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no photo
Wed 06/16/10 11:21 AM
Hmm, can't really think of anything. Was on a date and he said something to me (can't remember), but my reflex was to kick him, hard and right in the shin. Oops. LOL

MelodyGirl's photo
Wed 06/16/10 11:22 AM

I went on a date and started my period, We were walking down to the beach and he whispered in my ear....I'm not trying to embaress you but did you bring extra pants? Right them my face turned completely red!!!blushing

At least he was polite and mature. flowerforyou

I'd rather he told me than get home - notice - and wonder if he noticed. surprised

I know I have a few stories but I can't think of any now. I'll come back to this thread. :angel:

luv2roknroll's photo
Wed 06/16/10 11:23 AM

my mere existance. i'm a comedy onto myself. nobody else thinks it's funny, but i'm amused......and thankful, and extremely fortunate.....and happy.drinker

Ive talked to you, and your a riot!!!

You amuse more than you even realize!

thankyou! and you are one awesome powerful being, in mind, spirit, and body. (bows respectively)drinker

luv2roknroll's photo
Wed 06/16/10 11:26 AM
Edited by luv2roknroll on Wed 06/16/10 11:27 AM

dont feel bad once i went out to dinner on a date and my date ate ribs ... and my date dropped them slid across the table onto my shirt! was a small table but my gawd!

Why do we order ribs on a date?


Ill have the lobster please.

Oh chit.....

that comes with a bib too!oops

msmyka's photo
Wed 06/16/10 11:27 AM
My ex and I were wresting around and he picked me up over his head and slammed me onto the bed (Hulk Hogan style) and the entire side of the wood bed frame cracked in half very loudly. I know it wasn't my fault but OMG did I turn red.

luv2roknroll's photo
Wed 06/16/10 11:29 AM
Edited by luv2roknroll on Wed 06/16/10 11:30 AM
I ran across the room to my bf who was sitting on the couch, and guess where I landed....

you got it.....

his crotch!surprised oops

He talked real high for a minute, but luckily I didnt break anything.

justme659's photo
Wed 06/16/10 11:52 AM
An ex BF had a smaller matress on a larger bed frame and during rigerous palaties, working the core muscles, the matress shifted and the slats fell off and we rolled on to the floor. oops

Another time for a date, I showered, shampooed and shaved to get ready and showed up at a nice resturant to have dinner. When dinner was over my pants were sticking to the back of my knee. ( I thought someone spilled something on the chair.) No one said anything, but when I got home there was a HUGE bright red spot on my pants where I cut myself shaving.slaphead

luv2roknroll's photo
Wed 06/16/10 11:54 AM
Edited by luv2roknroll on Wed 06/16/10 11:55 AM

An ex BF had a smaller matress on a larger bed frame and during rigerous palaties, working the core muscles, the matress shifted and the slats fell off and we rolled on to the floor. oops

Another time for a date, I showered, shampooed and shaved to get ready and showed up at a nice resturant to have dinner. When dinner was over my pants were sticking to the back of my knee. ( I thought someone spilled something on the chair.) No one said anything, but when I got home there was a HUGE bright red spot on my pants where I cut myself shaving.slaphead

Babe you need to wax next time....heeheee.

MelodyGirl's photo
Wed 06/16/10 11:55 AM
I thought of one (I know there are more).

I was at a football game about 20 years ago. I couldn’t get the catsup packet opened and I was trying to tear, squeeze and rip apart the stupid thing when it burst – all over the lady sitting in front of me!

I froze. I was so embarrassed. It dowsed her. I tapped her on the shoulder and explained my stupidity. She was so nice. We got her all cleaned up and I bought her a beer!

luv2roknroll's photo
Wed 06/16/10 12:02 PM

I thought of one (I know there are more).

I was at a football game about 20 years ago. I couldn’t get the catsup packet opened and I was trying to tear, squeeze and rip apart the stupid thing when it burst – all over the lady sitting in front of me!

I froze. I was so embarrassed. It dowsed her. I tapped her on the shoulder and explained my stupidity. She was so nice. We got her all cleaned up and I bought her a beer!

I got ketsup on my top yesterday, and got no beer.sad laugh

buttons's photo
Wed 06/16/10 12:05 PM

dont feel bad once i went out to dinner on a date and my date ate ribs ... and my date dropped them slid across the table onto my shirt! was a small table but my gawd!

Why do we order ribs on a date?


Ill have the lobster please.

Oh chit.....

that comes with a bib too!oops
laugh laugh

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