Topic: pls explain..
Mayhem_J's photo
Fri 01/15/10 10:46 PM

It isn't just's a friendship that includes sex..and hanging out and possibly holidays together, depends on the friendship, the connection.

how is that different from dating? huh

It's not...

Friends with benefits does include hanging out outside of just having sex. But its usaully at social gatherings with friends and what not. Spending the holidays with them isnt usaully included. And going out on dates isnt part of it either. Because then you would be more than friends.

Not necessarily...

Lol...umm yeah pretty much.

Ladylid2012's photo
Fri 01/15/10 10:48 PM

It isn't just's a friendship that includes sex..and hanging out and possibly holidays together, depends on the friendship, the connection.

how is that different from dating? huh

Only difference, you agree to not care who the other one see's/dates whoa

Not necessarily...sometimes in a FWB your only seeing each other. You can be jaded and healing..comfortable right where you are and are not seeing anyone else.

ArtGurl's photo
Fri 01/15/10 10:49 PM
hmmm .... well clearly I'm not a friends with benefits kind of woman ... laugh

Ladylid2012's photo
Fri 01/15/10 10:49 PM

It isn't just's a friendship that includes sex..and hanging out and possibly holidays together, depends on the friendship, the connection.

how is that different from dating? huh

It's not...

Friends with benefits does include hanging out outside of just having sex. But its usaully at social gatherings with friends and what not. Spending the holidays with them isnt usaully included. And going out on dates isnt part of it either. Because then you would be more than friends.

Not necessarily...

Lol...umm yeah pretty much.

Maybe that's how yours was..not mine. :smile:

Mayhem_J's photo
Fri 01/15/10 10:50 PM
Lol..I guess theres a fine line between FWB and an open realtionship.

Ladylid2012's photo
Fri 01/15/10 10:52 PM

Lol..I guess theres a fine line between FWB and an open realtionship.

Everybody's is different..depends on the people, what they want, agree on, where their head is at.

no photo
Fri 01/15/10 10:54 PM
Here is a set of FWB rules (10) to follow (not official, of course)!

1. No spending the night.

Letting her spend the night, or spending the night at her place sends the wrong message! It communicates a desire to settle down. If you can, keep the encounters at her place, and then leave. It's much nicer than kicking her out of your place.

2. Keep cuddling to a minimum!

Doing a lot of intimate stuff is going to create an emotional desire for more. Avoid this! You want to keep things physical rather than emotional. Fifteen minutes of cuddling is the max I would recommend. But displays of affection is generally discouraged.

3. Do not enter into a "Friends With Benefits" arrangement while drunk.

There's a difference between a one-night stand and a friend with benefits. But entering either drunk is not wise. God forbid there's a beer-goggles situation. You don't want to go to bed with a supermodel and wake up with a dog, do you? Besides, don't you want to be sober enough to remember all the marvelous fun you had the night before?

4. No leave-behinds!

Do not allow the girl to leave any of her stuff at your place! No toothbrushes, no clothes - nothing! There should be no ties at all. Believe me, women WILL try and do this if they're over enough times, just for "convenience." But it's really a doorway into moving more and more things in, until she's effectively attached herself to you.

5. Don't discuss anything real.

Remember, we're trying to avoid intimacy here, and nothing creates intimacy like talking about important things. No family history, no favorite colors, no goals, no personal triumphs or tragedies. If you want to keep it a friends with benefits situation, you have to stay light: movies, bands, and favorite brands of booze.

6. Pet names aren't allowed.

No sweetie, honey, schmoopie allowed. Once you start with the nick names, a sense of ownership is implied. Don't even call her "babe." Keep it to her name only, because once you start with the terms of endearment, she's going to get the wrong idea.

7. No dinners, no movies, no "quality time" of any sort.

If she insists on going out at all, meet her at a bar for drinks no earlier than ten o'clock at night. The hour between nine and ten is the gray zone between when a real date starts and when it's just a hook-up. Going out late means you don't have to go through the effort of buying her dinner and talking, you just want to get to the good stuff.

8. Hide all evidence of your arrangement.

Throw out all condom wrappers (although you should no matter what), change your sheets, and don't get any hickeys, bruises, bites, or scratches if you expect to date anyone else any time soon.

9. Always play it safe!

One of the sad realities of life is that women will sometimes do dirty things to hook a guy, and one of those things is getting pregnant. So always, always, ALWAYS use condoms and birth control when playing with your friend with benefits!

And more importantly, be sure to properly dispose of the condoms after you're done! Flush 'em down that toilet to make sure there's no possibility of "leakage."

10. Pee with the door closed.

no photo
Fri 01/15/10 11:11 PM
I got so skrued,
She told me that friends with benefits means that she would be my best friend as long as I paid her rent, utility bills, car payment and bought her groceries.

no photo
Fri 01/15/10 11:14 PM

I got so skrued,
She told me that friends with benefits means that she would be my best friend as long as I paid her rent, utility bills, car payment and bought her groceries.

That was the main object, wasn't it? To get screwed/skrued?

drinker what rofl

sagacious22's photo
Fri 01/15/10 11:19 PM

It isn't just's a friendship that includes sex..and hanging out and possibly holidays together, depends on the friendship, the connection.

how is that different from dating? huh

sad thing is that this is what dating has become, I thought dating was about meeting people, but most people treat it like there is no tomorrow, or as the dude said in The Invention Of Lying: "the world is going to end if we don't have sex right now."rofl

no photo
Fri 01/15/10 11:46 PM

It isn't just's a friendship that includes sex..and hanging out and possibly holidays together, depends on the friendship, the connection.

how is that different from dating? huh

sad thing is that this is what dating has become, I thought dating was about meeting people, but most people treat it like there is no tomorrow, or as the dude said in The Invention Of Lying: "the world is going to end if we don't have sex right now."rofl

But the reality of it all, is that it could end today drinker

spkeck's photo
Fri 01/15/10 11:47 PM
best friends with benefits= a man with no respect

no photo
Sat 01/16/10 12:56 AM
It's basically a booty call with one specific person, no strings, no feelings, no nothing. When someone gets attached it's over, and someone almost always gets attached.

Mayhem_J's photo
Sat 01/16/10 12:56 AM

best friends with benefits= a man with no respect

A man with no respect? Please explain?

no photo
Sat 01/16/10 01:00 AM

friends that have a sexual relationship

smitten smitten smitten love love love IT was moving!

blushing smokin laugh laugh laugh

no photo
Sat 01/16/10 08:14 AM
I have read profiles in which men state they want a friend with benefits or they state a they want no strings attached. I think WTF why don't they just go to a bar or a prostitute. grumble grumble

no photo
Sat 01/16/10 08:29 AM

I have read profiles in which men state they want a friend with benefits or they state a they want no strings attached. I think WTF why don't they just go to a bar or a prostitute. grumble grumble

My sentiments, exactly! drinker

XenomorphEyez's photo
Sat 01/16/10 09:01 AM

It's basically a booty call with one specific person, no strings, no feelings, no nothing. When someone gets attached it's over, and someone almost always gets attached.

What she said. A lot of people go into such a situation thinking they can handle a just sex situation but one person will start to get feelings and almost always will not end well.

I have read profiles in which men state they want a friend with benefits or they state a they want no strings attached. I think WTF why don't they just go to a bar or a prostitute. grumble grumble

Because they wouldn't be getting free sex and a bar type situation or prostitute would be a one time thing most likely. From my very limited knowledge from reading posts on FWB, it is an ongoing situation of just booty calls. If they start doing other things together, then too me that defeats the purpose I think. Wouldn't that be a bf/gf situation aka a relationship?

Probably because I'm old, I've not grasped the concept of f@cking my friends. Never been in such a situation. I like to keep my friends out of my sex life if anything. I would think it would be the quickest way to lose friends. I'd rather have the friendship.

Dempcey's photo
Sat 01/16/10 09:09 AM
FWB can be a wonderful thing if the two are mature and know full well that there will most likely never be a relationship between them.

Friends means that the two general care for one another and in some cases might even love one another and due to this they can enjoy sexual relations with one another without the fear of the other taking the act for more than what it and enjoying one another in the moment.

People have been FWB ever since people became, the name and or term for it just changes with the times.

msharmony's photo
Sat 01/16/10 09:10 AM

friends that have a sexual relationship
Exactly how I understand it to be...I would think this to be dangerous??

It just depends upon what one values. I would think for those who consider sex an entertainment, it is no different than any other best friend relationship except that instead of sharing just conversation or time at the bowling alley , you also share your BODIES with each other.

I wouldnt enjoy such an 'arrangement' because of the value I place on sex and my body but I can see where others might.