Topic: Aid Flotilla Had Ties to Al Qaeda, PM Gives Military 'Full S | |
the ship came from ties to any terrorists. nice try but lies as usual is that why israel denied attacking the ships until changing their story completely? they did the same thing to cynthia mcckinneys humanitarian group. Ummm It does not matter where the boat came from. It matters who hired it. Israel is serious about their blockade and will intercept ANY humanitarians to make sure they are not smuggling weapons like the rockets Hamas likes to fire into Israel from Palestine. Do you know why Israel has held the Gaza Strip for so long? I suppose you would say they are just mean doo doo heads. Back in the mid 1970's Hamas used ARTILLERY and shelled Israel from the high ground in Gaza!! It was a BLOODY battle for Israel to stop the artillery from shelling them. Israel since then has been taking ground used to attack them from. Gaza has a nice view overlooking Israel, a perfect place to rain death down on someone from with cannon! I bet you want to call me a liar too! Hamas AND the PLO have a LONG history of antagonizing Israel with bloodshed and terrorism and now Al-Quieda wants in on the act. Sorry, no sympathy here! Bummer, even you've been had by the Israel Lobby. ![]() ![]() |
Actually I don't really have a particular side to this. The fact is we all should wall both sides up and watch the fun. BOTH sides have done everything they can to keep the area unstable. I am wholly against Israel's settlements! I mean I really wish the US had the balls to cut Israel off financially.
BUT BUT BUT (and I am addressing you john111 on this one. And no I admit I do not know you that well so...) Hamas and Palestine likewise have also done everything they can to provoke Israel. This whole Aid Flotilla was a public publicity stunt and nothing more! I could care less if they were firing bottle rockets at Israel, Palestine has hosted MANY MANY attacks on Israel. Palestine is LUCKY Israel hasn't done what I would have done and that is drive them into the ocean and FUQUE Palestine and the League of Nations (Cough Cough) I mean UN!! Remember the UN (League of nations prior to WWII) Brought us such classics as WWI and WWII with their policies (Remember German History? I do! The League of Nations forced Germany into a position of economic destitution. they came back pissed off under the banner of Hitler and almost stomped us all good!) Also John I said "you seem to harbor your share of Anti Semtic feelings." That does not mean I branded you as an Anti Semite. Your words sure sounded like you did harbor those feelings. Had I thought you seriously were I would have said you were a hater and an Anti Semite! BIG BIG difference. As far as me bringing up the bible... Compare the number of your posts and presence on Mingle compared to mine. I have had the bible repeatedly dragged into this BS so I am just making sure no one goes there. Unlike other members of these forums who play the Liberal to the bitter end I will OPENLY commend you on not falling back on accusing me (through insinuation) of being racist becasue of my beliefs! I also think your solution is a HOOT! Let Israel try getting Military on us! Yeah! That would just be too funny! Now as far as Maritime policy is concerned, EVERYONE tries to play that tired argument. "They were in international waters." They were clearly heading for Palestine and got caught. Israel will not let law or policy tie their hands dealing with aggressors whether or not they are armed or not. Everyone wants to blame Israel for dealing with the aggressions of Palestine. Look, I know Afghanis and Iranians who say the same thing, let them kill each other! They are amazed we even waste our time trying to teach these looser a better way of life. A lot of them are self interested lying two faced backstabbers. Wiping the middle east off the face of the planet would do a lot towards world peace but again it would only be a matter of time before people find some reason to fight over something again! Also I have likewise done Charity work in Mexico and all I can say is Mexico made the hole they are in. Charity work does not mend nations. People living in these troubled nations are the ones responsible for fixing their fuqued up countries, not us. At least the Corizone Foundation had the right idea but becasue of the trouble in Mexico now they stopped all operations involving American volunteers for the safety of the Volunteers. Corizone was the ONLY charity I found so far I could really get behind! Again Mexico made their bed, Now they have to sleep in it. Palestine did the same thing to themselves embracing Militants, Terrorist organizations, and living a ideal of vengeance and retribution! On top of that add the Islamic militants and boy we have us a real party no folks! Besides, England drew up the region's boarders trying to play "Nation Builders" and they fuqued that all up like they are doing to us in the Gulf of Mexico now! If it were up to me I would send and invasion army in and beat up BOTH Israel and Palestine and Syria just becasue! Then I would go into Iran and treat their clerics to a pork dinner followed by their inhumane executions! Be glad I do not have the power do do as I want becasue I would KILL for peace! I know it sounds hypocritical but then again I am not one of those azzholes who believes in 'Peace at all Costs!' and 'Diplomacy Always.' I believe in "Give me respect I give you respect. Spit in my eye prepare to die!" Chaka, chieftain of the Zulu said it best, "Leave no enemy behind to jump up and put a spear in your back." Tsun Zu had plenty to say about the subject of peace in the Art of War. No I do not feel you are ignorant or uneducated either. I am just tired of people bashing Israel when they are not the whole problem. EVERYONE there IS the problem! Hell, I know which side the bread us buttered on. Israel has been spying on us and stealing from us too. I guess to sum it all up Fuque all of them. PS Dear moderators. I am sorry I got potty mouth. Will someone wash my mouth out with soap please! ![]() |
Two words about this planned piece of political theater by IHH and the Hamas Brotherhood to embarrass Israel on the world stage: NEVER AGAIN. They KNEW there was an internationally-respected and authorized naval blockade and that EVERY ship going thru was to be inspected. This is NOT an accidental occurrence. I stand with Israel.
That actually is not half bad idea, why not offer them citizenship in the US FREEDOM to live as they always have. The fighting would end and the dispute over......I know wars have been fought over much less provacation, but can we not just share and get the freak along??
I just seen the video of the ship being boarded. They got what was coming to them! Nine dead? They were lucky their ship was still floating when it was over!
![]() Maybe next time they will listen when the Israelis order them to stand down and prepare to be boarded! What a pack of Gits! |
the ship came from ties to any terrorists. nice try but lies as usual is that why israel denied attacking the ships until changing their story completely? they did the same thing to cynthia mcckinneys humanitarian group. Ummm It does not matter where the boat came from. It matters who hired it. Israel is serious about their blockade and will intercept ANY humanitarians to make sure they are not smuggling weapons like the rockets Hamas likes to fire into Israel from Palestine. Do you know why Israel has held the Gaza Strip for so long? I suppose you would say they are just mean doo doo heads. Back in the mid 1970's Hamas used ARTILLERY and shelled Israel from the high ground in Gaza!! It was a BLOODY battle for Israel to stop the artillery from shelling them. Israel since then has been taking ground used to attack them from. Gaza has a nice view overlooking Israel, a perfect place to rain death down on someone from with cannon! I bet you want to call me a liar too! Hamas AND the PLO have a LONG history of antagonizing Israel with bloodshed and terrorism and now Al-Quieda wants in on the act. Sorry, no sympathy here! umm yeah i'm from the area i know more about what goes on then the likes of you |
the ship came from ties to any terrorists. nice try but lies as usual is that why israel denied attacking the ships until changing their story completely? they did the same thing to cynthia mcckinneys humanitarian group. Ummm It does not matter where the boat came from. It matters who hired it. Israel is serious about their blockade and will intercept ANY humanitarians to make sure they are not smuggling weapons like the rockets Hamas likes to fire into Israel from Palestine. Do you know why Israel has held the Gaza Strip for so long? I suppose you would say they are just mean doo doo heads. Back in the mid 1970's Hamas used ARTILLERY and shelled Israel from the high ground in Gaza!! It was a BLOODY battle for Israel to stop the artillery from shelling them. Israel since then has been taking ground used to attack them from. Gaza has a nice view overlooking Israel, a perfect place to rain death down on someone from with cannon! I bet you want to call me a liar too! Hamas AND the PLO have a LONG history of antagonizing Israel with bloodshed and terrorism and now Al-Quieda wants in on the act. Sorry, no sympathy here! umm yeah i'm from the area i know more about what goes on then the likes of you So does it make you feel nice and safe hiding here as an illegal alien like you have posted in a previous thread? And I suppose the people I know who have been there are lying? I suppose Israel fires rockets at themselves? I also suppose that the SCUDs landing on Israel during Desert Storm was a lie too? They lie, you like, everyone is lying. I suppose other (proudly legal) immigrants who I have spoken with from the area all say the same thing in varying twists are lies too. Also why is Egypt part of the blockade? Weapons smuggling mayhap? Israel has a good reason to be paranoid. Iran could EASILY give Hamaas a nuke and some nutcase out there will happily sit on it and detonate it car bomb style in the name of Martyrdom and Jihad. But Israel is tired of the training bases hiding in Palestine. They are tired of Car Bombs. I take it you feel terrorist attacks on Israel are acceptable or something? Likes of me heh? There are things about Israel I don't approve of but Palestine has done nothing to earn my respect. How about what China has done to Tibet? I bet money that "People Like You" could care less about what happened to the poor Tibetans. So how about enlightening me about what really goes on over there? OH! I bet that would be too much work. |
the ship came from ties to any terrorists. nice try but lies as usual is that why israel denied attacking the ships until changing their story completely? they did the same thing to cynthia mcckinneys humanitarian group. Ummm It does not matter where the boat came from. It matters who hired it. Israel is serious about their blockade and will intercept ANY humanitarians to make sure they are not smuggling weapons like the rockets Hamas likes to fire into Israel from Palestine. Do you know why Israel has held the Gaza Strip for so long? I suppose you would say they are just mean doo doo heads. Back in the mid 1970's Hamas used ARTILLERY and shelled Israel from the high ground in Gaza!! It was a BLOODY battle for Israel to stop the artillery from shelling them. Israel since then has been taking ground used to attack them from. Gaza has a nice view overlooking Israel, a perfect place to rain death down on someone from with cannon! I bet you want to call me a liar too! Hamas AND the PLO have a LONG history of antagonizing Israel with bloodshed and terrorism and now Al-Quieda wants in on the act. Sorry, no sympathy here! umm yeah i'm from the area i know more about what goes on then the likes of you So does it make you feel nice and safe hiding here as an illegal alien like you have posted in a previous thread? And I suppose the people I know who have been there are lying? I suppose Israel fires rockets at themselves? I also suppose that the SCUDs landing on Israel during Desert Storm was a lie too? They lie, you like, everyone is lying. I suppose other (proudly legal) immigrants who I have spoken with from the area all say the same thing in varying twists are lies too. Also why is Egypt part of the blockade? Weapons smuggling mayhap? Israel has a good reason to be paranoid. Iran could EASILY give Hamaas a nuke and some nutcase out there will happily sit on it and detonate it car bomb style in the name of Martyrdom and Jihad. But Israel is tired of the training bases hiding in Palestine. They are tired of Car Bombs. I take it you feel terrorist attacks on Israel are acceptable or something? Likes of me heh? There are things about Israel I don't approve of but Palestine has done nothing to earn my respect. How about what China has done to Tibet? I bet money that "People Like You" could care less about what happened to the poor Tibetans. So how about enlightening me about what really goes on over there? OH! I bet that would be too much work. you do know that Israel created Hamas right? so if you're whining about ONE group, there's only one to blame. As for the rest of your tripe, You neglect the fact they have blocked aid from any and every country including the United States. Again, again, and again, people like you that are ignorant to what's going on there try to make this about religion when it's NOT. |
IDF: Global Jihad links on flotilla By YAAKOV KATZ 01/06/2010 Fifty 'Mavi Marmara' passengers tied to global jihad network. Dozens of passengers who were aboard the Mavi Marmara Turkish passenger ship are suspected of having connections with global jihad-affiliated terrorist organizations, defense officials said on Tuesday, amid growing concerns that Turkish warships would accompany a future flotilla to the Gaza Strip. According to the defense officials, the IDF has identified about 50 passengers on the ship who could have terrorist connections with global jihad-affiliated groups. During its searches of the Mavi Marmara on Tuesday, the military also discovered a cache of bulletproof vests and night-vision goggles, as well as gas masks. On Monday morning, at least nine foreign activists were killed during the navy’s takeover of the Mavi Marmara, which was trying to break Israel’s blockade of the Gaza Strip. The group of over 50 passengers with possible terror connections have refused to identify themselves and were not carrying passports. Many of them were carrying envelopes packed with thousands of dollars in cash. The military is working to identify the passengers and is looking into the possibility that some of them have been involved in terror attacks. Some of them are apparently known Islamic extremists. “This is the group that was behind the violent lynch against the naval commandos,” a defense official said. “They came on board the ship prepared and after they had trained for the expected navy takeover.” Late Tuesday, there were reports that Issam al-Budur, Jordan’s consul in Israel, reached an agreement with Israel according to which another group of 124 detained flotilla activists would be taken by bus to Jordan and sent from there to their home countries. The detainees are Jordanian, Mauritanian, Moroccan, Kuwaiti, Pakistani, Indonesian and Syrian. Meanwhile Tuesday, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan warned Israel not to test Ankara’s patience. “Turkey’s hostility is as strong as its friendship is valuable,” he said. “Israel in no way can legitimize this murder, it cannot wash its hand of this blood.” This comment, officials said, could signify a change in Turkish military posture in the event that another flotilla is dispatched to the Gaza Strip. One official said that the chances that Turkey would send navy ships were slim – due to its membership in NATO – but that the issue was of great concern. “This is a definite possibility that we need to prepare for,” a senior defense official said. The flotilla that arrived late on Sunday night comprised six ships, and another two ships, including the Rachel Corrie, are expected to attempt to enter Israeli waters in the coming days. Greta Berlin of the Free Gaza Movement, which organized the flotilla, said that two vessels, one a cargo ship and another carrying about three dozen passengers, would arrive in the region late this week or early next week. “This initiative is not going to stop,” she said from the group’s base in Cyprus. “We think eventually Israel will get some kind of common sense. They’re going to have to stop the blockade of Gaza, and one of the ways to do this is for us to continue to send the boats.” Irish Prime Minister Brian Cowen described the Rachel Corrie as Irish-owned and said it should be allowed to finish its mission, according to Reuters. The ship was carrying 15 activists, including a northern Irish Nobel Peace laureate. “The government has formally requested the Israeli government to allow the Irish-owned ship... to be allowed to complete its journey unimpeded and discharge its humanitarian cargo in Gaza,” Cowen told members of parliament in Dublin. Navy sources said that the ships sailing toward Gaza would be intercepted the same way the flotilla was stopped on Monday morning, although it had yet to be decided if the operation would be carried out by Shayetet 13, the navy’s commando unit. “We are tracking the ships and are under orders to stop them,” a top navy officer said. According to the sources, in a future operation, the navy would use more force. “We boarded the ship [the Mavi Marmara] and were attacked as if it were a war,” one officer said. “That will mean that we will have to come prepared in the future as if it were a war.” |
| IDF: Global Jihad links on flotilla By YAAKOV KATZ 01/06/2010 Fifty 'Mavi Marmara' passengers tied to global jihad network. Dozens of passengers who were aboard the Mavi Marmara Turkish passenger ship are suspected of having connections with global jihad-affiliated terrorist organizations, defense officials said on Tuesday, amid growing concerns that Turkish warships would accompany a future flotilla to the Gaza Strip. According to the defense officials, the IDF has identified about 50 passengers on the ship who could have terrorist connections with global jihad-affiliated groups. During its searches of the Mavi Marmara on Tuesday, the military also discovered a cache of bulletproof vests and night-vision goggles, as well as gas masks. On Monday morning, at least nine foreign activists were killed during the navy’s takeover of the Mavi Marmara, which was trying to break Israel’s blockade of the Gaza Strip. The group of over 50 passengers with possible terror connections have refused to identify themselves and were not carrying passports. Many of them were carrying envelopes packed with thousands of dollars in cash. The military is working to identify the passengers and is looking into the possibility that some of them have been involved in terror attacks. Some of them are apparently known Islamic extremists. “This is the group that was behind the violent lynch against the naval commandos,” a defense official said. “They came on board the ship prepared and after they had trained for the expected navy takeover.” Late Tuesday, there were reports that Issam al-Budur, Jordan’s consul in Israel, reached an agreement with Israel according to which another group of 124 detained flotilla activists would be taken by bus to Jordan and sent from there to their home countries. The detainees are Jordanian, Mauritanian, Moroccan, Kuwaiti, Pakistani, Indonesian and Syrian. Meanwhile Tuesday, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan warned Israel not to test Ankara’s patience. “Turkey’s hostility is as strong as its friendship is valuable,” he said. “Israel in no way can legitimize this murder, it cannot wash its hand of this blood.” This comment, officials said, could signify a change in Turkish military posture in the event that another flotilla is dispatched to the Gaza Strip. One official said that the chances that Turkey would send navy ships were slim – due to its membership in NATO – but that the issue was of great concern. “This is a definite possibility that we need to prepare for,” a senior defense official said. The flotilla that arrived late on Sunday night comprised six ships, and another two ships, including the Rachel Corrie, are expected to attempt to enter Israeli waters in the coming days. Greta Berlin of the Free Gaza Movement, which organized the flotilla, said that two vessels, one a cargo ship and another carrying about three dozen passengers, would arrive in the region late this week or early next week. “This initiative is not going to stop,” she said from the group’s base in Cyprus. “We think eventually Israel will get some kind of common sense. They’re going to have to stop the blockade of Gaza, and one of the ways to do this is for us to continue to send the boats.” Irish Prime Minister Brian Cowen described the Rachel Corrie as Irish-owned and said it should be allowed to finish its mission, according to Reuters. The ship was carrying 15 activists, including a northern Irish Nobel Peace laureate. “The government has formally requested the Israeli government to allow the Irish-owned ship... to be allowed to complete its journey unimpeded and discharge its humanitarian cargo in Gaza,” Cowen told members of parliament in Dublin. Navy sources said that the ships sailing toward Gaza would be intercepted the same way the flotilla was stopped on Monday morning, although it had yet to be decided if the operation would be carried out by Shayetet 13, the navy’s commando unit. “We are tracking the ships and are under orders to stop them,” a top navy officer said. According to the sources, in a future operation, the navy would use more force. “We boarded the ship [the Mavi Marmara] and were attacked as if it were a war,” one officer said. “That will mean that we will have to come prepared in the future as if it were a war.” by Yaakov katz??? too bad the rest of the news organizations disagree with him |
the world understands that this was a publicity stunt
and they are not buying it. and neither are we. if they ever decide to do something that will really advance the cause of peace like disarming Hamas and Hezbollah and actually helping the palestinians then that would be real news. |
the ship came from ties to any terrorists. nice try but lies as usual is that why israel denied attacking the ships until changing their story completely? they did the same thing to cynthia mcckinneys humanitarian group. Ummm It does not matter where the boat came from. It matters who hired it. Israel is serious about their blockade and will intercept ANY humanitarians to make sure they are not smuggling weapons like the rockets Hamas likes to fire into Israel from Palestine. Do you know why Israel has held the Gaza Strip for so long? I suppose you would say they are just mean doo doo heads. Back in the mid 1970's Hamas used ARTILLERY and shelled Israel from the high ground in Gaza!! It was a BLOODY battle for Israel to stop the artillery from shelling them. Israel since then has been taking ground used to attack them from. Gaza has a nice view overlooking Israel, a perfect place to rain death down on someone from with cannon! I bet you want to call me a liar too! Hamas AND the PLO have a LONG history of antagonizing Israel with bloodshed and terrorism and now Al-Quieda wants in on the act. Sorry, no sympathy here! umm yeah i'm from the area i know more about what goes on then the likes of you So does it make you feel nice and safe hiding here as an illegal alien like you have posted in a previous thread? And I suppose the people I know who have been there are lying? I suppose Israel fires rockets at themselves? I also suppose that the SCUDs landing on Israel during Desert Storm was a lie too? They lie, you like, everyone is lying. I suppose other (proudly legal) immigrants who I have spoken with from the area all say the same thing in varying twists are lies too. Also why is Egypt part of the blockade? Weapons smuggling mayhap? Israel has a good reason to be paranoid. Iran could EASILY give Hamaas a nuke and some nutcase out there will happily sit on it and detonate it car bomb style in the name of Martyrdom and Jihad. But Israel is tired of the training bases hiding in Palestine. They are tired of Car Bombs. I take it you feel terrorist attacks on Israel are acceptable or something? Likes of me heh? There are things about Israel I don't approve of but Palestine has done nothing to earn my respect. How about what China has done to Tibet? I bet money that "People Like You" could care less about what happened to the poor Tibetans. So how about enlightening me about what really goes on over there? OH! I bet that would be too much work. you do know that Israel created Hamas right? so if you're whining about ONE group, there's only one to blame. As for the rest of your tripe, You neglect the fact they have blocked aid from any and every country including the United States. Again, again, and again, people like you that are ignorant to what's going on there try to make this about religion when it's NOT. A Quote from the WIKI: Hamas was created in 1987 by Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, Abdel Aziz al-Rantissi and Mohammad Taha of the Palestinian wing of Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood at the beginning of the First Intifada, an uprising against Israeli rule in the Palestinian Territories. Hamas launched numerous suicide bombings against Israelis, the first in April 1993. Hamas ceased the attacks in 2005, and renounced them in April 2006. Hamas has also been responsible for attacking Israelis through rocket attacks since 2001, improvised explosive device attacks, and shootings, though it reduced those attacks in 2005 and 2006. Hamas was not made by Israel, it was made to FIGHT with Israel using cowardly tactics. Islam uses ANY Excuse to justify its holy war. Now for my tripe... What part of MILITARY BLOCKADE do you not get? What part of Egypt likewise blockading Palestine too do you seem to be over looking? It isn't just Israel doing this. Egypt has cut off their over land rout too. Had Hamas not resorted to suicide bombers, negotiating cease fires only to open fire again, and just LYING all the time openly about their involvement in terrorist training camps maybe there would be a better movement towards Israel not settling Palestinian lands. I bet you are also overlooking the fact Israel actually had to send armed force to deal with extracting illegal Israeli settlers from regions of Palestine. At least Israel tries in their own limited way. All Hamas does is provoke them and go "Oh poor us, Israel oppresses us and attacked us without provocation" right after taking credit for a car bomb that kills dozens of women and children. The leasers of Islam are COWARDS for putting women and children up to perform suicide bombings! Again you have shown your own brand of ignorance and again you did more to discredit yourself. So if you are so big on the issue why are you not there trying to help rather than hide here whining about how bad us Americans are and how evil Israel is? What is your big happy solution for the problem? The flotilla was a publicity stunt and nothing more. If the aid was real they would have landed in Israel making a huge public spectacle of it as the Aid would be transferred to Palestine and no one would have gotten killed. No, Islam needs Martyrs to justify their cause. Everyone loves Martyrs! Now sympathizers to these same idiots are trying to pull off a car bombing in New York and not only did they fail they got caught! Like I said why not educate me about what is going on but I was right. It is too much work for you. You are still hung up on this 'us or them' thinking. I am not completely on Israel's side but instead of showing me a reason to take your side you alienate me with your quippy little insults and show me how ignorant and backwards your thinking is. And this is supposed to ingratiate me to your side of the cause how exactly? Please tell me if I am using words that are too big for you... |
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I seriously would like to know who the hell calls Jihadists "Freedom Fighters?"
They are Holy Crusaders. HUGE DIFFERENCE. First of all if they were Freedom Fighters they would not be resorting to suicide bombings. Honestly the Tamil Tigers were more freedom fighters than all of Al Quieda. Also the Hamas fighters have resorted to hiding among innocent civilians. They also put people in danger's way intentionally. A real freedom fighter does not conduct themselves in that way! Oddly a lot of Palestinians are Christians so this becomes even more messy! The Islamics get them killed happily and then say we killed Muslims when in fact Christians dies and they are just placing blame incorrectly on who caused their deaths. If the Palestinians had any balls they would toss the terrorists top Israel and sue for peace. Think that will happen to the Palestinian's Heros??? Israel is bad but they are so the lesser of two evils. If Islam cannot embrace tolerance FUQUE Islam! If it Islam declares me an infidel and want me dead? Time for me to get MORE proactive and go do the same to the Islamics. The flaw in this is some Islamics believe only Allah has the right to judge anyone. So I cannot find a reason to justify blowing up Mosques here and slaughtering everyone in them. Islamn needs to come to terms with the rest of the world or this will get even worst on them when a real holy war does erupt. |
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And here's close-up video of those 'peaceful activists' (say 'oxymoron', somebody) at work puttin' a beatdown on the Israeli troops as they board the vessel ... Odd that only ONE out of SIX vessels had problems like this ... the other FIVE didn't ... You forgot to add, on international waters about 140 miles off from Gaza, the Israeli troops raided a humanitarian flotilla. So, not even on Israeli waters..this happens and it will draw serious consequences. Just because the attacked ship was the flagship, which was turkish, there are other part of this flotilla, such as the MV Rachel Corrie which started off from Ireland. Gaza flotilla ship pays tribute to fallen activist And anyone who googles Rachel Corrie..just be prepared to see something that is not for everyone. She was ran over by an Israeli bulldozer. Ohh and last but not least: Martin accuses Israel of 'kidnapping' Irish citizens So come again with the Muslim downplaying of events please? Just admit it what probably a lot has already admitted. Israel has made a serious mistake doing this raid and expect serious echo in the upcoming days. The ones who gonna feel the consequences will be the Israeli citizens as well Jewish people who got nothing to do what their government is doing, which is like a flashback to the Bush sort of policy. I'm just someone, saying drawing my own conclusions, that not even the full support of USA can do much while the entire EU is already condemning the violence, as well as Russia and China. EU condemns attack on flotilla§ionid=351020605 Gaza–Jericho Agreement (Annex I, Article XI) which vests Israel with the responsibility for security along the coastline and the Sea of Gaza. The agreement stipulates that Israel may take any measures necessary against vessels suspected of being used for terrorist activities or for smuggling arms, ammunition, drugs, goods, or for any other illegal activity. |
amazing some on here think Wikipedia is a source.
Some believe MAM is the only news source.
Main Aunt Media. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
How do you save drowning palestinians? Get your foot off their heads for cripes sake. I warn everyone to stop posting.... That must give me the right to "board" your house with weapons drawn and fire at will? ![]() Time to cut off the 50 billion yearly in Israeli aid! F.... THEM! Have a nice day! The only person who could have drowned was the Israeli commado who the Turks and/or commies threw off the railing. He landed on another deck and is intensive care with brain damage. A ship is not a house. It is a vessell trying to break a blockade. Its owners were open in intention. Why do you not want to see facts? Fire at will? 6 ships, 5 boarded peacefully. Only on the ship where the Hamas and Al Qaeda affiliated Turks armed themselves and shot at the Israelis was there bloodshed. 50 billion? Try 4 billion and Israel should not get a penny. Speaking of which do you also oppose aid for the PLO, Egypt and Jordan? |