papersmile's photo
Wed 05/26/10 03:01 AM
since i started this new job (a school secretary) i've discovered that i can collect employment insurance for the periods that the schools are closed (summer, christmas and march breaks).

i haven't taken advantage of it yet (and not sure i will) but i understand it's all an online process here and is just a matter of opening a new claim, via computer. it takes away the possible shame of standing in line with everyone else. i don't know how anyone else feels, but i collected once in my life, for a period of about 5 months and i felt terrible every single time i walked in the building.

you've paid into this all your life judy; you ARE entitled to it, just as much, perhaps more, than anyone else in that office. times are tough and, if i recall, you lost your job; you didn't just walk away from it and wait for someone to take care of you. push for a new appointment, whatever it takes. and good luck.

Fade2Black's photo
Wed 05/26/10 05:51 AM

since i started this new job (a school secretary) i've discovered that i can collect employment insurance for the periods that the schools are closed (summer, christmas and march breaks).

i haven't taken advantage of it yet (and not sure i will) but i understand it's all an online process here and is just a matter of opening a new claim, via computer. it takes away the possible shame of standing in line with everyone else. i don't know how anyone else feels, but i collected once in my life, for a period of about 5 months and i felt terrible every single time i walked in the building.

you've paid into this all your life judy; you ARE entitled to it, just as much, perhaps more, than anyone else in that office. times are tough and, if i recall, you lost your job; you didn't just walk away from it and wait for someone to take care of you. push for a new appointment, whatever it takes. and good luck.

You recall correctly Lisa. I was part of a 150 persons RFT & my job was extremely specific, which makes it hard to replace, especially where I live.

And you hit it on the head. I've never been on unemployment. And so far it WAS all online. Now that it's gone from the Fed Emergency Fund to State, they are bringing the 'hammer down' perse. Weeding out the wannabe's.

But also I see so many who have never attempted to better their lives with education. When I made a mistake and got pregnant in HS, I didn't just stop without a degree, & blame it on life. In a few years I obtained my GED and then went on to college. Finished top of my class. Why? Because I didn't want to settle for less than I am capable of, and wanted to take full responsibility for my life.

And even in the midst of being unemployed I have probably given more, thru our church, to the true needy, than ever. I love to give not receive.

And Goof, maybe I DID sound a bit above, but IF I did it was more in being one of those who never ever ever EXPECTS some handout from society because they owe me. I guarantee that's why the state employees are a bit nasty too. Because they are tired of dealing with those who think the world owes them ..

And Motown, I am FULLY aware of the 'real' world. As I stated, I have made my own path thru raising 5 beautiful responsible children. But I will never see it as being 'owed' anything as many do. Not happening.

And Lisa after your statement I realize why I was "conveniently" late by a few mins. I was dragging purposely. It was just subconscious. I didn't want to go to that meeting because of how I felt about being 'grouped' .. it's all about the physical presence I need to make.

Thank you!

flowerforyou flowerforyou

newarkjw's photo
Wed 05/26/10 05:58 AM
So I am assuming you will be turning down Social Security as well when you retire............smokin

Phuque2's photo
Wed 05/26/10 06:26 AM
Edited by Phuque2 on Wed 05/26/10 06:46 AM

lol ... yeah your right ... if i were to walk into a room full of corporate people ... i wouldn't be very comfortable. I'd be thinking to myself .. "they probably think im here to clean." lol

Thanks for that look at this thread...Assumptions of why ANY person is in that room, or who they are, or what they look like is assuming every person of color is going to rob you, or there cloths are not kept up to the looker standards, or that they appear to be there for a free handout is just so sad.....I am not a bleeding heart anything, just tired of the stereotyping going on....

I had the pleasure of knowing a wonderful man that I met at A Disabled American Veterans (DAV) meeting.....I talked to him at leanth about his next adventure to Washington DC.....Our DAV group found that this man had been out of work because the plant he worked at all his life, moved to Mexico, his benifit package went with the company. He slowly went into depresion and tried to get work whenever he could...But no one knew about this man and why it was hard for him to keep working. In WW2 he single handedly took out 3 tanks that were killing all his Brothers, he was wounded 4 times while doing this and after all those years of work and being a part of this wonderful free place we live in he needed a hand....He had choices, he let his hair grow out, he slept in abandened houses, he ate what he could find and worked for that food even in terrible pain from all of his wounds...I wonder how this incredible man was looked at when he was in the unenployment place.....Everybody has a story.....

His adventure was going to Washington DC to get his long overdue Medal of Honor.....May my friend Mat, rest in peace

Fade2Black's photo
Wed 05/26/10 07:09 AM
It amazes me how things can be misconstrued. spock No where in this thread was COLOR mentioned Mike, until you brought it up. Nowhere.ohwell

And, I am not daunted by the underprivileged. And in fact give whatever I can to help others.

I love the military and anyone who has fought for our freedoms is my hero. love

I know there are stories behind many of the homeless. Our city supported "tent cities" down by the railroad for over a year of this economic downturn, and I had hoped last Christmas as a family project WITH MY KIDS, to take gloves/hats for the entire group. I was informed that needed to be done thru an organization. brokenheart

So don't be assuming I am thinking I am better than ANYONE else. Although I have worked hard, I know I am who I am, and where I am, by the Grace of God.

frustrated frustrated The whole friggin point of this thread was for me to be HONEST and say when I was OUT OF MY COMFORT ZONE. Difference for me is that I am willing to share when something makes me feel uncomfortable, not pretend it doesn't.

That's probably the reason many people aren't ... honest and true to themselves and others. Fear of being misunderstood. But I am not one to fear what people think of me. What you see is what you get.

I was merely saying I WAS UNCOMFORTABLE. whoa THAT'S ALL!!!!

This is ridiculous & I regret sharing. For people to turn what I shared into 'judging' others .. well, I guess I should have expected it. SIGH.shades

newarkjw's photo
Wed 05/26/10 07:16 AM
Actually Honey I don't think anybody was judging at all. It was just different perspectives. As you stated sharing ones feelings. Everyone has there own frame of reference......flowerforyou

Fade2Black's photo
Wed 05/26/10 07:16 AM

Many are having to step out of their comfort zones as of late. A friend of mine from another state has been out of work and then her husband lost his job..she hit the local food bank for the first time in her life and she was horrified and humiliated having to do so.

She also said she realized what a judgmental snob she had been (her words, not mine) and has open her heart up some.

I watch Fun with Dick and Jane once a month to get perspective. LOL LOL

I have had to put my children on a state funded health care program to provide for their medical and dental needs, and we've cut every corner we can.

Ya it puts a dent in any snobbery one might ficticiously try to live in. smokin

Fade2Black's photo
Wed 05/26/10 07:17 AM

So I am assuming you will be turning down Social Security as well when you retire............smokin

No actually I'll collect yours TOO if you'd like :tongue:

Fade2Black's photo
Wed 05/26/10 07:23 AM
Edited by Fade2Black on Wed 05/26/10 07:23 AM

Fade2Black's photo
Wed 05/26/10 07:26 AM

Actually Honey I don't think anybody was judging at all. It was just different perspectives. As you stated sharing ones feelings. Everyone has there own frame of reference......flowerforyou

Well thanks for that drinker

It's funny because when I was married we pastored 2 churches. We received more handmedowns and handouts of food at our doorstep yada yada .. than I could possibly take time to share about. It takes your pride, if you have any, down a notch or two for sure. But my family was in need. Whatcha gonna do eh?

But I am far from high and mighty.

Just sayin ..

newarkjw's photo
Wed 05/26/10 07:32 AM

Actually Honey I don't think anybody was judging at all. It was just different perspectives. As you stated sharing ones feelings. Everyone has there own frame of reference......flowerforyou

Well thanks for that drinker

It's funny because when I was married we pastored 2 churches. We received more handmedowns and handouts of food at our doorstep yada yada .. than I could possibly take time to share about. It takes your pride, if you have any, down a notch or two for sure. But my family was in need. Whatcha gonna do eh?

But I am far from high and mighty.

Just sayin ..

It didn't come across that way to me. Sometimes folks need a hand. That is what it is all about. At least that is how I roll......smokin

Fade2Black's photo
Wed 05/26/10 07:34 AM

Actually Honey I don't think anybody was judging at all. It was just different perspectives. As you stated sharing ones feelings. Everyone has there own frame of reference......flowerforyou

Well thanks for that drinker

It's funny because when I was married we pastored 2 churches. We received more handmedowns and handouts of food at our doorstep yada yada .. than I could possibly take time to share about. It takes your pride, if you have any, down a notch or two for sure. But my family was in need. Whatcha gonna do eh?

But I am far from high and mighty.

Just sayin ..

It didn't come across that way to me. Sometimes folks need a hand. That is what it is all about. At least that is how I roll......smokin

Well then .. allow me to roll with ya - here we go dude :thumbsup:

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

Goofball73's photo
Wed 05/26/10 10:20 AM
"Takes a deep breath after reading all of this thread....then looks at Fade"

Let's just shag!:wink: laugh laugh

MiVidaLoca's photo
Wed 05/26/10 10:31 AM
Hmmmmm free money that you need for a bit of time in a room full of people that you feel aren't your peers.Get there on time ,take a deep breath and suck it up buttercup, who gets to live there whole life in their "Comfort Zone".

Shasta1's photo
Wed 05/26/10 11:33 AM

a lot of those people are probably not that much different than you were. except for the crack heads .... lol ... there's a lot of those in there.

oh probably i agree that some are, but when you live in a big bleeding heart metropolis like toronto, you begin to become a realist and realize that there ARE a lot of people out there unwilling to work, unwilling to better themselves, unwilling to attempt to pick themselves up off the floor and make a contribution to society, unwilling to accept a lower-paying job to attempt to make ends meet instead of demanding something for nothing (and getting it).

i'm no better than anyone else either, but damned if i let the state take total care of me.

kudos to you judy for admitting it.

Thx Lisa :wink:

I beg to differ ladies.
I work directly with the homeless on a daily basis.
Every one has their pride. Sure there are the 'few' who take the money and play, but they are far and few bewteen. It breaks my heart as more and more people are coming to us. We have the 3rd highest unemp. rate in the country and highest foreclosure.
About 1/2 of the people who come to us are searching for work, diligently yet are getting discouraged, broken and beaten. Some find it yet with the assistance they receive it's not enough to find housing. Then you need a credit check..and with losing everything they've lost that also. I have 2 homeless pregnant women and we have gone down the list and NO ONE is willing to lend a hand, one hasn't even had a prenatal.
From my one is better than another. The ones you think won't work actually are homeless because they came from dysfunction, and they don't know how to act in normal setting, how to make things better. Plus they all have some sort of mental illness stirred in there. Anyone who 'chooses' that lifestyle one has to realize they are a bit off, wouldn't you agree.
Please, before you make staements as such, walk in the shoes you think will never fit you. Someday they might. God forbidflowerforyou

no photo
Wed 05/26/10 11:42 AM
Fade to black. You look nice in your picture

Fade2Black's photo
Wed 05/26/10 01:11 PM

Hmmmmm free money that you need for a bit of time in a room full of people that you feel aren't your peers.Get there on time ,take a deep breath and suck it up buttercup, who gets to live there whole life in their "Comfort Zone".

Well dear one, considering my USUAL ComfortZone is about 100'xs most peoples .. I'd say I usual DO live in. Bout 99% of the time :tongue:

But thanks for the kick in the butt .. :laughing:

Fade2Black's photo
Wed 05/26/10 01:11 PM

"Takes a deep breath after reading all of this thread....then looks at Fade"

Let's just shag!:wink: laugh laugh


Fade2Black's photo
Wed 05/26/10 01:13 PM

Fade to black. You look nice in your picture

Random. But nice of you to say. :thumbsup:

Fade2Black's photo
Wed 05/26/10 01:14 PM

a lot of those people are probably not that much different than you were. except for the crack heads .... lol ... there's a lot of those in there.

oh probably i agree that some are, but when you live in a big bleeding heart metropolis like toronto, you begin to become a realist and realize that there ARE a lot of people out there unwilling to work, unwilling to better themselves, unwilling to attempt to pick themselves up off the floor and make a contribution to society, unwilling to accept a lower-paying job to attempt to make ends meet instead of demanding something for nothing (and getting it).

i'm no better than anyone else either, but damned if i let the state take total care of me.

kudos to you judy for admitting it.

Thx Lisa :wink:

I beg to differ ladies.
I work directly with the homeless on a daily basis.
Every one has their pride. Sure there are the 'few' who take the money and play, but they are far and few bewteen. It breaks my heart as more and more people are coming to us. We have the 3rd highest unemp. rate in the country and highest foreclosure.
About 1/2 of the people who come to us are searching for work, diligently yet are getting discouraged, broken and beaten. Some find it yet with the assistance they receive it's not enough to find housing. Then you need a credit check..and with losing everything they've lost that also. I have 2 homeless pregnant women and we have gone down the list and NO ONE is willing to lend a hand, one hasn't even had a prenatal.
From my one is better than another. The ones you think won't work actually are homeless because they came from dysfunction, and they don't know how to act in normal setting, how to make things better. Plus they all have some sort of mental illness stirred in there. Anyone who 'chooses' that lifestyle one has to realize they are a bit off, wouldn't you agree.
Please, before you make staements as such, walk in the shoes you think will never fit you. Someday they might. God forbidflowerforyou

Mental illness is pretty common among the homeless. I agree. :wink: