Topic: Recently installed Linux - Ubuntu
LouLou2's photo
Sun 02/21/10 03:53 PM
Any suggestions for income tax filing software that is compatible with Linux? I've read some about Taxact.

s1owhand's photo
Tue 02/23/10 01:27 AM
found the following which might be of interest:


January 14th, 2007, 12:06 AM
I just loaded Turbo Tax into a Win2K VM running in VMWare on top of Feisty. Works fine.

Last year's TT ran OK under Crossover Office 5.03, but this year's won't install in either CXO 5.03 or 6.01. There are a couple of bug reports on it so maybe the Crossover guys can figure something out. Crossover Office is a paid for application, but they contribute gobs of stuff back to WINE and their product has an evaluation period that ought to be long enough to do taxes.

As for why TT rather than one of the alternatives...if your investment portfolio is at all complex...involving multiple accounts, a trust or a number of different brokers, you need TT to do the schedule "D." Nothing else even comes close.

there were lots of other posts in that forum though - so
take it with a grain of salt - but it does seem like one possibly
useful way to proceed.


LouLou2's photo
Tue 02/23/10 02:10 AM
Hey, thanks. I'm a novice, but so far I've been pleased with Linux. Kinda got overwhelmed, though, when I sat down to figure out the taxes. Math was never my strong suit.

s1owhand's photo
Tue 02/23/10 05:27 AM
well what they are saying is that you can run a windows emulation
program (virtual machine - VM)and then run TurboTax on top of that
as if from windows.

if you check around - google TurboTax and Linux and Virtual Machine
then you may find someone who has found a good way to run the most
recent version. it looks like a lot of people have wanted to to the
same thing so a lot of people are trying