Topic: so many spammers, so little time
lilac76180tx's photo
Sat 04/17/10 10:34 PM
I am just wondering are people really dumb enough to send anyone money on this thing?? I am constantly being contacted by spammers looking for money or cams. I never send money, give any personal info or do cams or do any kind of sex chat and yet, I still get contacted by them. Is it just that there are so many of them that I will never see the end of this or are they just to dumb to stop contacting someone they will never get anything out of.
Laurel (not my real name)frustrated explode

Totage's photo
Sat 04/17/10 11:28 PM
I own a web hosting company and several other sites. I get tons of spam daily.

It's best to just ignore and delete it.

Mingle2 is good about getting rid of spammers and scammers though.

I take steps to ensure there is no spam on my sites as well.

no photo
Sun 04/18/10 05:20 AM
yes some people do send them money. that is why they keep trying cos they know sooner or later they'll catch a fish. I know a guy that works for my brother-in-law in Ok. that has sent thousands of dollars to some "woman" in god only knows where even tho everybody tells him whats going on. hopefully he's realized by now that he's been scamed ...

centered's photo
Sun 04/18/10 05:57 AM

I am just wondering are people really dumb enough to send anyone money on this thing?? I am constantly being contacted by spammers looking for money or cams. I never send money, give any personal info or do cams or do any kind of sex chat and yet, I still get contacted by them. Is it just that there are so many of them that I will never see the end of this or are they just to dumb to stop contacting someone they will never get anything out of.

"There's a sucker born every minute" and that's who
they're trying to target. I've been using Gmail since
they first offered it by invitation only ... they really do
have a great anti-spam algorithm in place. In the last
year, I've probably had 1-2 spam emails hit my Inbox -
all other spam has been automatically routed to the
Spam "folder". Yahoo and Hotmail can't compete with
Gmail with regards to their anti-spam filtering.

Is this the type of spam you're getting - via email?

lilac76180tx's photo
Sun 04/18/10 07:15 PM
No, this is not what I mean, those are not so bad , I just delete them all. My problem is on all the personal sites. I keep getting contacted by sleaze balls usually from nigeria pretending to be a real man. It is not hard to spot them but still I get bombarded with them and have to sift them out. VERY ANNOYING! I got another one just a few minutes ago pretending to be a real man asking me how I always know. I told him I don't give out that information unless I know the person and he could be one of them trying to get info from someone who knows who can help him get better at it.

yellowrose10's photo
Sun 04/18/10 07:19 PM
Please report these. This site is one of the best at getting rid of scammers/spammers. But if members don't report them, then the site wouldn't know about them

lilac76180tx's photo
Sun 04/18/10 07:26 PM
It would not surprise me one bit if he sent the money to a male in africa.

Totage's photo
Sun 04/18/10 07:50 PM
Mingle2 is amzingly fast at taking care of spammers and scammers. I've had many incidents where they would message me and before I could repsonde, they were already deactivated.

If you see anything suspicious on Mingle2, report it they'll take care of it pretty fast.

lilac76180tx's photo
Sun 04/18/10 07:59 PM
I seem to have the most trouble with mate1

yellowrose10's photo
Sun 04/18/10 08:11 PM
we can't do anything over there.

Scammers can only scam people that let them.