Topic: How enforcing Immigration Law helps | |
Story of Prince William County, Va.
Well it was a little rough at first. For sale signs were everywhere as those who had rented single family houses to large groups of Illegals found themselves with no one to rent to. These slum landlords were forced to sell, and to sell cheaply. We were told that the County could not make it without the Illegals to do the dirty work. Well, it has been three years and now the for sale signs are gone. More folks now live in their own homes. (Than rent out those homes to the Illegals.) Crime is way down. Schools are full again. (Although the free lunch program is providing far fewer free lunch's.) People are now flooding to Price William County because the crime rate and the taxes are going down. The County is considering bringing in Portable Class Rooms because so many folks want their children to live in a safe County. Young working families are moving in to areas where the Illegals once ruled. Lots of young military families have traded their rental homes, for the low priced homes in Prince William. They now find that their house payment, (Including taxes and insurance.), is lower than their apartment rent was. And all this while their neighborhoods continue to become cleaner, and safer, and their homes are going up in value. Yes, it seems that cracking down on the Illegals has brought huge change to Prince William County. And now the pot boils over in Arlington County, as Arlington, (The Very liberal County that welcomed the Illegals who left Prince William.), is raising taxes to pay for the mounting welfare and crime. It is interesting that lots of Legal Hispanics have been flooding to Prince William. The number of people who speak Spanish are growing again. (But this time we are talking families who are citizens of our Country.) |
Funny how Arlington Cty (like so many other places across the country) just can't do simple math and figure out that when y' gotta SPEND money to support people who don't CONTRIBUTE any money to the system and its upkeep, eventually y' run OUT of money ... and THAT's when ya gotta start raisin' taxes on the ones who actually work and produce so the ones who like to eat but hate to work can continue the lifestyle to which they've become accustomed ...
Dear President Hussein: I'm planning to move my family and extended family into Mexico for my health, and I would like to ask you to assist me. We're planning to simply walk across the border from the U.S. into Mexico, and we'll need your help to make a few arrangements. We plan to skip all the legal stuff like visas, passports, immigration quotas and laws. I'm sure they handle those things the same way you do here. So, would you mind telling your buddy, President Calderon, that I'm on my way over? Please let him know that I will be expecting the following: 1. Free medical care for my entire family. 2. English-speaking government bureaucrats for all services I might need, whether I use them or not. 3. Please print all Mexican government forms in English. 4. I want my grandkids to be taught Spanish by English-speaking (bi-lingual) teachers. 5. Tell their schools they need to include classes on American culture and history. 6. I want my grandkids to see the American flag on one of the flag poles at their school. 7. Please plan to feed my grandkids at school for both breakfast and lunch. 8. I will need a local Mexican driver's license so I can get easy access to government services. 9. I do plan to get a car and drive in Mexico but I don't plan to purchase car insurance, and I probably won't make any special effort to learn local traffic laws. 10. In case one of the Mexican police officers does not get the memo from their president to leave me alone, please be sure that every patrol car has at least one English-speaking officer. 11. I plan to fly the U.S. flag from my house top, put U. S. flag decals on my car, and have a gigantic celebration on July 4th. I do not want any complaints or negative comments from the locals. 12. I would also like to have a nice job without paying any taxes, or have any labor or tax laws enforced on any business I may start. 13. Please have the president tell all the Mexican people to be extremely nice and never say critical things about me or my family, or about the strain we might place on their economy. 14. I want to receive free food stamps. 15. Naturally, I'll expect free rent subsidies. 16. I'll need Income tax credits so although I don't pay Mexican Taxes, I'll receive money from the government. 17. Please arrange it so that the Mexican Gov't pays $4,500 to help me buy a new car. 18. Oh yes, I almost forgot, please enroll me free into the Mexican Social Security program so that I'll get a monthly income in retirement. I know this is an easy request because you already do all these things for all his people who walk over to the U.S. from Mexico . I am sure that President Calderon won't mind returning the favor if you ask him nicely. Thank you so much for your kind help. You da bich!!! |
Bravo, sir! Spot on, old boy! One minor quibble ... Item Nr 7 - that thing about free breakfast and lunch, I believe it is ... ? Well, you need to now include DINNER in that list, because it seems the U. S. 'government' [sic] is just worried sick that the poor li'l tykes won't get a proper feeding at night once they retreat to the shelter of their squalid hovels to await the next 'indoctrination' day ... Don't miss out on the free things that Mexico will be only too glad to provide you with in a generous show of 'South of the Border' hospitality and reciprocity ... Jolly good show, old boy! Have a splendid journey ... !
We were told that the County could not make it without the Illegals to do the dirty work. Coming from someone who admitted in this very forum to having hired illegals to do dirty work for them because they only charged half the going rate, this all sounds strangely hypocritical. And to those who see nothing wrong with having most of the wealth of a nation concentrated in the hands of a few, I say look at Mexico as your future-- it's a perfect example of what happens to a country when the upper classes have all the power and money. For all their oil wealth, Mexico has squat for infrastructure and programs for a middle class which no longer exists. Now, the same people in this country who have used illegal immigrant labor to extort concessions from _our_ middle class in a race to the bottom are now using the illegal immigrant issue which THEY exacerbated to try to distract the very masses they are screwing over. I guess you have to give them points for being devious, though. -Kerry O. |
We were told that the County could not make it without the Illegals to do the dirty work. Coming from someone who admitted in this very forum to having hired illegals to do dirty work for them because they only charged half the going rate, this all sounds strangely hypocritical. And to those who see nothing wrong with having most of the wealth of a nation concentrated in the hands of a few, I say look at Mexico as your future-- it's a perfect example of what happens to a country when the upper classes have all the power and money. For all their oil wealth, Mexico has squat for infrastructure and programs for a middle class which no longer exists. Now, the same people in this country who have used illegal immigrant labor to extort concessions from _our_ middle class in a race to the bottom are now using the illegal immigrant issue which THEY exacerbated to try to distract the very masses they are screwing over. I guess you have to give them points for being devious, though. -Kerry O. It's not my report. It's news from Va. |
" ... And to those who see nothing wrong with having most of the wealth of a nation concentrated in the hands of a few, I say look at Mexico as your future ... " Hold up, Chum Lee ... you talk about Mejikkko as if it's the ONLY place where vast power 'n wealth concentrates in the hands of 'a few' ... What about squalid little cesspools like Venezuela, Haiti, China, India, N. Korea, Myanmar, or Cuba - to name just a very few of the 'concentrations' on the face of this planet IN ADDITION TO Mejikkko ... ? Nothin' wrong with makin' a claim, but to exclude all these other places that are as bad as, if not worse than, Mejikkko, is just so wrong ... |
" ... And to those who see nothing wrong with having most of the wealth of a nation concentrated in the hands of a few, I say look at Mexico as your future ... " Hold up, Chum Lee ... you talk about Mejikkko as if it's the ONLY place where vast power 'n wealth concentrates in the hands of 'a few' ... What about squalid little cesspools like Venezuela, Haiti, China, India, N. Korea, Myanmar, or Cuba - to name just a very few of the 'concentrations' on the face of this planet IN ADDITION TO Mejikkko ... ? Nothin' wrong with makin' a claim, but to exclude all these other places that are as bad as, if not worse than, Mejikkko, is just so wrong ... Um...I think you are missing his point. If I'm not mistaken, the point is that the " cesspools " ( as you called them ) are the result of having a very few, very powerful, very rich people. They are all the " have's " while the rest of the people ( those who are forced to live in the " cesspool " ) are left with nothing. |
I think not ... the places I added to the list are ALL equally as bad as, if not worse than, Mejikkko. They ALL have oligarchic 'government' with wealth and privilege concentrated in the 'few' at the top of the pyramid. You wouldn't mind 'splaining where I went wrong, would you ... ? The other examples ARE cesspools of political and personal corruption in 'government' ... and THAT's already here ... no waiting necessary. Since 'The ONE' is doing his damnedest to destroy OUR middle class, we're rapidly on our way to becoming the same 'have' and 'have not' two-tiered class structure as the cesspools I've added to his 'list of one'.
" ... And to those who see nothing wrong with having most of the wealth of a nation concentrated in the hands of a few, I say look at Mexico as your future ... " Hold up, Chum Lee ... you talk about Mejikkko as if it's the ONLY place where vast power 'n wealth concentrates in the hands of 'a few' No, _that_ was you. ^^^^^^^ See? Right there. Points off for using intellectual dishonesty to distract from what _was_ written, not what you pretend your sock puppet said to you in this debate you're having with it and youself. Has in not occurred to yet that such intellectual dishonesty is why more people don't respond to your wild ramblings and your arrogant condescension? If you're so hot-to-trot on the illegal immigrant issue, why didn't you take Willing to task for his hypocrisy in _personally_ hiring illegals instead of going on a fishing expedition, making up something I _didn't_ say? -Kerry O. |
" ... And to those who see nothing wrong with having most of the wealth of a nation concentrated in the hands of a few, I say look at Mexico as your future ... " Hold up, Chum Lee ... you talk about Mejikkko as if it's the ONLY place where vast power 'n wealth concentrates in the hands of 'a few' No, _that_ was you. ^^^^^^^ See? Right there. Points off for using intellectual dishonesty to distract from what _was_ written, not what you pretend your sock puppet said to you in this debate you're having with it and youself. Has in not occurred to yet that such intellectual dishonesty is why more people don't respond to your wild ramblings and your arrogant condescension? If you're so hot-to-trot on the illegal immigrant issue, why didn't you take Willing to task for his hypocrisy in _personally_ hiring illegals instead of going on a fishing expedition, making up something I _didn't_ say? -Kerry O. I apologize for nothing ... I addressed the point YOU made - specifically, that of " ... And to those who see nothing wrong with having most of the wealth of a nation concentrated in the hands of a few, I say look at Mexico as your future ... ". I added OTHER places (a/k/a 'cesspools') to YOUR miniscule listing of ONE oligarchic 'government' which HAPPENS to be geographically close to our Southern border. If you feel better making 'ad hominem' attacks, go for it. You've now attacked me AND Willing2 ... feel better ... ? |
I think not ... the places I added to the list are ALL equally as bad as, if not worse than, Mejikkko. They ALL have oligarchic 'government' with wealth and privilege concentrated in the 'few' at the top of the pyramid. You wouldn't mind 'splaining where I went wrong, would you ... ? I don't NEED to explain it. You answered it yourself. The Mega Banks ( too big to fail, remember? ) were the ones who had a big hand in bringing our economy to it's knees. A few people with the majority of the money. They may not have been politicians, but the definitely bought Washington D.C. and continue to do so. |
I think not ... the places I added to the list are ALL equally as bad as, if not worse than, Mejikkko. They ALL have oligarchic 'government' with wealth and privilege concentrated in the 'few' at the top of the pyramid. You wouldn't mind 'splaining where I went wrong, would you ... ? The other examples ARE cesspools of political and personal corruption in 'government' ... and THAT's already here ... no waiting necessary. Since 'The ONE' is doing his damnedest to destroy OUR middle class, we're rapidly on our way to becoming the same 'have' and 'have not' two-tiered class structure as the cesspools I've added to his 'list of one'. your eyes. We were WELL on the way to a " have " and " have not " society LONG before Obama got voted in. The middle class had ALREADY been decimated by corporations sending jobs across seas and borders. Obama didn't do that. As much as ya might like to blame him for it, it simply cannot be done. Now, I'm NOT saying that he has done a damn thing to HELP the middle class....but he certainly wasn't the one to begin the destruction of it. |
Why, surprisingly, you're right about one thing ... 'O' wasn't 'The ONE' completely responsible for the demise of the middle class ... that started with Woodrow Wilson, accelerated under Teddy Roosevelt, got goosed a bit more under Franklin Delano Roosevelt, bumped up a bit more under LBJ and his 'Grate Society', got WAY jacked up under JIMmeh! Cahtah, started the serious downhill slide under Clinton and the Bush babies, and has finally hit its stride with 'The Obama Miracle' ... he'll drive the final nail in the coffin of the middle class ...
" ... And to those who see nothing wrong with having most of the wealth of a nation concentrated in the hands of a few, I say look at Mexico as your future ... " Hold up, Chum Lee ... you talk about Mejikkko as if it's the ONLY place where vast power 'n wealth concentrates in the hands of 'a few' No, _that_ was you. ^^^^^^^ See? Right there. Points off for using intellectual dishonesty to distract from what _was_ written, not what you pretend your sock puppet said to you in this debate you're having with it and youself. Has in not occurred to yet that such intellectual dishonesty is why more people don't respond to your wild ramblings and your arrogant condescension? If you're so hot-to-trot on the illegal immigrant issue, why didn't you take Willing to task for his hypocrisy in _personally_ hiring illegals instead of going on a fishing expedition, making up something I _didn't_ say? -Kerry O. I apologize for nothing ... I addressed the point YOU made - specifically, that of " ... And to those who see nothing wrong with having most of the wealth of a nation concentrated in the hands of a few, I say look at Mexico as your future ... ". I added OTHER places (a/k/a 'cesspools') to YOUR miniscule listing of ONE oligarchic 'government' which HAPPENS to be geographically close to our Southern border. If you feel better making 'ad hominem' attacks, go for it. You've now attacked me AND Willing2 ... feel better ... ? Oh give me a break. You're arguing for the sake of arguing, like that old Monty Python gag: First Actor: I'm here for my arguement. Second Actor: No you're not. I don't see Willing denying that he hired illegals and I see you more than 'Willing' to overlook it. Why is that? Not expedient? You share the hate for Obama because it's an easy way out? Try this one, all you haters of The One: This week saw a panic in the stock market that luckily erased 1 trillion dollars from the nation's wealth only temporarily, a nation that has a national debt of ~11 trillion dollars (which took years to accumulate). Last year and a half saw about 40 trillion disappear. Last week some of the rich and powerful got caught with their hands in the cookie jar, making money on a financial 'product' that they created and then shorted. To call it fraud is being too kind. Why aren't you commenting on that instead of the incessant wordplay about nada? I guess it's easier to bust on welfare mothers as the scapegoats than to take on the Galactic Overlords of Wall Street finance with your rapier-like wit? Texas sharpshooter effect, prolly. -Kerry O. |
Edited by
Sun 05/16/10 03:45 PM
Liberals are SO cute when they try to make sense out of complicated stuff ... after the 'TARP' bailout, government OWNS Wall Street ... surprise, surprise ...
Liberals are cute when they try to make sense out of complicated stuff ... after the 'TARP' bailout, government OWNS Wall Street LOL! I'll bet you see liberal government agents under your bed at night, don't you? Netkooks-- you gotta love 'em. BOO! Kerry O. |
I just use 'liberal' to be polite - 'Communist' or 'progressive' is the correct word.
I just use 'liberal' to be polite - 'Communist' or 'progressive' is the correct word. You're about as polite and humble as Tailgunner Joe McCarthy. When folks like you come against people like Edward R. Murrow, your true paper tiger ploys become as evident as the Naked Emperor. When it comes to real debate, you're about as able as a baglady with a megaphone-- you're loud and little else. And as irrelevent as a graffiti artist in today's scheme of things. Frankly, I don't know why you bother. Hardly anyone responds to your threads because you don't want to discuss, you just get your narcissitic supply by hurling labels and baffleyap around like you're some latter day H.L. Mencken. You're not even a poor imitation. Again, if you're so puked out by illegal immigrants stealing American jobs, go after the author of this thread who is not denying he hired illegals to his own advantage. Get the stones needed to stand up to the hypocrisy instead of getting stoned on Far Right Conservatism. -Kerry O. |
I just use 'liberal' to be polite - 'Communist' or 'progressive' is the correct word. You're about as polite and humble as Tailgunner Joe McCarthy. When folks like you come against people like Edward R. Murrow, your true paper tiger ploys become as evident as the Naked Emperor. When it comes to real debate, you're about as able as a baglady with a megaphone-- you're loud and little else. And as irrelevent as a graffiti artist in today's scheme of things. Frankly, I don't know why you bother. Hardly anyone responds to your threads because you don't want to discuss, you just get your narcissitic supply by hurling labels and baffleyap around like you're some latter day H.L. Mencken. You're not even a poor imitation. Again, if you're so puked out by illegal immigrants stealing American jobs, go after the author of this thread who is not denying he hired illegals to his own advantage. Get the stones needed to stand up to the hypocrisy instead of getting stoned on Far Right Conservatism. -Kerry O. PWN PWN PWN PWN PWN PWN PWN PWN PWN PWN PWN That's some internet pwnage if I've ever seen it... ![]() |