Topic: why post
catchme_ifucan's photo
Wed 06/13/07 01:11 AM
The invisible ink thing is that he didn't notice you.

no photo
Wed 06/13/07 01:31 AM
well i thought shenerd was absolutely hilarious and i loved her pissed that i will miss her!!!!

and Karma and CCP please come back.....please...
you are important to the balance and chemistry of the

and i miss you!:cry: :heart: flowerforyou

no photo
Wed 06/13/07 01:45 AM
shenerd i hope you're reading this...............

you are a beauty!!! whoever you are!!

i noticed you, and appreciated the warmth and great humour you brought
to so many distressed threads....

i appreciated you....just for the record...

wherever you go ..have a wonderful life!!!



TJ_777's photo
Wed 06/13/07 03:11 AM
Can you say....attention deficit disorder!....LMAO

Native_Grl39's photo
Wed 06/13/07 04:10 AM
I agree...Some things are funny once or twice...500 times and 500
threads later...UMMMMMMMMM NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!

I love this site too and Thanx Mike and Van for doing such a great
job...The people here are wonderful and we all should treat each other
with the respect each deserves!!!!!!

Good thread Morena...Hope you are feeling better g/f!!!!!

flowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou :heart:

TxsGal3333's photo
Wed 06/13/07 05:41 AM
Darn if anyone in here has every gotton e-mail from Shenerd would you
please e-mail her and tell her I said to get her HAPPY ASS BACK IN
HERE! Heck now I enjoyed her post even tho she is deactivated if you
have her e-mail in your inbox u can still e-mail her and she will get it
lol but for us that don't then we can e-mail her. Shsssssssssssssshh She
got her feelings hurt and left tell her I need some CHOCOLATE :cry:

Native_Grl39's photo
Wed 06/13/07 05:47 AM
Well if it was by me...Then I apologize...Shenerd if you're reading
this...I didn't mean to hurt your feelings..I think you are a good
person...just a little excessive in the threads sometimes and it makes
it hard to respond at times...Anyway I hope you change your mind and I
didn't mean to offend you...Not to mention I haven't been myself
lately...BUT I am working on it...sooo come on back girl!!!!!!!!!

flowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou


no photo
Wed 06/13/07 06:42 AM
(((((((((((((((M)))))))))))))))) sis!!!!!!!! happy

so glad to see you back in action gurly!!!got a pot of coLUMbian goin
for ya in the pub :wink: and the special blend mix is stashed under the
bar in the brown paper bag with YOUR name on it :wink:

I think I can speak for 'those that left' being one in essense..

the reasons for departure were MANY.. starting a few months ago and
slowly arriving at this point.. with feelings similar to being eVICted
from our homes.. yes.. it WAS a choice.. but one that was given/taken
due to very few OTHER options..

I'm NOT playing a BLAME game here.. I'm JUST expressing MY feelings and
those that I've gleened from my newly departed (((((((famillia)))))))...
NEITHER am I pointing any fingers at any ONE in particular.. there were
many different reasons from MANY situations over a period of time.. so
no one has to feel singled out or accused..

I CHOSE to come in here today because I have a friend that has said
something that hits close to home and I'd like the close this issue off
for me for good.

Morena.. what you said is VERY true.. in MY opinion I find there's a
MARAthon happening in the forums.. to the comment concerning OFFERING
ANSWER ONE BEFORE POSTING THE OTHER" just as an example.. the Pub was
started on Dec 26th 2006.. we are now in Pub #3 and on about page 2396
.. we weren't posting to see how fast we could or how many inane
topics/questions we could repeat endlessly.. we were creating a solid
base for people to REALLY GET TO KNOW one another.. and FROM that
stemmed MANY lasting friendships and wonderful memories on cold winter
nights spent OTHER than being lonely at home with a book or TV for
comfort... we created a space we could call our HOME away from HOME..
JSH IS not like any other space in this huge WWW... Mike and Van
actually CARE about the quality of our experiences.. and for THAT I
can't thank them enough..

I AM having a hard time pulling completely away from JSH.. as although
in 'lurk' mode.. am still experiencing the warmth and love from my
friends thru email.. but that too shall soon stop as the
'draw/attraction' is loosing it's lustre.. this 'home away from home' is
no longer... HOME in reality is a place of DRAMA and Ignorance... we ALL
feel somewhat like that or we wouldn't be here.. it's an ESCAPE.. a
HAVEN.. and shud be treated as such with MUTUAL respect.. just remember
there are PEOPLE behind every keystroke.. AND feelings.. I think a lil
empathy would go a VERY long way for MANY people both here AND in the
REAL world.. but I only expect what I GIVE.. although HAVE held my
expectations of reciprocation very low.. sigh..

MOST of the threads posted of late.. well.. if I wanted THAT kind of
unstimulating conversation I'd talk to my teenagers.. and again as was
posted.. there's soo MANY of them that you don't know WHERE to turn.. in
MY case I slink off to the Pub and hide out there.. feeling overwhelmed
and dazed.. and OFTENtimes ignored..

when I have left in the past.. I have not felt the need to shout from
the roof tops my choices.. it's no one's business but my own.. and if
you want to go.. in the future please.. just email those you know and
go... those posts in MY opinion are just a shout for "please beg me to
stay... I need to feel important cuz my self worth is crap now" ohwell
we ALL need to feel loved.. JSH is a GREAT place for that comfort.. but
just ASK for a hug.. you'll get it.. in DROVES.. as to the 'cry' for
attention.. well.. keep in mind the story of the boy who cried 'wolf'

well.. that's my 2 cents happy you can agree or not.. but it won't
change how I feel flowerforyou

just so you know Mike and Van.. the books 1/2 done.. but I've sadly lost
my motivation.. :cry: ohwell

no photo
Wed 06/13/07 06:52 AM
Terry -- Good post! (As always!)

Let me clarify my point on "old-timers vs. newbies." Obviously, such
distinctions are best left at the "New Members Forum," with the idea
that, once the initial introductions have been completed, the new person
becomes a fully integrated member of the community, being treated no
discernibly different from those who have been here since Day One.

In reality, that is not what happens, in many cases.

I've been here awhile myself now, and I think it's worth pointing out
that I took my time (several weeks) to read the forums, to try to get
the "feel" of the site, before I posted anything. When I finally did
post a question, I was greeted with vulgarity and rudeness.

I have read several dozen (more recent) posts from new people who have
pointed out that they are ignored when they try to participate in the
forum discussions. They inevitably refer to the existence of a "clique"
or a pre-existing group of friends who don't seem to be interested in
talking with anyone but the people they already know.

And this is my sole basis for making the distinction I made in the
earlier post.

Now, this is not a one-sided thing -- when the CSers migrated en masse,
some of them seemed reluctant to assimilate; although it needs to be
pointed out that the vast majority of them were fully integrated within
a week or two, there were several who seemed afraid to venture outside
their own circle.

My point is, that it is up to the existing members of this, or any,
site, to ensure that all newcomers are welcomed and treated hospitably.
Terry, I know you do this, I have seen your posts welcoming new members
ever since the day I signed up. And there are others who do their best
to greet and guide new people.

It should not be left to the newcomers to "force" their way into the
site, simply in order to try to fit in. And I'm not saying that is
always the case; I am saying that there are certainly a fair number of
new people who have not felt welcomed or included.

And I would contend that one of the reasons for this feeling is the
constant postings of "I don't like the site anymore, it's not the way it
used to be, my friends are gone, I don't like the new posters, I think
they're talking too much about _______ (fill in the blank)," etc. --
always criticizing, never thinking about other people's feelings. Never
thinking that their words are sometimes interpreted by others as "they
think we've ruined the site, that's why they don't like it anymore."
This isn't always stated quite so directly (although, at times, it has
been), but the implication is often there.

The schism, such as it is, occurs because of a lack of communication --
and the burden of that communication should be on the people who are
already here. But they're not holding up their end of the obligation,
because too many of them are resentful over the fact that the site is no
longer "their" site.

That resentment comes out as a sort of tacit hostility and indifference
to new people.

I would maintain that everyone will have some point when they think JSH
is at its peak -- for them. Some of the people who have been here
awhile have expressed the view that the peak was awhile back, completely
ignoring the possibility that it COULD, conceivably, get even better at
some point in the future. But no, because their friends are gone (is it
not possible to make new friends? Or to try to bring some of the old
ones back again?), and it will never be "the same."

Which, of course, it is not supposed to be. Change is inevitable.

I personally feel that JSH is a great site, but I see the potential for
it becoming much better. I don't think it's anywhere near a "peak" yet
-- and, if and when it reaches that "peak," and moves on from there, I
guarantee you will not hear me complaining about it.

If you want an end to the distinction between old-timers and new people,
then everyone has to be treated equally. That isn't happening right
now. Oh, sure, most of us don't really differentiate; it's only a
handful who seem to believe that seniority carries a carte blanche to
demand the site be run the way they want it, the way they like it.

But until those people recognize that JSH exists just as much for the
person who signs up today, as it does for the person who was here when
the doors opened the first time, this is going to continue to be a

If we could all put ourselves in the position of being new again, of
thinking back to what it was like those first few days or weeks, of how
we were hoping to be greeted and welcomed and brought into the "family"
-- if we could treat people the way we hoped we would have been treated
-- well, it's all about that whole empathy thing, isn't it? It's all
about recognizing each and every person here as a worthwhile and
valuable member of the group.

That shoud be the focus, not this whining about how things used to

Some people, when discussing the "drama" on the site, like to use the
"high school" analogy. I think that's actually quite fitting here.
It's time for the seniors to stop bullying and/or ignoring the freshmen.
It's time for the seniors to welcome the freshmen, to say, "Look, we've
got a great school here, let me tell you what's so good about it. Maybe
you'll have some ideas to improve it. And if we work together, we can
make it even better, for all of us."

TxsGal3333's photo
Wed 06/13/07 08:22 AM

After reading what you both have wrote. I do agree with you both fully.
It is time those of us that have been here awhile stop considering this
site as only our second home but one that belongs as well as to the new
members that has come in the last several months. For myself if I was
one of the new ones some of the post that have been made the last few
days I would myself take them to heart and would feel as if I don't
belong here. In reality no one belongs here anymore than the next person
does. No matter how long one has been here we all belong here. This is
really a great site and it is growning in leaps and bounds. Let's all
help the site to grow so when it comes a time we must leave ourseleves
we leave a part of us here as well.

Yeah I'm no differnt than anyone else here I've had my bad days as well
as good days. Sure I have hurt some feelings in the past no doubt about
that. I'm as guilty as anyone here no one is perfect and we all know
that. Yes when CS came in it was a huge overnight shock for us that had
gotton to feel at home here and what can most say it blew our minds.
But...... I would say at least 80% of those came right in made
themselves at home and made the the ones here felt like they had always
been here. It's great to see new blood per sey in the forums posting
some are very knowledgeable post and have a great sense of humor.

And yes at time the threads get overloaded with stuff that it makes your
head spin. Some post are great some so so and then there are some that
make you wonder what possesed them to even post it for it is so far out
there even ET has no clue what planet they came from. As far as post I
think we just need to sit and ponder a bit before we make a post and ask
ourselves if it really is worth posting. Is it something I find
interesting or funny, do I think others will respond. And first and
formost please do not post anything that is rude or crude or will offend

We are all behind these screens and I assure you we all have feelings
and hurt and cry when those get stepped on. Yeah this is the INTERNET
but guess what there is real people here on the other side of these
words. Just need to remember that even tho your words are wrote upon
these pages here with your conments those words can cut like a knife to
the one reading them harder than you have any ideal.

So before hitting that POST REPLY button take a minute and re-read your
words make sure they do not offend others. Just as I have said I am just
as guilty as the next person here. Of not following this simple rule. I
have no HALO on my head. I'm no better than the next person.

Yes it is not gonna be peaceful here all the time no way there will be
conflicts here and there with this many people here. But... if you have
something to say about another memember in here DO NOT POST IT IN THE
FORUMS AT ALL. This should include problems you have with them or they
left and want to find out what happenn use your e-mail. And e-mail
someone they were always around. If you find the need to leave the site
e-mail the ones you want to know and leave Don't have to make a big
issue out of it. Then come back when and if you feel the need to . I'm
sure yur first post back you will receive a very warm welcome.

If there is problems please use the REPORT, BLOCK AND ABUSE BUTTONS they
were put there for a reason. But also remember your word is not gold to
Van & Mike. They have access to all e-mail and threads. When a report is
made you should give the legit reason for your report what sectiion it
is in and what thread and what the report is about facts facts is a
must. Wihout the facts your report is like HOT AIR it means nothing. For
they will not ban anyone not even for a day just onn what one says
hearsay does not wash! They will check out each and every report. And
guess what expect and e-mail back from them to confirm. They are great
at this.


buttons's photo
Wed 06/13/07 08:53 AM
wow!!!!!well for starters i agree with the disrespect.. its becoming
unbelievable on here!!!!! as far as posting threads..yea some are making
too many.. my idea? is they have the need to have all the attention...
as far as someone calling them dumb threads? well what may be dumb to
you may not be to another and whom are you to judge a thread?... i see a
lot of people on here preaching their words.. but not practicing them...
so maybe everyone should take a big look at what they are saying.. and
ask theirself do i do that? humm....someone else said ganging up... yes
i see this happen too... quite frankly sick of it... as most of u know
what the heck? maybe some should learn to be more
independant....afterall should not your word mean something? just itself
alone? seems to me that this thread has as much chatter than anyother
thread does....deactivating? well ill make a thread on that one...

sassystacey69xx's photo
Wed 06/13/07 09:01 AM

hey im sorry if i hurt your feelings,come back i know you readin
this!!!!!!uuummmmm im sure we casn learn tro deal with the chocolate
lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!enuff said...get your goofy self


s1owhand's photo
Wed 06/13/07 09:09 AM
as a newbie on JSH i have been appreciating the
openess of the forums and also really like the
welcoming attitude extended to me

i think it is a shame that some obviously very
thoughtful and interesting people have decided to
lay off for a while

but i am looking forward to their re-emergence at
some point in the future - hopefully sooner rather
than later since their voices illuminated and
warmed many threads

in the meantime it is very interesting to see the
dynamics of new personalities of all sorts breaking
the surface - it is a kaleidoscope of friends

no photo
Wed 06/13/07 09:14 AM
i never knew anything about multilple threads...i musta missed

i just read some of her posts and she was pretty funny ...

i also have no clue of the details of what went on with anyone!!

ignorance must be bliss because everyone has been just human as far as i
can see...

well... sigh....

carry onohwell :heart: flowerforyou

Native_Grl39's photo
Wed 06/13/07 09:23 AM
Yes we are all human and we all have off days...BUT I don't like the
thought that one of my off days may have hurt someone else!!!!!!!!!

It was just a couple of comments but I still don't like to think I may
have hurt anyone!!!!!!

flowerforyou drinker

SheNerd's photo
Wed 06/13/07 02:23 PM
Aw geez, you are all too kind to this poor nerd, (big nerd tears under
glasses along with a couple of snoggers). I have a lot of stuff going
on in my life right now, and I am a bit on the hyper side anyhow, so I'm
sorry if my natural exuberance offended anyone in any way. I will try
to restrain myself in future, (and if I don't, feel free to snap my
suspenders, that usally works).

Now to toss out the bucket, that thing smells awful...

SheNerd :)

HangedMan's photo
Wed 06/13/07 02:45 PM
Lex, excellent post bro. It was damn long to read but well worth the

Trizar's photo
Wed 06/13/07 02:54 PM
i agree with buttons.. feel the same you can see Im not a
newbie... just read forums before I decided to join in... peace..Jack

catchme_ifucan's photo
Wed 06/13/07 03:18 PM
flowerforyou **throws SheNerd Kleenex***

:heart: {{{{{{{{{{{jsh WHOLE familia}}}}}}}}}:heart:


Morena can always pull us back together when our faith weakens.

ZZZZ Gurl Can make sence of it all & lay it out in simple no DRAMA
reality... flowerforyou

Some times I'll post jjeezzzz I must be writing in Invisible ink
because I make a post & nobody responds, just talked over.
When I've said this to people they feel the same way at times.

I think this happens because you read thru the posts & what ever
catches your eye you have that running thru your head how your post,
then you read more so your trying to sort it out.
as you read a friends words you think (oh hi!) smile inside,
& you make your post. So many times I try to go back in & say Hi!!
what I call my brain exersizes is to list everybodies names when I
say HI! say in the Bar..
Some times I'll have to look 3 or 4 times, I have terrable retention.
(& spelling)
Think about how pitaful that would be to be able to ignore nice
people, but can't ignore a TROLL!!!

LEX, not long ago you felt nobody would miss you,
YES!! YOU ARE PART OF THE WHOLE PACKAGE.. We might not talk for awhile
but your here & I feel you.

Yes we all do because we share our worlds.

devil & It's ok! to be human! just remember so is everybody else.

blushing spell check plzzzz...

WolfSpirt's photo
Wed 06/13/07 04:20 PM
I agree with respecting others, but I will have to enrole in a forums
college tolearnhow to make proper posts, so they dont offend anyoneand
tobe able to interprate other posts. I am totaly confused about