Topic: No Death Penalty for Homosexuals, just Life. | |
I haven't read through this's really long. ![]() Im all for EQUAL rights, but still believe Marriage should keep its current guidelines: non related adults of opposite gender. |
Think about it. In the 70s how many gays were being honest about their sexuality anyway? Probably on 10%. That has nothing to do with it. I said In the 70s only 10% of gays asked said they felt they had always been gay. Today more than 90% respond that way! Gays asked. Not how many people admitted they were gay. Example, 1970- 200 people who admitted they are gay were asked, Do you think you were born gay? 20 said yes. 2000- 200 people who admitted they were gay were asked, Do you think you were born gay? 180 said yes. Why the disparity? Fanta, there could be a whole lot of reasons even from the one I gave about the honesty of those admitting to being gay in the first place and being honest about any aspect of it. They felt they would be prosecuted for their sexuality and were in most cases so why would they admit to anything concerning it? The more accepted it is the more we will find out from them truly. The less accepted it is the more misinformation we will get from them. And as with all polls the variable are outrageous so you can't even know about the validity of the poll. If you want to believe it, because of your own issues, of course you will believe it whether it is right or wrong. Poppycock! Why would anyone during the 70s say they were gay if they weren't? Ridiculous. They wouldn't have. Why would someone brave enough to admit being gay during the 70s be afraid to say they felt they were always gay? They wouldn't. If anything they would be more prone to say they had been. The reason for the disparity today is public opinion influenced by a bogus report that has since been scientifically proven false. Proven false multiple times by multiple unbiased groups of scientists. There is zero proof that homosexuality is a genetic trait! |
The measure was proposed in Uganda following a visit by leaders of U.S. conservative Christian ministries that promote therapy for gays to become heterosexual. oh cool, therapy isnt a bad idea. Before anyone gets offended, there is no denying that there are many many people who just dont know who they are (sexually or otherwise) and in such a sexually permissive culture it is hard for them to figure it out. Im glad those who are just confused have someplace to go to figure it out. You actually said cool to this idea? Really? Wow. yeah, cool to theraphy, I didnt read the part about becoming hetero before, but therapy for those who MAY be sexually lost is a good thing. Are you saying being "sexually lost" is a bad thing? Why would they need therapy? Sounds like need time to figure out who they are. |
The measure was proposed in Uganda following a visit by leaders of U.S. conservative Christian ministries that promote therapy for gays to become heterosexual. oh cool, therapy isnt a bad idea. Before anyone gets offended, there is no denying that there are many many people who just dont know who they are (sexually or otherwise) and in such a sexually permissive culture it is hard for them to figure it out. Im glad those who are just confused have someplace to go to figure it out. You actually said cool to this idea? Really? Wow. yeah, cool to theraphy, I didnt read the part about becoming hetero before, but therapy for those who MAY be sexually lost is a good thing. Are you saying being "sexually lost" is a bad thing? Why would they need therapy? Sounds like need time to figure out who they are. Well, I thought the word lost implied a need for help. Sexually lost, emotionally lost, morally lost, or just plain lost,,anytime someone is having difficulty finding their way help from others is a good thing,,,yes. |
What classifies someone as "sexually lost?" What makes you able to make that distinction?
What classifies someone as "sexually lost?" What makes you able to make that distinction? I wouldnt make that distinction,,people can decide for themself if they need help and if they do it is nice for them to have someplace to turn. |
You're the one saying "sexually lost" people should seek therapy. You have no idea how you'd classify "sexually lost," though?
You're the one saying "sexually lost" people should seek therapy. You have no idea how you'd classify "sexually lost," though? I know how I would classify it for me,, just as they would know how to do so for themselves...and could seek help. |
So, you're basically saying something is wrong with them and they need to seek help, but you're unable to state what defines something being wrong. You just know they need help?
Edited by
Sun 01/03/10 09:19 AM
I figure either homosexuality is a lifestyle decision or its a genetic compulsion
if its a lifestyle decision then no special accomodations are warranted if its a genetic compulsion then we should be researching a cure we could have a telethon fundraiser like Muscular Dystrophy |
Edited by
Sun 01/03/10 09:21 AM
So, you're basically saying something is wrong with them and they need to seek help, but you're unable to state what defines something being wrong. You just know they need help? No. I am saying, if THEY feel lost it is nice to have someplace to get help. For example, I saw on Tyra a well known newscaster(female) who spoke about how at THIRTY something she REALIZED she was gay. She had been with men up to that point, got drunk one night, had sex with a woman and went to rehab after, faced some truths and dealt with them and then realized she was Gay. Everyone applauded her. This person was apparently lost in her 'heterosexual period' and when she decided to get HELP, by her testimony, she found her true self. The same can be said for many who are living other sexual lifestyles as a mask for something, not all prostitutes WANT to be used and some are quite miserable in the life. Apparently, not all people living a straight life really WANT to be straight either. I can imagine there are those living a homosexual life who dont Want to be homosexual(that is to say, it is not fulfilling to them). I cant understand the disparity between the acceptance of the fact that homosexuals might lead a heterosexual life before 'discovering' their true self, but the flat out denial that it could happen the other way around. I am just saying for ANYONE that feels their sexual life is not fulfilling to them and may be a mask for some other need,, therapy is a good option. |
you mean homosexuals aren't already imprisoned (mentally and socially) No they are not . In North America and some European countries.....etc, gays have more rights and freedoms than heterosexuals . I explain : there are gays bars where gays are openly engaged in sexual activities, some gays clubs exclusively for sex.....etc. There are no such places for heterosexuals . LOL, you are buying in the conservative koolaid it seems. Heterosexuals have all kind of sex clubs. Orgy type activities happen there. Swinging clubs and all that. Yeah, I really had to laff at this one. I live in a very conservative area and yet, there was swingers club located almost literally in my parent's back yard. It was an old renovated farmhouse and more than once while I was out walking a limo would pull over and ask directions as to where the business that acted as its cover was located. The owners of the club were always buying up the surrounding real estate as it became available, ostensibly to rent it to people who would be in no position to complain to the authorities about the goings-on there. When my parents passed on, I was an executor to their estate and the people who ran the operation were there to make an offer as soon as the property was put on the market. Keyword:Hedonists Google is your friend. -Kerry O. |
Think about it. In the 70s how many gays were being honest about their sexuality anyway? Probably on 10%. That has nothing to do with it. I said In the 70s only 10% of gays asked said they felt they had always been gay. Today more than 90% respond that way! Gays asked. Not how many people admitted they were gay. Example, 1970- 200 people who admitted they are gay were asked, Do you think you were born gay? 20 said yes. 2000- 200 people who admitted they were gay were asked, Do you think you were born gay? 180 said yes. Why the disparity? Fanta, there could be a whole lot of reasons even from the one I gave about the honesty of those admitting to being gay in the first place and being honest about any aspect of it. They felt they would be prosecuted for their sexuality and were in most cases so why would they admit to anything concerning it? The more accepted it is the more we will find out from them truly. The less accepted it is the more misinformation we will get from them. And as with all polls the variable are outrageous so you can't even know about the validity of the poll. If you want to believe it, because of your own issues, of course you will believe it whether it is right or wrong. Poppycock! Why would anyone during the 70s say they were gay if they weren't? Ridiculous. They wouldn't have. Why would someone brave enough to admit being gay during the 70s be afraid to say they felt they were always gay? They wouldn't. If anything they would be more prone to say they had been. The reason for the disparity today is public opinion influenced by a bogus report that has since been scientifically proven false. Proven false multiple times by multiple unbiased groups of scientists. There is zero proof that homosexuality is a genetic trait! Well Fanta, I guess I'm not surprised to find you spreading the gospel again on this thread. Like last time, I could point out that people like the defrocked Dr. Paul Cameron comprise much of your 'unbiased' scientific 'community'. I could also point out things like Klinefelter's Syndrome, a chromosonal anomaly that studies seem to confirm predisposes many who were born with it towards homosexuality. But the most damning evidence that most scientists and clinicians don't feel as you do is that the APA removed if from the DSM almost 4 decades ago. Probably the biggest reason that most people have jettisoned their backwards opinions about homosexuals is that people have gotten to know gays and lesbians and think they are 'just folks.' -Kerry O. |
Think about it. In the 70s how many gays were being honest about their sexuality anyway? Probably on 10%. That has nothing to do with it. I said In the 70s only 10% of gays asked said they felt they had always been gay. Today more than 90% respond that way! Gays asked. Not how many people admitted they were gay. Example, 1970- 200 people who admitted they are gay were asked, Do you think you were born gay? 20 said yes. 2000- 200 people who admitted they were gay were asked, Do you think you were born gay? 180 said yes. Why the disparity? Fanta, there could be a whole lot of reasons even from the one I gave about the honesty of those admitting to being gay in the first place and being honest about any aspect of it. They felt they would be prosecuted for their sexuality and were in most cases so why would they admit to anything concerning it? The more accepted it is the more we will find out from them truly. The less accepted it is the more misinformation we will get from them. And as with all polls the variable are outrageous so you can't even know about the validity of the poll. If you want to believe it, because of your own issues, of course you will believe it whether it is right or wrong. Poppycock! Why would anyone during the 70s say they were gay if they weren't? Ridiculous. They wouldn't have. Why would someone brave enough to admit being gay during the 70s be afraid to say they felt they were always gay? They wouldn't. If anything they would be more prone to say they had been. The reason for the disparity today is public opinion influenced by a bogus report that has since been scientifically proven false. Proven false multiple times by multiple unbiased groups of scientists. There is zero proof that homosexuality is a genetic trait! Well Fanta, I guess I'm not surprised to find you spreading the gospel again on this thread. Like last time, I could point out that people like the defrocked Dr. Paul Cameron comprise much of your 'unbiased' scientific 'community'. I could also point out things like Klinefelter's Syndrome, a chromosonal anomaly that studies seem to confirm predisposes many who were born with it towards homosexuality. But the most damning evidence that most scientists and clinicians don't feel as you do is that the APA removed if from the DSM almost 4 decades ago. Probably the biggest reason that most people have jettisoned their backwards opinions about homosexuals is that people have gotten to know gays and lesbians and think they are 'just folks.' -Kerry O. I think we are all just folks and we all do unhealthy things. As far as Klinefelters Syndrome, studies have shown a correlation between that and some non heterosexuals, but no such confirmation of a causal relationship has been made. |
I could also point out things like Klinefelter's Syndrome, a chromosonal anomaly that studies seem to confirm predisposes many who were born with it towards homosexuality.
Just a thought here, and it doesn't represent my view on homosexuality at all.... but.... shouldn't actually giving a genetic trait a name like Klinefelter's Syndrome be something the gay and lesbian community consider a bad thing?? After all. Doesn't the word " syndrome " usually put the idea of something being a disease in people's minds?? |
I think we are all just folks and we all do unhealthy things. As far as Klinefelters Syndrome, studies have shown a correlation between that and some non heterosexuals, but no such confirmation of a causal relationship has been made. Citations, please. Most Klinefelter's patients grow up having to put up with this kind of abuse: My father kept saying that these would be the best years of my life. The years of junior and senior high were going to be the best that life could be. Such concepts give Stephen King the power to inhibit the dreams of cheerleaders everywhere, and for me, not much better, for I was fat. Had I simply been fat, it would have been tolerable. But I went beyond fat. I had breasts, and everyone I knew seemed to know it. Everyone, that is, except the doctors I went to see. Year after year, from when I was 12 until I was 19, every doctor said the same thing, "You're Fat. Go on a diet." I could almost read the minds of each one as I walked in their office for the first time. "Hello Tubby", was written on every scowl and grimace. And year after year, the chants at school of "You need a bra" took me lower and lower down the path of self-defeat. If you look at the end of that article, the author cites his own survey that showed a good percentage of his fellow Klinefelter sufferers opted for sex change operations. I have a feeling almost NO heterosexual women would be attracted to a Klinefelter's patient because of the gynecomastia. -Kerry O. |
I could also point out things like Klinefelter's Syndrome, a chromosonal anomaly that studies seem to confirm predisposes many who were born with it towards homosexuality.
Just a thought here, and it doesn't represent my view on homosexuality at all.... but.... shouldn't actually giving a genetic trait a name like Klinefelter's Syndrome be something the gay and lesbian community consider a bad thing?? After all. Doesn't the word " syndrome " usually put the idea of something being a disease in people's minds?? Well, if you ask people like Orson Scott Card, they'll say that that if indeed homosexuality is a genetic trait, it needs to be researched so it can be minimized and/or eliminated. My point is that everything exists along a continuum and there are reasons and causes that aren't always apparent that can be just broad-brushed aside by prejudice. -Kerry O. |
My point is your quote, it's called " a chromosonal anomaly ".
From the Webster's Online Dictionary...3rd definition. anomaly [əˈnɒməlɪ]
3 : something anomalous : something different, abnormal, peculiar, or not easily classified The very definition of anomaly is, in part, " abnormal ". That term, and it's use in medicine to describe something in the chromosomes that isn't " normal " is, in essence, what gays and lesbians have been fighting against for a long, long time. When even medicine is looking at homosexuality as an " anomaly " < in some cases anyway >, how can the gay community ever expect their behaviors to be considered NOT out of the ordinary?? |
Edited by
Sun 01/03/10 01:14 PM
Think about it. In the 70s how many gays were being honest about their sexuality anyway? Probably on 10%. That has nothing to do with it. I said In the 70s only 10% of gays asked said they felt they had always been gay. Today more than 90% respond that way! Gays asked. Not how many people admitted they were gay. Example, 1970- 200 people who admitted they are gay were asked, Do you think you were born gay? 20 said yes. 2000- 200 people who admitted they were gay were asked, Do you think you were born gay? 180 said yes. Why the disparity? Fanta, there could be a whole lot of reasons even from the one I gave about the honesty of those admitting to being gay in the first place and being honest about any aspect of it. They felt they would be prosecuted for their sexuality and were in most cases so why would they admit to anything concerning it? The more accepted it is the more we will find out from them truly. The less accepted it is the more misinformation we will get from them. And as with all polls the variable are outrageous so you can't even know about the validity of the poll. If you want to believe it, because of your own issues, of course you will believe it whether it is right or wrong. Poppycock! Why would anyone during the 70s say they were gay if they weren't? Ridiculous. They wouldn't have. Why would someone brave enough to admit being gay during the 70s be afraid to say they felt they were always gay? They wouldn't. If anything they would be more prone to say they had been. The reason for the disparity today is public opinion influenced by a bogus report that has since been scientifically proven false. Proven false multiple times by multiple unbiased groups of scientists. There is zero proof that homosexuality is a genetic trait! Well Fanta, I guess I'm not surprised to find you spreading the gospel again on this thread. Like last time, I could point out that people like the defrocked Dr. Paul Cameron comprise much of your 'unbiased' scientific 'community'. I could also point out things like Klinefelter's Syndrome, a chromosonal anomaly that studies seem to confirm predisposes many who were born with it towards homosexuality. But the most damning evidence that most scientists and clinicians don't feel as you do is that the APA removed if from the DSM almost 4 decades ago. Probably the biggest reason that most people have jettisoned their backwards opinions about homosexuals is that people have gotten to know gays and lesbians and think they are 'just folks.' -Kerry O. The GLBT did sponsor a study whether or not gaydom was a genetic trait. Of course they got what they paid for. However, despite numerous attempts in Universities and scientific labs around the world, no one has been able to duplicate the same results/ The APA removed it from the DSM because it isn't a psychological disorder either. It's just a life choice. If someone chooses to be a pot head their whole life, are they in need of psychological help? No. It's the same thing. A life choice. A p1ss poor life choice but it doesn't mean they're nuts! One day they might fight a genetic flaw which does clarify Homosexuality is genetic like with Diabetes! If so, maybe they can find a cure for both. |
Why on earth would there be a need to "cure" homosexuality?
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