Topic: Is Christianity Immoral? | |
Christianity has enjoyed a monopoly in the religion department for a quite a few years. In days gone by they were able to eliminate those who tested the religion as witches or heretics and sometimes have them killed for it. Nowadays apart from the Christian terrorists and occasional religious zealot murderer, they cannot kill individuals for believing differently.
(Of course this doesn't include the religious wars we still fight that are killing the enemies of the Christians, but that is a longer subject) So now that the religion is being tested at each juncture, legally or in the government, politically, socially, etc .... They would prefer that we leave them to how it has been for them with their monopoly. It makes perfect sense. |
The Lord, or God, judges that which is in a wo/man's heart. For out of the overflow of the heart, the mouth speaks... What bothers me most about the salvation aspect of Christianity is the idea that one can be truly sorry and repent for some atrocity committed against another who has never deliberately harmed anyone but has not been saved, and the repenter - even though the sum total of good deeds vs. bad deeds is immensely in favor of the bad gets the reward of heaven regardless. Now this may seem like a hopeful and just idea, but if the perpetrator goes to heaven and the victim goes to hell - because s/he has not been saved - where is the justice and fairness in that? Eljay responded: But the issue is not one of quality - but quantity, and it is not whether one is a perpetrator or a victim - but is one of pride and willfull defiance. Because of this - justice and fairness is irrelivant, becuase none are justified, and no one is subject to what is "rightfully" fair. This makes no sense to me Eljay. If by quantity you mean good vs. bad deeds, then you agree with my issue - as it was expressed. Are you considering 'pride' to be a bad thing? Is one wrong for being proud of doing right? None are justified because no one is subject to what is rightfully fair? What does that even mean? The wages of sin is death. Period. The "fairness" comes only in the perception of the value of time. Were man to suffer the consiquences of his actions immediately - there would likely be no one alive mature enough to pro-create.
Eljay, I believe you're taking Paul's words completely out of context. The wages of sin is spiritual death. When one gains the enlightenment of spirit they do so from avoiding to continue thinking and therefore acting in the same manner(s) which led up to the need for the enlightenment to begin with. The hope which is gained from seeking 'better' is gained from within. It requires the removal of that which blocks the 'light'. Before whatever that is can be removed, it must first be identified as blocking the light. The value of time has nothing to do with fairness, at least not as I am considering what is to be called 'fair'. If by the above you mean if 'God' would punish man immediately for his sins then there would be no one mature enough to pro-create, then I must ask... All sins are to be held as equally punishable in terms of the punishment itself? I suspect that this is what you're getting at, or what grounds your response here. I also believe that that is as immoral as hell. Pun intended. I, as a loving parent, would never punish all misbehavior(s) with equal force. I certainly would not punish my children for modeling my own behavior(s). After all, they learned it from me... right? ![]() |
I can't resist commenting any longer... Don't you ever get bored of this back and forth? I'm right and you're wrong! No I'm right and you're wrong! You don't agree with me so you're delusional! No you're delusional because you don't think like I do! I'm better because I have the solution! No I'm better.... SHEESH!!! It's primary school all over again. My doll is better than yours because it talks !No mine is better than yours because it can eat and poo.... blablabla! ![]() Saturnine....what's actually is delusional is for someone to log into a debating forum to complain about people debating surely even in your life outside the forum you express your opinions to others which may differ from their opinion ... [/quot] all I did was express my opinion. In the same way that everyone else is saying what they think. You don't have to like it. It doesn't change my opinion and afterall this IS a forum |
Edited by
Sun 02/07/10 05:47 PM
I can't resist commenting any longer... Don't you ever get bored of this back and forth? I'm right and you're wrong! No I'm right and you're wrong! You don't agree with me so you're delusional! No you're delusional because you don't think like I do! I'm better because I have the solution! No I'm better.... SHEESH!!! It's primary school all over again. My doll is better than yours because it talks !No mine is better than yours because it can eat and poo.... blablabla! ![]() Saturnine....what's actually is delusional is for someone to log into a debating forum to complain about people debating surely even in your life outside the forum you express your opinions to others which may differ from their opinion ... all I did was express my opinion. In the same way that everyone else is saying what they think. You don't have to like it. It doesn't change my opinion and afterall this IS a forum Saturine...yes as you just said a forum is a place to express your opinion and say what you think but to come to a place where people express their opinions and say what they think just to complain about people expressing their opinions and saying what they think is can I say this without offending anyone .....DELUSIONAL |
I can't resist commenting any longer... Don't you ever get bored of this back and forth? I'm right and you're wrong! No I'm right and you're wrong! You don't agree with me so you're delusional! No you're delusional because you don't think like I do! I'm better because I have the solution! No I'm better.... SHEESH!!! It's primary school all over again. My doll is better than yours because it talks !No mine is better than yours because it can eat and poo.... blablabla! ![]() Saturnine....what's actually is delusional is for someone to log into a debating forum to complain about people debating surely even in your life outside the forum you express your opinions to others which may differ from their opinion ... all I did was express my opinion. In the same way that everyone else is saying what they think. You don't have to like it. It doesn't change my opinion and afterall this IS a forum Saturine...yes as you just said a forum is a place to express your opinion and say what you think but to come to a place where people express their opinions and say what they think just to complain about people expressing their opinions and saying what they think is can I say this without offending anyone .....DELUSIONAL I think you'll find I wasn't complaining about people simply expressing their opinions. I was commenting on the topic of the debate and that it's been done to death. But I guess it's just my opinion ,that in the same way you have your right to go on and on about a debate that has been raging for longer than anyone can remember, I can criticise it. Just as you can criticise my choice to do this and yet, I have to ask what has this achieved? I haven't changed my mind and you haven't changed yours. Thus my point is made. |
I think you'll find I wasn't complaining about people simply expressing their opinions. I was commenting on the topic of the debate and that it's been done to death.. you know what else been done to death... people coming into a debating forum just to complain about people debating |
creative wrote:
Let's think about the immorality aspect in a different 'light', one of which builds upon some of the fundamental aspects(beliefs) of Christianity. 1.)Every Christian calls 'God' - the father, the son, and the holy spirit(ghost). That is a fundamental aspect of Christianity - the holy trinity. The father meaning God the creator, the son meaning Jesus, the Holy Spirit meaning our guide in life(conscience). 2.)Another fundamental belief of Christianity is that we, as children of God, cannot possibly know the reasons for what God does because we cannot know God's will or plan. Yet no Christian can possibly deny that God has a plan because that is contained in scripture. 3.)Another fundamental belief in Christianity is that God is just, meaning one will get rewarded for their choices accordingly. 4.)Another fundamental belief is that God is all-knowing, all-powerful, all-good, and always present everywhere. Now referring back to the OP... The author proposed a simple consideration. That being one of redemption or salvation. God, through Jesus, has offered humans forgiveness for their own wrongdoings. All one has to do is ask Jesus to forgive them of their 'sins' and come into their heart and guide them in life. That is often referred to as 'being saved'. The act of doing so, as long as one is truly sorry for what they have previously done 'wrong', allows one to be 'reborn' or 'born again'. That is like a fresh start in life despite the wrongdoings that one may have already been guilty of, including acts against other people. Now think about that for just a few moments. Eljay wrote: C.S. So far - up to this point I would have to say that everything you've stated so far is right on - except that your "children of God" reference is a bit ambiguous. If you are refereing to "everyone" as children of God - we are in disagreement, for that is not the correct conclusion to the exegesis you have given. That being said... You've arrived at this: With this given construct, one can self-justify any and all actions which they have taken against another - no matter what those effects caused - simply because the core belief system requires that 'God' will forgive any and all acts except one of blaspheme against the Holy Spirit. Actually - this is a bit of a "shifting-middle fallacy" and assumes facts not in evidence, and ignores those facts not stated. For a major omission in your overview of Christianity - is that once one is saved - (or born again, which is the layman's term for being "sealed with the Holy Spirit") - one walks in the light as Jesus did. And if one does not walk in the light - they deieve themselves, and the Holy spirit is not in them. (See writings of John and James) So - to perform the acts which you say are self-justifyable is a walking contradiction, and a demonstration that one is NOT saved if this particular stance is adopted. It's more or less the litmus test for disproving a claim of Christianity - than the outcome the the premises you've laid out. Good to see you Eljay! ![]() I hope life is finding you well, my friend. I think you have misunderstood my meaning, and if that is the case, it probably is because of how I wrote that response. I agree with you completely that one cannot be saved and continue to live and do the things that they know in their heart are wrong. It just does not work that way. The book of James is one which I hold fond in memory, therefore it was interesting for you to suggest it. ![]() The way that I wrote that may indeed sem like I was implying that one could continue doing wrong after being 'saved' and continue to be 'saved'. That is not what I meant, though... my apologies. I actually used the term 'self-justify' rather loosely. creative wrote:
In addition to the "Do as I say, and not as I do" teaching methods consistently shown throughout the Old Testament, all of this seems very reprehensible to me. Eljay wrote: As it should. For all fallacious logic should be reprehensible. It is the "sandy foundation" of all presumed refutations of christianity. While I appreciate how the argument is constructed - I'd like to see it flushed out a little bit more before the conclusion you reached was stated. Fair enough Eljay. I would agree that my construct was flawed regarding the self-justification aspect. The 'Do as I say, and not as I do' aspects of the OT still irk me... seriously irk me. ![]() C.S. I'm doing quite well my friend - although at this time i could do without the governor of Massachusetts. The man is an IDIOT! He's taking my job away - or trying to. I kind of thought that this is what you were really thinking, though I'm glad that you came out and said it in this post. As to the O.T. I have had this discussion with Abra before, and I will pose the same question to you: What would you have had God do that would have been an improvement on the situation? I cannot justify, or explain WHY God says on one hand - "do not murder", then orders every man woman and child to be destroyed in another chapter. But I also cannot claim that I am knowledgable - or even as Just as God to claim that I have a "better idea" of the way things should have gone - nor do I have enough information to know why these actions might not be totally justifyable as they were! I don't lose any sleep when we imprison criminals like animals - or even put them to death as a consequece of their actions, so I view the acts of the old testament in the same way. Nor do I feel hypicritical about it. I can say that actions lead to consequences - in some cases execution - while at the same time saying abortion is wrong (for instance). I don't feel that I have to "understand" the Old Testament "logic" as it were, or justify it through my understanding of morals as I know them today. Nor do I see them as contradictory. What I see - is a lack of evidence on my part to formulate an opinion that causes me to think I know better than God! And in doing so - now question the existance of God, based on a moral standard I've justified for myself - given what little information I have to even formulate an opinion in the first place. At least that's the stance I take on it. I only seek to understand it better - not try to devise a ways or means to think I could have improved on it. |
I can't resist commenting any longer... Don't you ever get bored of this back and forth? I'm right and you're wrong! No I'm right and you're wrong! You don't agree with me so you're delusional! No you're delusional because you don't think like I do! I'm better because I have the solution! No I'm better.... SHEESH!!! It's primary school all over again. My doll is better than yours because it talks !No mine is better than yours because it can eat and poo.... blablabla! ![]() Saturnine....what's actually is delusional is for someone to log into a debating forum to complain about people debating surely even in your life outside the forum you express your opinions to others which may differ from their opinion ... Funches - I cannot pass up this rare opportunity to fully and whole heartedly agree with you. |
Edited by
Mon 02/08/10 11:50 PM
The Lord, or God, judges that which is in a wo/man's heart. For out of the overflow of the heart, the mouth speaks... What bothers me most about the salvation aspect of Christianity is the idea that one can be truly sorry and repent for some atrocity committed against another who has never deliberately harmed anyone but has not been saved, and the repenter - even though the sum total of good deeds vs. bad deeds is immensely in favor of the bad gets the reward of heaven regardless. Now this may seem like a hopeful and just idea, but if the perpetrator goes to heaven and the victim goes to hell - because s/he has not been saved - where is the justice and fairness in that? Eljay responded: But the issue is not one of quality - but quantity, and it is not whether one is a perpetrator or a victim - but is one of pride and willfull defiance. Because of this - justice and fairness is irrelivant, becuase none are justified, and no one is subject to what is "rightfully" fair. This makes no sense to me Eljay. If by quantity you mean good vs. bad deeds, then you agree with my issue - as it was expressed. Are you considering 'pride' to be a bad thing? Is one wrong for being proud of doing right? None are justified because no one is subject to what is rightfully fair? What does that even mean? When I say that the issue is one of quantity - it has nothing to do with the "amount" as it were, but the mere fact that there is an occurance. I know that you are well aware that the issue is not the severity of the sin, or even the amount of it when one stands before a rightious and just God to give account of oneself - for "all sin and fall short of the glory of God". It is for this reason - that it makes no difference if it is Mother Teresa, or Ted Bundy standing before God - without Jesus standing with them as their advocate, their place in eternity is determined by thier own decision. Either they chose to spend it with god, or without him. And one makes this decision by declaring the decision they have for Christ. On this point both you and I stand in equality with Hitler in god's eyes in the day of judgement. Now - it's not a matter of whether or not one believes this is the case, or if they even think that it is fair or just. In Christianity - it is what is! And how could it be any different? It doesn't make sense to "weigh out ones salvation" with the amount of good deeds one does vs bad deeds. Who becomes the judge? Who sets the standard? One persons good deed could be the misfortune of another. Robin Hood comes to mind here. As to the idea of "pride" - being proud of one's accomplishments is a misnomer on what is meant when the bible chastises man for his "pride". Being confident is one thing - being prideful is quite a different matter. It is the self-centered aspect of being prideful to which I refer. not necessarily the self accomplishment aspect. The wages of sin is death. Period. The "fairness" comes only in the perception of the value of time. Were man to suffer the consequences of his actions immediately - there would likely be no one alive mature enough to pro-create.
Eljay, I believe you're taking Paul's words completely out of context. The wages of sin is spiritual death. When one gains the enlightenment of spirit they do so from avoiding to continue thinking and therefore acting in the same manner(s) which led up to the need for the enlightenment to begin with. The hope which is gained from seeking 'better' is gained from within. It requires the removal of that which blocks the 'light'. Before whatever that is can be removed, it must first be identified as blocking the light. The value of time has nothing to do with fairness, at least not as I am considering what is to be called 'fair'. If by the above you mean if 'God' would punish man immediately for his sins then there would be no one mature enough to pro-create, then I must ask... All sins are to be held as equally punishable in terms of the punishment itself? I suspect that this is what you're getting at, or what grounds your response here. I also believe that that is as immoral as hell. Pun intended. I, as a loving parent, would never punish all misbehavior(s) with equal force. I certainly would not punish my children for modeling my own behavior(s). After all, they learned it from me... right? ![]() While I don't find fault with your observation of a "spiritual" death as a consequence of sin - I think one is ignoring the obvious if one holds to that idea as exclusive. All sin/all die. Period. It is the ONLY absolute we cannot disprove. Now most people would rather say that one has nothing to do with the other - but in terms of a biblical perspective, it's as clear as it can get. Naturally, we qualify the severity of this matter against time - because we are bound by it. However - God is not. Once a soul sins - it will die. Time has nothing to do with this consequence in the matters of an eternal God, but to we as humans, it means everything. If a child overdoses on drugs it's a major tragedy, but when a drug abuser dies of complications from his habit in his 70's, we don't think much of it. We actually claim they were lucky to live that long. Yet - each has suffered a consequence of their action. As simplistic as I may be appearing to make this sound - it really is nothing more than that. So - while you can measure punishment (often misrepresenting consequence in arguments relating to christianity) by means of force (a representation of quantity) - these are Human qualities! To God - all consequences of sin ARE EQUALLY SEVER! The white lie drove the nail through Christs right wrist, while the Holicost drove the nail through his left. Can you see the point? It's not about force or severity, or about what is just or unjust. It's about the mere fact that we even bother to do it just ONCE. No matter how small it was - or got, it drove those spikes through a man who never got it wrong. What is so hard to see about that? Nothing is more obvious to me in life - than this. I've never seen a circumstance where I could possibly imagine someone not holding a spike in one hand and a rock in another. It holds true for everyone I've ever known. Including the dude who looks back at me in the mirror. |
Eljay it's kind of funny when you think about it.The people in here complaining and starting these bogus Christian topics are getting a Christian education and not even knowing it.The more they post the more Christianity is going to seep into their brain until their heads will be filled with so many bible verses they can remember them by heart.Although it irritates me when people spread lies about Christianity it also opens the door that one day they may read something that makes them a total believer.I believe many people in this very website are on the verge of converting but just need a little more evidence.
Eljay it's kind of funny when you think about it.The people in here complaining and starting these bogus Christian topics are getting a Christian education and not even knowing it.The more they post the more Christianity is going to seep into their brain until their heads will be filled with so many bible verses they can remember them by heart.Although it irritates me when people spread lies about Christianity it also opens the door that one day they may read something that makes them a total believer.I believe many people in this very website are on the verge of converting but just need a little more evidence. Thomas...people post in the religion forum to debate religion ....if they post in the hobbit forum would that mean they now believe in hobbits |
Eljay it's kind of funny when you think about it.The people in here complaining and starting these bogus Christian topics are getting a Christian education and not even knowing it.The more they post the more Christianity is going to seep into their brain until their heads will be filled with so many bible verses they can remember them by heart.Although it irritates me when people spread lies about Christianity it also opens the door that one day they may read something that makes them a total believer.I believe many people in this very website are on the verge of converting but just need a little more evidence.
Funny? Interesting choice of descriptions. Judging by the arrogance in this response, I would say that you have done one of two things, either underestimate the understanding of others, or overestimate your own - possibly even both. Thank 'Gawd' all Christians are not like that. |
Eljay it's kind of funny when you think about it.The people in here complaining and starting these bogus Christian topics are getting a Christian education and not even knowing it.The more they post the more Christianity is going to seep into their brain until their heads will be filled with so many bible verses they can remember them by heart.Although it irritates me when people spread lies about Christianity it also opens the door that one day they may read something that makes them a total believer.I believe many people in this very website are on the verge of converting but just need a little more evidence. well, like most things, we learn more when we are willing to expose ourselves a bit more. I had a sister in law who was atheist and a wonderful person. Taught me that believing or not believing is not what makes us decent,,, wish more non believers would understand that the same is true for intelligence |
well, like most things, we learn more when we are willing to expose ourselves a bit more. I had a sister in law who was atheist and a wonderful person. Taught me that believing or not believing is not what makes us decent,,, wish more non believers would understand that the same is true for intelligence it's apparent that your wonderful atheist non-believing sister-in-law didn't teach you anything about the decency of impartiality pertaining to intelligence |
well, like most things, we learn more when we are willing to expose ourselves a bit more. I had a sister in law who was atheist and a wonderful person. Taught me that believing or not believing is not what makes us decent,,, wish more non believers would understand that the same is true for intelligence it's apparent that your wonderful atheist non-believing sister-in-law didn't teach you anything about the decency of impartiality pertaining to intelligence assumptions are unbecoming,,,,why do you assume I do not understand about impartiality? I have been on debate teams, I often look at both sides of a situation, there is nothing lacking in my ability to be impartial, nor my ability to be decisive, two things in a long list of those included in being logical or 'inteligent' |
well, like most things, we learn more when we are willing to expose ourselves a bit more. I had a sister in law who was atheist and a wonderful person. Taught me that believing or not believing is not what makes us decent,,, wish more non believers would understand that the same is true for intelligence it's apparent that your wonderful atheist non-believing sister-in-law didn't teach you anything about the decency of impartiality pertaining to intelligence assumptions are unbecoming,,,,why do you assume I do not understand about impartiality? I have been on debate teams, I often look at both sides of a situation, there is nothing lacking in my ability to be impartial, nor my ability to be decisive, two things in a long list of those included in being logical or 'inteligent' your statement that I quoted below renders everything you just stated about yourself as being a contradiction MsHarmony stated: wish more non believers would understand that the same is true for intelligence |
I can't resist commenting any longer... Don't you ever get bored of this back and forth? I'm right and you're wrong! No I'm right and you're wrong! You don't agree with me so you're delusional! No you're delusional because you don't think like I do! I'm better because I have the solution! No I'm better.... SHEESH!!! It's primary school all over again. My doll is better than yours because it talks !No mine is better than yours because it can eat and poo.... blablabla! ![]() Saturnine....what's actually is delusional is for someone to log into a debating forum to complain about people debating surely even in your life outside the forum you express your opinions to others which may differ from their opinion ... Funches - I cannot pass up this rare opportunity to fully and whole heartedly agree with you. |
As far as Christianity being immoral, a lot of people have been helped in their personal lives by Christianity. I, myself, do not neccessarily agree with everything that modern Christianity teaches, but I won't presume to pass judgement about the morality of an entire religious system that has proven to help so many based on an interpretation of their own religious writings.
Edited by
Wed 02/10/10 04:27 PM
As far as Christianity being immoral, a lot of people have been helped in their personal lives by Christianity. I, myself, do not neccessarily agree with everything that modern Christianity teaches, but I won't presume to pass judgement about the morality of an entire religious system that has proven to help so many based on an interpretation of their own religious writings. Very true. But many like to use it as a scapegoat to defend thier own life style. One would not need to defend something he knows is right when you call something or someone immorral. I saw where whoever spoke about chr-stianity is a dictatorship and its laws are out dated and we would progress if we would just leave those stories be. I question what do you think this country is? Is it really free or does money d3etermine how free you are? Is that right and just yet the same ones who has put in the colleges all the non sence that contradicts religion are the same ones who have been taking your rights away all the time. They the lawyers judges police ect determine who is judged and who is not..Who gets a slap on the hand and who goes to jailo aand ruins thierlives and thier families. You bark up the wrong tree. Here is an example of man..US taking lawsa and determining what they mean whether through courts or your local police dept. Within the last week on the east coast some young men around 17 were throwing snow balls at a trucker and cars as they went by. The trucker called it in and a undercover cop drives by and gets hit with several snowball. Solution what would be reasonable for any police dept. to do? What have we lost through nonsence is lost our common sence. They are being charged under patriot act and terrorist act. Throwing snowball to our govt. officials constantutes throwing an airborn missille as an act of terrorism.. Can you believe that. This is what happens when we take the precepts of the scriptures and say oh outdated we will make our own new ones. What we are heading for is anarchy to where it will be everyone for themselves because we can not trust because the almighty dollar dictates what laws we have and don't/..Shalom..Miles |
No argument from me Miles on the ignorance of the US government. However, I find no logical reason to believe that that is a direct result from not following scripture. We obviously cannot follow all of it, or we would be stoning people to death and gouging eyeballs out to this day for their thoughts alone.
![]() Who would determine that? |