Topic: Does anyone else see the hyocrisy in the Arizona immigration | |
Oh, so suddenly all the closet Liberals are silent?
I wonder why??? |
Oh, so suddenly all the closet Liberals are silent? I wonder why??? Never look a gift horse in the mouth ... |
Edited by
Wed 05/26/10 11:00 AM
First and foremost the Aborigines were here first. Their presence on the New world was confirmed in South America (ARGENTINA). Cave art in the New World attributed to them was found to portray a genocide (UP AND DOWN THE NEW WORLD). When the Bearing Land Bridge formed the Mongolian Asiatic population made their way here. When they got her Aborigines were already here first so what happened? GENOCIDE more than likely. But what written history of the event is sketchy. Anthropologists are just starting to get an idea of what they were looking at in the cave art that could not be attributed to "Native Americans" in sites in many states. It was a surprise when Australian Aborigines recognized the art when it was shown to them. It also looks exactly like Australian aboriginal art. Even they said the art work depicted a very bad war. So now here we are and in a pissing contest over History? OH AS IF!?!? Let us look at the situation of the world today. China has been poising itself to dominate the world. Funny thing is that I bet you don't see that happening. They have actively been doing anything to erode us slowly and stealing away our industry sure did us a number. Now we are SUPER deep in debt with them. I bet if China took over many of the open boarder crowd would get to whine all for about the first time you are sent to state prison for having a voice of dissent because you don't like how China treats free speech. Again attacking my grasp of history in four sentences? Again, PUHLEEZE Girlfriend! ![]() Now about the sovereignty of this nations boarders? When we adopted a constitution we became a defined nation. Humans need definition for everything. None the less I was born here. I am third generation of forefathers who paid through the teeth to come here. There are many who have a dream to come here and go through all the needed steps to accomplish this legally. Do I have a complaint with this? NO. So now the "Libertarian (COUGH COUGH)" speaks up and in four sentences sums up everything including a credible argument with a boat load of nothing? Ha Ha! Again what part of Draconian, and Equal Opportunity Offender don't you get. I have no heart! Why? People taught me how effed up this world was. So now here we are. I got history all wrong? And you went to school where? And I suppose the world is flat too? So what was the history of the world according to you? God is some happy long old white guy with a beard? Adam and Eve were not Jewish? And all us White folk are evil and racist and Biased? HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA! I wish I could say I was laughing WITH you! ![]() Sorry but this is America. We need to think about American interests first. We do not go out of our way to exploit others because there are people out there who want to be exploited. Big Business is the real enemy and they want this whole "One World" Autocracy lording over us "little people." If exploitation brings jobs to a poor nation GUESS WHAT! Holla SubStandard Wages and LONG hours! Now for that whole "You don't own the land" speak... Welcome to the real world. Evidently you can for the right price! SO ONE MORE TIME: I have no issue with legal immigrants. I do have an issue with the presence of Illegal Aliens here! So what Arizona is going after them finally! It is about God Damn Time! And to equate Immigration control with Nazism? Man you folks make me want to laugh even harder. Now Dragoness, I am curious where you went to school and how much history you actually have under your belt. I got a lot of A's in History myself in college. How about you? I took Anthropology 1 and 2. Got A's in both. And you? And my history is inaccurate? And I suppose the Battle of New Orleans never happened AFTER the War of 1812? The one war where New Orleans was attacked TWO WEEKS after the war was over because the British attack never got the news the war ended before they arrived and sacked New Orleans? If you are going to attack me like that please have the courtesy to provide your evidence to counter my argument or at least explain your position. I suppose you are going to tell me all Indians were the same and all lived in one big happy hug under a huge rainbow of peace? They warred and killed each other before we got here and did the same to them. It doesn't make it right BUT it is human nature and even though you might hold to your values and ideals the fact is the other guy does not. There are more of the lower life forms out there than you. If you think they would not kill you and take everything you own you are fooling yourself. Our boarder separates us from the rest of the insanity. once upon a time we were a great nation but now you treat it worst than it is. We can fix this nation but people have to wake up to the fact that you cannot expect a government to pay your way in life. Socialism DOES NOT WORK. History proved that time and time again! Sorry if I am a little too Draconain for you. At least I am not Machiavellian. Then again I read that tome. I bet you haven't. You would see that THAT BOOK is what the world power struggle operates by. How do you destroy a nation? Open their boarders! That happened to Rome! Oh, but I don't know history supposedly... To laugh, to be hilariated! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Now, can you understand why they aren't responding? Their history lessons came from the book,"Short bus version of American History." ![]() ![]() |
Am i the only one who sees the hypocrisy of the arizona law? White people complaining about immigration? This is such a bogus complaint it almost makes me laugh...How do u think White people got into this country in the 1st place...ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION!!! If the Native Americans want to voice there opinion on illegal immigration, ill be glad to listen...until then white people need to shut there domineering and self centered ***** up, because they seem to enjoy the "Rights" that all people, all over the world, should embrace so i bid u addue.. This world is for us all to enjoy, its our before we start trying to organize this place with our own ideals, lets first learn to love and take care of one another... If you take the time to learn the history of Arizona, you'll realize that your claims are bogus. Wiki has a brief overview here |
..seriously tho..i mean why should we care who crosses our borders,it's not like we're in a war or anything (sarcasm).. ![]() |
Am i the only one who sees the hypocrisy of the arizona law? White people complaining about immigration? This is such a bogus complaint it almost makes me laugh...How do u think White people got into this country in the 1st place...ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION!!! If the Native Americans want to voice there opinion on illegal immigration, ill be glad to listen...until then white people need to shut there domineering and self centered ***** up, because they seem to enjoy the "Rights" that all people, all over the world, should embrace so i bid u addue.. This world is for us all to enjoy, its our before we start trying to organize this place with our own ideals, lets first learn to love and take care of one another... Ahem, it was not termed illegal immigration because there was no law in affect at the time, with the exception of life or death. You came onto our lands and we kill you. Many, foriegners looking for a better way of living upon the shores of what we term the United States today, died from famine, diseases, and killings from the native occupants. Maybe your are correct, instead of deportation maybe we should kill the illegal invaders as the Indians originally did?? Would that be satifactory to you, or would rather see the laws in place. Anyone immigrating to another country should follow their laws and customs in order integrate into their society. So, the US makes your get a permanent residency entrance card wait 5 years and works 40 quarters. Plus, naturalization courses, including laws, rights, and priveleges when entering the US. You do not think these things remain unimportant in order to minimize culture shock and integrate other cultures into our society? |
Am i the only one who sees the hypocrisy of the arizona law? White people complaining about immigration? This is such a bogus complaint it almost makes me laugh...How do u think White people got into this country in the 1st place...ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION!!! If the Native Americans want to voice there opinion on illegal immigration, ill be glad to listen...until then white people need to shut there domineering and self centered ***** up, because they seem to enjoy the "Rights" that all people, all over the world, should embrace so i bid u addue.. This world is for us all to enjoy, its our before we start trying to organize this place with our own ideals, lets first learn to love and take care of one another... Ahem, it was not termed illegal immigration because there was no law in affect at the time, with the exception of life or death. You came onto our lands and we kill you. Many, foriegners looking for a better way of living upon the shores of what we term the United States today, died from famine, diseases, and killings from the native occupants. Maybe your are correct, instead of deportation maybe we should kill the illegal invaders as the Indians originally did?? Would that be satifactory to you, or would rather see the laws in place. Anyone immigrating to another country should follow their laws and customs in order integrate into their society. So, the US makes your get a permanent residency entrance card wait 5 years and works 40 quarters. Plus, naturalization courses, including laws, rights, and priveleges when entering the US. You do not think these things remain unimportant in order to minimize culture shock and integrate other cultures into our society? BRAVO! BRAVO! BRAVO! ![]() |
Am i the only one who sees the hypocrisy of the arizona law? White people complaining about immigration? This is such a bogus complaint it almost makes me laugh...How do u think White people got into this country in the 1st place...ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION!!! ![]() and those "immigration laws" are there for a, population control, safety..etc. etc. the world may belong to the human race but this is OUR country now and we do need to tend our own back yard(its gettin pretty messy) |
Still the voices of the Liberals are suddenly silent? OH Forgive me, "LIBERTARIANS..."
I think they are running out of Rainbow and Happy Yellow paint and their supply of smiley face stickers is running out on them. So how many "Libertarians" with some of the ideals preached here so far have read Don Quixote? I wonder if they are seeing Giants or Windmills as they joust here? ![]() |
Still the voices of the Liberals are suddenly silent? OH Forgive me, "LIBERTARIANS..." I think they are running out of Rainbow and Happy Yellow paint and their supply of smiley face stickers is running out on them. So how many "Libertarians" with some of the ideals preached here so far have read Don Quixote? I wonder if they are seeing Giants or Windmills as they joust here? ........and there is nothing wrong with being liberal, dem, or rep, they are all view points that should be considered ![]() |
..seriously tho..i mean why should we care who crosses our borders,it's not like we're in a war or anything (sarcasm).. ![]() Actually, we're not. Congress never issued a declaration of war. We're in the midst of an invasion based on a pack of lies and misinformation. |
Do you seriously not know the difference between liberals and libertarians
![]() Still the voices of the Liberals are suddenly silent? OH Forgive me, "LIBERTARIANS..." I think they are running out of Rainbow and Happy Yellow paint and their supply of smiley face stickers is running out on them. So how many "Libertarians" with some of the ideals preached here so far have read Don Quixote? I wonder if they are seeing Giants or Windmills as they joust here? ![]() |
There were people here before the injuns. The injuns warred and if they won, took slaves and whores. You know the deal. If'n they was limp-wristed injuns, the slaves were female. If'n they was strait-arrow, the whores were the women. They didn't waste resources on those who wouldn't work or put out. They'd just waste 'em. And I really don't think they gave a flyin'---- about human rights. I think BJ Italian split. Go figger. This wuz jet a gittin' good. More inaccurate history here. Prove me wrong. Paleo-Americans were the ancestors to the American Indian so basically the Indians were the first to live in the Americas. As to your slave and whore garbage there is no need to address such drivel. Slavery and Native Americans in British North America and the United States: 1600 to 1865 By Tony Seybert Most Native American tribal groups practiced some form of slavery before the European introduction of African slavery into North America; but none exploited slave labor on a large scale. Indian groups frequently enslaved war captives whom they used for small-scale labor and in ritual sacrifice. Most of these so-called Indian slaves tended to live, however, on the fringes of Indian society. Although not much is known about them, there is little evidence that they were considered racially inferior to the Indians who held power over them. Nor did Indians buy and sell captives in the pre-colonial era, although they sometimes exchanged enslaved Indians with other tribes in peace gestures or in exchange for their own members. In fact, the word "slave" may not even accurately apply to these captive people. The situation of enslaved Indians varied among the tribes. In many cases, enslaved captives were adopted into the tribes to replace warriors killed during a raid. Enslaved warriors sometimes endured mutilation or torture that could end in death as part of a grief ritual for relatives slain in battle. Some Indians cut off one foot of their captives to keep them from running away; others allowed enslaved captives to marry the widows of slain husbands. The Creek, for example, treated the children born of slaves and tribal members as full members of the tribe rather than as enslaved offspring. Some tribes held captives as hostages for payment. Other tribes practiced debt slavery or imposed slavery on tribal members who had committed crimes; but this status was only temporary as the enslaved worked off their obligations to the tribal society. So you post and prove yourself wrong. I like that. Indentured and war capture slavery was world wide and not specific to the indians. |
Edited by
Wed 05/26/10 06:02 PM
First and foremost the Aborigines were here first. Their presence on the New world was confirmed in South America (ARGENTINA). Cave art in the New World attributed to them was found to portray a genocide (UP AND DOWN THE NEW WORLD). When the Bearing Land Bridge formed the Mongolian Asiatic population made their way here. When they got her Aborigines were already here first so what happened? GENOCIDE more than likely. But what written history of the event is sketchy. Anthropologists are just starting to get an idea of what they were looking at in the cave art that could not be attributed to "Native Americans" in sites in many states. It was a surprise when Australian Aborigines recognized the art when it was shown to them. It also looks exactly like Australian aboriginal art. Even they said the art work depicted a very bad war. So now here we are and in a pissing contest over History? OH AS IF!?!? Let us look at the situation of the world today. China has been poising itself to dominate the world. Funny thing is that I bet you don't see that happening. They have actively been doing anything to erode us slowly and stealing away our industry sure did us a number. Now we are SUPER deep in debt with them. I bet if China took over many of the open boarder crowd would get to whine all for about the first time you are sent to state prison for having a voice of dissent because you don't like how China treats free speech. Again attacking my grasp of history in four sentences? Again, PUHLEEZE Girlfriend! ![]() Now about the sovereignty of this nations boarders? When we adopted a constitution we became a defined nation. Humans need definition for everything. None the less I was born here. I am third generation of forefathers who paid through the teeth to come here. There are many who have a dream to come here and go through all the needed steps to accomplish this legally. Do I have a complaint with this? NO. So now the "Libertarian (COUGH COUGH)" speaks up and in four sentences sums up everything including a credible argument with a boat load of nothing? Ha Ha! Again what part of Draconian, and Equal Opportunity Offender don't you get. I have no heart! Why? People taught me how effed up this world was. So now here we are. I got history all wrong? And you went to school where? And I suppose the world is flat too? So what was the history of the world according to you? God is some happy long old white guy with a beard? Adam and Eve were not Jewish? And all us White folk are evil and racist and Biased? HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA! I wish I could say I was laughing WITH you! ![]() Sorry but this is America. We need to think about American interests first. We do not go out of our way to exploit others because there are people out there who want to be exploited. Big Business is the real enemy and they want this whole "One World" Autocracy lording over us "little people." If exploitation brings jobs to a poor nation GUESS WHAT! Holla SubStandard Wages and LONG hours! Now for that whole "You don't own the land" speak... Welcome to the real world. Evidently you can for the right price! SO ONE MORE TIME: I have no issue with legal immigrants. I do have an issue with the presence of Illegal Aliens here! So what Arizona is going after them finally! It is about God Damn Time! And to equate Immigration control with Nazism? Man you folks make me want to laugh even harder. Now Dragoness, I am curious where you went to school and how much history you actually have under your belt. I got a lot of A's in History myself in college. How about you? I took Anthropology 1 and 2. Got A's in both. And you? And my history is inaccurate? And I suppose the Battle of New Orleans never happened AFTER the War of 1812? The one war where New Orleans was attacked TWO WEEKS after the war was over because the British attack never got the news the war ended before they arrived and sacked New Orleans? If you are going to attack me like that please have the courtesy to provide your evidence to counter my argument or at least explain your position. I suppose you are going to tell me all Indians were the same and all lived in one big happy hug under a huge rainbow of peace? They warred and killed each other before we got here and did the same to them. It doesn't make it right BUT it is human nature and even though you might hold to your values and ideals the fact is the other guy does not. There are more of the lower life forms out there than you. If you think they would not kill you and take everything you own you are fooling yourself. Our boarder separates us from the rest of the insanity. once upon a time we were a great nation but now you treat it worst than it is. We can fix this nation but people have to wake up to the fact that you cannot expect a government to pay your way in life. Socialism DOES NOT WORK. History proved that time and time again! Sorry if I am a little too Draconain for you. At least I am not Machiavellian. Then again I read that tome. I bet you haven't. You would see that THAT BOOK is what the world power struggle operates by. How do you destroy a nation? Open their boarders! That happened to Rome! Oh, but I don't know history supposedly... To laugh, to be hilariated! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Considering that the post I spoke of was not completely accurate regardless to your schoolin', I still stand right. So laugh it up. As for your opinionated version on this post, it could be called fairly accurate or conjecturized. Arizona promoting racism to reach an objective is still shaming this country. There is no way around the shame they have caused America. And continue to cause with their racially bigoted pursuits. |
UMMMMMMMMMMMMM! How stupid and Myopic can people get? Let us have us a little history lesson. Who was the First people to plunder the New World? Answer: SPAIN Who Else plundered the New World? Answer: ENGLAND, FRANCE, PORTUGAL and RUSSIA. What happened? Answer: The colonists then made this a nation separate from Europe. So who exactly committed Atrocities FIRST??? Answer: SPAIN! They slaughtered the Aztecs and Imposed a dictatorial regime of oppression robbery and brutality. the Mission System ravaged the California Indians LONG before we took the California territory from the Mexicans in the Mexican American war. France Instigated Indians to attack us and so did the English. What did this get the Indians? Answer: KILLED OFF! NOW Where does this whole "Population Displacement" crap go on now? Answer: Tibet, and Palestine Who are the oppressors? Answer: China, and Israel. Are there atrocities associated with these countries? ANSWER: MOST CERTAINLY! The world sucks but until you change the human heart itself all of the Good Will Hunting is just like a Pipe Dream! Yeah the Indians got shafted? So what. At least America has been trying to find a way of making good on a serious past mistake. I cannot say the same for China or Israel. I love how people try to play this whole "America is so evil for what we did to the Indians!" Hell, once upon a time the South allowed the ownership of slaves! I suppose some of you want to go on a tear about reparations now??? How about what happened to the Japanese citizens of America during WWII? At least this country tries to fix wrongs instead of being like China who sweeps everything they do under the carpet like Tienanmen Square! God some people make me go ![]() And this is what has become of our education? ![]() P.S. the North had slave ownership, too-which Lincoln did not oppose until it became politically opportune to. |
Edited by
Wed 05/26/10 06:53 PM
Am i the only one who sees the hypocrisy of the arizona law? White people complaining about immigration? This is such a bogus complaint it almost makes me laugh...How do u think White people got into this country in the 1st place...ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION!!! If the Native Americans want to voice there opinion on illegal immigration, ill be glad to listen...until then white people need to shut there domineering and self centered ***** up, because they seem to enjoy the "Rights" that all people, all over the world, should embrace so i bid u addue.. This world is for us all to enjoy, its our before we start trying to organize this place with our own ideals, lets first learn to love and take care of one another... Patriotism and ownership views in this country are skewed. Instead of appreciating that they are here because of immigration, that their ancestors felt the same as the immigrants feel today about this country and that this nation may even with all it's problems be one of the greatest nations on the planet, they get caught up in a superiority complex that makes them feel better about themselves when they abuse and perpetrate prejudice ideals of criminality onto a certain race or type of people who are at a disadvantage to themselves. It is not for him to pride himself who loveth his own country, but rather for him who loveth the whole world. The earth is but one country and mankind its citizens. -Baha'u'llah Patriotism. Combustible rubbish ready to the torch of any one ambitious to illuminate his name. -Ambrose Bierce God and Country are an unbeatable team; they break all records for oppression and bloodshed. -Luis Bunuel My country wrong or right, is like saying my mother, drunk or sober. -G. K. Chesterton My country is the world; my countrymen are mankind. -William Lloyd Garrison “Patriotism is the belief your country is superior to all other countries because you were born in it.” George Bernard Shaw |
UMMMMMMMMMMMMM! How stupid and Myopic can people get? Let us have us a little history lesson. Who was the First people to plunder the New World? Answer: SPAIN Who Else plundered the New World? Answer: ENGLAND, FRANCE, PORTUGAL and RUSSIA. What happened? Answer: The colonists then made this a nation separate from Europe. So who exactly committed Atrocities FIRST??? Answer: SPAIN! They slaughtered the Aztecs and Imposed a dictatorial regime of oppression robbery and brutality. the Mission System ravaged the California Indians LONG before we took the California territory from the Mexicans in the Mexican American war. France Instigated Indians to attack us and so did the English. What did this get the Indians? Answer: KILLED OFF! NOW Where does this whole "Population Displacement" crap go on now? Answer: Tibet, and Palestine Who are the oppressors? Answer: China, and Israel. Are there atrocities associated with these countries? ANSWER: MOST CERTAINLY! The world sucks but until you change the human heart itself all of the Good Will Hunting is just like a Pipe Dream! Yeah the Indians got shafted? So what. At least America has been trying to find a way of making good on a serious past mistake. I cannot say the same for China or Israel. I love how people try to play this whole "America is so evil for what we did to the Indians!" Hell, once upon a time the South allowed the ownership of slaves! I suppose some of you want to go on a tear about reparations now??? How about what happened to the Japanese citizens of America during WWII? At least this country tries to fix wrongs instead of being like China who sweeps everything they do under the carpet like Tienanmen Square! God some people make me go ![]() And this is what has become of our education? ![]() P.S. the North had slave ownership, too-which Lincoln did not oppose until it became politically opportune to. Man, I miss out on everything! It ain't fair |
UMMMMMMMMMMMMM! How stupid and Myopic can people get? Let us have us a little history lesson. Who was the First people to plunder the New World? Answer: SPAIN Who Else plundered the New World? Answer: ENGLAND, FRANCE, PORTUGAL and RUSSIA. What happened? Answer: The colonists then made this a nation separate from Europe. So who exactly committed Atrocities FIRST??? Answer: SPAIN! They slaughtered the Aztecs and Imposed a dictatorial regime of oppression robbery and brutality. the Mission System ravaged the California Indians LONG before we took the California territory from the Mexicans in the Mexican American war. France Instigated Indians to attack us and so did the English. What did this get the Indians? Answer: KILLED OFF! NOW Where does this whole "Population Displacement" crap go on now? Answer: Tibet, and Palestine Who are the oppressors? Answer: China, and Israel. Are there atrocities associated with these countries? ANSWER: MOST CERTAINLY! The world sucks but until you change the human heart itself all of the Good Will Hunting is just like a Pipe Dream! Yeah the Indians got shafted? So what. At least America has been trying to find a way of making good on a serious past mistake. I cannot say the same for China or Israel. I love how people try to play this whole "America is so evil for what we did to the Indians!" Hell, once upon a time the South allowed the ownership of slaves! I suppose some of you want to go on a tear about reparations now??? How about what happened to the Japanese citizens of America during WWII? At least this country tries to fix wrongs instead of being like China who sweeps everything they do under the carpet like Tienanmen Square! God some people make me go ![]() And this is what has become of our education? ![]() P.S. the North had slave ownership, too-which Lincoln did not oppose until it became politically opportune to. Do you want to get real technical? Our founding fathers also owned slaves! Lincoln also didn't fight the civil war to free slaves, it was about the south separating from the union. Lincoln was also a racist as well. On a previous post YES I was making a funny. Dragoness, you are way too funny for words! I mean seriously now! You must be a hoot at parties! Your ability to spew rhetoric and flowery saying is just unbridled! You are SO Literate. Why have you not tossed in some Henry David Thoreau? How about John Lennon? Try this on for size: Peace for the sake of peace in the midst of belligerent adversaries is suicide! Also: There is peace in possessing superior fire power. And this should be a classic: So many people with the right answer and yet everyone is wrong! Do you even have any comprehension of how messed up the human psyche is? OH but humans are not animals either I suppose too? And you are superior to us poor knuckle dragging troglodytes how exactly? You are one of those idiots who also believes in replacing a car with a new one when it needs a tune up? This is the Congress and President you are promoting here! And since you like attacking me so much with brief four line litanies of how racist and intolerant I am please allow me to ask just one thing? When did you take common sense and throw it out a five story window? Did you major in Liberal Arts? It seems like you sure have a way of liberally applying BS all over a topic! Law enforcement is racist? Let me fill you in on what might just happen here in CA. We are due for elections next month. I AM voting for Meg Whitman. You should look at what she is planning if she becomes Governor! If you think Arizona is bad??? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA. Eff YOU SAN FRANCISCO! YOUR DAYS AS AN AMNESTY CITY MAY VERY WELL BE COUNTED NOW! I cold only hope! Now I know where Libertarians stand and I also know where Liberals stand. Walk like a duck, Quack like a duck, if it leaves little white poo poos next to the pond like a duck? It must be a duck. You very counter arguments are the same damn thing EXACTLY as the same spew every Liberal uses to make a point. Repeat everything and paraphrase until everyone gets sick of hearing it. Well, get used to the taste of Immigration reform Through Enforcement!! Tough doo doo if Juan Paco gets busted at a traffic stop for not being here legally! Come back legal or don't come back at all! ![]() HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA... ...Ha Ha ha! Boy am I on a tear tonight or what folks? |
Am i the only one who sees the hypocrisy of the arizona law? White people complaining about immigration? This is such a bogus complaint it almost makes me laugh...How do u think White people got into this country in the 1st place...ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION!!! If the Native Americans want to voice there opinion on illegal immigration, ill be glad to listen...until then white people need to shut there domineering and self centered ***** up, because they seem to enjoy the "Rights" that all people, all over the world, should embrace so i bid u addue.. This world is for us all to enjoy, its our before we start trying to organize this place with our own ideals, lets first learn to love and take care of one another... Patriotism and ownership views in this country are skewed. Instead of appreciating that they are here because of immigration, that their ancestors felt the same as the immigrants feel today about this country and that this nation may even with all it's problems be one of the greatest nations on the planet, they get caught up in a superiority complex that makes them feel better about themselves when they abuse and perpetrate prejudice ideals of criminality onto a certain race or type of people who are at a disadvantage to themselves. It is not for him to pride himself who loveth his own country, but rather for him who loveth the whole world. The earth is but one country and mankind its citizens. -Baha'u'llah Patriotism. Combustible rubbish ready to the torch of any one ambitious to illuminate his name. -Ambrose Bierce God and Country are an unbeatable team; they break all records for oppression and bloodshed. -Luis Bunuel My country wrong or right, is like saying my mother, drunk or sober. -G. K. Chesterton My country is the world; my countrymen are mankind. -William Lloyd Garrison “Patriotism is the belief your country is superior to all other countries because you were born in it.” George Bernard Shaw america is not superior or inferior , but we have laws to secure our borders just like Every western culture country,,,,they should be applied equally to all...... I can love mankind, it does not follow that I must be happy and willing to allow anyone who can manage to enter my home when I am not looking to stay and make demands of me,,, I should be able to KNOW who is coming into my home and a country should be able to KNOW who is coming across its borders... |
I live in AZ and all I have to say is, no white or black people are going to work in all the fast food restaurants or do any kind of outdoor work in the summer here. White people have this fake ****ing pride thing going on. Who gives a **** about it being illegal. Politicians break laws, cops break laws, judges and so on. Laws are all bought and paid for by some rich white guy or family or business somewhere. Who gives a ****. These people want to be here so bad. Let them the **** in. They don't bomb our buildings. But wait, white americans do that to america too. WHO ****ING CARES.