Topic: Call me a fanatic in this one | |
I'm doing a research paper for my CALR class about the fact that minors
have to notify a parent that they want an abortion before the procedure. The federal law says that is a crime if there is not a notification of the abortion prior the procedure. HOwever, in florida due to the Florida Supreme Court ruling on IN RE T.W., 551 So.2d 1186 (Fla. 1989)., the minor can waive that notification and have an abortion because the minor is a natural person who has the right of privacy. As far as I'm concern what the Florida Supreme Court is saying to teenagers is: "Go ahead guys have sex to your right and left, and if you happen to get pregnant don't worry you can have an abortion and everything is cool." In Roe v. Wade, 410 U.S. 113 (1973)., the U.S. Supreme Court held that a woman has the right to end her pregnancy at her own discression. For me that means that the Court is saying: "Go ahead kill." Now you will say what if it's the case a woman who has been raped. I would say the child is not at guilt. If you don't want the child give the child for adoption, but you don't have the right to kill him/her. Then you will say what if the child has some genetic problem, I will say consider it a blessing, God is trying to teach you something. The only moment in which an abortion is acceptable is when the life of the mother is at risk, other than that as far as I'm concern is a crime. Exactly as if I go to the street and i shoot somebody. Or if i go out and i rape a woman. Regards TLW |
Roe v Wade was a terrible decision and one that is markedly unconstitutional. Abortion is a state's rights issue, so it should be decided on a state by state basis. But because many states would come out against abortion, the supporters oppose such a measure. |
I don't think abortion is a form of birth control. Those girls should be
on birth control. It's not ok for kids to go around sleeping with everyone, but telling them don't do it not a solution. Parents have to get there kids on birth control. Its not right to have kids having kids. Or drug addicts bringing kids into this world to only make more drug addicts it has to stop somewhere. The world will get over populated. As far as "go ahead and kill" please look at it from other peoples point of view. Have you ever been alone, poor, not much education facing having to bring up a baby by yourself. I'm not saying abortion is for everyone I just think there are cases it should be an option. |
the only option viable in my eyes, is adoption.
ABortion is killing |
Adoption is fine, but how many kids still have no home, no love?
![]() More people need to adopt if abortion is not allowed. Adopt from this country and not just the babies. |
u have a point in there
abortion is the worst crime of hate because is the killing of an individual who can't even talk who has no means to defend him/herself |
I am against abortion, But under certain circunstances, rape leads to
pregnancy, girls to young under 17. I am a guy so I dont understand how it is with a womens view idea. Bringing a child into this world is a major undertaking and should be well thought out and planned for the sake of quality of life. |
It's a sad affair anyway you look at it.
I have no personal qualms with abortion.
But Roe v Wade is horrible. |
first of all who are you to say what a woman can or can't do you are a
man with 2 balls and a penis... you don't have to worry about what happens if you get raped and knocked up .. how about this most women who are raped go through tramatic experiences for most if not all of their lives and to be forced yes FORCED AGAIN to carry a rapist child how do you think that makes her feel emotionally? would you rather she kill herself? not to mention that no abortion or sex education is telling kids to go have sex! no one is telling anyone but FACE THE STATISTICS what roe vs wade did was give women the right to choose, and to have safe and reliable medical attention if that choice is made instead of having someones wife, daughter, rape victim in a bathroom pushing a hanger in side of herself or having someone paying thousands of dollars on the black market for someone who is not licensed to perform this operation. you have no idea how it feels to be a woman nor do you have an idea of the omg what if im pregnante you as a man can get away from it you can just pay a lousy 100 bucks a month and never have to deal with a child, what are you going to say? put the kid up for adoption... basically in that instinct you're forgeting that most couples who want to adopt it takes a good 3 years just for adoptions to go through not to mention if the rape victim keeps the child will her love be affected towards the child? or better yet when or if the child is told how they were brought here by force intot heir mother what will the child think about him or herself.. you can sit here all day and say how you're pro life, but in the end like i've repeatedly said this is a woman's issue and a woman's choice... it's her body and if you say the government has a right to tell a woman what to do with her body then what exactly are you tellin women? that they are possessions? then what if a woman accidentally falls down stairs and has an abortion that way? can you say you're going to jail for murder.. are you going to charge her with accidental man slaughter? and if you say no well then you just opened the door for the women whom you cut off from having a safe procedure to do to themselves i suggest you walk a mile in someones shoes before you state that women who chose to have abortions are murders or that by having this policy and if god is trying to teach you something by getting raped.. what exactly is that have you ever been raped? do you know a rape victim please tell me if you do what did he or she learn.. because i've had hand on hand training with rape victims and i promise you these women and occasionally men are forever traumatized by this experience, and God if he does exist is an all Good god he does not try to teach someone by inflicting pain upon them. and ps... the life of a mother.. its okay if her life is at risk to have an abortion what exactly is that isn't her life at risk when shes emotionally traumatized and may commit suicide? isn't her life at risk if she has a child at 14 yrs old and say her parents die or kick her out and shes forced to get a low wagee paying job living in government housing? and really if a child has a genetic problem i don't think god is trying to teach you anything either many of the families who choose not to have children with genetic defects are because a) thoseo children are mocked made fun of hurt their whole lives b) having children with special needs is very expensive i am a strong believer that every child welcomed in to this world should be a child wanted. |
be happy and breath
"first of all who are you to say what a woman can or can't do you are a
man with 2 balls and a penis... you don't have to worry about what happens if you get raped and knocked up .. how about this most women who are raped go through tramatic experiences for most if not all of their lives and to be forced yes FORCED AGAIN to carry a rapist child how do you think that makes her feel emotionally? would you rather she kill herself?" So you can't speak out against murder if you're not a woman? That's absurd. |
murder? it isn't murder its a parasital relationship, without the
mother's body a fetus cannoot survive you can speak out about murder all you want but abortion is not murder. |
we won't ever agree, so i won't waste time.
nevertheless, my position is pretty clear. be happy |
sororitygurl because you said this..
"without the mother's body a fetus cannoot survive" wouldn't abortion be considered murder because you remove the fetus from the mothers' body? ![]() What are your thoughts? I know your a humanitarian and into rights so I think your views will be great and intersting. |
plus how about you cover htis in your paper
WHERE IS OUR SEX EDUCATION IN OUR HIGH SCHOOLS statistics released by the health department for 2006 showed kids are losing their virginity boys and girls at a mean age of 14.9 yrs old yet the only federally funded programs are abstinence only until marriage programs and these programs don't talk about protection like condoms, films, the pill, the sponge etc.. the only thing they say is how much they fail and most failure rates are due to the fact they don't put them on or in correctly because they've never been shown how how about the conservatives of the issue practice a preventions first act, statistics show that 50% of all high school kids have sex atleast 1 and about i believe twenty some percent have had 4 or more partners before they leave high school 1 out of every 4 teenagers has an std.. the us is the highest industrialized country for unintended teen pregnancies and why is this? maybe if we had a sex education policy that taught kids about what to do IF they had sex.. this doesn't say GO HAVE SEX NOW its if you're having sex this can protect you from aids pregnancies stds why don't the conservatives realize that this isn't an utopian society... and if you don't talk about it .. it only leads to stupidity and more pregnancies. |
I had a sex education course and that's how I know the removal of the
fetus from the body is deliberate murder in a sense because it takes the life of what could have been an infant or adult. |
the fetus is not a person it is a fetus a parasite that lives and grows
off of the mother's body.. that is why it isn't murder. |
really what state did you get your sex education in i'd love to look it
up and tell you what your sex education policy is.. cause in south carolina there is 1) no talk about homosexuality or sexual minorities unless in reference to public health risk 2) no talk about contraceptives unless its about their failure rates or future family planning 3) a ban against talking about abortion 4) there is a talk about STD's |
Sororitygurl you do realize we were once a fetus or embryo too right? |