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Topic: Articles to remove Barry Soetoro (AKA B HusseinObama)
willing2's photo
Tue 06/08/10 11:32 AM
Articles for Removal of Office of
Barry Soetoro (AKA Barack HusseinObama)

Resolved, that Barack Hussein Obama, President of the United States, is impeached
for high crimes and misdemeanors, and that the following articles of impeachment be
exhibited to the United States Senate:

Articles of impeachment exhibited by the House of Representatives of the United States
of America in the name of itself and of the people of the United States of America,
against Barack Hussein Obama, President of the United States of America, in
maintenance and support of its impeachment against him for high crimes and

† Article I †

In his conduct while President of the United States, Barack Hussein Obama, in violation
of his constitutional oath faithfully to execute the office of President of the United States and, to the best of his ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States, and in violation of his constitutional duty to take care that the laws be faithfully executed, has:

Unlawfully exercised the authority of his office to take private property for public use in violation of the Fifth Amendment of the United States Constitution, which guarantees to
the People that “private property shall not be taken for public use without just
compensation,” and without “due process of law”;

Unlawfully interfered with the management of private companies for the purpose of
achieving government control of them, in violation of the Fifth Amendment of the United
States Constitution.

Unlawfully interfered with the economic rights of the People by imposing unreasonable
impairments in the fulfillment of their intended contractual obligations, and their ability to enter into such contracts, and attempting to change our fundamental economic system, where there is no significant or legitimate public purpose to do so.

In doing this, Barack Hussein Obama has undermined the integrity of his office, has
brought disrepute on the Presidency, has betrayed his trust as President, and has acted in
a manner subversive of the rule of law and justice, to the manifest injury of the people of the United States.

Wherefore, Barack Hussein Obama, by such conduct, warrants impeachment and trial, and removal from office and disqualification to hold and enjoy any office of honor,
trust or profit under the United States.

Continued next post.

willing2's photo
Tue 06/08/10 11:33 AM
† ArticleII †

In his conduct while President of the United States, Barack Hussein Obama, in violation
of his constitutional oath faithfully to execute the office of President of the United States and, to the best of his ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States, and in violation of his constitutional duty to take care that the laws be faithfully executed, has prevented, obstructed, and impeded the administration of justice, and to that end, through his subordinates and agents, has:

Unlawfully engaged in a conspiracy to suppress evidence of the true place of his birth.
This obstruction of justice has resulted in a violation of the Constitutional provision that a President of the United States must be a natural born citizen.

Unlawfully refused his assent to the Laws of the United States, and exercised false
powers of veto that are contrary to Constitution.

In all of this, Barack Hussein Obama has undermined the integrity of his office, has
brought disrepute on the Presidency, has betrayed his trust as President, and has acted in
a manner subversive of the rule of law and justice, to the manifest injury of the people of the United States.

Wherefore, Barack Hussein Obama, by such conduct, warrants impeachment and trial, and removal from office and disqualification to hold and enjoy any office of honor, trust or profit under the United States.

FearandLoathing's photo
Tue 06/08/10 11:35 AM
The same people that sat idly by as Bush destroyed our country are calling for the impeachment of a president that is effectively doing the same thing...this forum is honestly making less and less sense as the days wear on.

willing2's photo
Tue 06/08/10 11:42 AM

The same people that sat idly by as Bush destroyed our country are calling for the impeachment of a president that is effectively doing the same thing...this forum is honestly making less and less sense as the days wear on.

Who are those you claim sat idly by? With proof, please?

Why do you bother posting on these "allegedly" senseless topics?

AndyBgood's photo
Tue 06/08/10 11:49 AM

The same people that sat idly by as Bush destroyed our country are calling for the impeachment of a president that is effectively doing the same thing...this forum is honestly making less and less sense as the days wear on.


FearandLoathing's photo
Tue 06/08/10 11:53 AM
The lot of you sat idly by, you are included in that 'lot.' Proof? Look at the threads from Bush until Obama, not much really, I mean of course some of you defended his actions and others just didn't say anything.

I actually don't usually bother posting in these senseless topics (there is no allegedly). Most of the time I just take a look and maybe see something interesting, but to be honest, if Bush didn't get impeached you are a far cry out from getting Obama impeached.

Half of you don't know what you are talking about and the other half have no general idea about the issue anyway, a quarter of you post misinformation to which attracts the half that don't know what they are talking about and in turn attracts the other portion that don't even know. Almost every single one of you does absolutely no research on the subject and rather just read something that only fortifies your already completly wrong assumption.

Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if most of you don't even know the political process, the economical disadvantages, or the price of freedom in half of what you claim needs to be done. You simply don't research your posts to make them any sort of credible, you post things from a one-sided site that only holds the same opinion you have without looking at the opposite spectrum.

Your debate is null, it is invalid, and makes absolutely no sense whatsoever aside to people much like yourself.

willing2's photo
Tue 06/08/10 12:13 PM
I wonder how many folks knew his birth name is Barry Soetoro.

Formerly Barry Soetoro a citizen of Indonesia, Barak Hussein OBama who according the certified birth certificate, was born in Mombasa Kenya, received financial aid as a foreign student from Indonesia as an undergraduate at the school Occidental College.

"Obama" is registered as an Indonesian citizen under the name Barry Soetoro by his stepfather, Lolo Soetoro. The school card lists Barry Soetoro as a Indonesian citizen, his birth certificate indicates he was born Aug. 4, 1961 in Mombasa Kenya.

msharmony's photo
Tue 06/08/10 12:17 PM
Edited by msharmony on Tue 06/08/10 12:19 PM

I suppose the STATE of Hawaii will have to be charged with federal offenses too for they MUST Have forged the embossed and sealed certificate of birth THEY have on file,,,,

sigh,,,,much more significant and verifiable atrocities available to tie up the courts and the government than this dribble,,,

no photo
Tue 06/08/10 12:18 PM
Edited by Kings_Knight on Tue 06/08/10 12:21 PM

" ... Your debate is null, it is invalid, and makes absolutely no sense whatsoever aside to people much like yourself. ... "

Wow. Talk about bein' off topic and all out of syntax ...

Anyhow: Much as I would / could / should support the removal from the highest office in this representative republic of ours of one 'Barry Soetoro' (a/k/a 'Barack Hussein Obama'), I can't support it for the following reasons: (1) Joe Biden (say 'Gaffe-O-Matic') automatically moves from the 'on-deck' circle to the batter's box; (2) Nancy Pelossini, she of the Botoxed Bosom and Smileless Smile, would be unduly elevated beyond her present position of incompetence (in accordance with 'The Peter Principle') to the Vice-Presidency ... Those two changes are enough to prevent me from supporting the removal of 'The ONE'. Impeachment? Malfeasance in office? Treason? Hell, I think all of 'em have their place, and under circumstances changed by as little as one degree of separation, I'd be in favor of implementing ALL of 'em. Problem is, we'd just be removing ONE traitorous bastid and replacing him with TWO traitorous bastids ... that's not a 'solution', imho ... I hate contemplating the fact that we still have to wait 'til November to begin disassembling the machinery that's currently working overtime to destroy our nation ...

heavenlyboy34's photo
Tue 06/08/10 01:37 PM

The same people that sat idly by as Bush destroyed our country are calling for the impeachment of a president that is effectively doing the same thing...this forum is honestly making less and less sense as the days wear on.

I didn't sit idly by. I was against Bush's insane wars of aggression and out of control spending before it was cool to do so. smokin

Dragoness's photo
Tue 06/08/10 01:45 PM
If Bush wasn't impeachable and he had valid offenses, then there will be no way Obama will be impeached, unless the racism in this country is stronger than I suspect.

InvictusV's photo
Tue 06/08/10 02:14 PM

If Bush wasn't impeachable and he had valid offenses, then there will be no way Obama will be impeached, unless the racism in this country is stronger than I suspect.

I don't want him to go anywhere. He and his cronies are ensuring that someone with absolutely no credentials to be president will ever be elected again..

For that, I thank him..

heavenlyboy34's photo
Tue 06/08/10 02:15 PM

If Bush wasn't impeachable and he had valid offenses, then there will be no way Obama will be impeached, unless the racism in this country is stronger than I suspect.

I don't want him to go anywhere. He and his cronies are ensuring that someone with absolutely no credentials to be president will ever be elected again..

For that, I thank him..

laugh drinker

willing2's photo
Tue 06/08/10 02:42 PM

I don't want him to go anywhere. He and his cronies are ensuring that someone with absolutely no credentials to be president will ever be elected again..

For that, I thank him..

laugh drinker


After reading you three, I have to agree as well.

Come November, I believe we should get Te Party Delegates in the to assure Hussein stays neutered.

no photo
Tue 06/08/10 02:47 PM

I don't want him to go anywhere. He and his cronies are ensuring that someone with absolutely no credentials to be president will ever be elected again..

For that, I thank him..

laugh drinker


After reading you three, I have to agree as well.

Come November, I believe we should get Te Party Delegates in the to assure Hussein stays neutered.

Willing, we also need 'em in the CONVENTIONS for 2012 ... somebody's gotta keep those idiots honest 'n focused ... we just can't trust any of 'em anymore ... kinda like tryin' to herd cats ...

heavenlyboy34's photo
Tue 06/08/10 02:49 PM


I suppose the STATE of Hawaii will have to be charged with federal offenses too for they MUST Have forged the embossed and sealed certificate of birth THEY have on file,,,,

sigh,,,,much more significant and verifiable atrocities available to tie up the courts and the government than this dribble,,,

Is it any more "dribble" than the left's endless rants after the Bush v. Gore decision circa 2000? :wink:

no photo
Tue 06/08/10 02:51 PM
Edited by Kings_Knight on Tue 06/08/10 02:51 PM


I suppose the STATE of Hawaii will have to be charged with federal offenses too for they MUST Have forged the embossed and sealed certificate of birth THEY have on file,,,,

sigh,,,,much more significant and verifiable atrocities available to tie up the courts and the government than this dribble,,,

Is it any more "dribble" than the left's endless rants after the Bush v. Gore decision circa 2000? :wink:

They've never accepted the fact that it could have easily gone the other way IF ONLY Gore had managed to carry his HOME STATE ... TN thought he sucked too ...

msharmony's photo
Tue 06/08/10 03:00 PM


I suppose the STATE of Hawaii will have to be charged with federal offenses too for they MUST Have forged the embossed and sealed certificate of birth THEY have on file,,,,

sigh,,,,much more significant and verifiable atrocities available to tie up the courts and the government than this dribble,,,

Is it any more "dribble" than the left's endless rants after the Bush v. Gore decision circa 2000? :wink:

I guess it depends upon perception,, I think the premise for my concern in 2000 was the INFORMATION from MSM (not random one sided websites and pundits) when I went to bed , and what I woke up to.

The MSM called the win for Gore, why would they do that,,is it unreasonable for people to become suspicious at such an overnight change? The deciding electoral votes coming from the state where Bush brother was the Governor , I think ,was also REASONABLY suspicious.

By that same token,, the DECLARATION by Hawaiian Government officials would seem just as 'legitimate' a source as the MSM that announced Gores win. The premise that we expected a certain validity from 'valid' sources is not dribble. There was an inconsistency in what the MSM reported in that two thousand election and what actually happened and the margin of error was suspiciously dependent upon Florida.

I find no REASON behind the birthers claims of OBama not being a citizen besides random reports and pundits CLAIMING they have proof and possibly posting documents that could be from anywhere. When weighing this against GOVERNMENT STATEMENTS And DOCUMENTS, I doubt the court would consider such allegations much more than dribble.

InvictusV's photo
Tue 06/08/10 05:46 PM
Edited by InvictusV on Tue 06/08/10 05:52 PM


I suppose the STATE of Hawaii will have to be charged with federal offenses too for they MUST Have forged the embossed and sealed certificate of birth THEY have on file,,,,

sigh,,,,much more significant and verifiable atrocities available to tie up the courts and the government than this dribble,,,

Is it any more "dribble" than the left's endless rants after the Bush v. Gore decision circa 2000? :wink:

I guess it depends upon perception,, I think the premise for my concern in 2000 was the INFORMATION from MSM (not random one sided websites and pundits) when I went to bed , and what I woke up to.

The MSM called the win for Gore, why would they do that,,is it unreasonable for people to become suspicious at such an overnight change? The deciding electoral votes coming from the state where Bush brother was the Governor , I think ,was also REASONABLY suspicious.

By that same token,, the DECLARATION by Hawaiian Government officials would seem just as 'legitimate' a source as the MSM that announced Gores win. The premise that we expected a certain validity from 'valid' sources is not dribble. There was an inconsistency in what the MSM reported in that two thousand election and what actually happened and the margin of error was suspiciously dependent upon Florida.

I find no REASON behind the birthers claims of OBama not being a citizen besides random reports and pundits CLAIMING they have proof and possibly posting documents that could be from anywhere. When weighing this against GOVERNMENT STATEMENTS And DOCUMENTS, I doubt the court would consider such allegations much more than dribble.

Actually the deciding electoral votes came from Al Gore's home state of Tennessee. The state in which he LOST. Florida didn't matter if Gore had won Tennessee.. Even Mondale won Minnesota in 84.

Seems that the people that knew him best didn't want him. That says alot..

msharmony's photo
Tue 06/08/10 06:29 PM


I suppose the STATE of Hawaii will have to be charged with federal offenses too for they MUST Have forged the embossed and sealed certificate of birth THEY have on file,,,,

sigh,,,,much more significant and verifiable atrocities available to tie up the courts and the government than this dribble,,,

Is it any more "dribble" than the left's endless rants after the Bush v. Gore decision circa 2000? :wink:

I guess it depends upon perception,, I think the premise for my concern in 2000 was the INFORMATION from MSM (not random one sided websites and pundits) when I went to bed , and what I woke up to.

The MSM called the win for Gore, why would they do that,,is it unreasonable for people to become suspicious at such an overnight change? The deciding electoral votes coming from the state where Bush brother was the Governor , I think ,was also REASONABLY suspicious.

By that same token,, the DECLARATION by Hawaiian Government officials would seem just as 'legitimate' a source as the MSM that announced Gores win. The premise that we expected a certain validity from 'valid' sources is not dribble. There was an inconsistency in what the MSM reported in that two thousand election and what actually happened and the margin of error was suspiciously dependent upon Florida.

I find no REASON behind the birthers claims of OBama not being a citizen besides random reports and pundits CLAIMING they have proof and possibly posting documents that could be from anywhere. When weighing this against GOVERNMENT STATEMENTS And DOCUMENTS, I doubt the court would consider such allegations much more than dribble.

Actually the deciding electoral votes came from Al Gore's home state of Tennessee. The state in which he LOST. Florida didn't matter if Gore had won Tennessee.. Even Mondale won Minnesota in 84.

Seems that the people that knew him best didn't want him. That says alot..

still doesnt refute the complaints about the voting procedures in Florida and the fact that FLORIDAS count was the one contested in supreme court

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