Topic: What is your Native American Sign?
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Tue 06/08/10 04:55 PM

hello, i'm john as requested my dates are 10-10-19xx, i have always felt those numerals as special, please respond as i am curious, i wish you well.

For andalongcamejohn :)

The Raven

clan - butterfly
spirit keeper - spirit keeper of the west
moon - ducks-fly moon
Crystal or mineral - jasper
tree or plant - mullein
color - brown

The raven is a black bird with a wedge-shaped tail. Although ravens are found all over the world, they are most often found in the West. Their song is a loud croak, and they can sometimes become quite aggressive, although they are wary of others. Their diet consists of insects, and some eat snails and shellfish, which they drop from the air in order to break the shell. They are very group oriented and very defensive fo their territory. The raven holds tribal councils.

To Native Americans, ravens are considered birds of balance between man and nature. Almost all tribes have stories and legends relationg to the raven, usually explianing why it is black. In all of these legends, the raven begins as a white ird whose color is then changed. Sometimes this is said to be a punishment for wrongdoing, but other legends say it is a mark of rspect for the danger the bird undertook in an effort to help humans. There is a duality in the way that Native American peoples view these birds. To some the raven is a bad omen, but to others it is a sing of good luck. Ravens have been credited with both bringing back clouds and holding them away.

Those who are born under the sign of the raven are higly efficient individuals who put ideas into practice. They can be dynamic, but they may n ot always seize opportunities when they arise. Individuals born under this sign are pretty techsavvy people, so they are able ot learn and use the latest technology quite easily, and they can use it to their advantage. They try to achieve a balance in everything, so they tend to sit on the fence, weighing up all the pros and cons of a situation before making a decision. Ravens are very ambitious; they have great potential for new and successful enterprises.

People born under the sign hate discord or conflict and do not take kindly to those who cause trouble. They don't hold grudges, but if someone hurts them, they will not forget it. But they can be very diplomatic, reasonable, and impartial, and they will often do anything for a peaceful life. They are often softly spoken, which can lend authority to anything they say.

skydancingA's photo
Tue 06/08/10 05:16 PM

March 3, thank you :-)

For SkydancingA :)...

It is a nice thing you do, thank you :-)

newarkjw's photo
Tue 06/08/10 05:21 PM
Thank you Smiless.......flowerforyou

no photo
Tue 06/08/10 05:26 PM

Thank you Smiless.......flowerforyou

Thank you for the opportunity. :)

no photo
Tue 06/08/10 05:50 PM

hello, i'm john as requested my dates are 10-10-19xx, i have always felt those numerals as special, please respond as i am curious, i wish you well.

For andalongcamejohn :)

The Raven

clan - butterfly
spirit keeper - spirit keeper of the west
moon - ducks-fly moon
Crystal or mineral - jasper
tree or plant - mullein
color - brown

The raven is a black bird with a wedge-shaped tail. Although ravens are found all over the world, they are most often found in the West. Their song is a loud croak, and they can sometimes become quite aggressive, although they are wary of others. Their diet consists of insects, and some eat snails and shellfish, which they drop from the air in order to break the shell. They are very group oriented and very defensive fo their territory. The raven holds tribal councils.

To Native Americans, ravens are considered birds of balance between man and nature. Almost all tribes have stories and legends relationg to the raven, usually explianing why it is black. In all of these legends, the raven begins as a white ird whose color is then changed. Sometimes this is said to be a punishment for wrongdoing, but other legends say it is a mark of rspect for the danger the bird undertook in an effort to help humans. There is a duality in the way that Native American peoples view these birds. To some the raven is a bad omen, but to others it is a sing of good luck. Ravens have been credited with both bringing back clouds and holding them away.

Those who are born under the sign of the raven are higly efficient individuals who put ideas into practice. They can be dynamic, but they may n ot always seize opportunities when they arise. Individuals born under this sign are pretty techsavvy people, so they are able ot learn and use the latest technology quite easily, and they can use it to their advantage. They try to achieve a balance in everything, so they tend to sit on the fence, weighing up all the pros and cons of a situation before making a decision. Ravens are very ambitious; they have great potential for new and successful enterprises.

People born under the sign hate discord or conflict and do not take kindly to those who cause trouble. They don't hold grudges, but if someone hurts them, they will not forget it. But they can be very diplomatic, reasonable, and impartial, and they will often do anything for a peaceful life. They are often softly spoken, which can lend authority to anything they say.

no photo
Tue 06/08/10 05:57 PM
quite a lot of this does reflect my traits.

TrueJedi's photo
Tue 06/08/10 06:55 PM
May 30

floridaredhead's photo
Tue 06/08/10 06:57 PM
November 4th

Ladylid2012's photo
Tue 06/08/10 07:43 PM

Let us have fun with this and if you are part Native American or have stories to share then please do. Let us get this thread interesting for everyone. :)

Those who know me know that I practice Native American traditions...a huge part of that is my monthly full moon fires. It's a sacred ritual of calling on the four winds that's done to show appreciation and help keep balanced with the planet. A reminder that we are all connected, that the planet is sacred and worthy of our respect..we learn how to walk softly upon Mother Earth. Maybe being an avid hiker and climber of the beautiful mountains that surround me helps..there are benefits galore..body, mind and spirit.

debukfan's photo
Tue 06/08/10 07:49 PM
My great grandmother was Cherokee Indian and lived to be 104 years old. She had hair down to her ankles but wore it up in a bun and she smoked a corn cob pipe. Very quiet spoken. We called her Frankie but I don't know what her given name was. Lovely lady.

My birthday

March 21st


AmbiantNight's photo
Tue 06/08/10 08:33 PM
My great grandfather was Pottawatomie and I always valued is words and thoughts. He was a man of great wisdom and well respected in the area. I miss him from time to time but also know that he is still with me. In my actions every day and in the wind every time it blows.

I already know my own sign but if everyone wants I can help fill in on this one until the op gets back on.


The Falcon

Mar 21 – Apr 19
A natural born leader, the Falcon can always be looked upon for clear judgment in sticky situations. Furthermore, the characteristics for this Native American animal symbol never wastes time, rather he/she strikes while the iron is hot, and takes action in what must be done. Ever persistent, and always taking the initiative, the Falcon is a gem of a personality to have for projects or team sports. The Falcon can be a little on the conceited side – but he/she is usually right in his/her opinions – so a little arrogance is understood. In a supportive environmental the Falcon "soars" in his/her ability to maintain passion and fire in relationships, and always remaining compassionate. Left to his/her own devices, the Falcon can be vain, rude, intolerant, impatient, and over-sensitive.

AmbiantNight's photo
Tue 06/08/10 08:35 PM


Oct 23 – Nov 22
Most shamans are born under this Native American animal symbol. The Snake is a natural in all matters of spirit. Easily attuned to the ethereal realm the Snake makes an excellent spiritual leader. Also respected for his/her healing capacities, the Snake also excels in medical professions. The Snake's preoccupation with matters intangible often lead others to view them as mysterious, and sometimes frightening. True, the Snake can be secretive, and a bit dark – he/she is also quite sensitive, and caring. In a supportive relationship the cool Snake can be passionate, inspiring, humorous, and helpful. Left to his/her own devices, the Snake can be despondent, violent, and prone to abnormal mood swings

no photo
Tue 06/08/10 08:35 PM

AmbiantNight's photo
Tue 06/08/10 08:37 PM


May 21 – Jun 20
This Native American animal symbol is the muse of the zodiac. The Deer is inspiring lively and quick-witted. With a tailor-made humor, the Deer has a tendency to get a laugh out of anyone. Excellent ability for vocalizing, the Deer is a consummate conversationalist. This combined with his/her natural intelligence make the Deer a must-have guest at dinner parties. Always aware of his/her surroundings, and even more aware of his/her appearance, the Deer can be a bit self-involved. However, the Deer's narcissism is overlooked because of his/her congeniality and affability. In a supportive environment the Deer's natural liveliness and sparkly personality radiate even more. He/she is an inspiring force in any nurturing relationship. Left to his/her own devices the Deer can be selfish, moody, impatient, lazy, and two-faced

AmbiantNight's photo
Tue 06/08/10 08:39 PM

You are also a Deer.

Please read the info for TruJedi
I'm not going to post on the same detail as the op because I am not that person. I'm sure they will get to doing so when they get back on.

buttons's photo
Tue 06/08/10 08:40 PM
did they do may 15 yet? i read back did not see it..

AmbiantNight's photo
Tue 06/08/10 08:42 PM
Edited by AmbiantNight on Tue 06/08/10 08:43 PM


Apr 20 – May 20
Take charge, adapt, overcome – this is the Beaver motto. Mostly business, the Beaver is gets the job at hand done with maximum efficiency and aplomb. Strategic, and cunning the Beaver is a force to be reckoned with in matters of business and combat. One might also think twice about engaging the Beaver in a match of wits – as his/her mental acuity is razor sharp. The Beaver has everything going for him/her – however tendencies toward "my way or the highway" get them in trouble. Yes, they are usually right, but the bearer of this Native American animal symbol may need to work on tact. In a nurturing environment the Beaver can be compassionate, generous, helpful, and loyal. Left to his/her own devices the Beaver can be nervous, cowardly, possessive, arrogant, and over-demanding.

no photo
Tue 06/08/10 09:01 PM
I believe mine was the deer. May 21

AmbiantNight's photo
Tue 06/08/10 09:05 PM
yep. Thanks for looking before requesting.

no photo
Tue 06/08/10 09:14 PM

yep. Thanks for looking before requesting.

I saw it before. But it can change with the different nations.