Topic: Are you a Terrorist??? | |
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It's my understanding that this isn't the final result but a beginning of a process to change healthcare and regulate the cost the healthcare Regulate. What a funny word that is. I wonder if they realized that their " regulating " of insurance companies which limited them to certain regions of the country is what CAUSED the costs to keep climbing in the first place. Nahhh....politicians haven't the slightest clue of economics. After all...right now...they figure throwing money at problems will actually fix them. can you explain how the limits work,, at the risk of sounding underinformed,,,,,because the insurance in my immediate family , aetna, bcbs,,,are available in Ohio as well as in Nevada,, how does the REGIONAL regulation work? To my knowledge, from what I have read. Aetna is available in Ohio and Nevada....probably a bunch of states in between....but not where I live. Not one insurance company is allowed to work in every state in the Union. Nor even in the lower 48. I take that back. There is one. Blue Cross is available in every state ( as far as I know ) through an affiliate in each state. excuse me, I am still confused,, I found this list of some health insurance companies I found four , just in this list, which are licensed in at least 46 of the fifty states and one that has license in all fifty,,, |
Then it would seem I haven't read that list.
AS I said. " To my knowledge and from what I have read, " I just looked...and did you happen to notice that the one that is licensed in all 50 states happens to be " For Lutherans "??? Kinda narrows down the ole demographic don't ya think?? |
![]() ![]() If they wanted to get people covered...why not just expand the existing programs? Could it be because of the rampant fraud and abuse of the system? What makes them think their " new " system will have any less abuse?? I understand your point. ![]() |
So..if someone didn't vote...they should just shut up and sit down?? I did vote, by the way. Apparently...this is one of the fundamental reasons I quit loving my country. |
So..if someone didn't vote...they should just shut up and sit down?? I did vote, by the way. well, I would never tell anyone to shut up as I was raised with better but its kind of like,, driving in a car and asking the passengers where they want to go ,,noone responds, you choose someplace, and they complain about what you chose,,,,, I Mean , silence doesnt get ideas across or motivate action ... if you get the chance to take part in a decision and you dont,, it does seem kind of,,,,,irresponsible, to then complain about what choice those who accepted the responsibility of the decision made |
So..if someone didn't vote...they should just shut up and sit down?? I did vote, by the way. well, I would never tell anyone to shut up as I was raised with better but its kind of like,, driving in a car and asking the passengers where they want to go ,,noone responds, you choose someplace, and they complain about what you chose,,,,, I Mean , silence doesnt get ideas across or motivate action ... if you get the chance to take part in a decision and you dont,, it does seem kind of,,,,,irresponsible, to then complain about what choice those who accepted the responsibility of the decision made Popular misconception. I personally write my senators, and congress. I've even written to the President himself...just because I do not vote does not mean I also don't take action to rectify things. |
So..if someone didn't vote...they should just shut up and sit down?? I did vote, by the way. well, I would never tell anyone to shut up as I was raised with better but its kind of like,, driving in a car and asking the passengers where they want to go ,,noone responds, you choose someplace, and they complain about what you chose,,,,, I Mean , silence doesnt get ideas across or motivate action ... if you get the chance to take part in a decision and you dont,, it does seem kind of,,,,,irresponsible, to then complain about what choice those who accepted the responsibility of the decision made Popular misconception. I personally write my senators, and congress. I've even written to the President himself...just because I do not vote does not mean I also don't take action to rectify things. I stand corrected, if people do NOTHING to take part in the process BEFORE a decision is made, they really shouldnt COMPLAIN about it afterward.. you obviously chose to take part, directly to the politicians, instead of at the polling booth |
So..if someone didn't vote...they should just shut up and sit down?? I did vote, by the way. well, I would never tell anyone to shut up as I was raised with better but its kind of like,, driving in a car and asking the passengers where they want to go ,,noone responds, you choose someplace, and they complain about what you chose,,,,, I Mean , silence doesnt get ideas across or motivate action ... if you get the chance to take part in a decision and you dont,, it does seem kind of,,,,,irresponsible, to then complain about what choice those who accepted the responsibility of the decision made Popular misconception. I personally write my senators, and congress. I've even written to the President himself...just because I do not vote does not mean I also don't take action to rectify things. I stand corrected, if people do NOTHING to take part in the process BEFORE a decision is made, they really shouldnt COMPLAIN about it afterward.. you obviously chose to take part, directly to the politicians, instead of at the polling booth More voices, more reason. I'm not against people who don't take direct action and still want to complain, that is still a least for the time being. |
So..if someone didn't vote...they should just shut up and sit down?? I did vote, by the way. well, I would never tell anyone to shut up as I was raised with better but its kind of like,, driving in a car and asking the passengers where they want to go ,,noone responds, you choose someplace, and they complain about what you chose,,,,, I Mean , silence doesnt get ideas across or motivate action ... if you get the chance to take part in a decision and you dont,, it does seem kind of,,,,,irresponsible, to then complain about what choice those who accepted the responsibility of the decision made Popular misconception. I personally write my senators, and congress. I've even written to the President himself...just because I do not vote does not mean I also don't take action to rectify things. I stand corrected, if people do NOTHING to take part in the process BEFORE a decision is made, they really shouldnt COMPLAIN about it afterward.. you obviously chose to take part, directly to the politicians, instead of at the polling booth More voices, more reason. I'm not against people who don't take direct action and still want to complain, that is still a least for the time being. for certain a right,, just like hopping one foot in front of church while wearing mickey mouse ears,, and while I certainly wouldnt begrudge anyone that choice or have anything against them personally, I would still consider them foolish. |
considering health care opponents committed acts of terrorism a day ago this has some merit..although realclearpolitics is known to make up stories. Now you neocons know how it feels when your party called me a terrorist just because i came from palestine.
All this diversion is going to work for about a week, then reality will set back in and people will realize that it's just more of the same.
All the smoke and mirrors aren't going to change the fact that people are still losing jobs, the debt is unsustainable, and the democrats wasted an entire year working on a bill that does very little to fix what is actually wrong with the health care system. You have about 6 months to enjoy your victory, because when November rolls around people won't be voting based on this bill. People will be voting based on the economy, jobs, and the debt.. There isn't a whole lot of positives that the dems can point to in regards to what are the most important issues concerning the people. Incompetence has consequences... |
Edited by
Fri 03/26/10 06:37 AM
All this diversion is going to work for about a week, then reality will set back in and people will realize that it's just more of the same. All the smoke and mirrors aren't going to change the fact that people are still losing jobs, the debt is unsustainable, and the democrats wasted an entire year working on a bill that does very little to fix what is actually wrong with the health care system. You have about 6 months to enjoy your victory, because when November rolls around people won't be voting based on this bill. People will be voting based on the economy, jobs, and the debt.. There isn't a whole lot of positives that the dems can point to in regards to what are the most important issues concerning the people. Incompetence has consequences... November is seven months away,,,since october 2009 things have not gotten any worse... in fact,, unemployment rate dropped from 10.1 to 9.7, we have gone from losing 224,000 per month to losing 36,000, and average hourly earnings went from 22.35 to 22.46 I am confident things will continue to slowly improve by November and the issue wont be that there is no positive , just whether some will consider them positive ENOUGH |
Rep. Clyburn says you are if you oppose ObamaCare. And what are the conservatives calling people who support it? Both sides need to stop. It's not just one side causing problems. |
Rep. Clyburn says you are if you oppose ObamaCare. This ***** gotta stop. These clowns are just encouraging the violence. Sorry, but there are no excuses for violence from either side. |
I think there needs to be health care for all US citizens...I have to admit I am very disturbed with this bill and with our government in general ![]() ![]() ![]() I agree. People should be covered. But this isn't the way to do it. Handing the insurance companies a big ole gift isn't gonna do a THING to bring premiums down. Regulation of the insurance companies, doctors, and all the other BS...thats what I think should be happening....and these close door meetings our government seems to think they have a right to have...very disturbing Regulations on premiums...perhaps. But anyone with any knowledge of economics knows that they could have gone a long way toward fixing the problem by simply allowing ALL insurance companies to compete against each other nationwide. The bigger the supply of providers, the more competition for customers. The more competition for customers, the lower the prices. Regulations on doctors?? Nope. Doctors charge as much as they do for a couple of reasons. They have to pay back MASSIVE amounts of debt in the form of student loans. They also have to pay extremely high malpractice insurance premiums due, in large part, to our sue happy society. One complaint I saw a lot was that doctors perform too many tests which drove up costs. Well...they HAVE to do all those tests because if they didn't, they'd probably get sued. Better for them to cover ALL the bases even if some of the tests wound up being unnecessary. I disagree with your statement "The bigger the supply of providers, the more competition for customers. The more competition for customers, the lower the prices." If you understand how the insurance industry works, the prices will come down with a BIGGER POOL of people insured. Having a larger pool of people (especially young healthy people) with blended rates will keep insurance affordable. Competition between companies does have an effect on insuarnce rates. How much effect depends on how well the insurance company negotiates their contracts with their network of doctors and hospitals. Trust me....I sit on a Health Care Death Panel. ![]() |
Rep. Clyburn says you are if you oppose ObamaCare. And what are the conservatives calling people who support it? Both sides need to stop. It's not just one side causing problems. amen |
All this diversion is going to work for about a week, then reality will set back in and people will realize that it's just more of the same. All the smoke and mirrors aren't going to change the fact that people are still losing jobs, the debt is unsustainable, and the democrats wasted an entire year working on a bill that does very little to fix what is actually wrong with the health care system. You have about 6 months to enjoy your victory, because when November rolls around people won't be voting based on this bill. People will be voting based on the economy, jobs, and the debt.. There isn't a whole lot of positives that the dems can point to in regards to what are the most important issues concerning the people. Incompetence has consequences... November is seven months away,,,since october 2009 things have not gotten any worse... in fact,, unemployment rate dropped from 10.1 to 9.7, we have gone from losing 224,000 per month to losing 36,000, and average hourly earnings went from 22.35 to 22.46 I am confident things will continue to slowly improve by November and the issue wont be that there is no positive , just whether some will consider them positive ENOUGH Unemployment here just reached 9.5% up from 9.2% in Jan, so things in AZ are not getting better. Can't speak for other states but its not really changing much here. |
So..if someone didn't vote...they should just shut up and sit down?? I did vote, by the way. in a way yes and no... Look if you feel so strongly about a subj then u should do something instead of bitchen about it....All talk and no action get's u no where... First off i think every american should vote cuz it's our duty as citizens, but the truth is less that 60 percent vote for our president!!! It annoys me that people sit there and ***** about things when they were to lazy to make a difference and perhaps have things turn out the way they would have liked... so yes if u didn't vote shut up and get over it! or start a petition or a referendum do something, cuz bitchen gets u no where! oh and did anyone here about Sen. Lewis a democrat getting spat on and he was harassed and called a N***a! how rude! |
considering health care opponents committed acts of terrorism a day ago this has some merit..although realclearpolitics is known to make up stories. Now you neocons know how it feels when your party called me a terrorist just because i came from palestine. Thank-you!!! im not even muslim and i get called a terrorist all the time, it's about time the shoe is on the other foot, these people get called a terrorist a couple times and they get so wound up! let them try to go to an international air port and have everyone stare at u like ur a freak or something! |