msharmony's photo
Tue 03/02/10 10:35 PM
to be honest, it would depend upon how dependent a person they were. As a single mom, I already have alot of caretaking on my hands and would prefer to be the receiver of some care for a change. I dont have the ,,,strength, to be responsibile for physical caretaking of an adult at this time in my life. I would certainly be interested in friendship though.

Rklain's photo
Tue 03/02/10 11:25 PM
Being without physical disability does not mean one is perfect,some people are mentaly/moraly/spiritualy or emotionaly disable and that could be worse than being physicaly disable.

msharmony's photo
Tue 03/02/10 11:32 PM

Being without physical disability does not mean one is perfect,some people are mentaly/moraly/spiritualy or emotionaly disable and that could be worse than being physicaly disable.

I agree, and at this time in my life, I prefer not to have a partner whose care needs are more intense than my childrens(emotionally or physically). I want someone that makes life lighter for me and the kids not one that adds more weight in any way.

Yamin's photo
Wed 03/03/10 09:30 AM

Being without physical disability does not mean one is perfect,some people are mentaly/moraly/spiritualy or emotionaly disable and that could be worse than being physicaly disable.

Well said!bigsmile

Duffy's photo
Fri 03/05/10 12:32 PM
oh boy. i got it really good this time.
i misread the post, and it turned out, i called someone a bad name.i got things mixed up. my dimentia kicking in after a few beers.

sorry "mr. m". this is a public apology.

i, myself have a disability, and it is not nice when u r called names.

i will try to be better in the future.pitchfork

i am old, so what else could it be?. flowerforyou

Quietman_2009's photo
Sat 03/06/10 06:33 PM
Edited by Quietman_2009 on Sat 03/06/10 06:33 PM
I would never date someone with a disability

they obviously come from inferior genetic stock and would be better off if they were prevented from breeding


besides I date papersmile and she is sort of disabled. she is canadian

no photo
Sat 03/06/10 10:14 PM

I would never date someone with a disability

they obviously come from inferior genetic stock and would be better off if they were prevented from breeding


besides I date papersmile and she is sort of disabled. she is canadian

Canadians are hot, I've often wished I lived in Canada so I could have a Canadian man.drinker

no photo
Sat 03/06/10 10:19 PM
I MARRIED TWO who BOTH had Mental ISSUE'S......noway noway

AND THEY found me a HUNK!!!!!surprised surprised surprised

rofl rofl rofl rofl

WHATS "THAT" TELL YA???whoa surprised

justdonnie1's photo
Sun 03/07/10 10:54 AM
not 2 be ignorant but no i wouldnt

papersmile's photo
Sun 03/07/10 11:12 AM
Edited by papersmile on Sun 03/07/10 11:13 AM
why is it so offensive to people that others don't wish to date a disabled person?

what's the big deal with that?

why are some preferences okay and others not?

personally, i don't give a shiite who anyone wants to date.

no photo
Sun 03/07/10 11:13 AM
Edited by LeighAnna9 on Sun 03/07/10 11:17 AM

why is it so offensive to people that others don't wish to date a disabled person?

what's the big deal with that?

why are some preferences okay and others not?

personally, i don't give a crap who wants to date who.

I agree, I guess preferences have become passe, or something.....

papersmile's photo
Sun 03/07/10 11:15 AM
psssst leigh? could you please fix my sentence that you quoted? laugh

no photo
Sun 03/07/10 11:18 AM

psssst leigh? could you please fix my sentence that you quoted? laugh

How's that?flowerforyou

justdonnie1's photo
Sun 03/07/10 11:20 AM
Edited by justdonnie1 on Sun 03/07/10 11:23 AM
well i dont know what a rn is except registered nrse and im not that so how can u be mad about my decision of not wanting to date a disabled person i could be there friend but that would be all sorry for being honest but i still wouldnt do it its not only unnattractive to me but its also immoral a person with a disabilty is most likely to have children with a disabilty and that is selfish and wrong

no photo
Sun 03/07/10 11:23 AM

well i dont know what a rn is except registered nrse and im not that so how can u be mad about my decision of not wanting to date a disabled person i could be there friend but that would be all sorry for being honest but i still wouldnt do it

You don't have to apologize for having a preference. There are many types of people I refuse to date, and I don't care who doesn't like it. For example, I don't date older men or men who have children. I'm sure some of them have a lot to offer someone, just not me. No idea when preferences became a bad thing, but I never apologize for mine.

justdonnie1's photo
Sun 03/07/10 11:24 AM

well i dont know what a rn is except registered nrse and im not that so how can u be mad about my decision of not wanting to date a disabled person i could be there friend but that would be all sorry for being honest but i still wouldnt do it

You don't have to apologize for having a preference. There are many types of people I refuse to date, and I don't care who doesn't like it. For example, I don't date older men or men who have children. I'm sure some of them have a lot to offer someone, just not me. No idea when preferences became a bad thing, but I never apologize for mine.

thank you

no photo
Sun 03/07/10 11:25 AM

well i dont know what a rn is except registered nrse and im not that so how can u be mad about my decision of not wanting to date a disabled person i could be there friend but that would be all sorry for being honest but i still wouldnt do it

You don't have to apologize for having a preference. There are many types of people I refuse to date, and I don't care who doesn't like it. For example, I don't date older men or men who have children. I'm sure some of them have a lot to offer someone, just not me. No idea when preferences became a bad thing, but I never apologize for mine.

thank you


Duffy's photo
Sun 03/07/10 11:26 AM
i abbreviated....not to be ignorant as N2B IG.......

u have your opinion. and it is a worthy one.

would you still type 2 me if i said i had a disability? i got it in mcdonald's parking lot by being surprised by a car pulling out, and i had hot coffee to boot. landed flat on my back.

next accident was a slip and fall in the same parking lot on icy parking lot. injured my knee and pulled a muscle. cannot run or jump from high places trees... anymore, and travel kinda slow.

however, my brain and fingers still work.noway

justdonnie1's photo
Sun 03/07/10 11:30 AM
yes i would i could be friends with anyone i just would not be in a intimate relationship with a disabled peron is all i used to work for a medical transportation company and have made many disabled friends

no photo
Sun 03/07/10 11:40 AM
Edited by LeighAnna9 on Sun 03/07/10 11:48 AM
I'm confused, so now it's ignorant not to want to date a disabled person? Why is that? Simply because you happen to be disabled and you've found someone you're interested in and they don't return it, so now they're ignorant? That makes no sense.

That's like for me to decide I want to date a 22 year old, blonde haired, blue-eyed man, who has absolutely no romantic interest in me because I'm 37 years old and black. Would I get pissy if he said no and for me to piss off? Um, no, it's called preferences, we all have them, whether you want to admit it or not. It's become very politically correct to run around saying "age doesn't matter, race doesn't matter, body type doesn't matter, we're all the same" when in truth, all of it matters and if it didn't, we wouldn't feel the need to make distinctions. The only place none of that matters is in some people's heads, and even then, just because they spout off rhetoric, it doesn't mean they're living it.

Unless you're attracted (physically, mentally, emotionally, etc.) to the other person, there will be no romantic relationship, I don't care how great a person you might be. I might be able to be friends with a disabled person, but I'm not interested in dating one. Just like I have friends who are many years older or younger than me and we're not interested in dating each other. Dating is not an obligation, no one owes anyone else anything. It's based on mutual attraction, and no one has the right to try to make anyone else feel guilty for their preferences.

End rant.