahhh , Bahhhh... |
Darn it.. Stupid Design. And those Cowboys who wear them pointy boots that are loose around the leggs.. All I can say is Bahhh , Bahhhh... I confess that this is the single most profound thing that keeps me open to the very real possibility of atheism. Not the pointy cowboy boots, but the fact that the world is naturally dog-eat-dog. I mean, if I were going to design a universe, that would be one of my first considerations. Having a very obvious line drawn between plants and animals, and make it so that no living animal could even eat another living thing and benefit from that. Make it so that any attempt to eat another animals would result in a very foul taste in the mouth, extremely upset stomach if you did manage to swallow it, and then you'd just throw it right back up and not get any food value from it anyway. That would prevent any animals being carnivors or dangeous. Animals wouldn't bite, they also wouldn't even have any need to fear one another. Even mosqitoes wouldn't bite. Sucking blood would be useless. This would change the world entirely! Also, why not let all plants be edible? Then there would never be any shortage of food. Hungry? Just go out and mow your lawn and have a bowl of grass clippings. ![]() What could be easier? Life would not be nearly the struggle it is, and there would be no need for animals to fear humans, or vice versa. All you need now is to make life immortal and you've got heaven. ![]() Now THAT would have been an Intelligent Design! |
Darn it.. Stupid Design. And those Cowboys who wear them pointy boots that are loose around the leggs.. All I can say is Bahhh , Bahhhh... I confess that this is the single most profound thing that keeps me open to the very real possibility of atheism. Not the pointy cowboy boots, but the fact that the world is naturally dog-eat-dog. I mean, if I were going to design a universe, that would be one of my first considerations. Having a very obvious line drawn between plants and animals, and make it so that no living animal could even eat another living thing and benefit from that. Make it so that any attempt to eat another animals would result in a very foul taste in the mouth, extremely upset stomach if you did manage to swallow it, and then you'd just throw it right back up and not get any food value from it anyway. That would prevent any animals being carnivors or dangeous. Animals wouldn't bite, they also wouldn't even have any need to fear one another. Even mosqitoes wouldn't bite. Sucking blood would be useless. This would change the world entirely! Also, why not let all plants be edible? Then there would never be any shortage of food. Hungry? Just go out and mow your lawn and have a bowl of grass clippings. ![]() What could be easier? Life would not be nearly the struggle it is, and there would be no need for animals to fear humans, or vice versa. All you need now is to make life immortal and you've got heaven. ![]() Now THAT would have been an Intelligent Design! Yahshua spoke constantly about going back to the beginning. Back then we see no animals being eaten.and then the world u would design sounds like the one to come to me.. Hey Abra Believes.. READ ALL ABOUT IT ![]() Isa 65:22-25 For as the days of a tree, so shall be the days of My people, And My elect shall long enjoy the work of their hands. 23 They shall not labor in vain, Nor bring forth children for trouble; For they shall be the descendants of the blessed of Yahweh, And their offspring with them. 24 "It shall come to pass That before they call, I will answer; And while they are still speaking, I will hear. 25 The wolf and the lamb shall feed together, The lion shall eat straw like the ox, And dust shall be the serpent's food. They shall not hurt nor destroy in all My holy mountain," Says Yahweh. Abra.s Design.. Very Good..Blessings of Shalom....MIles NKJV |
Abra.s Design.. Very Good..Blessings of Shalom....MIles NKJV Gee, I must be Yahweh. ![]() The only thing is that whoever wrote that was dreaming just like me. Clearly the real world isn't like that. In fact, I was arguing this very point in another thread. Who's to blame for a "dog-eat-dog" world? Man can't be blamed because clearly the world was dog-eat-dog before man even came onto the scene. Supposedly when God created the world he looked around and saw that it was "Good". Well, if his vision of a "Good" world is like the scripture you posted above, then clearly he doesn't think that a dog-eat-dog world is very "Good". So we're right back at square one again with just more examples of the Biblical stories contradicting themselves. |
I see that in verse 22 he says only the elect get to enjoy their work.
That's god's out for treating believers poorly. |
I see that in verse 22 he says only the elect get to enjoy their work. That's god's out for treating believers poorly. Yes it is a promice.. Like he said Choose death or Choose life. A promice to yourself |
I see that in verse 22 he says only the elect get to enjoy their work. That's god's out for treating believers poorly. Yes it is a promice.. Like he said Choose death or Choose life. A promice to yourself If it wasn't for his condemnation, we wouldn't need to choose. The same god promises death first his fall back plan is life. The orignal sin we all pay for is not human sin, it's god's, ergo I can't believe a word that lying fool says. |
It's just amazing to know how exactly complex the human body is. Strange that some people think this kind of thing could be made by accident, eg., big bang theory or something of such. Who cares where we came from, not me, and I sure don't believe in some magic space man in the sky. Just because you can't explain something, is no reason to get carried away. There is no tangible proof of any god. If you don't think that your gunna just rot like a peach after you die, more power to you. Personally, im sick of hearing people talk about god this, and god that. Look around man. You so called god simply isn't real, or he doesn't give a rats a$$. I going on the hunch that he simply doesn't exsist, rather than see him as some sick, twisted creep. Just work better for me ![]() |
It's just amazing to know how exactly complex the human body is. Strange that some people think this kind of thing could be made by accident, eg., big bang theory or something of such. ![]() This is a well known logical fallacy. I have heard Ph.D.s make the same mistake. ![]() Consider this experiment. You have a huge dart board 6 feet in diameter and you stand in the middle of it. Now, drop a dart and it lands on the board somewhere. Examine it under a microscope and you will see that the needle sharp point is touching a microns thin fiber. What was the probability that the dart would hit this exact fiber in this exact way (a very small but nonzero probability) However, what is the probability that it would strike some fiber on the board? The answer is 1. Usually people are making some sort of argument and they will say but it is SOOOO unlikely that it would happen just exactly this way!! ![]() But the answer of course is that it is absolutely certain that it would happen in one of the gazillion ways which represent the set of possible outcomes. |
I saw on the history channel just the other day where they talked about the intial life on earth being a slime. Judging from some people I know, I don't think things have evolved that much.
freeonthree wrote:
I going on the hunch that he simply doesn't exsist, rather than see him as some sick, twisted creep. Just work better for me ![]() I can certainly feel empathy for your view. I feel much the same way. If I had to choose between the biblical fables of God and atheism, then atheism is by far the more attractive choice. Fortunately, for me, I've found a really beautiful philosophy that gives me choices beyond those two. |
I saw on the history channel just the other day where they talked about the intial life on earth being a slime. Judging from some people I know, I don't think things have evolved that much. You're not supposed to judge people. That's against the teachings of the Ozzing Slime Monster. |
Edited by
Fri 06/25/10 01:08 AM
I saw on the history channel just the other day where they talked about the intial life on earth being a slime. Judging from some people I know, I don't think things have evolved that much. You're not supposed to judge people. That's against the teachings of the Ozzing Slime Monster. The lawyers'll argue with you on that point! ![]() ![]() ![]() |
It's just amazing to know how exactly complex the human body is. Strange that some people think this kind of thing could be made by accident, eg., big bang theory or something of such. so going by your logic...God also couldn't have existed by accident..that someone or something else had to have created him God didn't come into existence though, God has always been and always will be. I dont think this is something most non believers will grasp, as it seems some only accept what their MORTAL knowledge can explain,,and anything else is not possible,,, it's just that non-believers do not use the concept of faith to play like things are true truth is another philisophical argument, it is often times the thing that gets repeated and agreed with the most,,, but anyway,, I have no problem with faith equalling truth or with those who oppose that logic,,,its just that some who oppose it actually believe that none of their beliefs(opposing a belief in the God of the bible) are based upon faith ,,,,,and in doing so they often come across as pretentious , self serving, pedantic, and arrogant( and I can aknowledge that many believers do too,,,) which is why , when the tone of the conversation seems to be more about ego than information,, I take a break,,, |
It's just amazing to know how exactly complex the human body is. Strange that some people think this kind of thing could be made by accident, eg., big bang theory or something of such. so going by your logic...God also couldn't have existed by accident..that someone or something else had to have created him God didn't come into existence though, God has always been and always will be. I dont think this is something most non believers will grasp, as it seems some only accept what their MORTAL knowledge can explain,,and anything else is not possible,,, it's just that non-believers do not use the concept of faith to play like things are true truth is another philisophical argument, it is often times the thing that gets repeated and agreed with the most,,, but anyway,, I have no problem with faith equalling truth or with those who oppose that logic,,,its just that some who oppose it actually believe that none of their beliefs(opposing a belief in the God of the bible) are based upon faith ,,,,,and in doing so they often come across as pretentious , self serving, pedantic, and arrogant( and I can aknowledge that many believers do too,,,) which is why , when the tone of the conversation seems to be more about ego than information,, I take a break,,, MsHarmony....if it was only about information and not ego then you would only be posting in the Christian Singles Forum, but due to the fact that your God has an ego the size of all creation is why you post in this forum so you can brag about his ego oh God always was oh God is omnipotent oh God is omniscient oh god kills people.....oops...e.r.. I meant oh god is love believers brag about God's ego in order to boost their ego and then call it faith ...if anything.... God is Ego... and his believers arrogant |
It's just amazing to know how exactly complex the human body is. Strange that some people think this kind of thing could be made by accident, eg., big bang theory or something of such. so going by your logic...God also couldn't have existed by accident..that someone or something else had to have created him God didn't come into existence though, God has always been and always will be. you could just save a step and say the universe was always here... |
It's just amazing to know how exactly complex the human body is. Strange that some people think this kind of thing could be made by accident, eg., big bang theory or something of such. so going by your logic...God also couldn't have existed by accident..that someone or something else had to have created him God didn't come into existence though, God has always been and always will be. I dont think this is something most non believers will grasp, as it seems some only accept what their MORTAL knowledge can explain,,and anything else is not possible,,, have immortal knowledge, do you? |
This argument for the existence of God is as old as any. It basically goes like this: Life exists. Life is a miracle. Therefore it must have been created by a supernatural being. The problem is that the very same line of thinking must necessarily be applied to the supernatural being as follows: A supernatural being exists. A supernatural being is a miracle. Therefore it must have been created by a super-supernatural being. The problem with stopping with the supernatural being and claiming "The Buck Stops Here" is that there is no logical reason for that conclusion. It's just as logical to accept the life itself is the only "miracle". Not need to make up an imagined character that doesn't truly even solve the problem. In fact, if we're going to accept religious views, then which of the following should we accept? The Eastern Mystic View Yes, life is indeed miraculous and must ultimately be supernatural, therefore we must ultimately be this supernatual being experiencing this dream we percieve as life. Or: The Christian View Life is miraculous, therefore the egotistical jealous judgemental male-chauvinistic godhead that the Hebrews created in their mythology must be the correct view of the creator of life. Also, never mind that this totally inept godhead is at the mercy of a demonic fallen angel to the point where he had to desperately have his own son nailed to a pole to save a mere few human souls. The fact that this God loses the vast majority of souls that he creates should not be taken to mean that this God is a loser! Also, never mind that this whole religion is based on scriptures and fables that have become the basis of many differnet religious views and beliefs, most of which do not even accept the idea of God having his son nailed to a pole. Oh, and by the way, don't believe that Eastern Mystic crap either! Our creator is a jealous egotistical pig who lusts to be the King of Kings and Lord of Lords over what's left of his pathetic creation after his fallen demonic angel has won the vast majority of souls that he had created. Repent now! Or you'll be cast into the lot of lost souls! Yeah, that makes a lot of sense alright. ![]() I think I'll go with Eastern Mysticism, it seems a lot more straightforward. Tat t'vam asi. ![]() The humans love meunconditionally and give me offerings. I MUST be God! -The Cat ![]() |
Darn it.. Stupid Design. And those Cowboys who wear them pointy boots that are loose around the leggs.. All I can say is Bahhh , Bahhhh... I confess that this is the single most profound thing that keeps me open to the very real possibility of atheism. Not the pointy cowboy boots, but the fact that the world is naturally dog-eat-dog. I mean, if I were going to design a universe, that would be one of my first considerations. Having a very obvious line drawn between plants and animals, and make it so that no living animal could even eat another living thing and benefit from that. Make it so that any attempt to eat another animals would result in a very foul taste in the mouth, extremely upset stomach if you did manage to swallow it, and then you'd just throw it right back up and not get any food value from it anyway. That would prevent any animals being carnivors or dangeous. Animals wouldn't bite, they also wouldn't even have any need to fear one another. Even mosqitoes wouldn't bite. Sucking blood would be useless. This would change the world entirely! Also, why not let all plants be edible? Then there would never be any shortage of food. Hungry? Just go out and mow your lawn and have a bowl of grass clippings. ![]() What could be easier? Life would not be nearly the struggle it is, and there would be no need for animals to fear humans, or vice versa. All you need now is to make life immortal and you've got heaven. ![]() Now THAT would have been an Intelligent Design! To do all that, you'd have to change the fundamental laws of chemistry. But, I suppose, if one was God, that wouldn't be a problem. |