Topic: What is it with older women?
MelodyGirl's photo
Tue 05/18/10 03:43 PM

Older women are just WAY sexier ...

Especially with a nice 401K and AARP benefits.tongue2 :laughing:


no photo
Tue 05/18/10 05:53 PM

In life, the oldest i went was 10 years older and 9 younger in my 30's. The younger one was so much fun, like going to the Village until 4 am and dancing, more energetic in bed.'s like you can't get it all in one packeage. At this age, I attract ALOT of much older guys and get the feeling they want more of a caretaker than anything, besides the fact that they are more old school, traditonal roles stuff and that doesn't work for me at all, never did.

hear hear

plus I don't have time to entertain a retiree, and because of certain life circumstances - being a stay at home mom in the past, for example - I am about 12 years into my career - professionally speaking about 35 years old- just on the brink in other words of career growth - NOT getting ready to settle into retirement. So I would probably do best with someone else who is still career oriented. We'd have similar outlooks - schedules. No one feeling neglected while the other one was "always" working....

I've dealt with all of that B4 and it's no fun

no photo
Tue 05/18/10 05:56 PM

huh, mmmaaaaaaybe thats my probelm. every female has been younger than me. maybe i should start lookin for older women LOLthink :laughing:

I think u have to go where your attractions lead you irrespective of age (given we are discussing mature adults,as a given, of course)

Have u thought about why your past GFs have been younger always?

Goofball73's photo
Tue 05/18/10 07:38 PM

grumble grumble grumble

flowerforyou laugh

Pretty much .... what are we like chopped liver?

I hope not!

I hate liver...especially when it's chopped.sad

You no likey bananas either! surprised

You and Myka are certainly not chopped liver. flowerforyou

I think it boils down to appreciation. To generalize that ALL older women are stable and focused is not true - and to say all younger women are frivolous and high maintenance is not true either.

Love the one you’re with - and if you aren't with one - find one and appreciate her (him) even if it's just for the night! laugh wanna do it?.....For the night I mean!bigsmile laugh laugh

MelodyGirl's photo
Tue 05/18/10 08:22 PM

grumble grumble grumble

flowerforyou laugh

Pretty much .... what are we like chopped liver?

I hope not!

I hate liver...especially when it's chopped.sad

You no likey bananas either! surprised

You and Myka are certainly not chopped liver. flowerforyou

I think it boils down to appreciation. To generalize that ALL older women are stable and focused is not true - and to say all younger women are frivolous and high maintenance is not true either.

Love the one you’re with - and if you aren't with one - find one and appreciate her (him) even if it's just for the night! laugh wanna do it?.....For the night I mean!bigsmile laugh laugh

Lets do it like they do on the Discovery Channel. laugh

msmyka's photo
Tue 05/18/10 08:24 PM

grumble grumble grumble

flowerforyou laugh

Pretty much .... what are we like chopped liver?

I hope not!

I hate liver...especially when it's chopped.sad

You no likey bananas either! surprised

You and Myka are certainly not chopped liver. flowerforyou

I think it boils down to appreciation. To generalize that ALL older women are stable and focused is not true - and to say all younger women are frivolous and high maintenance is not true either.

Love the one you’re with - and if you aren't with one - find one and appreciate her (him) even if it's just for the night! laugh wanna do it?.....For the night I mean!bigsmile laugh laugh

Lets do it like they do on the Discovery Channel. laugh

You and me baby ain't nothing but mammals, so let's do it like they do it on the Discovery Channel :wink:

Goofball73's photo
Tue 05/18/10 08:28 PM
Yes your Siskel and I'm Ebert and your getting two thumbs up.....laugh laugh

Fade2Black's photo
Tue 05/18/10 09:09 PM

Yes your Siskel and I'm Ebert and your getting two thumbs up.....laugh laugh

Ummm didn't one of them die already? And the other has 1/2 a jaw due to cancer? smokin

no photo
Wed 05/19/10 05:15 PM

grumble grumble grumble

flowerforyou laugh

Pretty much .... what are we like chopped liver?

I hope not!

I hate liver...especially when it's chopped.sad

You no likey bananas either! surprised

You and Myka are certainly not chopped liver. flowerforyou

I think it boils down to appreciation. To generalize that ALL older women are stable and focused is not true - and to say all younger women are frivolous and high maintenance is not true either.

Love the one you’re with - and if you aren't with one - find one and appreciate her (him) even if it's just for the night! laugh wanna do it?.....For the night I mean!bigsmile laugh laugh

Lets do it like they do on the Discovery Channel. laugh

You and me baby ain't nothing but mammals, so let's do it like they do it on the Discovery Channel :wink:
spock I knew that daggone Discovery Channel was nuthin but trouble the minute I saw the first female lioness take it "doggy style." On prime time evenslaphead

rofl rofl

no photo
Wed 05/19/10 10:33 PM
rofl rofl rofl

no photo
Fri 05/21/10 08:59 PM

Ladylid2012's photo
Fri 05/21/10 09:23 PM
I won't speak for all older women, for me I have been fortunate to raise 3 sons alone and learned much about the male brain, I've learned to let the little things go, to communicate better, to understand their needs, to help them feel appreciated, know their loved even if I'm upset with them I still love them. I let them be who they need to be..I'm more allowing.
I have a great relationship with all my boys and it has carried over into my love life....

no photo
Fri 05/21/10 10:06 PM

You and me baby ain't nothing but mammals, so let's do it like they do it on the Discovery Channel :wink:

Didn't the discovery channel show praying mantis' mating rituals?

Totage's photo
Sat 05/22/10 12:37 AM

I won't speak for all older women, for me I have been fortunate to raise 3 sons alone and learned much about the male brain, I've learned to let the little things go, to communicate better, to understand their needs, to help them feel appreciated, know their loved even if I'm upset with them I still love them. I let them be who they need to be..I'm more allowing.
I have a great relationship with all my boys and it has carried over into my love life....

I think that goes for everyone though, not just boys. I think raising children is a true blessing and it does teach us some important lessons.

Ladylid2012's photo
Sat 05/22/10 12:41 AM

I won't speak for all older women, for me I have been fortunate to raise 3 sons alone and learned much about the male brain, I've learned to let the little things go, to communicate better, to understand their needs, to help them feel appreciated, know their loved even if I'm upset with them I still love them. I let them be who they need to be..I'm more allowing.
I have a great relationship with all my boys and it has carried over into my love life....

I think that goes for everyone though, not just boys. I think raising children is a true blessing and it does teach us some important lessons.

Of course raising children teaches us....watching boys grow into men has given me an edge that one raising 3 girls may not have had.

navygirl's photo
Sun 05/23/10 07:48 AM

Is it me, or are they just freakin' awesome!? Granted the one I'm with is not that much older (In fact she could prolly whip my behind) But is it just her or do all older women know how to treat a man? And I'm talking about in every way.... not just the bedroom.

It comes with maturity. Me, I treat a man well as I want to be treated well. No mystery there.

no photo
Sun 05/23/10 08:03 AM

You and me baby ain't nothing but mammals, so let's do it like they do it on the Discovery Channel :wink:

Didn't the discovery channel show praying mantis' mating rituals?
WELL, Those devoted to prayer are also called to be fruitful & multiply. and there's only one way we can do that - as far as I know anyway...laugh

great topic for a Sunday morningflowerforyou

no photo
Sun 05/23/10 08:16 AM

Is it me, or are they just freakin' awesome!? Granted the one I'm with is not that much older (In fact she could prolly whip my behind) But is it just her or do all older women know how to treat a man? And I'm talking about in every way.... not just the bedroom.
Of course we do's because we've had more time yo practicelaugh laugh laugh

s1owhand's photo
Sun 05/23/10 08:47 AM
Just as long as it is not like an octopus! shocked

michiganman3's photo
Sun 05/23/10 08:58 AM
Married 5 yrs older...........

Now dating 11 yrs younger.........

You do the math.:laughing: