Topic: Cutting The String........ | |
This topic will probably get moved to another all of mine usually do..but oh will post it here anyways.
Why oh why oh why,Do people feel the need to string people along?..and no it is not just one gender..They BOTH do it..I just wanna know what is the point?..You're minding your own business, going on your merry little way when you get a note from someone who says that they want to get to know you.You read their a few notes..THEN They mention it would be nice to actually talk by phone..So you exchange numbers..he SAYS he's going to call but he doesn' time you "see" him he uses work as an excuse but says that night will be THE night that he calls you..again..NO is the excuse he uses..BUT when you go to write him again you notice that his page has undergone some MAJOR changes..more pics headline etc..etc..all this after he has told you in several notes that he wants to see what you and he can get going together..I have already given up on the guy but I just wanna know what is the point of doing that to somebody..just say from the jump that you're on sites like these to waste your time and anyone elses who will let you!..WOW I wrote alot here. ![]() |
Edited by
Fri 01/22/10 09:46 PM
I want to know what the use is in knowing the point? Honestly, is it going to help you rest better? Make you any healthier? There is no benefit, just let it go and be done with it.
This topic will probably get moved to another all of mine usually do..but oh will post it here anyways. Why oh why oh why,Do people feel the need to string people along?..and no it is not just one gender..They BOTH do it..I just wanna know what is the point?..You're minding your own business, going on your merry little way when you get a note from someone who says that they want to get to know you.You read their a few notes..THEN They mention it would be nice to actually talk by phone..So you exchange numbers..he SAYS he's going to call but he doesn' time you "see" him he uses work as an excuse but says that night will be THE night that he calls you..again..NO is the excuse he uses..BUT when you go to write him again you notice that his page has undergone some MAJOR changes..more pics headline etc..etc..all this after he has told you in several notes that he wants to see what you and he can get going together..I have already given up on the guy but I just wanna know what is the point of doing that to somebody..just say from the jump that you're on sites like these to waste your time and anyone elses who will let you!..WOW I wrote alot here. ![]() Some men get a kick out of stringing women along. It is best to ignore this type of person he probably has some type of personality disorder. |
I want to know what the use is in knowing the point? Honestly, is it going to help you rest better? Make you any healthier? There is no benefit, just let it go and be done with it. I agree with Fear.. It stinks when things happen that we don't understand or have an explanation for, but it's the reality so just let it go.... |
Some people like to play games. Forget him, he's not worth it. Like Fear said, why does it matter why he did it? It's over, don't let it ruin your day.
This topic will probably get moved to another all of mine usually do..but oh will post it here anyways. Why oh why oh why,Do people feel the need to string people along?..and no it is not just one gender..They BOTH do it..I just wanna know what is the point?..You're minding your own business, going on your merry little way when you get a note from someone who says that they want to get to know you.You read their a few notes..THEN They mention it would be nice to actually talk by phone..So you exchange numbers..he SAYS he's going to call but he doesn' time you "see" him he uses work as an excuse but says that night will be THE night that he calls you..again..NO is the excuse he uses..BUT when you go to write him again you notice that his page has undergone some MAJOR changes..more pics headline etc..etc..all this after he has told you in several notes that he wants to see what you and he can get going together..I have already given up on the guy but I just wanna know what is the point of doing that to somebody..just say from the jump that you're on sites like these to waste your time and anyone elses who will let you!..WOW I wrote alot here. ![]() Some men get a kick out of stringing women along. It is best to ignore this type of person he probably has some type of personality disorder. You know,you may be right..he may have a personality disorder..a MULTIPLE personality disorder. ![]() |
It doesn't matter anymore what he had/has/or could have. It is over, he played you, it happens, it sucks, but it happens.
Edited by
Fri 01/22/10 10:06 PM
i wonder if it bothers u so bad.. why did u not call him? i mean in the begining?perhaps 4 days later after he didnt call.. if u exchanged numbers..then none of this would of happened... just of called him and not spoke of him not calling you but just had a friendly chat..we all dont know the emails that were sent back and forth either..seems like it could of all of been simplier an quicker proccess. to weed him out. would of been much easier on you anyway..
![]() THEY do that because THEIR NOT A MAN YET!!!!.... Their a boy, trapped in the body of a man.. OK,,,THAT was the fast answer,,,,,lol... There are soooooooo many men and women on here,,,who ONLY PLAY... and THATS their FUN to do......Sad,,but True.. I am sorry the WRONG dudes keep SHOWING them selves to you.. But I KNOW,,,,,,YOUR GUY,,,,,,awaits in the shadows of tomorrows sun. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
here u go...
try doing video chat with a guy for a month in a half.. talking every day on weekends for 8 hours a day the other days 5-6 hours.. having him tell you he cant wait to get home so he can see you and talk to you. to get up an hour ahead of time before he goes to work to talk to you every day.. have him tell you he loves you with the look of love in his eyes.. have him talk to you with his sexy dutch accent in english with you... to learn the few words he didnt no in english from you.. to spell the few words he did not know how to spell in english.. to be looking into how to move to your country if things worked out when you met in the next two months when he was to come and visit.... then poof! gone is he dead? hummm nooo just dissapears for 3 months.. really you dont have it that bad.... myself i would of traded you shoes anyday.. that was last sept for me.. i have not gone on a date since then. im over it but even scared to date a very handsome local guy that gives me all the time in the world to be ready to go on a date... quite frankly i just dont know if its worth any effort honestly.. ![]() ![]() |
here u go... try doing video chat with a guy for a month in a half.. talking every day on weekends for 8 hours a day the other days 5-6 hours.. having him tell you he cant wait to get home so he can see you and talk to you. to get up an hour ahead of time before he goes to work to talk to you every day.. have him tell you he loves you with the look of love in his eyes.. have him talk to you with his sexy dutch accent in english with you... to learn the few words he didnt no in english from you.. to spell the few words he did not know how to spell in english.. to be looking into how to move to your country if things worked out when you met in the next two months when he was to come and visit.... then poof! gone is he dead? hummm nooo just dissapears for 3 months.. really you dont have it that bad.... myself i would of traded you shoes anyday.. that was last sept for me.. i have not gone on a date since then. im over it but even scared to date a very handsome local guy that gives me all the time in the world to be ready to go on a date... quite frankly i just dont know if its worth any effort honestly.. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
something really simular to this happened to me on here as well... glad i did not let him pull me in... it all makes u wonder though... i just did not put that much effort into it.. and payed attention to red flags.... however the dutchboy that lived in germany there was nothing not a red flag one!! everything was perfect then poof he was gone.. i think really that a ldr is just not gonna be my thing... the other experience i had on here with a guy i did meet.. i waited for 3 months and turned down a lot of dates.. well i dunno at least he showed up. it just wasnt meant to be.. so all 3 of my ldr things turned up to be pretty dissapointing.. for me its all a waste of time...
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im over it,,, but i actually fell in love with him.. thats a lot of time spent together... online anyway..and the webcam made it definately tougher.. and the accent omg!!! ill never forget it... and him saying my first , middle and his last name after it wow.. i really fell hard for that one!!! but oh well!!obviously he was a big azzhole that got off on hurting someone like that... and he was not from here...
just trying to make her feel better.. it can always be worse... just as mine could of been too.. wow he could of come here and i got deeper in love then had him go back to germany and him talk to me some more and tell me he did his things to get his visa.. etc then dissapeared! yep it could of been worse!
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Edited by
Sat 01/23/10 12:08 AM
Feeling for you that you got so badly hurt. Not by any means looking to excuse him but maybe he got scared or one of his idjit friends talked him out of the ldr thing and he didn't know how to get out of it gracefully. I'll bet you he's kicking himself now.
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She left here, she felt hurt through ones reply,,so instead of saying anything,,she deactivated....
![]() ![]() Just food for thoughts here,,but SOMETIMES a post is made,,just to have someone really show they care about big deal.. Just a form of showing their face here in the forums to be seen,,and felt.... SEE,,if YOUR popular YOUR SEEN,,,many,,many,,,,many times in the posts,,but if your not popular,,,no one see's you! ![]() |
This topic will probably get moved to another all of mine usually do..but oh will post it here anyways. Why oh why oh why,Do people feel the need to string people along?..and no it is not just one gender..They BOTH do it..I just wanna know what is the point?..You're minding your own business, going on your merry little way when you get a note from someone who says that they want to get to know you.You read their a few notes..THEN They mention it would be nice to actually talk by phone..So you exchange numbers..he SAYS he's going to call but he doesn' time you "see" him he uses work as an excuse but says that night will be THE night that he calls you..again..NO is the excuse he uses..BUT when you go to write him again you notice that his page has undergone some MAJOR changes..more pics headline etc..etc..all this after he has told you in several notes that he wants to see what you and he can get going together..I have already given up on the guy but I just wanna know what is the point of doing that to somebody..just say from the jump that you're on sites like these to waste your time and anyone elses who will let you!..WOW I wrote alot here. ![]() are his initials R.R? I had similar experience except his excuses started coming AFTER I asked him about information I had googled about him which included information about a FIANCE....swore he didnt know her and then suddenly he was being deployed,,,,lol Ya just gotta laugh it off and then sigh with relief that no more of your time got wasted on someones idea of a game. |
I know its hurtful when a person does that and even more so when you really like them but breath a sigh of relief he's a player and you have escaped from a person who will only use you and play on your emotions move on sweetheart and oneday you will find that special person. Anna x