IF YOU WANT TO HELP IN THE HAITI CRISIS, THIS IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY! >From PDPA 100 VOLUNTEERS NEEDED BY THE AMERICAN RED CROSS MUST BE FLUENT IN CREOLE AND ENGLISH MUST BE US CITIZENS OR GREEN CARD HOLDERS Volunteer for 1 month with the American Red Cross, with possibility to gain permanent employment with this organization. To provide urgently needed support to the international recovery teams busy with the search and rescue operations in the aftermath of this terrible earthquake. The Red Cross will handle details of your travel to Florida and to Military transportation. CALL ANITA TAYLOR IN THE CONGRESSWOMAN'S OFFICE: |
My health wouldn't permit me going overseas.
Creole is a mix of Spanish and French. I thought they spoke Portuguese. I do speak Spanish. If there is a need to help house folks here, I could house about three adults and ten kids. I have two places. The adults would have to be able to help with the kids and manage the house. |
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My health wouldn't permit me going overseas. Creole is a mix of Spanish and French. I thought they spoke Portuguese. I do speak Spanish. If there is a need to help house folks here, I could house about three adults and ten kids. I have two places. The adults would have to be able to help with the kids and manage the house. Hell, I'd even adopt the orphans. Not a problem. |
Off topic
Oprah is the Antichrist |
Off topic Oprah is the Antichrist If there is a need for placing folks, would you give me a number or email ad.? By this definition, could be. Take a look at the only place in the Bible where the term “antichrist” is mentioned: the epistles of John, specifically 1 John 2:18-19. What I love about these two verses is the fact that John says there were many antichrists who had come – most of them were part of the church at that time before they left it. So, if John is using the term correctly, we must assume that “antichrist” does not mean “Antichrist” in the popular sense of one rival messiah sent to deceive the world. So what does it mean? Well, “Christ” means “Messiah” – that’s obvious enough. It’s the “anti-” part that we get wrong. We assume that “anti-” means “in opposition to” or “antagonistic” – like anti-abortion. But it doesn’t. In means “in place of,” “instead of,”or “substitutionary.” So, “antichrist” means “in place of Christ.” 1 John 2:22 goes even further by saying that anyone who denies not only the Son, but also the Father, is acting as an antichrist. So, why Oprah? Well, it actually doesn’t have anything to do with Eckhart Tolle. It has to do with Oprah’s power and cultural influence. Like most media figures, Oprah often establishes her influence outside of Christianity and many people look to her for answers about life’s deeper issues. She’s one of the most popular and well-recognized individuals in our nation and often serves as a cultural substitute where spiritual issues are concerned. In that sense anything can be antichrist – government officials, sports figures, musicians, teachers, world leaders, philosophers, and even preachers. Any person that others may substitute for Christ is, in some sense, antichrist. That list includes Bill Clinton and Ronald Reagan. That doesn’t necessarily mean they are wrong or unworthy of admiration. But I think it’s safe to say that they aren’t God. And to subsitute them for God inapproriate. In most cases, the problem is not with the “Oprahs” of the world but with those who substitute their wisdom for a deep relationship with God. Notice that John didn’t write to the “antichrists” of his time, but rather to the people who gave them undue authority and influence. And that’s the key. Anyone can warn about the “Antichrist” of the Left Behind Series, but what are we doing about those who give to others the influence that only Christ should have? People succumb to “antichristism” when Jesus is their savior in doctrine but in matters of life, Oprah (or anyone else) is their lord. The only time people look for substitutes is when what they have isn’t satisfying their deeper needs. Don’t blame Oprah, people. We Christians alone share the burden for “wandering” spiritual seekers. It just so happens that Oprah has a some spiritual advice for people now. But, for her followers, her cultural influence eclipsed the practical aspects of Christianity long ago. Eckhart Tolle just made Christians stand up and take notice. |
![]() ![]() Help them out now at this really bad time..if any could go?? ![]() maybe a lady over there,,,would like me,,,,lol,lol theres a thought. |
Off topic Oprah is the Antichrist If there is a need for placing folks, would you give me a number or email ad.? By this definition, could be. Take a look at the only place in the Bible where the term “antichrist” is mentioned: the epistles of John, specifically 1 John 2:18-19. What I love about these two verses is the fact that John says there were many antichrists who had come – most of them were part of the church at that time before they left it. So, if John is using the term correctly, we must assume that “antichrist” does not mean “Antichrist” in the popular sense of one rival messiah sent to deceive the world. So what does it mean? Well, “Christ” means “Messiah” – that’s obvious enough. It’s the “anti-” part that we get wrong. We assume that “anti-” means “in opposition to” or “antagonistic” – like anti-abortion. But it doesn’t. In means “in place of,” “instead of,”or “substitutionary.” So, “antichrist” means “in place of Christ.” 1 John 2:22 goes even further by saying that anyone who denies not only the Son, but also the Father, is acting as an antichrist. So, why Oprah? Well, it actually doesn’t have anything to do with Eckhart Tolle. It has to do with Oprah’s power and cultural influence. Like most media figures, Oprah often establishes her influence outside of Christianity and many people look to her for answers about life’s deeper issues. She’s one of the most popular and well-recognized individuals in our nation and often serves as a cultural substitute where spiritual issues are concerned. In that sense anything can be antichrist – government officials, sports figures, musicians, teachers, world leaders, philosophers, and even preachers. Any person that others may substitute for Christ is, in some sense, antichrist. That list includes Bill Clinton and Ronald Reagan. That doesn’t necessarily mean they are wrong or unworthy of admiration. But I think it’s safe to say that they aren’t God. And to subsitute them for God inapproriate. In most cases, the problem is not with the “Oprahs” of the world but with those who substitute their wisdom for a deep relationship with God. Notice that John didn’t write to the “antichrists” of his time, but rather to the people who gave them undue authority and influence. And that’s the key. Anyone can warn about the “Antichrist” of the Left Behind Series, but what are we doing about those who give to others the influence that only Christ should have? People succumb to “antichristism” when Jesus is their savior in doctrine but in matters of life, Oprah (or anyone else) is their lord. The only time people look for substitutes is when what they have isn’t satisfying their deeper needs. Don’t blame Oprah, people. We Christians alone share the burden for “wandering” spiritual seekers. It just so happens that Oprah has a some spiritual advice for people now. But, for her followers, her cultural influence eclipsed the practical aspects of Christianity long ago. Eckhart Tolle just made Christians stand up and take notice. Very well written. Thomas Moore is another influencial writer- his newest pertaining the Jesus and the Gospels in todays world. Very well wriiten, a users guide for 2010. |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Ummm this was a joke Thanks though!! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
I still have a son underage I need to take care of. If I had no obligations and responsibilities I would go. I'd be a wreck, in tears all day long, but I would serve that way if I could...and spoke that language.
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Ummm this was a joke Thanks though!! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Then, nevermind. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Yeah, not everybody can be 'helpful' in the same ways. I am not good with physical things, I would be more a hindrance than a help in that department,,but I can work here to help raise finances for those doing the work there.
I have already looked up the information for nurses to volunteer. They already have many that are there or will be going. I am still thinking about it, they will need volunteers for many months to come.
I have already looked up the information for nurses to volunteer. They already have many that are there or will be going. I am still thinking about it, they will need volunteers for many months to come. If you go, let me know and I could give you my contact info if there are a couple adults and a few orphaned kids who could be placed with me. Permanently or temporary. |
I have already looked up the information for nurses to volunteer. They already have many that are there or will be going. I am still thinking about it, they will need volunteers for many months to come. If you go, let me know and I could give you my contact info if there are a couple adults and a few orphaned kids who could be placed with me. Permanently or temporary. Sure I will let you know if I go. ![]() |
We all cannot afford to do this type of volunteer work, but for those that can, and do, God bless 'em.
It is definitely something I want to do, once my kids are grown and out of the house. |