Topic: Call me a fanatic in this one
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Tue 06/12/07 08:08 PM
I have an ultrasound of my daught at...4 months, I think, sucking her
thumb. The nurse said they do that all the time, when they are
stressed, like then the ultrasound wand is pressed against the belly.

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Tue 06/12/07 08:08 PM
it's my stance and that's how i call it and im sure others do to it may
be a harsher way to put it but so is calling a woman a murderer,
ultimately idon't feel its the states, the federal government, or anyone
elses ability to tell anyone what he or she can or can't do to their
bodies, because it is their body not someone elses to own.. that's my
stance on the issue, and I wouldn't say it is sinning, let me just say
this " what you say depends upon where you stand" you all can take that
quote as much as you like.

adj4u's photo
Tue 06/12/07 08:10 PM
ok being the """devil's advocate"""

what about the line

the right to life and the pursuit of happiness

just a thought

but hey what do i know

MicheleNC's photo
Tue 06/12/07 08:11 PM
Okay, everyone is getting a time out! Go to your corners and think
about things. Did that work? No? Doesn't work for my son much either.

Bored, you know I adore you (and how did the new class go?). Your
thoughts about life are just that. A choice.

TLW-Please don't get harsh on people for having different views no
matter how they express them. You will never have to face the decision
of having to have an abortion. It is a choice you will NEVER EVER have
to face. Support the women you live and practice safe sex.

Sororitygurl-You know my thoughts/beliefs on this. Ahhh, I remember the
days I was a young, vocal feminist.

Dear JSH-ers, watch where you tread. It is each woman's right to choose
what is done with her body. Until you are faced with that choice, you
do not know what you would do. Yes, I am a Mommy, the best job I ever
had, but I chose to get pregnant and have my son.

Be safe and well...

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Tue 06/12/07 08:11 PM
ive worked with rape victims
ive went through the story of how my parents now told my mother to have
me when she was 17 instead of getting an abortion
i've watched my sister in her pregnancy with her 3rd child she had 2
boys and really wanted a girl.. i was there when things went hectic and
they informed her that at 6 months the baby had been ( breached) and
flipped the umbilical cord wrapped around its neck and strangled it i
was there to watch my sister suffer for a life that she wanted so badly
and it was a girl.. ive also seen and been in a group of girls that
took another girl to the hospital to get an abortion and took care of
her the day after

Ive seen many aspects of this spectrum and i support a woman's right to
choose i do not support someone telling a woman what to do...

adj4u's photo
Tue 06/12/07 08:12 PM
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

after a moment of thought

maybe devil's advocate was the wrong term

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

no photo
Tue 06/12/07 08:12 PM

What's your stance of suicide, drug use, drug use during prenancy and
surgical addiction?

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Tue 06/12/07 08:12 PM
i like michele...

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Tue 06/12/07 08:13 PM
flowerforyou love you to michele.

I see you said choice. However, what about the choice of what could have
been a life? The unborn child's right?

If we were aborted...that would suck righ laugh

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Tue 06/12/07 08:14 PM
I think TLW like many peoople needed to walk away when frustrated or
upset because it's a touchy subject. I've done it.

He'll be back with an apology flowerforyou

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Tue 06/12/07 08:15 PM
noway sororitygurl OPPS I just READ your topic. I'm sorry no intended
rudeness flowerforyou sorrrrrrrrry sad

no photo
Tue 06/12/07 08:25 PM
you know spider

I'm going soon into a masters program for my msw i thought it was going
to be religious studies but i changed my mind i'm a humanitarian and i
think we all need to help each other. there are times in our lives that
are hard can make us crazy and go out of our minds right now i'm trying
to decide if iw ant to be the type of social worker that works with
children and families or if i want to be the type that gives help and
counseling with drug addicts

for all of these issues including abortion there is no exact answer i
will say that i myself want to help people and in my mind, in my beliefs
those are the people right in front of me I know your religious
perspectives personal beliefs as with others may not agree with my stand
point on the issue of abortion, but it is how i feel if someone were
addicted to drugs i don't think it is the same as someone who is facing
a crisis in pregnancy people who get addicted to drugs are taken over
they have this constent need they will sell themselves, steal from
others, kill for money all to get that drug i do not believe a fetus is
a living child, therefore i don't see it as a way that the woman is
killing or hurting something because it isn't alive. when you talk about
drugs you are covering a wide scope of things frm something as simple
as marajuana to drugs taken during religious ceremonies like peyote to
lsd and who knows what else, you also cover drugs that people take bc
they tried it once and then one mroe time and before they knew it they
feel like they can't live with out it.. this becomes harmful to them
and no one forces them to go to rehab, they will throw them in jail blah
blah blah, if you're ultimately trying to see my stance i believe they
do need rehab bc when addicted they can commit some really bad actions
that without being addicted they wouldn't have committed, surgical
addiction im not real sure where to stand if a woman or man feels better
about him or herself by getting it and they can afford it then let them
its pretty much like tattoos ,

ultimately their are laws and we shouldn't break them we have to change
them by the legal procedures and by rallying picketting petitions
writing letters etc. you can't just do the actions bc there are
societal laws..

take this as you will.

AdventureBegins's photo
Tue 06/12/07 08:26 PM
How many abortions in the US are the direct result of rape?

How many are simply because the mother does not want a child?

There is another victim of abortion.

I once in full knowledge made a child and the mother suprised me 4
months later with an abortion.

That was my child also! Where are my rights.

MicheleNC's photo
Tue 06/12/07 08:27 PM
This is my last post on the topic. I've stated my beliefs. I do not
like the nastiness.

I personally believe that life begins at birth, not at conception.

We all went to science class. I have an ultrasound of my son at 7 weeks
gestation. While beautiful, he was nothing more than a mass of cells
the size and shape of a butterbean, unable to live outside my womb.
Choosing to continue the pregnancy was not an issue. I was trying to

What about those that are not trying to conceive? That are raped? That
cannot carry a pregnancy to term for medical reasons? Incest victims?
Or even harder, what about the woman who's unborn baby she had to carry
to term that the doctor's know will not survive? Too many if's.
Abortion is each individual woman's right to choose. Keep it safe and

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Tue 06/12/07 08:30 PM
i agree with michele and will let this conclude my posting on the

Redykeulous's photo
Tue 06/12/07 08:30 PM
Just a brief skim of the replies leads me to believe we are off topic.
The topic did not seem to be one questioning abortion, only the age of
consent. So here is my response.

In this country we have federal laws that were supposed to protect the
rights of all people. However, those laws that have been created based
on president, such as in the case of Roe vs Wade, were not written
thoroughly, in other words, it seems there were assumptions made.

It was not enough to say that a "woman" has the right to make decisions
concerning her own body, if the term "woman" was not properly defined.
In this case, per the topic, the right of a minor is being questioned.

Now, is a minor a "woman"? If the definition has only one basis of
truth, that all females are women, than yes. However, I don't believe
the president or laws using the term "woman" were meant to include

If there is adjustment to be made, it must be made to the existing law,
adding distinction between all women and minor females.


A discussion of the law itself is a whole other topic.

So TLW, when arguing to make your point in your paper, do not get caught
up in the legalities of the president itself, but argue for amendment
that would correct the present status or definition of "woman".
Remember what the assignment is and keep focused on the topic, and also
remember that opinion does not make for a good paper, unless you have
very good reason and logic to back up the opinion, including other
president cases where this same issue has been raised.

no photo
Tue 06/12/07 08:36 PM

Surgical addiction is an addiction to unnessecary and often self
performed surgery. Men with this condition will do such things as slice
their penis lengthwise and sew it back together. I'm just trying to
assertain your position on other "it's my body, I'll do what I want"
type issues.

AdventureBegins's photo
Tue 06/12/07 08:37 PM
Again I will say.


It may be in the womans body but a baby also has the DNA of the father.

ajhagena's photo
Tue 06/12/07 08:38 PM
"murder? it isn't murder its a parasital relationship, without the
mother's body a fetus cannoot survive"
Personally, I don't consider abortion murder.

But there is a valid argument that says otherwise, and Roe v Wade
doesn't take that into account.

It really doesn't matter what kind of relationship a fetus has with the
mother—a two year old cannot survive without its parents. Is it not a
human either?

The point is, there's no objective basis for determining whether a fetus
is a true human being or not, and its not the Supreme Court's place to
make that decision for people.

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Tue 06/12/07 08:40 PM
flowerforyou My dearest sympathy goes out to you AB :cry: