Topic: No Death Penalty for Homosexuals, just Life. | |
If you ask a gay person they will tell you as long as they can remember they were attracted to the same sex that means that they were born that way. The only people who don't want to believe it is true are those who are against being gay. So the prejudice, sadly religious and homophobes are the only ones who say it is a myth. I have had lots of gay friends and they all say the same thing. They should know, they are the ones who have had the desire for the same sex. thats fine,,I respect that perception, I am only stating it is not the ONLY perception or the only right one. I know gay people who do not claim to have been BORN that way,, even though they may not know when or why they decided to be with the same gender. It is not a perception it is from their mouths. I guess if I insist you are not whatever you say you were born as you will just accept my view???? Dragoness, I do accept your view. I am saying that not EVERYONE believes their sexuality is something they were BORN with. I am not gonna dispute with anyone the way they define themselves. I am only pointing out that because you are a homosexual doesnt mean EVERY homosexual came into it the same way you did or believes as you do. Doesnt make you wrong or them right, just allows for more than ONE explanation of how things happen. It is not my view. It a the gay and lesbian view of all my friends. I am not gay and have no view of it. I have never found a woman sexually attractive so therefore that makes me not gay or bi. I will not let the religious, prejudice or homophobic make the false judgements when I know better. Heterosexual, gay and bi folks are that way from as far back as they can remember which means they are born that way. I think you are expanding correlation into causation,, a common occurence during debate. Its like saying, as far back as I can remember , I have been right handed,, so I must have been born that way. When in fact,, there are cultures which teach left handed children to use their right hand,, so whether or not they remember being left handed would not prove definitively that they were ALWAYS left handed. Anyway, at this point, we can agree to disagree. You were born Straight, I was not born with sexual feelings but I developed attraction later on in life to males and females. Not everyone gay was born gay anymore than everyone celibate was born with NO desires. Not an analogy of the same thing at all. You do not disagree with me, you disagree with the homosexual friends I have. I am sure they would be able to defend their stance a whole lot better if they were inclined to bother with it. They don't defend themselves because they don't want to rehash the bull **** they already put up with from people who think they had a choice to be not gay. but how do your friends know that someone elses experience is INCORRECT because it is different than theirs? why is the ONLY way people can be gay by birth? It seems like your friends would be doing the same thing you accuse me of , and dismissing the experience that comes from some other 'horses mouth'. I guess they have yet to experience someone who says it was a choice and not as far back as they can remember (born). When they do they will tell me then I will have to believe that also. Considering the denial of gay or lesbian tendencies because of the stigma, most gay or lesbians have to sort through what they have denied all their life to get back to when they first felt attraction for the same sex and most once they do find that they were attracted as far back as they can remember. This is also the reason that you have the issue of gays getting caught up in hetero relationships and "later" deciding they are not hetero. They were gay all their lives but because of the pressure of society they either denied their desires or did it on the DL and had the show family for the world to see. Terrible way to live because of the stupidity of society, wouldn't you say? But most of it comes from religions. You can not teach out of one side of your mouth about the horridity of homosexuality and out of the other side of your mouth say "but I don't hold any judgement". It doesn't work like that. Well, I dont use the word HORRID. I do hold to a standard of sexual conduct, IDEALISTICALLy , between husband and wife but in liue of marriage, within a commitment. I hold to my standards regarding relatives and children and same sex,, but that judgment doesnt make me treat people diferently. How do you know if you do not treat people differently? Because you think you do not? If your core beliefs are that it is wrong, you will make statements to that effect, offending people. |
If you ask a gay person they will tell you as long as they can remember they were attracted to the same sex that means that they were born that way. The only people who don't want to believe it is true are those who are against being gay. So the prejudice, sadly religious and homophobes are the only ones who say it is a myth. I have had lots of gay friends and they all say the same thing. They should know, they are the ones who have had the desire for the same sex. thats fine,,I respect that perception, I am only stating it is not the ONLY perception or the only right one. I know gay people who do not claim to have been BORN that way,, even though they may not know when or why they decided to be with the same gender. It is not a perception it is from their mouths. I guess if I insist you are not whatever you say you were born as you will just accept my view???? Dragoness, I do accept your view. I am saying that not EVERYONE believes their sexuality is something they were BORN with. I am not gonna dispute with anyone the way they define themselves. I am only pointing out that because you are a homosexual doesnt mean EVERY homosexual came into it the same way you did or believes as you do. Doesnt make you wrong or them right, just allows for more than ONE explanation of how things happen. It is not my view. It a the gay and lesbian view of all my friends. I am not gay and have no view of it. I have never found a woman sexually attractive so therefore that makes me not gay or bi. I will not let the religious, prejudice or homophobic make the false judgements when I know better. Heterosexual, gay and bi folks are that way from as far back as they can remember which means they are born that way. I think you are expanding correlation into causation,, a common occurence during debate. Its like saying, as far back as I can remember , I have been right handed,, so I must have been born that way. When in fact,, there are cultures which teach left handed children to use their right hand,, so whether or not they remember being left handed would not prove definitively that they were ALWAYS left handed. Anyway, at this point, we can agree to disagree. You were born Straight, I was not born with sexual feelings but I developed attraction later on in life to males and females. Not everyone gay was born gay anymore than everyone celibate was born with NO desires. Not an analogy of the same thing at all. You do not disagree with me, you disagree with the homosexual friends I have. I am sure they would be able to defend their stance a whole lot better if they were inclined to bother with it. They don't defend themselves because they don't want to rehash the bull **** they already put up with from people who think they had a choice to be not gay. Analogy,,Not remembering something to ever be different doesnt mean it never was,,, VERY RELEVANT If they say that as far back as they can remember does mean that. So your analogy of being taught different doesn't work for sexuality. They may live in denial of their desires but they do not unlearn it. Preferences are indeed learned, because there has to be A choice there to have a preference. ONe might have made one choice at one time and decide differently later. It is not HARDWIRED, no choice is. Everything can be affected by environment, education, and nurturing. Preferences are not all learned. There are things we are born with. Sexuality is a born quality. What stimulates us is there before we know it is. |
If you ask a gay person they will tell you as long as they can remember they were attracted to the same sex that means that they were born that way. The only people who don't want to believe it is true are those who are against being gay. So the prejudice, sadly religious and homophobes are the only ones who say it is a myth. I have had lots of gay friends and they all say the same thing. They should know, they are the ones who have had the desire for the same sex. thats fine,,I respect that perception, I am only stating it is not the ONLY perception or the only right one. I know gay people who do not claim to have been BORN that way,, even though they may not know when or why they decided to be with the same gender. It is not a perception it is from their mouths. I guess if I insist you are not whatever you say you were born as you will just accept my view???? Dragoness, I do accept your view. I am saying that not EVERYONE believes their sexuality is something they were BORN with. I am not gonna dispute with anyone the way they define themselves. I am only pointing out that because you are a homosexual doesnt mean EVERY homosexual came into it the same way you did or believes as you do. Doesnt make you wrong or them right, just allows for more than ONE explanation of how things happen. It is not my view. It a the gay and lesbian view of all my friends. I am not gay and have no view of it. I have never found a woman sexually attractive so therefore that makes me not gay or bi. I will not let the religious, prejudice or homophobic make the false judgements when I know better. Heterosexual, gay and bi folks are that way from as far back as they can remember which means they are born that way. In the 70s only 10% of gays asked said they felt they had always been gay. Today more than 90% respond that way! Why the disparity? |
That's an invented word with no real meaning! |
If you ask a gay person they will tell you as long as they can remember they were attracted to the same sex that means that they were born that way. The only people who don't want to believe it is true are those who are against being gay. So the prejudice, sadly religious and homophobes are the only ones who say it is a myth. I have had lots of gay friends and they all say the same thing. They should know, they are the ones who have had the desire for the same sex. thats fine,,I respect that perception, I am only stating it is not the ONLY perception or the only right one. I know gay people who do not claim to have been BORN that way,, even though they may not know when or why they decided to be with the same gender. It is not a perception it is from their mouths. I guess if I insist you are not whatever you say you were born as you will just accept my view???? Dragoness, I do accept your view. I am saying that not EVERYONE believes their sexuality is something they were BORN with. I am not gonna dispute with anyone the way they define themselves. I am only pointing out that because you are a homosexual doesnt mean EVERY homosexual came into it the same way you did or believes as you do. Doesnt make you wrong or them right, just allows for more than ONE explanation of how things happen. It is not my view. It a the gay and lesbian view of all my friends. I am not gay and have no view of it. I have never found a woman sexually attractive so therefore that makes me not gay or bi. I will not let the religious, prejudice or homophobic make the false judgements when I know better. Heterosexual, gay and bi folks are that way from as far back as they can remember which means they are born that way. In the 70s only 10% of gays asked said they felt they had always been gay. Today more than 90% respond that way! Why the disparity? Think about it. In the 70s how many gays were being honest about their sexuality anyway? Probably on 10%. Now they are more likely to be more open so we are discovering more of the truth about it now. |
Edited by
Sat 01/02/10 06:13 PM
Double post sorry
homophobes! That's an invented word with no real meaning! Silly man ALL words are It means those who fear or despise or both homosexuals. |
Think about it. In the 70s how many gays were being honest about their sexuality anyway? Probably on 10%. That has nothing to do with it. I said In the 70s only 10% of gays asked said they felt they had always been gay. Today more than 90% respond that way! Gays asked. Not how many people admitted they were gay. Example, 1970- 200 people who admitted they are gay were asked, Do you think you were born gay? 20 said yes. 2000- 200 people who admitted they were gay were asked, Do you think you were born gay? 180 said yes. Why the disparity? |
Think about it. In the 70s how many gays were being honest about their sexuality anyway? Probably on 10%. That has nothing to do with it. I said In the 70s only 10% of gays asked said they felt they had always been gay. Today more than 90% respond that way! Gays asked. Not how many people admitted they were gay. Example, 1970- 200 people who admitted they are gay were asked, Do you think you were born gay? 20 said yes. 2000- 200 people who admitted they were gay were asked, Do you think you were born gay? 180 said yes. Why the disparity? Fanta, there could be a whole lot of reasons even from the one I gave about the honesty of those admitting to being gay in the first place and being honest about any aspect of it. They felt they would be prosecuted for their sexuality and were in most cases so why would they admit to anything concerning it? The more accepted it is the more we will find out from them truly. The less accepted it is the more misinformation we will get from them. And as with all polls the variable are outrageous so you can't even know about the validity of the poll. If you want to believe it, because of your own issues, of course you will believe it whether it is right or wrong. |
If you believe homosexuality is wrong, you will prosecute those who you believe to be homosexual without even knowing you do it.
There is nothing unnatural about homosexuality. Religion is who made it appear as unnatural and we already know religion is way off the consideration for humans meter even though they say they are the only ones who are. LOL |
you mean homosexuals aren't already imprisoned (mentally and socially) No they are not . In North America and some European countries.....etc, gays have more rights and freedoms than heterosexuals . I explain : there are gays bars where gays are openly engaged in sexual activities, some gays clubs exclusively for sex.....etc. There are no such places for heterosexuals . |
Edited by
Sat 01/02/10 06:40 PM
you mean homosexuals aren't already imprisoned (mentally and socially) No they are not . In North America and some European countries.....etc, gays have more rights and freedoms than heterosexuals . I explain : there are gays bars where gays are openly engaged in sexual activities, some gays clubs exclusively for sex.....etc. There are no such places for heterosexuals . LOL, you are buying in the conservative koolaid it seems. Heterosexuals have all kind of sex clubs. Orgy type activities happen there. Swinging clubs and all that. |
It has nothing to do with believe.
There is no scientific evidence that Homosexuality is an inherited trait, or that someone is born with gay. All this talk has nothing to do with the topic of the thread. |
One should not be prosecuted by religions or the law for being born gay.
Nor should they if it was a choice they made for that matter. |
It has nothing to do with believe. There is no scientific evidence that Homosexuality is an inherited trait, or that someone is born with gay. All this talk has nothing to do with the topic of the thread. Neurology is very complex and too much is still unknown . I have no scientific evidence that gays were or were not born gays do you ?. |
The measure was proposed in Uganda following a visit by leaders of U.S. conservative Christian ministries that promote therapy for gays to become heterosexual. oh cool, therapy isnt a bad idea. Before anyone gets offended, there is no denying that there are many many people who just dont know who they are (sexually or otherwise) and in such a sexually permissive culture it is hard for them to figure it out. Im glad those who are just confused have someplace to go to figure it out. You actually said cool to this idea? Really? Wow. |
you mean homosexuals aren't already imprisoned (mentally and socially) No they are not . In North America and some European countries.....etc, gays have more rights and freedoms than heterosexuals . I explain : there are gays bars where gays are openly engaged in sexual activities, some gays clubs exclusively for sex.....etc. There are no such places for heterosexuals . Um,, visit Las Vegas There are places all over which provide safe haven for SEXUAL EXPLORATION and ENTERTAINMENT. |
The measure was proposed in Uganda following a visit by leaders of U.S. conservative Christian ministries that promote therapy for gays to become heterosexual. oh cool, therapy isnt a bad idea. Before anyone gets offended, there is no denying that there are many many people who just dont know who they are (sexually or otherwise) and in such a sexually permissive culture it is hard for them to figure it out. Im glad those who are just confused have someplace to go to figure it out. You actually said cool to this idea? Really? Wow. yeah, cool to theraphy, I didnt read the part about becoming hetero before, but therapy for those who MAY be sexually lost is a good thing. |
I haven't read through this's really long.
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