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Topic: High Fructose Corn Syrup - Avoid it!
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Sun 03/14/10 07:44 PM

...BTW... beets can be bad too... eating a serving of beets will convert to as much sugar as eating a candybar....

I know someone that had been fasting on beet and carrot juice and went into an insulin shock then coma ...

... shocked Streuth

See, I told my Mom beets were bad for ya..........

Never got a taste for 'em.....

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Sun 03/14/10 08:09 PM

You are so damn smart! God, that's sexy. drool
And to think I almost became a priest.... surprised

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Sun 03/14/10 09:12 PM
Gotta defend the bad rap carbs get!

Carbs are nature's tranquilizers, SO soothing ...

... People on an overload of protein that is too restrictive get all jumped up, edgy and nervous!

Just go for the low glycemics ... long time in conversion ...

... That anchored to a protein to sustain blood sugar level!

And, "processed foods" ???

... Watch the sodium levels on even the best!

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Sun 03/14/10 09:15 PM

...BTW... beets can be bad too... eating a serving of beets will convert to as much sugar as eating a candybar....

I know someone that had been fasting on beet and carrot juice and went into an insulin shock then coma ...

... shocked Streuth

See, I told my Mom beets were bad for ya..........

Never got a taste for 'em.....

Beets are fantastic for you, so are carrots, but both are VERY high in natural sugars ...

Juicers can just go too far!

Juicers need to throw in things like cucumber, celery, parsley, ginger, and etc.

Eat your beets, Caroline, or ya can't go out and play ... :tongue:

:heart: ... Try a bit grated into salads ...

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Sun 03/14/10 09:21 PM

...BTW... beets can be bad too... eating a serving of beets will convert to as much sugar as eating a candybar....

I know someone that had been fasting on beet and carrot juice and went into an insulin shock then coma ...

... shocked Streuth

See, I told my Mom beets were bad for ya..........

Never got a taste for 'em.....

Beets are fantastic for you, so are carrots, but both are VERY high in natural sugars ...

Juicers can just go too far!

Juicers need to throw in things like cucumber, celery, parsley, ginger, and etc.

Eat your beets, Caroline, or ya can't go out and play ... :tongue:

:heart: ... Try a bit grated into salads ...

I get the veggies I'm not fond of in my V-8 V-fusion juices...

I've tried beets, but I just can't stomach them...

Now give me some cauliflower, broccoli, asparagus, etc. and I'm right at home........

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Sun 03/14/10 09:23 PM

...BTW... beets can be bad too... eating a serving of beets will convert to as much sugar as eating a candybar....

I know someone that had been fasting on beet and carrot juice and went into an insulin shock then coma ...

... shocked Streuth

See, I told my Mom beets were bad for ya..........

Never got a taste for 'em.....

Beets are fantastic for you, so are carrots, but both are VERY high in natural sugars ...

Juicers can just go too far!

Juicers need to throw in things like cucumber, celery, parsley, ginger, and etc.

Eat your beets, Caroline, or ya can't go out and play ... :tongue:

:heart: ... Try a bit grated into salads ...

I get the veggies I'm not fond of in my V-8 V-fusion juices...

I've tried beets, but I just can't stomach them...

Now give me some cauliflower, broccoli, asparagus, etc. and I'm right at home........


Try the new Fusion w/ Tangerine and Passion Fruit ... Rocks!!! ... love

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Sun 03/14/10 09:27 PM

...BTW... beets can be bad too... eating a serving of beets will convert to as much sugar as eating a candybar....

I know someone that had been fasting on beet and carrot juice and went into an insulin shock then coma ...

... shocked Streuth

See, I told my Mom beets were bad for ya..........

Never got a taste for 'em.....

Beets are fantastic for you, so are carrots, but both are VERY high in natural sugars ...

Juicers can just go too far!

Juicers need to throw in things like cucumber, celery, parsley, ginger, and etc.

Eat your beets, Caroline, or ya can't go out and play ... :tongue:

:heart: ... Try a bit grated into salads ...

I get the veggies I'm not fond of in my V-8 V-fusion juices...

I've tried beets, but I just can't stomach them...

Now give me some cauliflower, broccoli, asparagus, etc. and I'm right at home........


Try the new Fusion w/ Tangerine and Passion Fruit ... Rocks!!! ... love

I'll check it out.....flowerforyou

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Sun 03/14/10 09:31 PM
... smooched ... :wink:

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Sun 03/14/10 09:33 PM

... smooched ... :wink:

:heart: ................ flowers

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Sun 03/14/10 09:46 PM
radiator fluid is not toxic to humans

ethylene glycol is the flavoring ingredient in creme soda

no photo
Sun 03/14/10 09:47 PM

radiator fluid is not toxic to humans

ethylene glycol is the flavoring ingredient in creme soda

Are you mad?

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Sun 03/14/10 10:41 PM

there is no high fructose corn syrup in Amy's products ...

Well they still use cornstarch in some of their products…

Corn syrup is made using cornstarch... so they're not perfect, but better than most other companies...

Corn syrup is especially dangerous if the person is low in copper (ask yourself, when was the last time you ate liver?). Without copper, and when adding corn syrup, your body cannot make elastin and collagen - the sinews that hold you together. Your liver cannot convert all of the excess fructose and organ damage can also occur.

I haven't looked at each and every product that they make, and they do make some good stuff ( :thumbsup: ) but I do know that many of their products contain cornmeal and grain vinegar, which is distilled from corn... the bottom line as far as the body is concerned is that if the liver converts it to sugar then it's going to have the same effect, just like eating beets... smokin

Pretty much everything that consumers use is touched by corn. Even aspirin, coffee, toothpaste and some yogurt is made using corn. Everything in moderation is the best way to be, but when your body sees corn byproducts everywhere it starts to get overwhelmed and it has health effects. And we haven't even started talking about how adding potatoes to the mix puts an even bigger load on the liver and other organs... and people wonder why they are so over weight and can't lose the weight... and why diseases like diabetes is out of control these days.... they need not look any further than their diets...

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Mon 03/15/10 09:08 AM
Wouldn't know about those burgers, don't buy/eat them.

My 10 Amy's soups that I do have on hand, and what I mentioned previously, none of then have ANY corn product in them ...

... Except the corn in the chowder one.

I also use Amy's pot pies, no corn products.

The only other that I buy are the cheese enchiladas, made w/ corn tortillas.

Amy's is the closest to my GREAT home cooking that I've found!

When you are a single parent, it is necessary to keep healthy foods on hand in case of sudden illness, and for the child to help themselves to also.

Amy's is leagues ahead of anything sold in supermarket soup aisle was/is my original point.

Folks also need a starting point in venturing into the whole foods, organic world.

For many, that jumping off pt. will do nicely w/ Amy's, organic and tasty.

Then, they get the feel/taste that it really can be great and begin cooking their own.

MANY don't ever cook and need alternatives full stop ...

Let's not go scarin' the newbies away.

Also, corn is one of the top 5 food allergens because it is in everything and has overwhelmed our systems.

That, and anything that has been so modified becomes hybrid to a level that the body rejects it as unhealthy. (This is the same for the wheat kernel, the chromosomes are nothing like those our ancestors consumed - hence rampant wheat/gluten allergies too!)

The only form I still serve corn in is as tortillas and whole kernel and cob ears, and I limit even that.

Also ... In my experience, most folks have too much copper, not to little.

See "The Informant" film w/ Matt Damon ... Shows the roots of the corn empire overtaking and infiltrating our entire food and beyond world!!!

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Mon 03/15/10 06:32 PM
I can't even remember the last time I ate fast food or had a soda. All I know is I went from 240 to 196 in two years. Now the hard part comes with the toning up.

I rarely eat meat. If it's milk. I will drink rice or almond.

No need to support the ******** vitamin industry. If you eat healthy, you will get enough.

Amy's is so good:). Besides, vegetarian canned beans for a quick fix is all that I get canned. I juice my fruits, and only buy fresh veggies and fruits.

Don't forget. You do not need to buy everything organic. there are certain foods that are the same no matter how you slice it.

I believe they're onion. avocado, asparagus, pineapple and a few more.

I think the fruits and veggies with thinner skins or are softer are the ones to get organic.

And of course, you just can't sit on your a$$ all day on mingle and expect to lose weight if that what your goal is.

You won't believe what 2 20 pound dumbbells and a Danskin ball can do for you.

If you're looking for another good workout product. The pull up bar that you see on TV works really well as well as doing push ups with it.

Sorry about the rantdrinker

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Mon 03/15/10 07:12 PM
My 10 Amy's soups that I do have on hand, and what I mentioned previously, none of then have ANY corn product in them ...

How much sodium are in their soups? I don't know why soups (of all foods) need so much sodium... would be nice to see a low sodium soup smokin

Amy's is leagues ahead of anything sold in supermarket soup aisle was/is my original point.
I agree, wish more companies followed their lead...

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