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Topic: Wiccans
BlakRosePrincess's photo
Fri 06/18/10 02:02 PM
I know wicca came from paganism and they are a lot alike. I just want to meet others who are under the newer name as wiccans.

boredinaz06's photo
Fri 06/18/10 02:54 PM


Ruth34611's photo
Sat 06/19/10 07:16 AM
Yes, Wicca is a branch of Paganism. I practiced it for a while and learned a lot. While I don't practice Wicca anymore, I still use a lot of what I learned there in my magick.

Blessed be and welcome to Mingle. flowerforyou

EquusDancer's photo
Sat 06/19/10 07:38 AM
Eclectic Shamanic practitioner here with Draconic and Fae interweaved.

Paganism is an umbrella term which covers Wicca, Druidism, Shamanism, etc. Much like Christianity is an umbrella term for Catholics, Baptists, Methodists, etc.

Welcome to Mingle!

BlakRosePrincess's photo
Sat 06/19/10 11:32 AM
Ok, umbrella, that makes better sense. I'm new to the wicca scene therefore still green blooded and willing to learn :D
What was your first spell?

Abracadabra's photo
Sat 06/19/10 04:51 PM

Ok, umbrella, that makes better sense. I'm new to the wicca scene therefore still green blooded and willing to learn :D
What was your first spell?

I just recently read a definition of Wicca on the web. I'm not sure if it's an "official" definition of Wicca, or who is in authority to make such a decision. But from what I could see, the definition was so loose and abstract that would embrace my personal spritiual views and practices. I'm not sure if that automatically makes me a "Wiccan" by definition, or if I have to actually choose to be associated with the label. laugh

As best I can tell, from this definition, a lot of Buddhists would be "Wiccans" too, whether they realize it or not.

I don't cast many spells to be perfectly honest about it. The first spell I cast was a very simple 'love spell'. Although, even though that is what the spell is called, it's not really a spell that causes someone to fall in love. It was simply a spell in which I asked to be placed in contact with a compatible potential partner.

The spell came true within the week, much to my surprise and amazement.

However, I quickly became aware that what I thought I had wanted may not be what I truly want after all. So I permitted the opportunity to slip into oblivion.

In essence it was like as if I had asked for a 747 jet to land on my property being totally unprepared for a plane of that size to safely land here. My wish was granted, but I had to flag the plane off for its own safety.

I have since come to realize that I actually prefer living alone and often times what I think I might want, is not at all what I truly want. So now I've been focusing on things I truly know I want. Like better health, and things like that. :wink:

Ruth34611's photo
Sat 06/19/10 07:40 PM
Many people call themselves Wiccan when what they really practice is an eclectic paganism. Wicca is actually a very structured religion that generally requires initiation by a Wiccan priest or priestess. Or both. I can't remember. But, there are specific rites, rituals and rules. That being said, I call myself Catholic and no self-respecting Catholic would agree. laugh

I'm not too big on labels and don't get too caught up in them. But, techinically speaking, Abra is no closer to being a real Wiccan than I am to being a true Catholic. And, I mean that in a very good way. :wink:

Abracadabra's photo
Sat 06/19/10 09:58 PM
Very true.

I'm not interested in labels, I'm only interested in spiritual ecstasy. Labels are best suited for underwear and pill bottles.

Ruth34611's photo
Sun 06/20/10 07:36 AM
laugh :thumbsup:

BlakRosePrincess's photo
Sun 06/20/10 11:43 AM
Ok, makes sense.

Ruth34611's photo
Sun 06/20/10 12:45 PM

Ok, umbrella, that makes better sense. I'm new to the wicca scene therefore still green blooded and willing to learn :D
What was your first spell?

My first spell was to find a lost item. It worked extremely well and gave me a lot of confidence for my spells after that.

bedlum1's photo
Sun 06/20/10 12:53 PM
my biggest practicing is the rule of 3, to always make sure i'm on the right path...not a spell but good to live by....
spell for dreams and serenity...i must say awsome

EquusDancer's photo
Sun 06/20/10 08:23 PM
I don't cast spells, persay, but one of my first circles was a protection and healing circle for the property I live on. It gets renewed yearly and has been amazing. I unintentionally awoke a earth dragon and she is the protector for the place. Most of my circles involve dealing with the earth, plants and animals, while a friend of mine is more human-oriented. We both deal with helping those cross over.

Ruth34611's photo
Tue 06/22/10 07:00 AM
I cast spells every single day. I don't think of it as something I do once in a while. It is a part of my life. I'm constantly casting spells. Sometimes they are elaborate and involve ritual, but most of the time I am just using my mind and my thoughts to make things happen. I have a prosperity altar, a healing altar, a protection altar and a prayer altar in my home. Since I want to keep the flow going with prosperity, health and safety I see no reason to ever stop the spells (energy flow) in those areas. They are very effective.

Ruth34611's photo
Tue 06/22/10 07:00 AM
Edited by Ruth34611 on Tue 06/22/10 07:00 AM
Duplicate post. oops

SorcererSpike's photo
Tue 07/19/11 10:11 AM
I was wondering if I should do a caging spell for someone who has feelings for me but wont tell me they love me.

EquusDancer's photo
Tue 07/19/11 12:26 PM

I was wondering if I should do a caging spell for someone who has feelings for me but wont tell me they love me.

Sure, and if the person finds out you forced them to do something against their will, you'll happily deal with the after effects, right?

Corkycat's photo
Thu 03/01/12 02:58 PM
Wicca was a term coined to make Witchcraft more acceptable. If people ask me what I am, I just answer that I'm a Witch. I don't answer that I'm Wiccan.

As for spells. Gotta be careful there. Remember one of the first ones I did 30 years ago. I was on my own at the time and a bit lonely so did a spell to attract men into my life.

Well, the spell worked except I got everything from Medalion Man to well...just about every unsuitable ugg you can imagine LOL. I ran a mile. Thankfully the spell wore off. Haven't done that one again. If I ever try that kind of spell again, I'll definitely be a bit more discerning LOL.

I try to live by the Wiccan Rede:

An' if it harm none, do as ye will"

Not an easy rule to live by.

Ruth34611's photo
Thu 03/01/12 03:20 PM
Hi Corkycat. waving

I agree about those spells. I learned some hard lessons with being very specific as well.

I guess it's possible that Wicca was created to make witchcraft more acceptable. I have heard some women say they don't like the term "witch" as it's "such an ugly word". But they are Wiccan.

However I do know Wiccans who don't practice magic. They just practice it as a religion without any witchcraft at all. I completely separate the two. One is a religion and the other is the practice of magic and spells. There are going to be plenty of people who disagree with me but that's how I view it.

The old saying goes "Ask 10 witches what witchcraft is and youll get 10 different answers."

Corkycat's photo
Fri 03/02/12 05:49 AM

Hi Corkycat. waving

The old saying goes "Ask 10 witches what witchcraft is and youll get 10 different answers."

And that is, for me, what makes it interesting.

I belong to a small Coven. Most of the rituals we do are for healing. Unfortunately, over the past year most of the healing rituals have been directed at our own members. First for my late husband who's now walking in the Summerlands, then for another whose sister, only in her 30s, who had a bad brain haemorrage - she has some brain damage, is in full-time care but they're hoping with time she will make a reasonably good recovery and return home.

We haven't had a good year health wise but these things happen.

I find the most common question I get asked when people find out I'm a Witch is "Do you dance through the woods naked?" The answer to that is no, we don't work Skyclad. 1) it would not be a pretty sight as we are all different sizes and ages, b) it is usually too cold here in the UK and c) the midges and insects would make merry LOL.

I have to admit, over the last year my faith has been tested to the limit but I hold firm. My faith and beliefs have helped me a lot, particularly when my husband was gravely ill and when he passed.

What the future holds, I don't know but I'm sure the Goddess has her reasons and so I put my faith and trust in her.

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