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Topic: IndnPrncs Hotel/Bar - part 96
myssfytz's photo
Thu 12/24/09 09:36 PM
It was alright.Got my curtains up and it just totally makes the bdrm.Perfect color and has a sheen to them as well.Lady at Anna's gave me a disc so that was even better.Got 2 new pillows as well so i can out them in my shams too.Only had two on bed, now FOUR !!! lol

Thats good, glad to hear ya had a good time.Boys in bed or up waiting to open ???

Took a nap before then David called and woke me up.

Nah,hes waiting til tomorrow to try it.Poor thing, hope he gets there to see his fam.

IndnPrncs's photo
Thu 12/24/09 09:43 PM
Oh that's sounds really nice..

I let them open tonight... Jesse the younger one was nipping at the bit, he's 14 so it's not like he believes.. And I get to sleep in tomorrow... bigsmile

Awww poor thing, what a way to mess up a day...

myssfytz's photo
Thu 12/24/09 09:46 PM


Niice...cats will be the only thing wakin me up !!! lol

Could use some of yer lasagna, any left ??

IndnPrncs's photo
Thu 12/24/09 09:48 PM
oh yeah, a whole tray.. I made two big trays she sent one back home with me b/c they're leaving out of town and won't eat it all.. The boys liked that b/c they said it was "bomb" and I like that b/c that means no cooking another batch tonight... lol

myssfytz's photo
Thu 12/24/09 09:50 PM

oh yeah, a whole tray.. I made two big trays she sent one back home with me b/c they're leaving out of town and won't eat it all.. The boys liked that b/c they said it was "bomb" and I like that b/c that means no cooking another batch tonight... lol

Umm, well....ooooooooookay.ohwell

No fedex overnight pkg for me then huh ???:wink: frustrated

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

IndnPrncs's photo
Thu 12/24/09 09:59 PM
Yeah um it was seeping through the box so the fedex guy wouldn't take it... I'll make you a special batch when I see you...

myssfytz's photo
Thu 12/24/09 10:01 PM

Yeah um it was seeping through the box so the fedex guy wouldn't take it... I'll make you a special batch when I see you...

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

yEAH, Wouldnt wanna taste "boxed" lasagna:laughing:

IndnPrncs's photo
Thu 12/24/09 10:02 PM
naw you'd have to lick the inside of the box and rub the bread on it and stuff.. doesn't sound very appetizing... :wink:

JustAGuy2112's photo
Thu 12/24/09 10:03 PM
Merry Christmas, ladiesflowerforyou

JustAGuy2112's photo
Thu 12/24/09 10:04 PM

Yeah um it was seeping through the box so the fedex guy wouldn't take it...

Two words.

Aluminum Foil.

IndnPrncs's photo
Thu 12/24/09 10:05 PM
It's on there... LOL..

(((Tim))) Merry Christmas...

myssfytz's photo
Thu 12/24/09 10:05 PM
Yeah, not into extra flavoring ya know.

Save it for next time.

took pics earlier today at work, forgot I left it on 10.2 mp so now mingle wont let me load on here.


and FB has been giving me trouble with other pic loading as well.

myssfytz's photo
Thu 12/24/09 10:06 PM
laugh laugh laugh JAG

MerryChristmas to you and yours.flowerforyou

IndnPrncs's photo
Thu 12/24/09 10:06 PM
try picasa or glitterfly... you reminded me I have some wanna check out...

myssfytz's photo
Thu 12/24/09 10:11 PM
You can resize em there then ???

Kool, maybe Ill do that later today.

IndnPrncs's photo
Thu 12/24/09 10:13 PM
Yes you can.. I'm not a pro at it, Myka got me using it the other day.. Glitterfly will size if and give you the link or let you download it...

myssfytz's photo
Thu 12/24/09 10:18 PM
Edited by myssfytz on Thu 12/24/09 10:19 PM
Kool beans.

i usually leave it on 5 but changed it for something and forgot about it.frustrated frustrated

dang, hearing cops already.

not here, just going down the road.

forgot to get my cats their xmas gift this yr.slaphead

MelodyGirl's photo
Thu 12/24/09 10:23 PM
HI peeps!! flowerforyou

IndnPrncs's photo
Thu 12/24/09 10:24 PM
Hi Melodyflowerforyou

I was just uploading pics Mys, now have to see how bad they are... laugh

MelodyGirl's photo
Thu 12/24/09 10:25 PM
Joy, I like the pic you just posted on FB! love

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