Topic: A month of Manifesting.. | |
I am participating in a wonderful adventure and wanted to share this info in case anyone else would like to check it out/join in. This is being organized/offered by Alanna M. Arthur, M.A., of Awakening The Divine Within...
For the 31 days of May we will be celebrating the abundance that we already have in our lives and manifesting more. She is offering you a chance to participate in this Month of Manifestation for free. That’s right, there is no charge to participate, as she would like to do this as an act of service, to help you manifest more abundance in your life. I believe we are all abundantly blessed when we are of service in helping, supporting and encouraging each other. From May 1st until May 31st she will send out one email each day of encouragement, suggestions, and inspiration to help you stay focused on what you want. All you have to do is bring your loving energy and light to the mix, so we can all support each other in this process. For more details and to participate you can go to: Light & Blessings ![]() ![]() |
Cool! Will check it out
I'm in.
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awesome..I'm there. Thanks (((Erin)))
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I have a lifetime of manifesting abundance.....>
![]() Everyday with gratitude and compassion I give thanks....and receive EXACTLY everything I require....rarely what I thought I 'wanted'....but definitely what I required. ![]() |
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Fri 04/30/10 02:56 PM
When someone offers something "for free for a month," one has to assume that there is a product or service involved that is not free.
On the blog you linked to she writes: "I am offering you a chance to participate in this Month of Manifestation for free. That’s right, there is no charge to participate, as I would like to do this as an act of service, to help you manifest more abundance in your life." So, curious about what she is selling, I went to her website. I see that she is an "Intuitive Life Coach, Clairvoyant, Medical Intuitive, and Energy Healer." And yes, she charges for her work. So I would have to classify this thread as some sort of promotion. One thing I have learned about 'manifesting' is that no one else can manifest anything for you. You have to do it yourself. (No one else can vibrate for you.) Information about manifesting what you want in your life is plentiful all over the place in books for people who can learn by reading. But I understand that some people may need or want personal help in that department. I know that working as a life coach can be very challenging and frustrating because they are sometimes having to deal with negative people who just want to dump all of their problems and burdens into someone else's lap with a "fix this" attitude. If they fail anyway, they blame the coach or keep paying the big bucks. If they succeed, who gets all the credit? The coach, not them; even if it really WAS them who succeeded by their own efforts. Education is education. The information is out there, and you can get personal attention if that is what you want and you are willing to pay for it. I'm a loner and I study from books mostly. I've been through that group thing and it is not something I need anymore. In the end, your path will be a single path and you will walk it alone. That is because in the end we are all very unique. We are one, but we are each so very unique. We are unique because of the paths we have traveled and the things we have learned. Good luck travelers. ![]() ![]() |
I have a lifetime of manifesting abundance.....> ![]() Everyday with gratitude and compassion I give thanks....and receive EXACTLY everything I require....rarely what I thought I 'wanted'....but definitely what I required. ![]() ![]() |
JB wrote:
When someone offers something "for free for a month," one has to assume that there is a product or service involved that is not free. On the blog you linked to she writes: "I am offering you a chance to participate in this Month of Manifestation for free. That’s right, there is no charge to participate, as I would like to do this as an act of service, to help you manifest more abundance in your life." So, curious about what she is selling, I went to her website. I see that she is an "Intuitive Life Coach, Clairvoyant, Medical Intuitive, and Energy Healer." And yes, she charges for her work. So I would have to classify this thread as some sort of promotion. Truly it is. Her "Free Service" is indeed something that she typically charges for, and based on her web site it's not inexpensive either. Apparently the only real "service" that she is offering is support and "advice". However, she even gives a disclaimer on her web site saying that she's not giving "advice" at all, and she takes no responsiblity whatsoever for anything that might happen to anyone who might actually take her "advice". She states in no uncertain terms that her so-called "services" are for entertainment purposes only and she accepts no responsiblity for anything that might happen should someone take her advice seriously. So even by her own disclaimer she is detaching herself from any responsibilty for her "services" even though she charges a hefty fee for them. I already got the first email and it appears to me that all this is going to be is to give positive encouragement over the month to try to psyche people up into getting off their butts and actually doing something. ![]() And that's a GOOD THING really. However, we could motivate each other for FREE! I wouldn't call her "services" a scam, since she does appear to be giving people positive motivation, and if someone needs to be motivated then it might well be worth their money to pay to be motivated. In other words, they are paying to be motivated and they are being motivated, so it's a "square deal". Nothing wrong with that. I think it is true that these kinds of programs do motivate people. I already feel more motivated after reading her first email. But like I say, we could just motivate each other for FREE instead! It's a real shame that we have to pay a stranger to motivate us because we are too lazy or uncaring to motivate each other. Everybody get off your butt and go do something constructive! ![]() How's that? ![]() |
By the way, just for the record, for anyone who might be interested. In the very first email, she already offers the following quote:
"You simply will not be the same person two months from now after consciously giving thanks each day for the abundance that exists in your life. And you will have set in motion an ancient spiritual law: the more you have and are grateful for, the more will be given you." Two months from now? This is only a one-month Free service. Yet, she's already psychologically preparing the reader to think that it's going to require more than a month to see significant changes. She'll probably even offer the participate half-off her "regular prices" etc, to entice them to continue on. But her prices are already outrageous (IMHO). So even half-off of an outrageous price is still an outrageous price! (again IMHO) Anyway if anyone would like to get a feel for the prices she charges you can see them on her web site. Four 60-minute phone sessions $550? For "advice" that she, herself, disclaims as nothing more than "for entertainment purposes" and she rejects any responsibility for? Hey, I'm not advertising here, but if anyone needs to be entertained, I'll offer entertainment for a lot less. ![]() Hells bells, I do it on the forums for FREE! I even sing and play the guitar too! ![]() |
By the way, just for the record, for anyone who might be interested. In the very first email, she already offers the following quote: "You simply will not be the same person two months from now after consciously giving thanks each day for the abundance that exists in your life. And you will have set in motion an ancient spiritual law: the more you have and are grateful for, the more will be given you." Two months from now? This is only a one-month Free service. Yet, she's already psychologically preparing the reader to think that it's going to require more than a month to see significant changes. She'll probably even offer the participate half-off her "regular prices" etc, to entice them to continue on. But her prices are already outrageous (IMHO). So even half-off of an outrageous price is still an outrageous price! (again IMHO) Anyway if anyone would like to get a feel for the prices she charges you can see them on her web site. Four 60-minute phone sessions $550? For "advice" that she, herself, disclaims as nothing more than "for entertainment purposes" and she rejects any responsibility for? Hey, I'm not advertising here, but if anyone needs to be entertained, I'll offer entertainment for a lot less. ![]() Hells bells, I do it on the forums for FREE! I even sing and play the guitar too! ![]() And I will not be the same person two days from now, as every moment of my life is (and can be) a spiritual awakening. Every day brings new experiences and realizations that change the person I am -- by some small degree. The most drastic change I every incurred in "my person" was accomplished by deep breathing exercises. During one of the sessions, a light appeared in the room and I could see it out of the corner of my eye. Then it disappeared when I looked directly at it. At the time I just thought it was very curious. It was a mystery. But the next day I noticed I WAS a different person. I felt joy and peace and I lost interest in everything I had been involved in at that time in my life and with the people I was involved with who were on a very negative path. I felt like the same person, but just different and more happy, more loving and more joyful. I could feel that I had changed. I wanted to completely walk away from my life, my job, my friends and into some other life but I knew that might seem strange. So I just continued my life making different choices, thinking different thoughts and going in a different direction. Eventually I was torn apart from my old friends, even the ones I was very attached to. They were simply on a different path. |
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Sat 05/01/10 03:33 PM
[Everybody get off your butt and go do something constructive! How's that? Very good. ![]() You must take ACTION. Do SOMETHING even if its wrong. ![]() Take it one step at a time. On a huge project, learn one little thing at a time so it won't overwhelm you. Then do it. Breaking news: Hey today I got a check in the mail from click bank! I don't even know what I sold. Probably some affiliate product from my website on how to seduce a woman. ![]() More Breaking news: My cat had two kittens yesterday! They are so cute. You can see their picture on my facebook page. |
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Sun 05/02/10 05:54 PM
Very funny, guys -- Jeannie and Abra!!!
![]() However, you seem to be overlooking the fact of Not everybody had an upbringing similar to your's: most of the falks are aimlessly wundering through life without any purpose... Those are the ones the Alana's preying upon!!! Actually, she's quite an enterprising person! She's figured the world is full of fools who will gladly pay for setting them straight! Those whose parents haven't taken care of directing their kids in a right direction, and have nobody to rely upon, are better off paying her! ![]() _________________More power to her, if she can pull it off!!! |
Very funny, guys -- Jeannie and Abra!!! ![]() However, you seem to be overlooking the fact of Not everybody had an upbringing similar to your's: most of the falks are aimlessly wundering through life without any purpose... Those are the ones the Alana's preying upon!!! Actually, she's quite an enterprising person! She's figured the world is full of fools who will gladly pay for setting them straight! Those whose parents haven't taken care of directing their kids in a right direction, and have nobody to rely upon, are better off paying her! ![]() _________________More power to her, if she can pull it off!!! There is nothing wrong with being enterprising. And if you are a counselor you should be paid for your work. But for me, to pay a life coach just seems like paying someone to cheer me on, or be my friend. It feels strange. That's why I like doing free tarot card readings. If they don't like the reading, they can't complain about the price. From my sight I do have a small fee for a reading, but I don't depend on that to pay the rent. LOL. |
_____________More power to you/her, if you/she can pull it off!!! The world is full of gullible people -- one is born every minute! ______________________ ![]() |
Are you implying that only "gullible people" would pay me for a tarot card reading? That's a bit of an insulting comment. ![]() But (like her disclaimer) my tarot card readings are for "entertainment purposes." Some people do take them too seriously. But I don't just say that to protect myself from people suing me for bad advice, I really do mean them to be for entertainment purposes. Serious grim life changing questions from people with real problems make me very uncomfortable. If you are a doctor or a shrink and you give bad advice you can be liable simply because you are supposed to know what you are talking about. Do you think doctors advertise disclaimers? I haven't seen them. ![]() ![]() I guess I should put a disclaimer on my website. Good idea. |
I see nothing wrong with what the lady is doing. She selling "advice" and makes it clear that she's doing it for "entertainment only" and takes no responsiblity for it whatsoever.
At least she's up front about it. I personally feel that her precises are absurd. You can obtain the same information from Deepak Chopra books or videos which are far less expensive. Christopher Penzak also gives the same information in his books on witchcraft. As do many other authors. There are tons of books on "The Law of Attaction", or "The Power of Belief", etc., etc., etc. Clearly this woman is charging high prices because she's offering to be your own personal cheerleader (as JB points out). If people are willing to pay for a cheerleader more power to them. I joined the FREE email list just to see what kinds of things she offers. I've gotten three emails so far and she hasn't told me to do much of anything that I haven't already been doing, other than to send light to everyone on her list (which I am doing). I'm actually using a light-sending ritual that I learned from Penczak's books. He has a nice musical meditation CD just for that purpose which makes it kind of fun, as well as heightening the experience. I'm sure she's going to obtain a few "clients" through her "free offer". Too bad I can't send messages to the people on her list, I'd send them over to Deepak Chopra's videos and save them a bundle. ![]() |
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Mon 05/03/10 12:19 PM
Well Abra, she is apparently offering much more than just information you can get from a book. If she can do all the things she says she can, then she certainly deserves to be paid well.
Her about page states that "She is a naturally gifted Clairvoyant, Clairaudient, Clairsentient, and Claircognizant and often works with the Angelic and Divine Realms to bring forward information that supports personal growth, healing, and empowerment. Being a Medical Intuitive (one who energetically sees illness and energy blocks in the body by intuitive means)" This means that she has powers that perhaps the average slug on the street does not have. So what powers does she have? Clairvoyant: --- *Able to see beyond the range of ordinary perception. (she sees things we can't) Clairaudient:--- *The ability to hear sounds and voices that are outside of the natural range of hearing is most commonly referred to as being clairaudient. Clairaudients are Psychics who 'hear' the information they are meant to convey. Clairsentience: --- (also know as psychometry) *is the ability to hold an object or touch someone and sense the energy surrounding that person, place or thing. Claircognizant –-- *Clear Recognition. People often confuse this with clairsentience. This is the ability to know something, no-one tells them and it is not something that they’ve read before, they just simply know it. It is an inner feeling, gut feeling, something which is just known. They have an ability to answer questions and back them up with facts; when before they did not know anything. A Medical Intuitive --- *is an alternative medicine practitioner who uses their intuition to attempt to find the cause of a physical or emotional condition. Intuitive: --- *Another term for psychic. Also about her: "Alanna is certified as an Angel Therapy Practitioner® by Doreen Virtue, Ph.D. and holds a Master’s degree in Spiritual Psychology, with an Emphasis in Consciousness, Health, and Healing, from the University of Santa Monica." I did not know there was such a thing as a master's degree in spiritual psychology. |
I am participating in a wonderful adventure and wanted to share this info in case anyone else would like to check it out/join in. This is being organized/offered by Alanna M. Arthur, M.A., of Awakening The Divine Within... For the 31 days of May we will be celebrating the abundance that we already have in our lives and manifesting more. She is offering you a chance to participate in this Month of Manifestation for free. That’s right, there is no charge to participate, as she would like to do this as an act of service, to help you manifest more abundance in your life. I believe we are all abundantly blessed when we are of service in helping, supporting and encouraging each other. From May 1st until May 31st she will send out one email each day of encouragement, suggestions, and inspiration to help you stay focused on what you want. All you have to do is bring your loving energy and light to the mix, so we can all support each other in this process. For more details and to participate you can go to: Light & Blessings ![]() ![]() It really was so nice of you to offer this to people, without any strings attached, no judging of others and their ulterior motives. Your humbleness is so welcome to see on this site. People don't really read things or actually listen all the way through without having a answer formulating in their minds. Likely it is fear that perhaps they don't know all the answers, no one does. Appears to be one of the biggest problems on this planet. Any sort of information that is provided to encourage inner growth is always welcome in my heart. |
Also about her: "Alanna is certified as an Angel Therapy Practitioner® by Doreen Virtue, Ph.D. and holds a Master’s degree in Spiritual Psychology, with an Emphasis in Consciousness, Health, and Healing, from the University of Santa Monica." I did not know there was such a thing as a master's degree in spiritual psychology. I didn't know that either, but if a college is teaching this stuff then it shouldn't need to be "disclaimed" as "just entertainment". Especially when a hefty price is being charged for the services. I really don't care one way or the other. I'm not about to become a paying customer. So now I'm wondering whether she was naturally clairvoyant before she took the college course, of if she learned clairvoyance there? I think that's a legitimate question. The only reason I signed up was to see what she says in the emails. In today's email she's telling me that I shouldn't be upset that it's Monday. Well, for her information, I happen to like Mondays. ![]() I think she assumes too much. Obviously these are bulk emails and totally impersonal. There's no question about that. |
I only get upset on Sunday. In my town, that means most of the businesses are closed. I can't get anything done.