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Topic: IndnPrncs Hotel/Bar - part 99
IndnPrncs's photo
Sat 01/30/10 02:41 PM

Dict8's photo
Sat 01/30/10 02:42 PM
We got snow here. Lots and lots of it! :tongue:

IndnPrncs's photo
Sat 01/30/10 02:44 PM
Oh good for you... Seems a lot of you have snow...

Dict8's photo
Sat 01/30/10 02:46 PM
Yea. The novelty of it wears off after, like, five minutes....:tongue:

IndnPrncs's photo
Sat 01/30/10 02:47 PM
laugh laugh laugh laugh I hear ya... I like seeing pictures of it..

Sneaksintoyourheart's photo
Sat 01/30/10 02:52 PM
ok later gators its 6pm just got ready to head out in half hour so ya all be good lol waving waving waving waving

Updawg's photo
Sat 01/30/10 02:54 PM
yes the novelty does wear off rather quickly (the snow).

I have alot of detail work like trim and stuff but for the most part its done (the bathroom)

IndnPrncs's photo
Sat 01/30/10 02:56 PM
That's not too bad.. That'll go quickly...

Kerry have fun and be safe!

Sneaksintoyourheart's photo
Sat 01/30/10 02:57 PM
Edited by Sneaksintoyourheart on Sat 01/30/10 02:57 PM

That's not too bad.. That'll go quickly...

Kerry have fun and be safe!
oh i will its very cold tonight actually wearing a turtle neck shirt tonight an i just wear t shirts an sweaters lol

Updawg's photo
Sat 01/30/10 02:58 PM
Well I was supposed to be going to a banquet tonight but that has been moved to feb 13th

IndnPrncs's photo
Sat 01/30/10 03:05 PM
oh b/c of the snow... You didn't invite anyone yet right? Hmm right before V day...

I'll bet it's very cold over your way Kerry... :wink:

Sneaksintoyourheart's photo
Sat 01/30/10 03:07 PM

oh b/c of the snow... You didn't invite anyone yet right? Hmm right before V day...

I'll bet it's very cold over your way Kerry... :wink:
yep it was about 9 degrees this morning all afternoon it was 18 degrees out side last night with the wind it was below 6 degrees

Updawg's photo
Sat 01/30/10 03:10 PM
no I cancelled the invite as well...not sure now that its just before valentines, seems kinda creepy to invite someone wh is not an SO.

IndnPrncs's photo
Sat 01/30/10 03:11 PM
yeah I hear ya...

Updawg's photo
Sat 01/30/10 03:15 PM
Can you believe our gov. asked for fed. assistance for all 77 counties and declared a state of emergency...over 6 inches of snow.

He is such a flop, DB...the only reason he got elected was cause his campaign commercials were to the tune of the Subway resteraunt commercial John henry, John Henry...

His name is Brad Henry...he really has been a silent body.

IndnPrncs's photo
Sat 01/30/10 03:17 PM
that's just dumb... I'd be surprised if they gave it though...

Updawg's photo
Sat 01/30/10 03:20 PM
Now the last snow he got it and we needed it....granted this time we do have 120,000 without power...but hey we also have one primary electric company OG&E who control our Gov. and everything else....so I wonder who that money is for?

IndnPrncs's photo
Sat 01/30/10 03:22 PM
something always smells in politics... LOL

Updawg's photo
Sat 01/30/10 03:24 PM
I cant stand politicians...lawyers with a different label. Crooked as can be. Americans really need to stand up for themselves.

IndnPrncs's photo
Sat 01/30/10 03:25 PM
How do they do that though.. Politicians run the country...

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