Topic: Thrillers, anyone? | |
Final Cut was good,a sleeper but liked it. Like the ones that you cannot figure out and even if you do- the twist is so bizarre that it takes you still.
Hmmm ... LOVE thrillers ... I'll get a lil hazy of def here ... (BIG FAN!): Usual Suspects Sleuth Dead Calm Dead Again Dream Lover Last Seduction Way of the Gun Vantage Point Gun Shy Under Suspicion Shining Session 9 Silence of the Lambs Marnie, 39 Steps, Rebecca, Notorious, Lady Vanishes ... Any Hitchcock really ... Reservoir Dogs Pulp Fiction The Game Whatever Happened to Baby Jane' Wild Things Wait Until Dark Strangers on a Train The Bourne Series Rock 'n Rolla Lock, Stock, 2 Smokin' Barrels Suddenly Last Summer Copycat Subway Identity Bone Collector Vanilla Sky ... Both Marathon Man Charade Malice The Firm Blood Simple Long Kiss Goodnight Out of Sight Body Heat Prizzi's Honour Memento Fight Club Badlands Kalifornia Clockwork Orange Manchurian Candidate Running Man Talented Mr Ripley Cape Fear ... Both versions Seven Memento 12 Monkeys Mulholland Drive Blue Velvet The Others Invitation aux Voyage Diva Moon in the Gutter Slaughterhouse 5 Well, ya can guess, I can keep goin' ... SERIOUS cinephile, and ya picked perhaps my fav genre!!! Love to sit on the edge of my seat guessin' ... Edit ... Good luck ... I love every single one of these!!! You just rattled those off, wow, I miss my mind so much ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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Sun 04/04/10 01:49 AM
Just watched "Identity" as recommended. Unbelievable movie. I was on the edge of my seat the entire time. Surprise ending. If you are looking for a good thriller, I would highly recommend this one.
The free link is Thanks again for your recommendations everyone. ![]() |
The Hand That Rocks the Cradle
Autostop rosso sangue(aka Hitch-Hike) '77 M Die Zärtlichkeit der Wölfe(Tenderness of the Wolves) Spoorloos(The Vanishing) '88 Los cronocrímenes(Timecrimes) Straw Dogs Lady In A Cage Léon(aka The Professional) The Long Goodbye Peeping Tom Seconds '66 (Rock Hudson) The Most Dangerous Game '32 Pretty Poison '68 Targets '68 The Little Girl Who Lives Down the Lane The Hitcher '86 Klute Non si sevizia un paperino (Don't Torture a Duckling) La Femme Nikita Night of the Hunter '55 Play Misty For Me Freeway '96 Lola rennt(Run Lola Run) |
Edited by
Sun 04/04/10 10:10 AM
Thanks, everyone! I did see Orphan-very good movie-freaky! I wondered about Legion? The Crazies was just okay, and Shutter Island was pretty good. Along the lines of Orphan: Joshua '07 The Good Son The Bad Seed '56 Twisted '86 (Christian Slater is excellent as the disturbed teen) Whisper '07 |
The Black Widow, a few years old, but a excellent movie.
I also loved: Black Widow Straw Dogs La Femme Nikita Lola Rennt ... Run Lola Run Lady In A Cage Léon ... The Professional |
![]() ![]() ![]() I'd like to also add: True Romance Jacob's Ladder The Jacket Bang, Bang, Kiss, Kiss If I ever get up and actually look at my DVD collection, I'll recant more ... Almost all of these I've propped, so far, are over there too ... ![]() |
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Sun 04/04/10 02:04 PM
![]() Kiss the Girls begins in 1976 Boca Raton, Florida where the boy, Casanova, is killing his first four victims. Elsewhere in 1981 Chapel Hill, North Carolina a young Gentleman Caller kills his first two victims. Present time - Casanova takes a girl to the woods and leaves her to die. He wears a mask for death. An ongoing theme is that Casanova wears a mask to symbolize his mood. Alex Cross comes home to find his sister, grandmother, and other relatives waiting for him and is informed that his niece, Naomi "Scootchie" Cross a student at Duke University in Durham, North Carolina, is missing. In North Carolina Sampson and Cross meet Detectives Nick Ruskin and Davey Sikes who tell Cross that the FBI and DEA are involved and that eight to ten women are missing, all from different states, all have received notes from someone calling himself Casanova. Casanova picks Kate McTiernan for his next victim and kidnaps her. Kate awakens finding some of her things and Casanova who explains the rules and warning her not to break them. The next time he shows up to be with Kate, she fights back and he knocks her out, afterwards she awakens to find at least six other women locked in rooms near her. In Los Angeles, reporter Beth Lieberman is working on a serial killer story about “The Gentleman Caller” who has just murdered a 14 year old girl. He threatens “bonus kills" to her if his letters are not published. Kyle Craig meets Beth in LA. Casanova plans to kill Kate because she had broken the rules, but she fights him and gets away. Kate manages to escape, running outside into a forest and jumping off a cliff into the river below. Cross and Ruskin find out she is alive, but she is too hurt to talk In North Carolina, Cross reads about the “Gentleman Caller” in the FBI serial killer files and one of the notes published in the LA Times mentions a black 2nd year law student, Naomi C. Cross. Alex tries to call Beth, but she hangs up on him. Cross calls her editor in chief who reveals that Casanova and the Gentleman Caller are communicating as coast to coast serial killers. Casanova calls the "Gentleman Caller." Cross discovers Kate was drugged with sistol, which leads them to believe that Casanova is a doctor or pharmacist. Kyle tells Cross and Kate that Beth Lieberman was murdered by the Gentleman Caller, who cut off her fingers. In her computer was a suspect for Casanova, a Dr. William Rudolph from Los Angeles. Kate and Alex go with Kyle to LA. Kate takes one look at Rudolph and is positive he is Casanova. Cross knows for sure that there are two killers which means that Rudolph is the Gentleman Caller. They follow Rudolph but he gets away from the authorities. They eventually catch up with him again the next afternoon. Rudolph has taken another woman and that night after hearing her scream, authorities rushes in, but Rudolph escapes. His apartment is searched and a picture of Rudolph with Dr. Wick Sachs from Durham is found. On the back it reads "Casanova". Cross and Sampson discus a theory that the girls are being held in an underground house, built in an area that may have been part of the Underground Railroad. Sachs was a professor at Duke and Dean Lowell confirms Sachs was the campus skeleton, known as doctor dirt. Lowell also lets Cross know that Sachs had been a suspect when two students were murdered in the early 1980s. Later Ruskin and Sikes ask Cross for help in catching Casanova, who they believe to be Sachs. Rudolph prowls Durham reminiscing. He met Casanova at Duke and Casanova had known Rudolph had killed the young couple and kept the woman's tongue as a souvenir. Casanova shares with Rudolph his own experiences and the two form a bond. And they both decide to work together to take down Cross, the homicide detective who was searching for both Casanova and The Gentleman Caller. Rudolph heads to Kate's house when he sees Cross and Sampson. After they leave, Kate goes to bed, and is attacked by both Casanova and the Gentleman Caller at the same time. She is seriously wounded and taken to the hospital. Cross, Sampson, and the FBI are at her house. Cross notices that this attack was different from the first one and suspects both men worked together on this. The next day Sachs is brought in for questioning. Cross attacks him noticing that Sachs is not very physically strong and is sure that Sachs is not Casanova. Later the FBI arrests Sachs believing he is Casanova after find physical evidence pointing to him. Sampson and Cross head to the forest again taking a hand-written map given to them by an Underground Railroad historian and Duke professor. On it is an area not already searched. As they walk, they hear women screaming. Following the screams they find the underground house. Outside, Casanova and the Gentlemen have been watching Sampson and Cross. They plan to take out Sampson first and then Cross. Cross finds Naomi but hears Sampson scream. He runs out to see Casanova and the Gentleman, both wearing masks, on top of his partner. Sampson has a knife stuck in his back. Cross takes his gun and fires, hitting one in the shoulder. The two take off running and make it to a nearby bar, steal a truck and take off. Cross takes a car and goes after them. In traffic the two run out of the car, running on opposite directions and firing their guns. Cross follows one, they exchange gunfire, and he hits him in the chest. Cross runs to the man and takes off his mask. It is Rudolph. He dies telling Cross he would never catch Casanova. In the underground house, Cross looks for clues and thinks he knows who Casanova is. He keeps the information from Kyle Craig and decides to go on his own stakeout. He follows Davey Sikes, positive that he is Casanova. He thinks Sikes was looking for a new woman to kidnap. Cross snoops outside a house where Sikes had gone in. Sikes sees him and the two get into a fight. The woman was Sikes’s mistress and the FBI had known about the affair. Later, while visiting Kate, Alex goes jogging and finds a dead FBI agent. He runs back to the house where Casanova, who is Detective Nick Ruskin, hits him with a stun gun. With Cross down, Casanova heads for Kate, but Kate fights him and takes him down. He takes out his gun to shoot Kate but Cross gets up and shoots him dead. |
Deliverance-type thrillers:
Southern Comfort '81 Hunter's Blood '86 Rituals '77 Trapped '82 Pissed off hillbillies: Scum of the Earth '74 Gator Bait '74 Bullies '86 |
Hard Candy
Thanks, everyone! I did see Orphan-very good movie-freaky! I wondered about Legion? The Crazies was just okay, and Shutter Island was pretty good. Along the lines of Orphan: Joshua '07 The Good Son The Bad Seed '56 Twisted '86 (Christian Slater is excellent as the disturbed teen) Whisper '07 Thanks, Forgo. I've seen a few of those, but not the others. I am putting them on my list! ![]() |
the talented mr. ripley
fatal attraction the game cape fear american psycho Les Diaboliques straw dogs play misty for me the usual suspects momento se7en taxi driver The Manchurian Candidate rear window and silence of the lambs ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Thanks again, to Wolf19 for the free link I have been using and loving; and to everyone that responded; I have a list I am working on; some of the older ones are not available on the link I use, but others are. Thanks loads!!!
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Showgirls. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ... ![]() ![]() |
Cani arrabbiati '74(Rabid Dogs)- Just rewatched this recently. Mario Bava's classic crime/thriller about a group of thugs that take 3 people hostage and force them out into the countryside.
Another great kidnapping/road movie is The Hitch-Hiker '53. Two fishing pals make the mistake of picking up a hitchhiker on their way home. He just happens to be a psycho prison escapee. |
If ya can take a leaning towards Horror genre ...
![]() Sooooooooo Good, soooooooooooooooooooo uber CREEPY! ... ![]() |
If ya can take a leaning towards Horror genre ... ![]() Sooooooooo Good, soooooooooooooooooooo uber CREEPY! ... ![]() uyh, then no thanks. Can't watch that stuff. Live alone, ya know? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |