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Topic: Last Words
lonetar25's photo
Sat 02/20/10 12:28 AM

laugh laugh laugh she can't at this point... and now she's asleep on my couch... She does miss ya though...

AWWWWWWW how sweet

now write my name on her forehead pitchfork

laugh laugh laugh I should.. She wanted to watch Spartacus, I watched 3 I had already seen for her and she fell asleep during each of them, the last one is finally gonzo!!!

laugh what a lightweight

do iiit, do iiit

L,O,N,E,S.T.A.R devil use lipstick

IndnPrncs's photo
Sat 02/20/10 12:30 AM
rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl
you realize her payback would be worse... I'll think of something though...

s1owhand's photo
Sat 02/20/10 01:35 AM
whispering - "the secret to the buried treasure lies in old justsayhi
diary posts"

kc0003's photo
Sat 02/20/10 02:17 AM
Astor, Lady Nancy (1879-1964) "Jakie, is it my birthday or am I dying?" (Seeing all her children assembled at her bedside in her last illness.)

fjr's photo
Sat 02/20/10 06:36 AM
Knowing me, my last words will probably be...
"Hey yall, watch this!"

TxsGal3333's photo
Sat 02/20/10 06:38 AM
I'mmmmmmmmmm coming back to haunt ya'lls arse......hehehebigsmile pitchfork

no photo
Sat 02/20/10 07:40 AM
"I'm laid back and easy going."

Dict8's photo
Sat 02/20/10 07:43 AM
The last words of Samuel Clemens aka Mark Twain on his death bed..."Either this wallpaper goes or I do." :tongue:

seamac's photo
Sat 02/20/10 07:45 AM
Times up!

skydancingA's photo
Sat 02/20/10 08:46 AM

The last words of Samuel Clemens aka Mark Twain on his death bed..."Either this wallpaper goes or I do." :tongue:
:banana: :banana: hahahahaha:banana: :banana:

no photo
Sat 02/20/10 08:59 AM

"I'm laid back and easy going."

And you lie back and just go.......:thumbsup:

MeChrissy2's photo
Sat 02/20/10 10:55 AM
I hope the last words on my lips are "I love you". I wouldn't want to leave without those I cared about, knowing it.

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