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Topic: To pee or not to pee
Shasta1's photo
Thu 02/18/10 01:30 PM
Edited by Shasta1 on Thu 02/18/10 01:32 PM
I got a email this am thats going around that thought was pretty darn interesting.
Basically it was written by a guy that had some lousy job now due to the economy and he was required to do drug testing every now and then. He suggested that anyone who was getting welfare/food stamps, that taxes were being taken out of his check for, should be required to do drug testing also. I know when I got laid off for a few months, I had to finally break down at month 3 and apply for 6 months. It just about killed me. But while down at the Social Services office, I noticed the room was FULL of young people with pericings, tattoos and sm. cildren/babies. There were 2 other people my age or older.
I'm not implying that they all did drugs but by the looks of some of them, knew that they did.
The other thing is, while we serve the indigent with our program, some of them are drug/alcohol addicts. A few have told me they sell their FS to get the substance of choice.
They will sell 100$ worth of food stamps to a family for 50$ cash- which actually does help families that can't get by with what they are given.
I'm just wondering whats everyone's take on this. I think it should be a go. JMHO.
Off to wwork now...

RJR1's photo
Thu 02/18/10 01:42 PM
I got an email like that too. I think it's a great idea! I'm all for it.

Like most folks in this country, I have a job. I work, they pay me. I pay my taxes & the government distributes my taxes as it sees fit.

In order to get that paycheck, in my case, I am required to pass a random urine test (with which I have no problem).

What I do have a problem with is the distribution of my taxes to people who don't have to pass a urine test.

So, here is my question: Shouldn't one have to pass a urine test to get a welfare check because I have to pass one to earn it for them?

Please understand, I have no problem with helping people get back on their feet. I do, on the other hand, have a problem with helping someone sitting on their BUTT----doing drugs while I work.

Can you imagine how much money each state would save if people had to pass a urine test to get a public assistance check?

I guess we could call the program "URINE OR YOU'RE OUT"!

Pass this along if you agree or simply delete if you don't. Hope you all will pass it along, though. Something has to change in this country - AND SOON!

P.S. Just a thought, all politicians should have to pass a urine test too!

Queene123's photo
Thu 02/18/10 01:45 PM

I got a email this am thats going around that thought was pretty darn interesting.
Basically it was written by a guy that had some lousy job now due to the economy and he was required to do drug testing every now and then. He suggested that anyone who was getting welfare/food stamps, that taxes were being taken out of his check for, should be required to do drug testing also. I know when I got laid off for a few months, I had to finally break down at month 3 and apply for 6 months. It just about killed me. But while down at the Social Services office, I noticed the room was FULL of young people with pericings, tattoos and sm. cildren/babies. There were 2 other people my age or older.
I'm not implying that they all did drugs but by the looks of some of them, knew that they did.
The other thing is, while we serve the indigent with our program, some of them are drug/alcohol addicts. A few have told me they sell their FS to get the substance of choice.
They will sell 100$ worth of food stamps to a family for 50$ cash- which actually does help families that can't get by with what they are given.
I'm just wondering whats everyone's take on this. I think it should be a go. JMHO.
Off to wwork now...

a have a friend that i have known for over 30yrs
his sister was and is still a major druggy and she would often sell her foodstamps
she was known here as the town whore
but she moved away from here yrs ago. which im glad
she moved to seattle washington where there a bigger place and better for her far away from here. her brother cant stand her

CatsLoveMe's photo
Thu 02/18/10 04:35 PM
Well I would suggest drug rehab programs for these people, but that opens up a whole new can of worms, so I won't. It's not PC I guess these days for the government to spend money on helping people, only to take it away from people. People that sell their FS for cash are only screwing themselves, and they deserve it for using it on drugs. Get help, and you won't have to go through all of this.

cottonelle's photo
Thu 02/18/10 05:30 PM
i work for my drugs

krupa's photo
Thu 02/18/10 07:31 PM

i work for my drugs


Nice thought.....except for the fact that U.A's are probitiavely expensive (even when purchased in massive quantities). That is why the military and other entities only implement random screenings.

Doesn't really matter though. If you ain't a complete imbecile. drug tests can be passed easily. (I used to get high with the guys who did the testing on the aircraft carrier)

Trust me on this....the only people who CAN'T pass drug screening are the honest people who have never had probation.

Gossipmpm's photo
Thu 02/18/10 07:34 PM
Thank god they don't drug test homemakers!!!!



(all red eyed)


no photo
Thu 02/18/10 07:51 PM
I THINK that EVERYONE who is involved with ANY PUBLIC,STATE,or GOVERNMENT OFFICE,,should also have to TAKE A TEST,,RANDOMLY,,

as these people who JUDGE,,,,should be CLEAN,,,as well...



What YOUR talking about here Shasta is PEOPLE who SCAM our Govenment through lies!!!

HALF of the ones receiving checks,,,get more than they should based on some form of decieving the Gov..

THIS WOULD ALL STOP if the GOVERMENT,,,had a BETTER inforcements in knowing the persons REAL FACTS and making SURE they were who and what they write down they truly are.....


Food pantries are going under, school lunch programs for kids who can't pay, small help offices who relied on state founding to stay running
over anything else,,,,,Our kids educational programs,being cut so far into that they have to cancel MANY NEEDED TRIPS for the kids to have.
AS IF THEY DON'T ALREADY KNOW IT IN THE GOVERNMENT,,they just don't want to invest in their monies being magnified as THAT would SHOW THEIR THEFTS

Shasta1's photo
Thu 02/18/10 09:02 PM
Where I am, the govenor decided to cut the school and police. When I had to apply, you needed copies of every bill, your bank account statements, and mortgage, any type of income- actually documents they wanted to see before the copies; including 2 forms of ID and a ss card. These documents could not be forged. As for the indigent, a ss # and state id, which actually pulls up incarceration. Maybe in YOUR state they're that lax...but I sincerely doubt it. Blame your govt. not the ones scamming- they're the ones who've set the example that it's alright to help yourself. And yes, all of govt should be drug tested and occasional audits to keep their a$$es a little more grounded but doubt that would work very well also.

no photo
Thu 02/18/10 09:09 PM

Where I am, the govenor decided to cut the school and police. When I had to apply, you needed copies of every bill, your bank account statements, and mortgage, any type of income- actually documents they wanted to see before the copies; including 2 forms of ID and a ss card. These documents could not be forged. As for the indigent, a ss # and state id, which actually pulls up incarceration. Maybe in YOUR state they're that lax...but I sincerely doubt it. Blame your govt. not the ones scamming- they're the ones who've set the example that it's alright to help yourself. And yes, all of govt should be drug tested and occasional audits to keep their a$$es a little more grounded but doubt that would work very well also.
IF the cards or food stamps THEY SOLD,,,had to be used with PROOF that THEIR NAMES WERE ON THOSE ITEMS,,then they COULDN'T JUST SELL THEM? W?O being on the SPOT WITH THEM,,at time of purchase,,,
But SEE,,,THATS A GOV.LOOP-HOLE,,,and THEY KNOW THAT yet still don't make it better to NOT BE DONE wrongly through... To me scamming is using
someone to get monies out of them,,so the ones who sell their stamps or cards,,are scamming US and the GOV or the STATE as its NOT being food for THEM who recieved it...

Dragoness's photo
Thu 02/18/10 09:15 PM

I got a email this am thats going around that thought was pretty darn interesting.
Basically it was written by a guy that had some lousy job now due to the economy and he was required to do drug testing every now and then. He suggested that anyone who was getting welfare/food stamps, that taxes were being taken out of his check for, should be required to do drug testing also. I know when I got laid off for a few months, I had to finally break down at month 3 and apply for 6 months. It just about killed me. But while down at the Social Services office, I noticed the room was FULL of young people with pericings, tattoos and sm. cildren/babies. There were 2 other people my age or older.
I'm not implying that they all did drugs but by the looks of some of them, knew that they did.
The other thing is, while we serve the indigent with our program, some of them are drug/alcohol addicts. A few have told me they sell their FS to get the substance of choice.
They will sell 100$ worth of food stamps to a family for 50$ cash- which actually does help families that can't get by with what they are given.
I'm just wondering whats everyone's take on this. I think it should be a go. JMHO.
Off to wwork now...

Well to assume that people who need help are druggies is kinda prejudice to begin with so that issue is there to deal with and then it is extremely expensive to run a drug testing facility. Tax payers may not want to pay for that and if we find they test positively we have to then put them through a drug/alcohol program because that is the humane thing to do.
So we would be giving them welfare and foodstamps and paying for them a drug or alcohol rehab which is really expensive too.

I would go for it.

It would be great to get all people who have drug problems rehab at the tax payers expense. Might stop some of them from going to jail too so we could at least save on the jail expenses.

Shasta1's photo
Thu 02/18/10 10:05 PM

I got a email this am thats going around that thought was pretty darn interesting.
Basically it was written by a guy that had some lousy job now due to the economy and he was required to do drug testing every now and then. He suggested that anyone who was getting welfare/food stamps, that taxes were being taken out of his check for, should be required to do drug testing also. I know when I got laid off for a few months, I had to finally break down at month 3 and apply for 6 months. It just about killed me. But while down at the Social Services office, I noticed the room was FULL of young people with pericings, tattoos and sm. cildren/babies. There were 2 other people my age or older.
I'm not implying that they all did drugs but by the looks of some of them, knew that they did.
The other thing is, while we serve the indigent with our program, some of them are drug/alcohol addicts. A few have told me they sell their FS to get the substance of choice.
They will sell 100$ worth of food stamps to a family for 50$ cash- which actually does help families that can't get by with what they are given.
I'm just wondering whats everyone's take on this. I think it should be a go. JMHO.
Off to wwork now...

Well to assume that people who need help are druggies is kinda prejudice to begin with so that issue is there to deal with and then it is extremely expensive to run a drug testing facility. Tax payers may not want to pay for that and if we find they test positively we have to then put them through a drug/alcohol program because that is the humane thing to do.
So we would be giving them welfare and foodstamps and paying for them a drug or alcohol rehab which is really expensive too.

I would go for it.

It would be great to get all people who have drug problems rehab at the tax payers expense. Might stop some of them from going to jail too so we could at least save on the jail expenses.

And then perhaps, when they are clean and sober, extra money is deducted from their paychecks to pay back for the service of rehab they received. 10-15% ? It's nice to build a idealistic society. I feel that the people who pay taxes now, should have more say so with goings on and how things are handled than electing one person to be their one voice. They couldn't be bought, too many. A quarterly voting? needs alot of work...we could perhaps get some things done or undone with knowledge.

EquusDancer's photo
Thu 02/18/10 10:11 PM
This has always peeved me off! I think one needs to walk in a week before and the day before for a DETAILED drug test before they can receive their welfare check!

Shasta1's photo
Thu 02/18/10 10:15 PM

Well I would suggest drug rehab programs for these people, but that opens up a whole new can of worms, so I won't. It's not PC I guess these days for the government to spend money on helping people, only to take it away from people. People that sell their FS for cash are only screwing themselves, and they deserve it for using it on drugs. Get help, and you won't have to go through all of this.

Yes, they are screwing themselves, yet one guy takes pride in a weird sort of way. he gets 50 for his beer and he is giving a family with smaller children 50 extra dollars for food (it's on a card).
There is no way for alot of these people to get help, rehab programs cost. And those on the street need more than going to a meeting or two a day not run by professionals. It's a real catch-22. And they do try. Sometimes, one can't almost blame them, living in the circumstances/weather conditions they do at times.

Shasta1's photo
Thu 02/18/10 10:16 PM

This has always peeved me off! I think one needs to walk in a week before and the day before for a DETAILED drug test before they can receive their welfare check!

I don't get ya.

CatsLoveMe's photo
Fri 02/19/10 12:04 AM

Well I would suggest drug rehab programs for these people, but that opens up a whole new can of worms, so I won't. It's not PC I guess these days for the government to spend money on helping people, only to take it away from people. People that sell their FS for cash are only screwing themselves, and they deserve it for using it on drugs. Get help, and you won't have to go through all of this.

Yes, they are screwing themselves, yet one guy takes pride in a weird sort of way. he gets 50 for his beer and he is giving a family with smaller children 50 extra dollars for food (it's on a card).
There is no way for alot of these people to get help, rehab programs cost. And those on the street need more than going to a meeting or two a day not run by professionals. It's a real catch-22. And they do try. Sometimes, one can't almost blame them, living in the circumstances/weather conditions they do at times.

That's my point. If you're a wealthy drug user or alcoholic, maybe you'll get the help you need. If you're poor or low income, you'll most likely fall through the cracks. The government's way of helping you is by putting you in jail, not rehab.

IndnPrncs's photo
Fri 02/19/10 12:12 AM

Well I would suggest drug rehab programs for these people, but that opens up a whole new can of worms, so I won't. It's not PC I guess these days for the government to spend money on helping people, only to take it away from people. People that sell their FS for cash are only screwing themselves, and they deserve it for using it on drugs. Get help, and you won't have to go through all of this.

Yes, they are screwing themselves, yet one guy takes pride in a weird sort of way. he gets 50 for his beer and he is giving a family with smaller children 50 extra dollars for food (it's on a card).
There is no way for alot of these people to get help, rehab programs cost. And those on the street need more than going to a meeting or two a day not run by professionals. It's a real catch-22. And they do try. Sometimes, one can't almost blame them, living in the circumstances/weather conditions they do at times.

That's my point. If you're a wealthy drug user or alcoholic, maybe you'll get the help you need. If you're poor or low income, you'll most likely fall through the cracks. The government's way of helping you is by putting you in jail, not rehab.

Cats they'll put you in rehab instead of jail.. I think it depends on the offense and how many times.. I'm not sure but I do know some that were offered the choice...

JustAGuy2112's photo
Fri 02/19/10 09:46 AM
As great an idea as that might is pointless for someone who doesn't want to be there.

So, they fail the drug test, can't collect their welfare check, have to go to rehab, get out of rehab and go right back to using drugs because they didn't want to STOP using them in the first place.

Ladylid2012's photo
Fri 02/19/10 09:58 AM
I don't think someone's life is any one else's business.

JustAGuy2112's photo
Fri 02/19/10 09:59 AM

I don't think someone's life is any one else's business.

I disagree.

When it comes to all of us having to support them through the money we get taken from us ( involuntarily, I might add ) then that MAKES it our business.

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