Topic: Obama calls out SCOTUS | |
I think it was disrespectfull.
And maybe Obama should know his facts before spouting off about something. Supreme Court Decision on Campaign Financing: The president has assailed the Supreme Court's decision on campaign financing, and tonight said, "The Supreme Court reversed a century of law to open the floodgates for special interests -- including foreign companies -- to spend without limit in our elections. Well I don't think American elections should be bankrolled by America's most powerful interests, and worse, by foreign entities." the Pulitzer Prize-winning Web site from the St. Petersburg Times, did some research when Obama first made the claim in his weekly radio address last weekend and found that it was barely true. Obama's statements on whether foreign companies can spend money in U.S. political campaigns "overstated the ruling's immediate impact." Current federal law prevents "a partnership, association, corporation, organization, or other combination of persons organized under the laws of or having its principal place of business in a foreign country" from making, "directly or indirectly," a donation or expenditure "in connection with a federal, state, or local election," to a political party committee or "for an electioneering communication." |
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I think it was disrespectfull. And maybe Obama should know his facts before spouting off about something. Supreme Court Decision on Campaign Financing: The president has assailed the Supreme Court's decision on campaign financing, and tonight said, "The Supreme Court reversed a century of law to open the floodgates for special interests -- including foreign companies -- to spend without limit in our elections. Well I don't think American elections should be bankrolled by America's most powerful interests, and worse, by foreign entities." the Pulitzer Prize-winning Web site from the St. Petersburg Times, did some research when Obama first made the claim in his weekly radio address last weekend and found that it was barely true. Obama's statements on whether foreign companies can spend money in U.S. political campaigns "overstated the ruling's immediate impact." Current federal law prevents "a partnership, association, corporation, organization, or other combination of persons organized under the laws of or having its principal place of business in a foreign country" from making, "directly or indirectly," a donation or expenditure "in connection with a federal, state, or local election," to a political party committee or "for an electioneering communication." the troglodytes that make up the left wing don't care about facts.. |
It was disrespectful. And the problem isn't the law or the SCOTUS decision. It's lack of enforcement, which is OBummer's department.
It was disrespectful. And the problem isn't the law or the SCOTUS decision. It's lack of enforcement, which is OBummer's department. It was disrespectful? Hahahahaha But when he bowed to the Emperor of Japan out of respect, you all ripped him apart! Hahahaha ![]() |
It was disrespectful. And the problem isn't the law or the SCOTUS decision. It's lack of enforcement, which is OBummer's department. It was disrespectful? Hahahahaha But when he bowed to the Emperor of Japan out of respect, you all ripped him apart! Hahahaha ![]() yeah, didnt quite see the disrespect either. Perhaps because I agree with what he said,,,lol a pandoras box opening,,,, |
I agreed with what he said too. lol
There is no disrespect in Obama stating how he feels about the decision of the supreme court.
Most people on these threads did not approve of the decision of the supreme court. |
I hadnt seen the supreme court on camera in a while, it was kind of like looking at a panel of elders,,,,,could be good if they are wise, could be bad if they are unwise , could be DETRIMENTAL if they are unwise and stubborn
it was beneath the office of President what he did...and...he was wrong !...he needs to get his facts straight...before he reads what someone else writes from now on...whoever wrote that part of his speech...should be fired...that speech was so Castro-Like...
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Fri 01/29/10 07:55 AM
Come now people and stop splitting hairs. Does anyone NOT realize that companies based in America can be and are owned by FOREIGN entities.......noone need be fired for expressing a legitimate concern.
From the ritzy Essex House hotel in Manhattan, owned by the Dubai Investment Group, to the nationwide chains of Caribou Coffee and Church's Chicken, owned by another company serving Arab investors, foreigners are buying bigger and bigger chunks of the country By the way these would still have to abide by American laws , excusing them from the clause ' persons organized under the laws of or having its principal place of business in a foreign country" from making, ' just google foreign owned companies in america for pages more... |