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Topic: Is Knowledge a Gift from Satan
msharmony's photo
Sat 06/12/10 08:14 PM

the world even distorts our conscience,,,,,

bad can be made to seem good and good can be made to seem bad

its admirable to try to be a 'good person' though

for christians , however, it is equally important to have that 'good' relationship with Christ as it is to have it with your neighbor ,

I don't know how people have a relationship with an imaginary person.

Oh wait! Yes I do! I have many different personalities living in this body, and a higher self.

My Higher self is all of my personalities put together, and it is connected to a higher power. That is my "Christ."

hard to explain , I suppose, to those who don't know how....

my father passed, but I still have a relationship with him ,based upon what he taught me and how he guided me while he was alive,,,

Jesus is still real to me, the documentation of his life and what he taught and his lessons on God are all still a guide to me,,,this amounts to a relationship (a non physical relationship,, which is possibly the hard part for people to understand in the physical)

no photo
Sat 06/12/10 11:05 PM

I can understand that. I told my mother that I will hear her voice in my head long after she is gone. laugh

no photo
Sun 06/13/10 06:19 AM

well, eating breakfast MAY lead to overeating (glutton) but I seriously dont feel guilt about eating breakfast. IF it turns to glutton,, than I have to re assess my choices.

MsHarmony...since the line of discussion is about lustful sex ...and unless "eating breakfast" is a term that you use to describe a sexual position, then you can now understand why I refer to your analogies as being bad

Funches,, since YOU brought up another 'deadly sin' in your post

MsHarmony... I was only giving you the benefit of the doubt....if you can have hours upon hours of lustful sex then why not hours upon hours of "Wrath" ....as you said isn't it all about semantics.....so lets look at what lustful sex is .....

my analogy of lust to glutton(another 'deadly sin'),, is (as usual) right on topic and on point,,

MsHarmony...the line of discussion was about "lustful sex", I've even explain how "Wrath" and "Gluttony" equated to lustful sex...this is why I asked if your analogy pertaining to the Gluttony of "eating breakfast" was your metaphor for one of the activites that may be perform during lustful sex ....

you indicated that it wasn't and since the line of discussion was about how the seven deadly sins could be attributed to having lustful sex is the reason why I stated that your analogy was bad(as usual)

the discussion was about SEX, you brought up wrath,,and that has to do with sex? (Im not sure what type of sex you engage in,,,,)

wrath is a 'deadly sin' as is lust and gluttony,,,comparing any of these things in that context is using the method of analogy accurately

wrath( to me ,anyhow) is anger to the point of vengeful indignation
those emotions have not entered my sex life at any point,,,

but thats off topic, although on point as a response to urs,,,

back on topic though,, the premise of enjoyable sex equating to lustful sex is subjective and not applicable to everyone (namely christian spouses)

I explained how wrath entered into lustful sex.....unless you are lying motionless to take or spread a seed then the act of sex becomes the pounding of the flesh ....pounding of the flesh equates to wrath, and insatiable desire to keep having lustful sex equates to gluttony .....you have yet to explain what "eating breakfast" has to do with lustful sex ......if you can't explain .....then it was a bad analogy

can you explain or not

no photo
Sun 06/13/10 06:38 AM

How in any way was Jesus being crucified God throwing in the towel?

even Jesus had to ask God why hath thou forsaken me....or as we say today WTF?

since Jesus was a shepherd
WTF? in this case means... what the flock?

what in anyway does that have to do with anything about God throwing in the towel to Satan?

well that goes back to the question that you didn't answer...is God omnisicent and was his "Divine Plan" to get Adam and Eve to take from the fruit .....

it's a believer's catch 22 .....if God is omniscient then there can be no dispute that his plan all along was to create and torture the human race for all eternality which means that God thrown in the towel before creation took place and that makes him evil

if God did not know what his creations would do then that means God is not omniscient and not the omnipotent all-knowing God described in the bible thereby making the bible false

so which is it Cowboy....is God omniscient or not

CowboyGH's photo
Sun 06/13/10 09:39 AM
Edited by CowboyGH on Sun 06/13/10 09:41 AM

How in any way was Jesus being crucified God throwing in the towel?

even Jesus had to ask God why hath thou forsaken me....or as we say today WTF?

since Jesus was a shepherd
WTF? in this case means... what the flock?

what in anyway does that have to do with anything about God throwing in the towel to Satan?

well that goes back to the question that you didn't answer...is God omnisicent and was his "Divine Plan" to get Adam and Eve to take from the fruit .....

it's a believer's catch 22 .....if God is omniscient then there can be no dispute that his plan all along was to create and torture the human race for all eternality which means that God thrown in the towel before creation took place and that makes him evil

if God did not know what his creations would do then that means God is not omniscient and not the omnipotent all-knowing God described in the bible thereby making the bible false

so which is it Cowboy....is God omniscient or not

Definition of omniscient-
1. having infinite knowledge or understanding
2. having very great or seemingly unlimited knowledge

Definition of Knowledge-
1. the facts, feelings or experiences known by a person or group of people
2. the state of knowing
3. awareness, consciousness, or familiarity gained by experience or learning
4. erudition or informed learning
5. specific information about a subject

As you see here being omniscient is not being psychic. God knows everything of what has happened and is happening right now. That is why we have free will. There is no set in stone knowledge of what we will do in our lives otherwise that would cancel out free will and would make our lives pointless and a waste of time. So yes God is still omniscient.

no photo
Sun 06/13/10 10:45 AM

as you see here being omniscient is not being psychic. God knows everything of what has happened and is happening right now.

the prophets were psychic ....so how did they have the ability to see into the future and God didn't

CowboyGH's photo
Sun 06/13/10 10:57 AM
Edited by CowboyGH on Sun 06/13/10 11:00 AM

as you see here being omniscient is not being psychic. God knows everything of what has happened and is happening right now.

the prophets were psychic ....so how did they have the ability to see into the future and God didn't

Events and things to come can be seen, because those things can be pushed in that direction. But someone's actions can not be seen, for the simple fact we are all self thinking people with the free will to do anything we want.

As in, i can tell you i prophesize today i will talk to someone. But can NOT tell you who that someone is cause it is their free will to do as such.

CowboyGH's photo
Sun 06/13/10 10:59 AM

as you see here being omniscient is not being psychic. God knows everything of what has happened and is happening right now.

the prophets were psychic ....so how did they have the ability to see into the future and God didn't

and besides that, the prophets weren't psychic they were just relaying the message and knowledge gave to them to share.

no photo
Sun 06/13/10 11:08 AM

Events and things to come can be seen, because those things can be pushed in that direction.

push in that direction by who?

no photo
Sun 06/13/10 11:09 AM

But someone's actions can not be seen,

so god has no idea what's in your heart or mind?

CowboyGH's photo
Sun 06/13/10 11:10 AM

Events and things to come can be seen, because those things can be pushed in that direction.

push in that direction by who?

anyone and everyone.

Ok as i prohesized talking to someone.... I could push towards this happening by waving at someone.

CowboyGH's photo
Sun 06/13/10 11:12 AM

But someone's actions can not be seen,

so god has no idea what's in your heart or mind?

Yes God knows what's in your heart and mind. But with free will those can change at any moment do to our free will, it's unstable. Thus resulting in it not being able to be forseen because of it's instability.

no photo
Sun 06/13/10 11:13 AM

Events and things to come can be seen, because those things can be pushed in that direction.

push in that direction by who?

anyone and everyone.

anyone or everyone....wasn't they the prophets of God?

no photo
Sun 06/13/10 11:16 AM

But someone's actions can not be seen,

so god has no idea what's in your heart or mind?

Yes God knows what's in your heart and mind. But with free will those can change at any moment do to our free will, it's unstable. Thus resulting in it not being able to be forseen because of it's instability.

can't God see the instable change in your heart and mind? or do he lack that ability

CowboyGH's photo
Sun 06/13/10 11:18 AM

Events and things to come can be seen, because those things can be pushed in that direction.

push in that direction by who?

anyone and everyone.

anyone or everyone....wasn't they the prophets of God?

prophets of God?......... must have missed that. I've only ever read about the disciples of God, don't remember any prophets :/

CowboyGH's photo
Sun 06/13/10 11:21 AM

But someone's actions can not be seen,

so god has no idea what's in your heart or mind?

Yes God knows what's in your heart and mind. But with free will those can change at any moment do to our free will, it's unstable. Thus resulting in it not being able to be forseen because of it's instability.

can't God see the instable change in your heart and mind? or do he lack that ability

you're running in circles funches. Yes he sees the change, but is impossible to see ahead of time because of FREEWILL. Again our lives are not set in stone, for if they were it would be a sentencing not a judgment and besides that this life would be pointless because if it was said before i was born i would grow up to be a mass murderer there would be no such thing as free will, and again we have FREE WILL.

no photo
Sun 06/13/10 11:42 AM

prophets of God?......... must have missed that. I've only ever read about the disciples of God, don't remember any prophets :/

Cowboy...are you saying that as a Christian you did not know that Jesus was a prophet of God

CowboyGH's photo
Sun 06/13/10 11:49 AM
Edited by CowboyGH on Sun 06/13/10 11:50 AM

prophets of God?......... must have missed that. I've only ever read about the disciples of God, don't remember any prophets :/

Cowboy...are you saying that as a Christian you did not know that Jesus was a prophet of God

Jesus was the son of God.

Being the son of God would mean he was telling us God's plan of what is to come.

no photo
Sun 06/13/10 11:50 AM

you're running in circles funches. Yes he sees the change, but is impossible to see ahead of time because of FREEWILL. Again our lives are not set in stone, for if they were it would be a sentencing not a judgment and besides that this life would be pointless because if it was said before i was born i would grow up to be a mass murderer there would be no such thing as free will, and again we have FREE WILL.

not really...I'm only letting you prove how God lacks omnipotency ...

according to you God can not see into the mind of a person that has free will because free will makes them unstable, therefore they are unpredictable for God to comprehend their actions

also according to you God can not see into the future which means that he has limited knowledge not infinite knowledge

you're making God into a being with no more power than E.T. the Extraterrestrial

CowboyGH's photo
Sun 06/13/10 11:54 AM

you're running in circles funches. Yes he sees the change, but is impossible to see ahead of time because of FREEWILL. Again our lives are not set in stone, for if they were it would be a sentencing not a judgment and besides that this life would be pointless because if it was said before i was born i would grow up to be a mass murderer there would be no such thing as free will, and again we have FREE WILL.

not really...I'm only letting you prove how God lacks omnipotency ...

according to you God can not see into the mind of a person that has free will because free will makes them unstable, therefore they are unpredictable for God to comprehend their actions

also according to you God can not see into the future which means that he has limited knowledge not infinite knowledge

you're making God into a being with no more power than E.T. the Extraterrestrial

according to you God can not see into the mind of a person that has free will because free will makes them unstable, therefore they are unpredictable for God to comprehend their actions

Never once said that. I said God does not predict what you're gonna do and or feel. Never said he couldn't see into what you think or how you feel NOW.

also according to you God can not see into the future which means that he has limited knowledge not infinite knowledge

Never once said that or insinuated it. God has already told us of what is to come, so that right there tells he can.

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