Topic: What is your Native American Sign? | |
That was pretty kewl, thanks enjoyed ready it......
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Hi Smiless...July 11th...thanks again! For myshell711:) The Flicker Clan - Frog Spirit Keeper - The south Moon - Strong Sun Moon Crystal or mineral - Carnelian Tree or plant - Wild rose Color - pink The flicker is a beautiful colored bird. There are two kinds of flicker int he United States. The yellow-shafted flicker, found in the east, and the red-shafted flicker, found west of the Great Plains. Both types can be seen on farms and even suburubs. Flickers are drummers who play their songs on wood. Usually they drum on trees, but they can also drum on wooden houses, sometimes to extract insects, but sometimes just for the sheer joy of it. The flicker displays a magnificent talent for music! Working spiritually with the flicker can teach you about communicating, music, joy, nurturing, courage, protection, and your connection with the universe. Individuals born under the sign of the flicker, one of the most perplexing signs, can range from timid, shy, dull, and withdrawn to brilliant, friendly, and famous. They can have a wide range of emtoions, and they possess strong parental instincts. Fundamentally, people born under this sign are conservative and home loving by nature. They appreciate the security of a home base to which to retire when the stresses of life become too much to bear. Individuals born under the sign of the flicker can appear uncompromising and obstinate, but this stance is often a facade that they use to hide insecurity. Their loved ones may see a different character, one with sympathy and sensitivity to others. In their personal relationships, these people are often a mixture of toughness and tenderness. They can be emotional, romantic, and loyal, on one side, and possessive and moody, on the other. When it comes to their love ones, especially small children and pets, nobody can be more caring. Those born under the flicker sign can have closed minds, they can be opinionated, and they never forget an injury. They will also never allow others to forget an error. They are led by their emotions, and they will either be the best of the worst of friends. The overall nature of these individuals is deeply emotional. Although reserved, they possess sensitivity and sympathy. Rarely will they stand on pretence. What appears to be out in front is nothing more than a protective shell, but within its tough armor often resides an intuitive and needy individual who yearns for a deep exhange of love and understanding. Wow!!..thank you!! |
Thank you everyone for the opportunity. :)
July 17th please
July 17th please for delilady :) The Flicker Clan - Frog Spirit Keeper - The south Moon - Strong Sun Moon Crystal or mineral - Carnelian Tree or plant - Wild rose Color - pink The flicker is a beautiful colored bird. There are two kinds of flicker int he United States. The yellow-shafted flicker, found in the east, and the red-shafted flicker, found west of the Great Plains. Both types can be seen on farms and even suburubs. Flickers are drummers who play their songs on wood. Usually they drum on trees, but they can also drum on wooden houses, sometimes to extract insects, but sometimes just for the sheer joy of it. The flicker displays a magnificent talent for music! Working spiritually with the flicker can teach you about communicating, music, joy, nurturing, courage, protection, and your connection with the universe. Individuals born under the sign of the flicker, one of the most perplexing signs, can range from timid, shy, dull, and withdrawn to brilliant, friendly, and famous. They can have a wide range of emtoions, and they possess strong parental instincts. Fundamentally, people born under this sign are conservative and home loving by nature. They appreciate the security of a home base to which to retire when the stresses of life become too much to bear. Individuals born under the sign of the flicker can appear uncompromising and obstinate, but this stance is often a facade that they use to hide insecurity. Their loved ones may see a different character, one with sympathy and sensitivity to others. In their personal relationships, these people are often a mixture of toughness and tenderness. They can be emotional, romantic, and loyal, on one side, and possessive and moody, on the other. When it comes to their love ones, especially small children and pets, nobody can be more caring. Those born under the flicker sign can have closed minds, they can be opinionated, and they never forget an injury. They will also never allow others to forget an error. They are led by their emotions, and they will either be the best of the worst of friends. The overall nature of these individuals is deeply emotional. Although reserved, they possess sensitivity and sympathy. Rarely will they stand on pretence. What appears to be out in front is nothing more than a protective shell, but within its tough armor often resides an intuitive and needy individual who yearns for a deep exhange of love and understanding. |
ya missed me lol Feb 25
January 31, I am in no hurry thank you
August 12. Thanks.
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July 17th please for delilady :) The Flicker Clan - Frog Spirit Keeper - The south Moon - Strong Sun Moon Crystal or mineral - Carnelian Tree or plant - Wild rose Color - pink The flicker is a beautiful colored bird. There are two kinds of flicker int he United States. The yellow-shafted flicker, found in the east, and the red-shafted flicker, found west of the Great Plains. Both types can be seen on farms and even suburubs. Flickers are drummers who play their songs on wood. Usually they drum on trees, but they can also drum on wooden houses, sometimes to extract insects, but sometimes just for the sheer joy of it. The flicker displays a magnificent talent for music! Working spiritually with the flicker can teach you about communicating, music, joy, nurturing, courage, protection, and your connection with the universe. Individuals born under the sign of the flicker, one of the most perplexing signs, can range from timid, shy, dull, and withdrawn to brilliant, friendly, and famous. They can have a wide range of emtoions, and they possess strong parental instincts. Fundamentally, people born under this sign are conservative and home loving by nature. They appreciate the security of a home base to which to retire when the stresses of life become too much to bear. Individuals born under the sign of the flicker can appear uncompromising and obstinate, but this stance is often a facade that they use to hide insecurity. Their loved ones may see a different character, one with sympathy and sensitivity to others. In their personal relationships, these people are often a mixture of toughness and tenderness. They can be emotional, romantic, and loyal, on one side, and possessive and moody, on the other. When it comes to their love ones, especially small children and pets, nobody can be more caring. Those born under the flicker sign can have closed minds, they can be opinionated, and they never forget an injury. They will also never allow others to forget an error. They are led by their emotions, and they will either be the best of the worst of friends. The overall nature of these individuals is deeply emotional. Although reserved, they possess sensitivity and sympathy. Rarely will they stand on pretence. What appears to be out in front is nothing more than a protective shell, but within its tough armor often resides an intuitive and needy individual who yearns for a deep exhange of love and understanding. ![]() |
ya missed me lol Feb 25 Here you go sweetie. :) For Seakolony:) The Cougar Clan - frog Spirit Keeper - The North Moon - Big-winds Moon Crystal or mineral - turquoise tree or plant - plantain color - turquoise The cougar is an animal that is feared and misunderstood. The cougar, also known as the mountain lion, the puma, and even the panther, is a member of the feline family; it can weight from 150 to 300 pounds. Cougars were found all across the United States before civilization. Now they are found mainly in the western United States. The best climbers of all the felines, cougars are also swift runners. They have large individual territories, and they do not allow their territories to overlap. Cougars are hunters, and they like to chase. They often work with their mates or relations to hunt, and they hunt for only what they can eat. They hunt farm livestock only when their natural food supplies have run out. The female cougar is a better hunter than the male. When working on a spiritual vibration, cougars can teach you about speed, grace, territoriality, sensitivity, mystery, and communication. If you were born under the sign of the cougar you are one of the most malleable of the twelve signs. You possess a gentle, patient nature, but one that can be molded. Those born under the cougar sign can be impressed and completly absorbed into their environment, and they adapt to their surroundings quickly, whether good or bad. People born under the sign of the cougar are generous, friendly, and good natured, with a sense of kindness and compassion. These people are sensitive to everything around them, including hte feeling of others. They are popular folk because of their easy and likable manner. They have an uncanny sense of perceiving what others need, and they can often deliver it. These individuals are not initiators, because they would rather allow cirumstances and events to unfold around them and motivate them. when faced with change, they respond quickly and efficiently. People born under the sign of the cougar are not practical people. They are too ephemeral for normal day-to-day living. They are sensitive and instinctual, rather than intellectual or mechanical. When they find the right route forward, they are capable of some incredible deeds. They might then become completely absorbed in their chosen path or field, to the exclusion of everything else. |
March 28 thanks
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January 31, I am in no hurry thank you For the waterbearer :) Your screenname is very fitting for your native american astrology sign - the otter. :) The Otter Clan - butterfly Spirit Keeper - Spirit Keeper of the North Moon - Rest and cleansing Moon Crystal or mineral - Silver Tree or plant - Aspen Color - silver The charming and friendly otter is the most playful of animals in the wild. Both river and sea otters are happy when entertaining others. Otters are members of the weasel family who depend on the waters of large lakes, rivers, and the sea. Sea otters almost became extinct when people killed them for fur. All otters have large appetites. The highly intelligent otter is one of the few animlas that can utilize tools, for instance, using rocks to open shells. Otters have a wide vocal range consisting of chirps, squeals, screeches, hiccups, chuckles, and hisses, and their calls can carry for a mile. when not eating, hunting, playing, or sunning themselves, otters sleep. If you were born under the sing of the otter, you are one of the most interesting and attractive people. You can be shy, sensitive,gentle, and patient, or enthusiasitic and lively with a tendency to be an exhibitionist. Both types are very strong willed and forceful in their own way. You can be very opinionated with strong convictions, and you will fight for what you believe in, arguing vehemently for what you believe to be true. People born under the sign of the otter are farsighted and innovative. They are generally without prejudice and quite tolerant of the points of view of others. These individauls can see valid argument even when they disagree with it, and being objective, they never get waylaid by being too close to an issue or a person. Those born under the sign of the otter are humane. Known to be frank and outspoken, they are serious and genial companions. In short, these people are refined, idealistic, and romantic, but also practical. Personable and likable, they are quick in mind and quick to respond. They rarely wear their hearts on their sleeves, but once committed, those born under the sign of the otter are committed for life. |
August 12. Thanks. ![]() For Tommorow22 :) The Sturgeon Clan - Thunderbird Spirit keeper - The south Moon - Ripe-berries Moon Crystal or mineral - Garnet and iron Tree or plant - Raspberry Color - red The sturgeon is considered to be the king of the fishes. It is a primitive fish that probably existed on earth long before the dinosaurs disappeared, so it has a long history. The sturgeon comes in a variety of sizes. Sturgeons found in the Great Lakes area were considered teh royalty of fishes among Native Americans. The Ojibwa people believe that the sturgeon represents depth and strength. Working on a spiritual level with the sturgeon can teach you about determination, perseverance, depth, and knowledge. This sign actually links to two different kinds of fish according to which Native American tradition one follows. The other fish is the salmon. This is another truly royal member of the fish family, as it is valued as a food item by just about everybody. Now, of course, salmon are farmed, but in the past, it took real skill to hunt and catch the salmon. even more so when one realizes that fishermen were frequently in competition with the grizzly bear for these prize fish. This fish is also associated with perseverance, as shown by its determination to swim upstream in order to spawn. Individuals born under this sign are considered to be oen of the strongest signs in Native American astrology. They are dominant, spontaneious, creative, and extroverted. These people were born to lead. If people born under the sign are ver part of a team building exercise, just watch what happens. The idea of buckling down and being part of a team is aline to these individuals, so while they may pretend to be interested in the concept, sooner or later (usually sooner) they will put their foot down and take charge. At this point, they will relax and become happy, while everyone falls in behind them in an equally relaxed and happy manner. Now the team will happily achieve any task that you can dream up for them. People born under this sign possess grace and dignity, and they have an expansive personality. Abmitious and strong willed, they are positive and confident in their abilities. These people know what htey want in life and they get it. They are not easily daunted, so they persist through the most formidable of circumstances. Individuals born under this sign can be stubborn; they often refuse to listen to another persons opinions. Because of their positive nature, they will expect the best, and when things don't turn out as they anticipated, they react immediately and badly. If things go again them, their confidence can evaporate, and they can become extremely downhearted. At this time they need a loved one or trust friend to keep reminding them that they are valuable and that their opinions and actions are not wrong. Fortunately, their bouts of depression dissipate fairly quickly and these individuals soon recover their usual cheerful and demonstrative nature. |
March 28 thanks ![]() for mssilverfox :) Your sign is of the Red-tailed hawk. Clan - thunderbird Spirit Keeper - Spirit Keeper of the East Moon - Budding-trees Moon Crystal or mineral - opal Tree or plant - dandelion color - yellow The red-tailed hawk is the only hawk with a broad wingspan and fan-shaped wings. Farmers often call the red-tailed hawk the "chicken hawk," because they insist that it steals their poultry. Crows, magpies, and overprotective songbirds sometimes attack red-tailed hawks during territorial disputes. These attacks rarely end in injury to the red-tailed hawk, so the birds can go on to live to be fourteen years of age. They usually nest in tall trees, and they are found all over the United States, but mainly in the western states. Both parents of the red tailed hawk look after their young. They are very adaptable birds, and they can survive almost anywhere, as long as the location is one where humans will not disturb them. Thir call is like the sound of steam escaping a kettle, and they are magnificent flyers. Red-tailed hawks are special to Native-American people. These hawks have a special connection with the sky and sun. Because the hawks fly high, they are thought to have magical powers, and their feathers are often used in ceremonial prayers to the sun and the wind. Their feathers are also used in healing ceremonies. The red-tailed hawk is often used to refer to the head of a clan because of the great importance and status with which the bird is credited. If you work on a spiritual vibration, studying the habits of the red-tailed hawk can tach you about grace, flying, survival, clear-sightedness, intensity, optimism, and openness. People born under the sign of the red-tailed hawk are open, enthusiastic, and individualistic. They can be outspoken, alert, and quick to act and speak, and they would rather speak than listen. These individuals are ambitious, with lots of drive and a strong desire to lead. They make poor followers. They are fiercely independent, and they usuallly take the side of the underdog in any controversy. People born under this sign are champions of lost causes and battles. This trait is due to a strong belief in their ability to turn any situation around. Those born under the sign of the red-tailed hawk are more intellectual than spiritual, and they are people of action rather than dreamers. They demonstrate little subtlety, and they are frank and amiable, so they make quick decisions and grasp ideas very quickly. Individuals born under the sign of the red-tailed hawk are also quick to anger; they are known for their impatience, and they can be prone to arrogance. People born under this sign have a strong self-image and the ability to size up a situation in an instant, to some extent through intuition. These people calculate risks with lightning speed and make decisions accordingly. An adage that fits these individuals well is "A straight line is the shortest distance between two points." They do not waste time and energy beating around the bush; they come straight to the point. |
Here is a beautiful quote I would like to share with everyone: Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together. All things connect. - Chief Seattle Love it! ![]() I think you already did mine once before but I don't remember so if you don't mind June 5th, thanks. |
No doubt, thank you.
March 3, thank you :-)
My sign is the 3 legged monkey of the ganja tree. My spirit fish is the bearded clam. My spirit keeper is the Longbranch Salloon on Nth 6th. Those born under the stars of the 3 legged monkey are often attracted to those born under the moon of the shaved beaver. They are gifted with regal plumage and large probisci. Often revered as gods among men, women of all signs are encouraged to do the ritual HunkaChunka dance for men of the 3 legged monkey to ensure fertility and complete their journey into womanhood by playing strip Twister with these brilliant and well hung specimens. ![]() |
June 8th, 1970
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Thanks Smiless..